
Woop! woop! Hows it hangin' fellas. You too Bko, nice to see you back at it.
I had a bet with ATX....said I wasn't coming back unless he found a can of collard greens & big bag of red lentils at the car wash! And I'll be damned if he didn't find some today....sooo here I am.
Hope all is well with everyone. I have not kept up. I guess the weather, covid, Dad passing away and a shitty basketball season kinda got me down this winter.
But hey the sun is shining and just wait til next season!
Glad you're back!!
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Here's a no-fooling April 1 update:

My daughter just had her baby! Charlie, three weeks early, 7.5 pounds. Some needed joy in that family -- her husband is the guy whose 35-year-old brother, a Defense Department lawyer, died suddenly last summer. His name was James, so that's the baby's middle name. They ive in Kansas City, so a visit there is in my future in a month or so when they all settle in.
Hey congrats Gramps! Wonderful news.
Austin -- That's a funny story. It reminds me of the classic scene in Fawlty Towers, a show I used to love, when Basil has German guests at his inn...Needless to say, you'd never get this on TV today.
Folks, my father-in-law survived the Kamikazes in WWII. He always told me that if he ever saw a Jap in real life, he would kill him.

People don't realize what price some folks paid in WWII. The Japanese were the most brutal bastards ever know in warfare. My father-in-law was very bright, but he could not handle 4 straight days of constant attack by the Kamikazes. They would give their life to kill you. That is sick. In WWII the most dangerous thing to a U.S. sailor was the god damned Kamikazes.

My father-in-laws best friend jumped overboard rather than have to face more Kamikazes. My father-in-law died hating anything that was Japanese.
Folks, my father-in-law survived the Kamikazes in WWII. He always told me that if he ever saw a Jap in real life, he would kill him.

People don't realize what price some folks paid in WWII. The Japanese were the most brutal bastards ever know in warfare. My father-in-law was very bright, but he could not handle 4 straight days of constant attack by the Kamikazes. They would give their life to kill you. That is sick. In WWII the most dangerous thing to a U.S. sailor was the god damned Kamikazes.

My father-in-laws best friend jumped overboard rather than have to face more Kamikazes. My father-in-law died hating anything that was Japanese.
Dad's battleship was topedoed last day of war by single diver bomber while anchored in Okinawa Harbor. Thing almost sunk. Killed some 25 sailors.
Woop! woop! Hows it hangin' fellas. You too Bko, nice to see you back at it.
I had a bet with ATX....said I wasn't coming back unless he found a can of collard greens & big bag of red lentils at the car wash! And I'll be damned if he didn't find some today....sooo here I am.
Hope all is well with everyone. I have not kept up. I guess the weather, covid, Dad passing away and a shitty basketball season kinda got me down this winter.
But hey the sun is shining and just wait til next season!
It is about damned time you showed back up, you long legged dude!
I've seen a bunch of his videos. Particularly when he was testing Sea Foam for cleaning engines internally. The guy is sharp.
Yes he is. I was surprised the Sea Foam worked as well as it did. You could tell he was too.

Awright, awright... Go ahead and laugh...

I was listening to someone about digging a post hole at the right time of the moon. At that time a person I was fond of told me in one of his events; "If you dug a post hole at the wrong time of the moon there wouldn't be enough dirt to go back in the hole. He stated that, if the moon could control the ocean it could suck dirt out of a post hole too." That person; Jerry Clower

I first set a post with my grandfather when I was probably 8 or so. I asked him what we were going to do with all the extra dirt and he told me there wouldn't be enough to fill the hole. I was too smart for that. Ha, when he tamped it all in around the post it was not full. Imagine that, an old farmer knowing more than an 8 year old from the city.

Woop! woop! Hows it hangin' fellas. You too Bko, nice to see you back at it.
I had a bet with ATX....said I wasn't coming back unless he found a can of collard greens & big bag of red lentils at the car wash! And I'll be damned if he didn't find some today....sooo here I am.
Hope all is well with everyone. I have not kept up. I guess the weather, covid, Dad passing away and a shitty basketball season kinda got me down this winter.
But hey the sun is shining and just wait til next season!

I don't know who you are, but you sound bald.

I'd like to see conservatives/Republicans/christians and anyone else who is anti wokeness start acting like those folks. Boycott and/or threaten to. Money talks.
There's already some that I won't do biz to see it become a national movement.

I boycotted Taco Bell when they had that little dog in their commercials and they finally got rid of him. I boycotted Sonic because of those two dudes in the car making inane jokes. Haven't seen them in awhile. Might go back.

