
I could but I won't, too much typing. A large part of any tree is "dead". could be many things besides termites.

The way I used to do it is if I told you, you had a problem, I would show you. If I can't show you, I won't tell you. (My keep that in mind... May not...)
You are welcome and I think you will love it. You must have purchased a different one than the Xtreme Belt because it is still showing to be $69.99 before the discount. I purchased the brown one and now I think I will get a black one as well. My wife thought I was nuts paying that much for a belt but I told her those $25-30 Walmart belts that last 1 year not only will not hold up a conceal carry weapon but you spend way more in the long run.
My dad always said that poor folks can't afford to go cheap.
I lived in Coconut Grove in the mid 50's. This was before Fidel Castro and the Cuban invasion. It was a quiet little spot on Biscayne Bay and a paradise for a kid. I had an 8' pram we would take out in the bay and sail over to a small island with our shovel and packed lunch. We would dig all over the island hoping to find a pirate chest. No luck.

My address was 3039 Mary Street. In the mid 70's a close friend had moved to Miami and we visited. I asked him to go with me over to Coconut Grove to see the old home place. What a change. It was inhabited by Hare Krishna monks. We looked around until they came out and wanted to know what we were doing. I told them I once lived there and was looking for the old mango and avocado trees. Long gone but the live oaks were still there.

10 years later I went back and the place was gone and replaced by high rise condominiums. So from a peaceful village on the bay to an over populated urban monster it all changed. They call it progress.
Sawnee, that's some interesting insight. I lived in a couple places down there, from Pompano Beach just north of Fort. Lauderdale to Boca Raton over a two year span, then moved to the DC area, where I've been ever since.

The area was rapidly changing then, but there were still little enclaves of the pre-1970s boom up and down the coast from, say, West Palm Beach through the Keys to Key West. You could feel what it must have once been. And you could still find places like Dirty Ernie's in Fort Lauderdale where you could get good conch chowder and Bimini Bread, or Captain Tony's in Key West where you could get properly wasted and fight some shrimp boat crewman. Spent a day in the Monroe County jail once. Long story. I had lots of adventures and have kept the memories. I have no interest in seeing what has become of that stretch of the east coast of Florida. The NY-NJ interests were already starting to take over by 1978.
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Really? Wow I was expecting more like $500-1,000.

If they can't show you termites eating on your home I'd just get it inspected once a year. (That is free or used to be.) That was more like what I charged back in the day. It all depends on the type of structure but many companies use the termite "bait" stations now. Kind of a rip-off for the amount of dough charged but that's another story.
If they can't show you termites eating on your home I'd just get it inspected once a year. (That is free or used to be.) That was more like what I charged back in the day. It all depends on the type of structure but many companies use the termite "bait" stations now. Kind of a rip-off for the amount of dough charged but that's another story.
Thanks for the advice.
Tough question. Just as "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder", sentimental value likely commands a unique price.
Ok, one more question then, if your DAD lost his wedding band 29 years ago and who ever found it said I would like to buy it, how much do you want for it? Not trying to be a smarta$$ just thinking this morning, just trying to outwit Mrs. M! LOL!!
I lived in Coconut Grove in the mid 50's. This was before Fidel Castro and the Cuban invasion. It was a quiet little spot on Biscayne Bay and a paradise for a kid. I had an 8' pram we would take out in the bay and sail over to a small island with our shovel and packed lunch. We would dig all over the island hoping to find a pirate chest. No luck.

My address was 3039 Mary Street. In the mid 70's a close friend had moved to Miami and we visited. I asked him to go with me over to Coconut Grove to see the old home place. What a change. It was inhabited by Hare Krishna monks. We looked around until they came out and wanted to know what we were doing. I told them I once lived there and was looking for the old mango and avocado trees. Long gone but the live oaks were still there.

10 years later I went back and the place was gone and replaced by high rise condominiums. So from a peaceful village on the bay to an over populated urban monster it all changed. They call it progress.
You describe a nice scene for Miami back in that era. Oh, how I wish I could have experienced it back in those simpler times. I imagine it to be such an idyllic area back then. I need a time machine to go back.....
Ok, one more question then, if your DAD lost his wedding band 29 years ago and who ever found it said I would like to buy it, how much do you want for it? Not trying to be a smarta$$ just thinking this morning, just trying to outwit Mrs. M! LOL!!
The value to me would FAR out weigh whatever I spent on the detectors myself. ;)

I can help justify anything. At least that is what my ex always said..... wait, you might not want to listen to me.....
Sawnee, that's some interesting insight. I lived in a couple places down there, from Pompano Beach just north of Fort. Lauderdale to Boca Raton over a two year span, then moved to the DC area, where I've been ever since.

