
Yes Elvis was a Southern boy so he had FRIED peanut butter and banana sandwiches. We fry them in butter, never oleo (if they still make that garbage). Pure cow's butter with light bread. They turn out better fried in an iron skillet. Some say it is healthier.

Fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches are good for what ails you . They have his recipe on the Food Network
Sourdough bread makes great grilled sandwiches. i buy it sometimes when i know i’m going to be making grilled cheese sandwiches.
Bom dia,

  • Chilly again this morning. But nicer this afternoon. Pressure washing still on hold. Maybe Monday?
    • Oh well, there are always more projects around here than I could ever get done.
  • A Buddy of mine called wants me to come to his gig tonight in Augusta.
    • I think I am too old for that stuff anymore. lol
  • Looks like food prep and bill paying kind of morning. I am such a party animal anymore.
A few months back, we threw a camera up in my office, and he played a few songs. Hopefully, I can get my basement built into a studio this year.

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If I was you I'd call and see if you can catch his next week....then you can take in a round or two of The Masters. 😊
lol. I always forget to put the KY behind Augusta when I mention it. It is actually Augusta, KY. Sorry about that.

Good morning D League. A cold and clear day in the east - 26 f according to my phone app.

I’m planning on a ten mile walk through some woods filled with blossoming trees so it should be chilly, but beautiful. I love the way the countryside looks this time of year.

Unlike Austin I rarely find money on my walks, but I got a totally unexpected check for $124 in the mail - my part of a class action settlement against my bank, Wells Fargo, for some screw up or other. As far as I know I suffered no ill consequence of the mistake so it’s profit for me.

Hope it’s a fun day for all.

Have to check my mail. Use Wells for a while too. Their interest is horrible in comparison to others but they are convenient. All eggs not in one basket.

Mrs and BBUK's 38th today.(Had to figure it out, quit counting long ago.)(Let's see if any of our children remember.)

Actually celebrating BOB's birthday today. He is turning two on the 6th. (Grandma and Grandpa bought him a tablet. He runs a phone like a pro. Have to wrap it.) My darling made beef ribs I will throw on the barbeque about noon and then take them over to my daughter's apartment along with some potato salad and some chop chai noodles.

Oh, My prayer for you all today is that you all find favor with others so your way today is made easy and with joy. God Bless you all...

Morning Legionnaires!

Headed out in about 2 hours from now for the elusive large mouth. First a workout then fishing. So far I have been out 4 times this year and have only caught 3. Never out more than 2 hours each time so, if they are not biting I move out. Trying a pond today I have not tried before (maybe). Found it on the map so now I must find it off the road.

Enjoy your day folks and God Bless.

Oh and Austin, not sure you can use that word when referencing Moose.;)

Good morning D, what a beautiful day here in the Berg!

Mrs. M had to work at the bank in Ohio co. today, she gets a whole day off for the half day on Saturday's, ever 3 or 4 months!

Kitchen smells great this morning, getting my squash and onions ready for tomorrow for our squash casserole on Easter dinner. Mrs. M is also going to make an Orange Juice cake!

I will be off here for a few days D, heading to Arkansas to do some trout fishing, hoping I can catch another big Brown Trout this trip. Leaving Monday morning, with a stop at Lambert's on the way! If I catch a biggun I will send a picture to Bert! If the D would like to see where I am heading, look up the White and North Fork River confluence , we fish both of them all the way up to Bull Sholes Dam, beautiful place!!!

I hope the D has a great day!!! Prayers for the D and their families!!!!
Good Morning D
Actually slept pretty well for change
I was In Walmart yesterday with my daughter in law and I had a 24 pack of Coke’s in my cart
Lady behind said you hear what coke is doing? She said they’re telling people to be “less white”
what does that even mean?
Woman implied that I should put it back. I didn’t.
My DIL rolled her eyes and said if that’s what it means by being “woke” then all these damn people need to go back to sleep. Comment struck me as hilarious
My DIL is bi-racial. Made it even better
Good Morning D
Actually slept pretty well for change
I was In Walmart yesterday with my daughter in law and I had a 24 pack of Coke’s in my cart
Lady behind said you hear what coke is doing? She said they’re telling people to be “less white”
what does that even mean?
Woman implied that I should put it back. I didn’t.
My DIL rolled her eyes and said if that’s what it means by being “woke” then all these damn people need to go back to sleep. Comment struck me as hilarious
My DIL is bi-racial. Made it even better
We were just talking about that this morning. We have quit buying Coke. Don't need the sugar anyway.
Still awake. I'm not liking the looks of this. I might have to pull an all-dayer!