Let me know what you want me to fix next.
Thanks 82 -- I'm keeping it real and going by Papaw, which was what our family has always used...Gotta stick with those Kentucky traditions, even when exiled on the east coast.
Congrats. For my five grandkids (three are triplets) I am Papaw. That was what we called my grandfather on my mothers side and the only grandparent I knew. His wife died when I was 1. He was always telling jokes and whenever he would come over, he would come in and tell me some new jokes no matter what time it was. I get my sense of humor from him. He died when I was in Germany and I could not go one leave because we were in the middle of a yearly unit test in Grafenwhor. Really wanted to go to his funeral but, they would not let me.
There is always a solution to your problem

Woop! woop! Hows it hangin' fellas. You too Bko, nice to see you back at it.
I had a bet with ATX....said I wasn't coming back unless he found a can of collard greens & big bag of red lentils at the car wash! And I'll be damned if he didn't find some today....sooo here I am.
Hope all is well with everyone. I have not kept up. I guess the weather, covid, Dad passing away and a shitty basketball season kinda got me down this winter.
But hey the sun is shining and just wait til next season!

I knew I'm good for something around here.

Seriously, welcome back. Great seeing you again.

Awright, awright... Go ahead and laugh...

I was listening to someone about digging a post hole at the right time of the moon. At that time a person I was fond of told me in one of his events; "If you dug a post hole at the wrong time of the moon there wouldn't be enough dirt to go back in the hole. He stated that, if the moon could control the ocean it could suck dirt out of a post hole too." That person; Jerry Clower
My wife's parents only had four years of school between them......which is a testament to hard work.......they lived by the moon signs........there was talk somewhere on the Paddock about family FIL would decide how many wheel barrows of dirt to keep to fill the grave back in by the moon sign.......they planted crops by the moon, litterally everything in their lives was planned around the moon signs......I plant my garden by using the signs....I have for years.......
My wife's parents only had four years of school between them......which is a testament to hard work.......they lived by the moon signs........there was talk somewhere on the Paddock about family FIL would decide how many wheel barrows of dirt to keep to fill the grave back in by the moon sign.......they planted crops by the moon, litterally everything in their lives was planned around the moon signs......I plant my garden by using the signs....I have for years.......

I love you like a brother but, awf, I'd use a shovel...😁
So now Delta Airlines is saying since Georgia now requires an ID to vote they are racist. Yep, it is racist to request someone to identify who they are.

So the next time I fly Delta I guess I can tell them a BIG NO when they ask for my ID. It would be very racist of Delta to require I ID myself to board a plane to fly to Atlanta. And you know Delta does not want to contribute to racism.

There is something strange going on in Atlanta when major corporations whose HQ's are there push their WOKENESS on the world. Looking at you Coca-Cola, Home Depot and Delta Airlines. Your companies are run by idiots.
Delta mouth, insert foot......just saw this.

'After Delta Air Lines’ CEO opposed a huge bill overhauling voting laws in a state that narrowly voted for President Biden in 2020, Georgia Republicans took a last-minute shot at the airline.

The Georgia state House passed a bill repealing a tax exemption on jet fuel in the final hours of the legislative session, targeted squarely at one of the state’s biggest corporations and the largest provider of flights into and out of Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.'
Delta mouth, insert foot......just saw this.

'After Delta Air Lines’ CEO opposed a huge bill overhauling voting laws in a state that narrowly voted for President Biden in 2020, Georgia Republicans took a last-minute shot at the airline.

The Georgia state House passed a bill repealing a tax exemption on jet fuel in the final hours of the legislative session, targeted squarely at one of the state’s biggest corporations and the largest provider of flights into and out of Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.'
PRAISE THE LORD. This is how you do it.
Yes Sir, I carry at times and hold a permit. It is situational but knowing I can is comforting. I don't take any greater risks due to that but it is comforting. My darling and I do a lot of hiking or getting away. When alone or isolated.... yep...

I had a permit, but when it was time to renew, I didn't bother since I don't need one in Ky, and I rarely carry one in other states, since I don't try to keep track of the laws. My rule of thumb used to be that if I was going south, I would keep one in the car, and if I were going north, I left it at home.

Morning Legionnaires!

Full day of work ahead, workout, house cleaning, grass cutting and yard work, pick up bags of salt from local Ace for water softener, Whew! I don't know if I can do it all in one day. Yes, yes I will. Fishing tomorrow because the weather is supposed to be nice so, I have to get it done. Weekends are for fishing and spending time with family.

God bless and have a good day and may those in pain find relief through Gods grace.
Good morning D, We are at 24 degrees here in the Berg, this global warming is turrible!!!!!

It's supposed to warm up to 52, I really need to mow before I leave!!!

April is birthday month around here, we have 10 with birthdays!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and PRAYERS for the D!!!!

