
Good morning! I had a most excellent snooze last night and I can smell the coffee she'll be bringing me in a minute or two.

I have to go to Rural King today and take back one of the wheels I bought for the cart. The valve is defective and I can't put any air into it. Not really a problem now but it will be someday when the time has passed for me to exchange it for a new one.

Supposed to be sunny and 72° here today. I'll take two please!

It's Easter Sunday! That means football season is just around the corner! and up the block
Good Morning and Happy Easter to everyone.
Great game last night...They will only stop showing the Laettner shot if Gonzaga wins Monday night. I think Baylor will win. They look pretty impressive (like grown men), plus all the pressure will be on Gonzaga. I'm kind of torn though...because if the Zags win I don't have to hear about IU being the only undefeated team. Yada yada yada.
Heading to church here shortly, we're having an outside service. A beautiful day, sun is out, no wind & family coming over around noon.
Going to have a little Easter egg hunt for the granddaughter...she's 2 1/2. Should be fun.
Happy 38th. Wishing y'all many, many more.

Hope you guys had a great anniversary. We are getting ready for church, then the family is over dinner. The young grandchildren will hunt Easter eggs, and us older folks will sit back and just enjoy. My God's blessings be with you guys, today, and every day.
Good morning! I had a most excellent snooze last night and I can smell the coffee she'll be bringing me in a minute or two.

I have to go to Rural King today and take back one of the wheels I bought for the cart. The valve is defective and I can't put any air into it. Not really a problem now but it will be someday when the time has passed for me to exchange it for a new one.

Supposed to be sunny and 72° here today. I'll take two please!

It's Easter Sunday! That means football season is just around the corner! and up the block

I was replacing my wheels and after a couple of years, they still go flat. I fixed that by going to Harbor Freight and bought some solid tire wheels.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 57°F and cloudy. Clouds should clear a bit later. 77°F is projected for our high.

Great games last night. Really enjoyed 'em. Plan on walking here soon and then work on a couple projects.

Happy Easter! Enjoy the day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
Good Morning and Happy Easter to everyone.
Great game last night...They will only stop showing the Laettner shot if Gonzaga wins Monday night. I think Baylor will win. They look pretty impressive (like grown men), plus all the pressure will be on Gonzaga. I'm kind of torn though...because if the Zags win I don't have to hear about IU being the only undefeated team. Yada yada yada.
I am going to sit back and enjoy the game Monday night, free of anxiety and hoping a team does not win or lose. Either one would be fine with me.

I really enjoy watching Gonzaga because of their passing and ball movement. I am so sick of the dribbling offense I could scream at the TV. I like crisp, sharp passes and constant movement of the players. To me that is a well coached team. But everyone has their favorite style. So.

If Baylor wins I will be happy for them. Play ball.

I'm still here. God bless you all!
Morning D. Greetings from the shanty.

One game of dominance last night and one instant classic and arguably the best FF game ever. Resulting in a matchup of the 2 best teams all year Monday night.

Everyone have a good Easter.

More coffee................................................................................................

edit for Berts weather report.

61° as it makes it way to 68° under a clear blue sky.
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Good morning! I had a most excellent snooze last night and I can smell the coffee she'll be bringing me in a minute or two.

I have to go to Rural King today and take back one of the wheels I bought for the cart. The valve is defective and I can't put any air into it. Not really a problem now but it will be someday when the time has passed for me to exchange it for a new one.

Supposed to be sunny and 72° here today. I'll take two please!

It's Easter Sunday! That means football season is just around the corner! and up the block
Rural King has the best salt water taffy............
Just in case..........if anyone ended up with a Easter Basket with, "to awf" on it.......could you forward it too me........seems like Bunny either missed me or left it at the wrong place.........I can't believe he has done this again......
I didn't want you folks to think I was being a whiner......but this has been going on for over 50 cotton picking years.........
Just in case..........if anyone ended up with a Easter Basket with, "to awf" on it.......could you forward it too me........seems like Bunny either missed me or left it at the wrong place.........I can't believe he has done this again......

Didn’t see your basket. And I didn’t get one either. But he left me the usual. It’s on the yard, I’ll share.
Hope Easter is going well for everyone. No kids for baskets anymore, but I'm planning my annual Cadbury Eggs run a little later. A six-pack ought to feed the Chocolate Jones. (That sounds like a 1970s ABA player...)
I never liked Cadbury Eggs until I visited the factory in Birmingham, England and tried one......they have a better quality chocolate and creme in the eggs.......I still don't like the ones available here......
Rural King has the best salt water taffy............
If Rural King doesn't have it then you don't need it. Food, tools, clothes, guns...

I've always said the same thing about Dixie Highway in Louisville.

But RK was closed when I got there...bummer. I don't mind putting things off until tomorrow and in fact that is my normal MO. Don't like having it put off for me though.
Read this a few minutes ago in a comment section of an electric car article. These are some of the inconvenient truths that are known to the powers that be, but are withheld from the general public...