Finished up a little project yesterday. An old John Deere yard cart came with this house and it eventually gave in to the test of time. I took it all apart and replaced all the fasteners with stainless steel components and bought 2 new tires and wheels for it. Wire wheeled all the painted surfaces and put on a fresh coat of paint. It's sturdy again and the only thing missing is someone who wants to put it to work.

I think Jackson is going to come back for another year and try to increase his draft position. Hope he does.

Is Grady going to be the grad transfer that actually makes a difference?
Hopefully, I can get my basement built into a studio this year.
Watched the documentary Muscle Shoals again the other day (if you know what it is...famous recording studio in Muscle Shoals, Ala.). Worth the watch if you've never seen it. Years ago when I lived in Atlanta I went over to it quite a few times. Think it's closed now.
lol. I always forget to put the KY behind Augusta when I mention it. It is actually Augusta, KY. Sorry about that.

You still in Augusta? It is a pretty town. as I think I mentioned once before, my mother's people were from there when she was a kid, then moved to Brooksville.

Here's a dark story for the D-League.

Back in the late 1920s, my grandmother's sister from Augusta married a guy who lived directly across the river on the Ohio side. Things didn't work out, apparently, and the guy ended up murdering her. Ohio gave him a fair trial, and put him in the electric chair.
Here's the scoundrel in question, from the Ohio Corrections website:

The odd thing is, no one ever knew of a motive. My father used to say if you knew his mother-in-law, and assuming the sister was similar, it was no big mystery, but he was mostly kidding. I think.
Watched the documentary Muscle Shoals again the other day (if you know what it is...famous recording studio in Muscle Shoals, Ala.). Worth the watch if you've never seen it. Years ago when I lived in Atlanta I went over to it quite a few times. Think it's closed now.
I am a bit familiar with them but need to watch the documentary.

My "studio" will be more multi-purpose than a straight music studio and a lot less money.

Also, more of a production, workshop, tinkering kind of space for all sorts of projects.

I want to set up for live-stream, video, training sessions, etc. than full music recording.

I bought a good bit of gear last year to do remote training tutorials. I want to pursue that a bit more.

I have a decent camera, need at least one more. Good start on lighting and a location recording device. Now I am looking at better microphones.

One of the ideas is to start interviewing the local musicians from Bracken, Mason, etc., counties.

We all grew up playing music with those guys. Well, I was a crappy drummer, so I use the term loosely for myself. After that Navy, I went into the production side of things. Sound mainly. I LOVE that stuff way more than actually playing anymore.

There are some great documentaries, youtube channels, etc., about the various music scenes.

Check out the one on The Wrecking Crew. Fascinating.
You still in Augusta? It is a pretty town. as I think I mentioned once before, my mother's people were from there when she was a kid, then moved to Brooksville.

Here's a dark story for the D-League.

Back in the late 1920s, my grandmother's sister from Augusta married a guy who lived directly across the river on the Ohio side. Things didn't work out, apparently, and the guy ended up murdering her. Ohio gave him a fair trial, and put him in the electric chair.
Here's the scoundrel in question, from the Ohio Corrections website:

The odd thing is, no one ever knew of a motive. My father used to say if you knew his mother-in-law, and assuming the sister was similar, it was no big mystery, but he was mostly kidding. I think.
Wow, what a story. I was not familiar with that one. Which kind of surprises me. My family owned the Bracken Chronicle. However, the story above would have been before my grandmother was involved with the paper. My grandfather might have been of that age, but he died before I was born. I will ask my sister about it.

I moved down to Erlanger. I love Augusta, but how shall I say this? It almost got the best of me. Lolo Lolo
Wow, what a story. I was not familiar with that one. Which kind of surprises me. My family owned the Bracken Chronicle. However, the story above would have been before my grandmother was involved with the paper. My grandfather might have been of that age, but he died before I was born. I will ask my sister about it.

I moved down to Erlanger. I love Augusta, but how shall I say this? It almost got the best of me. Lolo Lolo
Isn't that paper called the Bracken County News now?

This is a very odd coincidence, but I was actually briefly mentioned in that paper this week, believe it or not -- thanks to an aunt of mine who still lives in Brooksville.

As the tiny, obscure newspaper in Bracken County has improbably come up in the thread, I'll share this clip, sent to me as a photocopy by my aunt:
Have to check my mail. Use Wells for a while too. Their interest is horrible in comparison to others but they are convenient. All eggs not in one basket.