I have said the D, is a great place to land! I made posts in a couple other places a few years ago and boy did I regret it!!! D is a great place for food, laughs, stories, and life experiences! Thanks D!!!!

Oh and I am making a squash casserole to take to our Easter dinner Sunday!!!
Good morning, all. I suppose I am going to have to start mowing my daughter's yard, as well as mine. Luckily, her property is close enough that I can just drive the tractor there and not have to load it onto the trailer. Hope this is the last shot of cold weather until next October.
Good morning D, We are at 24 degrees here in the Berg, this global warming is turrible!!!!!

It's supposed to warm up to 52, I really need to mow before I leave!!!

April is birthday month around here, we have 10 with birthdays!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and PRAYERS for the D!!!!

I have said the D, is a great place to land! I made posts in a couple other places a few years ago and boy did I regret it!!! D is a great place for food, laughs, stories, and life experiences! Thanks D!!!!

Oh and I am making a squash casserole to take to our Easter dinner Sunday!!!



Unless you peel it and cook it correctly such as in a ......................casserole


Isn't the English language wonderful...
Like others...cold in the Buckeye State...low 20s. Rocketing up to the mid 40s, and then on to mid hi 60s for the foreseeable future.
April is birthday month around here, we have 10 with birthdays!!!!
Not 10, but late March/April is the same around here. Have about 5 or 6 including my daughter in Georgia. Hard to believe how old she will be......she's still a baby to me.

A good, happy, safe, and peaceful Good Friday to all.
Like others...cold in the Buckeye State...low 20s. Rocketing up to the mid 40s, and then on to mid hi 60s for the foreseeable future.

Not 10, but late March/April is the same around here. Have about 5 or 6 including my daughter in Georgia. Hard to believe how old she will be......she's still a baby to me.
A good, happy, safe, and peaceful Good Friday to all.
In May I have 5 to contend with. Twins turning 29 and triplets turning 5.
Good morning, all. I suppose I am going to have to start mowing my daughter's yard, as well as mine. Luckily, her property is close enough that I can just drive the tractor there and not have to load it onto the trailer. Hope this is the last shot of cold weather until next October.
I would LOVE IT if my daughter lived close enough to mow her grass. And I would. Her hubby has a type job where he's out of town about 3 weeks at a time, but when he comes home, he's home for a week. So I guess a lot of the manly/hubby chores are left to her and the kids.

I mowed my Mom's yard for years before she moved out of the house. Load the riding mower on to the trailer and drive 25 miles to mow it. Was a pain at times....but now that's she's gone I would love to have the opportunity again. Then I swapped one much bigger with a much larger deck, and I couldn't get it on the she had to go to a yard service. Which bothered me, but she found a guy that treated her almost as well as me and my brother. Guy charged little (large yard) and did all kinds of extras for her if she needed something else done while he was extra charge. And would stop by if he was close to see if she needed anything even when he wasn't scheduled to mow. Bless him.


Unless you peel it and cook it correctly such as in a ......................casserole


Isn't the English language wonderful...
When I was a kid a neighbor would bring my Mom squash from his garden. She had no idea what to do with it so she would kindly thank would sit...then in to the trash. Imagine a Ky. girl who doesn't know how to cook squash? Especially one who was a GREAT cook? Well I got married to a Bama girl and Mom was visiting not long after and my 'ex' fixed fried squash (I love it). Mom loved it and couldn't believe she had thrown it away for all those years.
The Mrs. now makes squash bread. I had never heard of it before. LOVE it too. Don't taste the squash at all....tastes like a moist cinnamon bread.
I would LOVE IT if my daughter lived close enough to mow her grass. And I would. Her hubby has a type job where he's out of town about 3 weeks at a time, but when he comes home, he's home for a week. So I guess a lot of the manly/hubby chores are left to her and the kids.

I mowed my Mom's yard for years before she moved out of the house. Load the riding mower on to the trailer and drive 25 miles to mow it. Was a pain at times....but now that's she's gone I would love to have the opportunity again. Then I swapped one much bigger with a much larger deck, and I couldn't get it on the she had to go to a yard service. Which bothered me, but she found a guy that treated her almost as well as me and my brother. Guy charged little (large yard) and did all kinds of extras for her if she needed something else done while he was extra charge. And would stop by if he was close to see if she needed anything even when he wasn't scheduled to mow. Bless him.

It just so happened that my Mother just lived about two blocks away, and I cut that grass for about 5 years, before she passed and we sold the house. The thing is, she had 2 1/2 acres to cut, and I have 4 acres that I mow. It was a lot of time on the tractor. My daughter's property won't be too bad. Once I get it trimmed, I will spray roundup around the fence line, and then I can just zip around the yard without getting off the tractor. Probably won't take more than 30 minutes.