The area was rapidly changing then, but there were still little enclaves of the pre-1970s boom up and down the coast from, say, West Palm Beach through the Keys to Key West. You could feel what it must have once been. And you could still find places like Dirty Ernie's in Fort Lauderdale where you could get good conch chowder and Bimini Bread, or Captain Tony's in Key West where you could get properly wasted and fight some shrimp boat crewman. Spent a day in the Monroe County jail once. Long story. I had lots of adventures and have kept the memories. I have no interest in seeing what has become of that stretch of the east coast of Florida. The NY-NJ interests were already starting to take over by 1978.
The Conch Republic, Key West, is an interesting part of history. I had an uncle who was a proud Conch. His family had migrated to Key West from Spain in the 1700's. Key West and Monroe county was once the most populated area of Florida. If someone called him a Cuban he would break them in half. He was Spanish and wanted nothing to do with Cuban blood. I could never understand that because he and my aunt cooked the best Cuban food I ever ate.

The D League enjoys cemetery and graves sites and Key West Cemetery is one of the best in America to tour. Some graves have 3 or 4 generations in one because of the limited space. It is similar to New Orleans as many are buried above ground because of the low water table.

Key West is different and you are going to either like it or hate it. I would not take my Sunday School class there but you can do a lot of things to have fun other than debouchery.

They became "Independent" in 1982. The idea behind their secession was "Since the U.S, was treating them like a foreign country they may as well be one." The Conchs were mad and weren't going to take it anymore. I was talking to a native Conch bar tender down there once and he said the worse thing to happen to Key West was becoming a part of the U.S. In his mind he still thought Florida was a part of the Confederacy and Key West was Independent. Old dogs never die they just go to Conch Heaven

I am right there with you on Cats. I am allergic to them and my wife and daughter love them. The minute I get next to the darn cat my eyes start watering, I start sneezing and get light headed. It is pure torture. But I get NO sympathy from the girls. So I just leave and find some fresh air.
The strangest thing is my wife and 2 of my daughters, if they are around cats or kittens, will break out with ring worms.
Finally got into to see the doctor about my wrist. They did x-rays and said everything was good. They said I had De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, which is inflammation of the tendons at the base of the thumb. I have to wear a splint and take 800mg Motrin to see if it gets better. If not, I'll have to get a cortisone shot.
This damn virus has created it's own roadside waste. Masks, disposable gloves, empty hand sanitizer bottles, etc.. Who just dumps that stuff when they're through with it? I never understood the mind of a litterbug. I'm not talking Alice's Restaurant scale of litter but it's still an eyesore.
This damn virus has created it's own roadside waste. Masks, disposable gloves, empty hand sanitizer bottles, etc.. Who just dumps that stuff when they're through with it? I never understood the mind of a litterbug. I'm not talking Alice's Restaurant scale of litter but it's still an eyesore.

Man I feel like I did the day after I had a match back in High School. My body aches. Just took a Tylenol to see how that helps. I went to bed without any dope. It was a rough night for me.

To add to it I was back at the VA this morning to drop a pint.

Yeah it burns me to no end when I see that so-called PPE laying all around. Just ridiculous people can't pick up after themselves. Just nasty. I find a used mask in my driveway sometimes. It is not the ones we use and this is a halfway decent neighborhood too.
This damn virus has created it's own roadside waste. Masks, disposable gloves, empty hand sanitizer bottles, etc.. Who just dumps that stuff when they're through with it? I never understood the mind of a litterbug. I'm not talking Alice's Restaurant scale of litter but it's still an eyesore.
I don't understand the mindset of people leaving dirty needles on playgrounds for a kid to find either. It just boils down to people not having respect for anything nowadays.
I would invite you to listen to one of our local sheriffs explain our new law. Complete with visual aid. "If you move to Florida, you are welcome but don't vote like you did in the place you left. I think he was referring to the 900 families a day moving from New York.

Grady Judd is a sheriff's sheriff. Oh and when he mentions President he is not referring to Biden. He is referring to my State Senator who is the President of the Florida Senate.

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Good morning D, another beautiful day in the Berg, may hit the spot where all the neighborhood boys gathered to play baseball in the late 50's and early 60's.

It's kinda a running joke with Mrs. M about the money I find against what I paid for my detectors. So just a question that probably can't be answered, what would you think the value of the gold ring would be to you if it was your DAD'S ring be and someone found it and returned it to you? Just a thought, is there a price on sentimental value?