Mrs and BBUK's 38th today.(Had to figure it out, quit counting long ago.)(Let's see if any of our children remember.)

Actually celebrating BOB's birthday today. He is turning two on the 6th. (Grandma and Grandpa bought him a tablet. He runs a phone like a pro. Have to wrap it.) My darling made beef ribs I will throw on the barbeque about noon and then take them over to my daughter's apartment along with some potato salad and some chop chai noodles.

Oh, My prayer for you all today is that you all find favor with others so your way today is made easy and with joy. God Bless you all...
BBUK -- There was something odd about this lawsuit and settlement: My wife and I have a joint account at that bank, but with different debit cards and debit card numbers. I was eligible for the payout, but apparently she wasn't. I can't say why. Here's a brief summary of the case:

"A $142 Million Settlement with Wells Fargo includes customers who had certain Wells Fargo credit cards, lines of credit, checking or savings accounts opened or applied for in their name without their permission, or had authorized identity theft protection services from Wells Fargo, from May 1, 2002 to April 20, 2017."
We've got some Google Nests and some Alexa's (equal opportunity hi-tech house). The Mrs is in the kitchen playing some old tune favorites of hers while she's fixing a few thing for tomorrow's dinner. The Google Nest about every 3rd or 4th song is playing a BLM commercial, or some such nonsense.
Since these things can understand you and talk back to you....I wonder if I told 'her' that she will be in the trash if 'she' doesn't stop it, if 'she'll' stop or not?
Isn't that paper called the Bracken County News now?

This is a very odd coincidence, but I was actually briefly mentioned in that paper this week, believe it or not -- thanks to an aunt of mine who still lives in Brooksville.

As the tiny, obscure newspaper in Bracken County has improbably come up in the thread, I'll share this clip, sent to me as a photocopy by my aunt:
Similar but different.

The Bracken County News used too and might still have a section called Looking Back, or something like that. It is usually clippings from the Chronicle.

They shut the Chronicle down around 1972. Then sometime later, the Augusta Times and Bracken County News started.

Several people asked my Dad to start the Chronicle back up. He always said the ad revenue was just not there, even in the 70s and 80s.

One of my cousins and one of my sisters seem to have the writing ability. So does my daughter. I know it is obvious, but I did not get the writing gene.

Congratulations on the award. Impressive.

My grandmother kept a subscription to the Bracken County News. It was a big hit at most of my commands.

When I was assigned to a deep ocean survey team, we had a tiny crew and grew extremely close. Being permanently deployed will do that.

Anyway, EVERYBODY on the ship kept up with the Bracken County News and what "Dave and Marry Berry" was doing that week and where anyone "motored to."

I do miss those days.

Ok, I am hogging the D again. Apologies. :)

Edit-to-add: The motto for the Chronicle and listed right under the name was: Cussed by many, read by all.

If you knew my family - it was perfect.
BBUK -- There was something odd about this lawsuit and settlement: My wife and I have a joint account at that bank, but with different debit cards and debit card numbers. I was eligible for the payout, but apparently she wasn't. I can't say why. Here's a brief summary of the case:

"A $142 Million Settlement with Wells Fargo includes customers who had certain Wells Fargo credit cards, lines of credit, checking or savings accounts opened or applied for in their name without their permission, or had authorized identity theft protection services from Wells Fargo, from May 1, 2002 to April 20, 2017."

Oh yeah, I remember that now. Wells Fargo opened you an account without your permission. They did that to pad their performance numbers with regulators as comparison tools. I actually think they opened me an account I didn't ask for and I complained about it back several years ago. They closed it and nothing else came from it.
Something weird is supposed to happen here today. We are supposed to receive a package that has MY name on it! There is something on the front porch each and every day that I have to bring in and it's never addressed to me. I no longer have to go to Walmart with her on Saturday's though, so I'm not really complaining. Just sort of.

I bought a golf cart last November and have been in the process of fancying it up ever since. Today's gift to myself is a pair of led light pods.

Yamaha Quietech 2017 electronic fuel injection.
I got a call from starchief5 last night. He can read but can't post. So watch what ever you say in his absence.

I will sent a pm to Jedwar to see if he can help him out.
Yikes! I began wondering what happened to @starchief5. He's not banned or his username would not resolve. Perhaps try a different browser.
Pool temperature is 85° and the air temperature is near 73°. Full sunshine, not a cloud in the sky and a gentle breeze. This is very inviting. I think I will jump n

I see where Major League Baseball keeps shooting itself in the foot. Dumb and dumber. Is there a corporation in America that is interested in selling their product and will stay out of the weeds. I am looking for them.
Have to check my mail. Use Wells for a while too. Their interest is horrible in comparison to others but they are convenient. All eggs not in one basket.