"Combusting fossil fuels to release more CO2 to the atmosphere is a good thing. Dr Patrick Moore, founder of GreenPeace, "The combustion of fossil fuels for energy to power human civilization has reversed the downward trend of CO2 and promises to bring it back to levels that are likely to foster a considerable increase in the growth rate and biomass of plants, including food crops and trees.. . .The human emissions of CO2 have restored a balance to the global carbon cycle, thereby ensuring long-term continuation of life on earth."---You may also want to read "The Falsification of Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within the Frame of Physics" by Gerhard Gerlich Ph.D Physics. It is full of equations and applications of laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer. But if you read it carefully, it is a real eye-opener. One thing he points out is the misuse of the term "Greenhouse Gas" The atmosphere does not trap radiant heat by analogy to a greenhouse. A greenhouse warms because of lack of convective currents, thereby trapping heat. It has nothing to do with absorption and re-emission of infra-red radiation as long as the structure of the glasshouse uses a material that transmits completely incoming and outgoing radiant energy. So the idea of CO2 trapping outgoing infra- red radiation as a "greenhouse gas" is a misnomer. It just has a neat analogy that is easily understood with no connection to what is actually happening.. He then says the entire construct of Man Made Global Warming goes against the second law of thermodynamics: if most of the warming occurs in the middle troposphere, about 4 miles above the surface, where the average temperature is -40 degrees F, it would be thermo-dynamic impossible for heat transfer from a colder temperature reservoir to a warmer temperature reservoir, ie, the surface of the earth which is at least 50 degrees warmer.
Anyway, We are a Carbon based planet and CO2 is the staring point for photosynthesis which is responsible for not only the production of biomass, but life-sustaining Oxygen. According to Moore, if you examine the geological records, especially the late Cambrian period when the earth was covered with towering broad-leafed trees, the mean global temperature of earth was a balmy 90 degrees F, with a CO2 concentration of 6500 PPM. During that period production of oxygen was 1.5 times greater than today with atmospheric CO2 concentrations 17 times greater than current levels.. So don't feel guilty about using a gasoline powered Vehicle that puts more of that life-giving molecule into the atmosphere. And come to realize that Man Made Global Warming is a form of political menacing that has no basis in sound scientific principles.
I have nothing against wind power, solar panels and electric vehicles, and their technologies should be developed, if only for the reason that someday we will run out of fossil fuels, yet knowing that current reservoirs of proven and unproven fossil fuel reserves should last at least another 5 centuries. So let's utilize solar and wind energy today and welcome them into the pie-chart energy mix, but to replace fossil fuels totally with these "clean" alternatives, in such a short period of time, will only have negative consequences for ourselves and the planet."

Here is the article he cited...

the more you know, the more you know
Good morning from ATX. Currently 57°F and cloudy. Clouds should clear a bit later. 77°F is projected for our high.

Great games last night. Really enjoyed 'em. Plan on walking here soon and then work on a couple projects.

Happy Easter! Enjoy the day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


80° Here at my buddies place in nicholasville!
I am going to sit back and enjoy the game Monday night, free of anxiety and hoping a team does not win or lose. Either one would be fine with me.

I really enjoy watching Gonzaga because of their passing and ball movement. I am so sick of the dribbling offense I could scream at the TV. I like crisp, sharp passes and constant movement of the players. To me that is a well coached team. But everyone has their favorite style. So.

If Baylor wins I will be happy for them. Play ball.
Agreed on all points
If Rural King doesn't have it then you don't need it. Food, tools, clothes, guns...

I've always said the same thing about Dixie Highway in Louisville.

But RK was closed when I got there...bummer. I don't mind putting things off until tomorrow and in fact that is my normal MO. Don't like having it put off for me though.
I am a big Rural King fan. It is very popular where I live as is the Farm and Ranch store. Both have good selections of weapons and ammunition. At a good price
Good afternoon D, I hope everyone had a great Easter, I know I did, dinner with some of the family!!!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and Prayers for the D!!!!

Won't be back on the D till Thursday or Friday, on the road for Arkansas at 7:30 in the morning, praying for safe travel! Later D!!!!
I will pray for your safe travels and I will pray for those poor fish! :cool:
Good afternoon D, I hope everyone had a great Easter, I know I did, dinner with some of the family!!!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and Prayers for the D!!!!

Won't be back on the D till Thursday or Friday, on the road for Arkansas at 7:30 in the morning, praying for safe travel! Later D!!!!
Stay safe and have fun.
Blast from the past: Roy Rogers and Don Adams vs Bob Newhart and George Forman in a celebrity bowling tournament. Such matches were quite popular during the 70s.

Conversation went something like this...

Roy Rogers "happy trails fellas"
Don Adams "missed it by that much'
Bob Newhart "I just had the craziest dream"
George Forman "I rolled the fat out that sucka"
I took the opportunity to boycott Coca Cola today. I hope every person in America with any sense will do the same thing. No company, institution, or celebrity can exist without the support of white conservatives. I will not be demonized for providing the world that lazy dumbass people take advantage of.
I took the opportunity to boycott Coca Cola today. I hope every person in America with any sense will do the same thing. No company, institution, or celebrity can exist without the support of white conservatives. I will not be demonized for providing the world that lazy dumbass people take advantage of.

I liked Coke when eating out. I don't drink it other than that but I will have something else now. My darling liked to drink coke but decided she can drink something else.

Have a coke and a smile is now.... Pour it down the drain and purchase no more... P_SS on Coke... jmusao
Good afternoon D, I hope everyone had a great Easter, I know I did, dinner with some of the family!!!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and Prayers for the D!!!!

Won't be back on the D till Thursday or Friday, on the road for Arkansas at 7:30 in the morning, praying for safe travel! Later D!!!!

God will guide you. God Bless you Sir...
I liked Coke when eating out. I don't drink it other than that but I will have something else now. My darling liked to drink coke but decided she can drink something else.

Have a coke and a smile is now.... Pour it down the drain and purchase no more... P_SS on Coke... jmusao
Attababy! Dems have boycotted many times and now it's time for us to fight fire with fire. Right is might!