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!
I probably doesn't really have a whole lot of sentimental value to the person you returned it to other than it belonged to their dad.........If it was me I would just say, "this ring means a lot to me and if I had it, I would give you a handsome reward....but.....sadly I am a working stiff here's a $20 for your time......thank you from the bottom of my heart." If I was the finder I would just smile and hand them the $20 back and tell them that I was glad to be able to reunite them with their fathers ring.......$20 won't change gives the finder a chance to do a good deed.......that's what I would another gentleman on this site would probably say....."pray over will make the right decision" Huh...BBUK?
The New Moon..........time to plant them taters if you haven't already........hold the sweet taters till the new moon in May.......they need warmer temps.....we're (me) planting Kennebec and Yukon Gold taters........
Is it new moon or full moon right now? Heard the coyotes howling last night so I was thinking it was close to full....
I probably doesn't really have a whole lot of sentimental value to the person you returned it to other than it belonged to their dad.........If it was me I would just say, "this ring means a lot to me and if I had it, I would give you a handsome reward....but.....sadly I am a working stiff here's a $20 for your time......thank you from the bottom of my heart." If I was the finder I would just smile and hand them the $20 back and tell them that I was glad to be able to reunite them with their fathers ring.......$20 won't change gives the finder a chance to do a good deed.......that's what I would another gentleman on this site would probably say....."pray over will make the right decision" Huh...BBUK?

I have always been of the adage; If I knew it was yours I'd give it to you. If I see you drop money I will chase you down to give it to you. If I find it, thank you to whoever donated to the cause (Me). I found a wallet one time with a chunk of dough in it. The darned wallet had an ID in it. Hurt me to no end for a minute. Then I remembered who I was... Happy to return it at that point.
No, I don't want it to moo when I stab it.​
Moo Baby
So I just leave and find some fresh air.
Much better than bad air.​
So just a question that probably can't be answered, what would you think the value of the gold ring would be to you if it was your DAD'S ring be and someone found it and returned it to you? Just a thought, is there a price on sentimental value?​
Of course not.​
I have 2 maple trees in my front yard that something is destroying. It started last fall with some of the bark coming off on 1 of the trees but this spring not only is the bark falling off but something is eating them up. I finally was able to see what seemed to be termites. I didn't think they would attack a live tree but I guess I am going to get a pest inspector to come check my house and treat everything just in case.​
If those are Silver Maples I'd consider replacing them.​
I could but I won't, too much typing. A large part of any tree is "dead". could be many things besides termites.

The way I used to do it is if I told you, you had a problem, I would show you. If I can't show you, I won't tell you.​
I'm that way because, folks want a conformation narrative more than truth.​
Identify your enemy. It's not termites in the yard being termites. It's termites eating wood products in your house. Termites are animals requiring nourishment and shelter. Investigate, target then eliminate. Targeted toxins are a tool not evil. Ecosystem sterility is shortsighted stupidity. You're a natural born killer, be a smart one.​
My dad always said that poor folks can't afford to go cheap.​
True then, now finding quality is more difficult because things made to last a lifetime are generally repairable requiring an accompanying supply chain. Today's convenience is measured in frogskin ($) time means that replacement supply chain has disappeared faster than a hog in a sinkhole. Repair/recycling was much greener and efficient than the throw away society that's been sold to us. It's that ecology and economy are the same word thing.
Today po-folks are losing their human options in a rush from an age of labor saving mechanizations towards age of robotic assimilation via deceptive digital algorithms that devalues man to trained ape ignoring the divinity manifested in accent of man.​
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I probably doesn't really have a whole lot of sentimental value to the person you returned it to other than it belonged to their dad.........If it was me I would just say, "this ring means a lot to me and if I had it, I would give you a handsome reward....but.....sadly I am a working stiff here's a $20 for your time......thank you from the bottom of my heart." If I was the finder I would just smile and hand them the $20 back and tell them that I was glad to be able to reunite them with their fathers ring.......$20 won't change gives the finder a chance to do a good deed.......that's what I would another gentleman on this site would probably say....."pray over will make the right decision" Huh...BBUK?
AWF, when I found it, it happened just like you said, they offered, I refused!!!! That ring not only had sentimental value to them, but to me too!!! He was a deacon at our church, friends with my parents and my best friends DAD!!!! Not ashamed to admit it, but I shed a tear when I popped it out of the ground!!!! I have one more item to find and that is a Tennis bracelet lost 18 years ago, her husband bought it for her when their first daughter was born, I will probably bawl with this one if I find it!!!! I had a dream that I did!!!!
Took my second one yesterday. Ached some but other than that okay now. I DID just drink a Yuengling. (Took one Tylenol earlier but that was a few hours ago.) Figured I'd disinfect myself some...(Pfizer)
Ha ha. I purchased a 24 oz Yuengling Raging Eagle while back home. Plan on sampling soon, either Thursday for Friday.

Anyways, first shot complete.