Mrs and BBUK's 38th today.(Had to figure it out, quit counting long ago.)(Let's see if any of our children remember.)

Actually celebrating BOB's birthday today. He is turning two on the 6th. (Grandma and Grandpa bought him a tablet. He runs a phone like a pro. Have to wrap it.) My darling made beef ribs I will throw on the barbeque about noon and then take them over to my daughter's apartment along with some potato salad and some chop chai noodles.

Oh, My prayer for you all today is that you all find favor with others so your way today is made easy and with joy. God Bless you all...
Happy Anniversary!!!
Have to check my mail. Use Wells for a while too. Their interest is horrible in comparison to others but they are convenient. All eggs not in one basket.

Mrs and BBUK's 38th today.(Had to figure it out, quit counting long ago.)(Let's see if any of our children remember.)

Actually celebrating BOB's birthday today. He is turning two on the 6th. (Grandma and Grandpa bought him a tablet. He runs a phone like a pro. Have to wrap it.) My darling made beef ribs I will throw on the barbeque about noon and then take them over to my daughter's apartment along with some potato salad and some chop chai noodles.

Oh, My prayer for you all today is that you all find favor with others so your way today is made easy and with joy. God Bless you all...
Happy 38th.

Have to check my mail. Use Wells for a while too. Their interest is horrible in comparison to others but they are convenient. All eggs not in one basket.

Mrs and BBUK's 38th today.(Had to figure it out, quit counting long ago.)(Let's see if any of our children remember.)

Actually celebrating BOB's birthday today. He is turning two on the 6th. (Grandma and Grandpa bought him a tablet. He runs a phone like a pro. Have to wrap it.) My darling made beef ribs I will throw on the barbeque about noon and then take them over to my daughter's apartment along with some potato salad and some chop chai noodles.

Oh, My prayer for you all today is that you all find favor with others so your way today is made easy and with joy. God Bless you all...
Happy 38th!!!
Have to check my mail. Use Wells for a while too. Their interest is horrible in comparison to others but they are convenient. All eggs not in one basket.

Mrs and BBUK's 38th today.(Had to figure it out, quit counting long ago.)(Let's see if any of our children remember.)

Actually celebrating BOB's birthday today. He is turning two on the 6th. (Grandma and Grandpa bought him a tablet. He runs a phone like a pro. Have to wrap it.) My darling made beef ribs I will throw on the barbeque about noon and then take them over to my daughter's apartment along with some potato salad and some chop chai noodles.

Oh, My prayer for you all today is that you all find favor with others so your way today is made easy and with joy. God Bless you all...
BBQ Ribs?...........I must have missed what time at your daughter's apartment?.......Happy Anniversary........and Happy Birthday to the...."Little Big Guy".........
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Watched the documentary Muscle Shoals again the other day (if you know what it is...famous recording studio in Muscle Shoals, Ala.). Worth the watch if you've never seen it. Years ago when I lived in Atlanta I went over to it quite a few times. Think it's closed now.
One of my cousins lives in Lafayette LA...He had a bunch of instruments, a very nice recording studio and after the Katrina ordeal......the only possesions he had other than the clothers he had taken on vacation......was six Bomber bass lures that I had given him and they were up on a shelf..........he lost everything.........I would have liked to had the reel to reel recoreding system and his sound board.......none of it was insured.......
Have to check my mail. Use Wells for a while too. Their interest is horrible in comparison to others but they are convenient. All eggs not in one basket.

Mrs and BBUK's 38th today.(Had to figure it out, quit counting long ago.)(Let's see if any of our children remember.)

Actually celebrating BOB's birthday today. He is turning two on the 6th. (Grandma and Grandpa bought him a tablet. He runs a phone like a pro. Have to wrap it.) My darling made beef ribs I will throw on the barbeque about noon and then take them over to my daughter's apartment along with some potato salad and some chop chai noodles.

Oh, My prayer for you all today is that you all find favor with others so your way today is made easy and with joy. God Bless you all...
Back from my fishing day and the fish blanked me again. It is still colder than usual and others I know are having the same problem. Darn global climate change racist energy keeping sun. There where bass I could actually see (3 of them). 2 stayed close to the bank and were chasing bluegill. One was about 3 pounds at least and I tried all kind of lures right in front of them and nothing. I felt like Harris from Major League:

"I'm throwing everything I can at em skipper, I think I got enough for one more."