Wow, what a story. I was not familiar with that one. Which kind of surprises me. My family owned the Bracken Chronicle. However, the story above would have been before my grandmother was involved with the paper. My grandfather might have been of that age, but he died before I was born. I will ask my sister about it.You still in Augusta? It is a pretty town. as I think I mentioned once before, my mother's people were from there when she was a kid, then moved to Brooksville.
Here's a dark story for the D-League.
Back in the late 1920s, my grandmother's sister from Augusta married a guy who lived directly across the river on the Ohio side. Things didn't work out, apparently, and the guy ended up murdering her. Ohio gave him a fair trial, and put him in the electric chair.
Here's the scoundrel in question, from the Ohio Corrections website:
The odd thing is, no one ever knew of a motive. My father used to say if you knew his mother-in-law, and assuming the sister was similar, it was no big mystery, but he was mostly kidding. I think.
I moved down to Erlanger. I love Augusta, but how shall I say this? It almost got the best of me. Lolo Lolo