
Moisture content of your dough is about as important as the flour. Any dry active or rapid rise yeast will do. Read about cold fermentation to get the best results.

I know how to cook some things. For anything complicated though I just use a recipe. You can cook about anything if you know how to read and measure properly.

You can order it off Amazon, that's where I get mine. It tastes amazing and as I said earlier, it makes for a great loaf of white bread.
For complicated dishes I would struggle, no patience.
Never went to the UK but, I lived in the British Army housing area and worked with them as well as Scots and Belgians at the 4th USAFAD in Germany and got all of those sayings as well. One mentioned earlier "Brilliant" was I thought the most over used word from the Brits.
I went on a 3-week scuba expedition to England and Scotland with my ex, a few other Germans and an American back during the mid-80s. After unpacking and getting situated, we visited a pub near Harrogate, England. Once we ordered a pint, we sat down for planning our trip further north to Scotland.

Beer flowed pretty good. As we discussed our next move, in walks an elderly English gent, who overheard us speaking German.

"Germans!?!", he exclaimed. "Why are you here?", he asks. I told him we stopped for overnight on our way up north to Scotland. He starts screaming, "Gerries are back! Gerries are back!". Dude runs out the pub. Barmaid comes up to us and said don't mind him. He'd been captured by the Wehrmacht during WW2. Apparently, they roughed old boy up pretty bad as a POW.

Crazy stuff.
Lived there for 6 months in late-90's. Some of my favoUrite takes of their usage:
- Everything was brilliant. We'd say cool, neat, great.
- "Come to grief" where we'd say it's a dangerous/hazardous place/intersection/etc.
- "Mind you head" where we'd say watch your head. How do watch your head?
- Porridge for oatmeal, aubergine for eggplant.
"Mind the gap"......Or how about the mad rush in the rail stations when they post the platform # of the trains......
I went on a 3-week scuba expedition to England and Scotland with my ex, a few other Germans and an American back during the mid-80s. After unpacking and getting situated, we visited a pub near Harrogate, England. Once we ordered a pint, we sat down for planning our trip further north to Scotland.

Beer flowed pretty good. As we discussed our next move, in walks an elderly English gent, who overheard us speaking German.

"Germans!?!", he exclaimed. "Why are you here?", he asks. I told him we stopped for overnight on our way up north to Scotland. He starts screaming, "Gerries are back! Gerries are back!". Dude runs out the pub. Barmaid comes up to us and said don't mind him. He'd been captured by the Wehrmacht during WW2. Apparently, they roughed old boy up pretty bad as a POW.

Crazy stuff.
My first tour in Germany saw me going to neighboring towns to Frankfurt (was stationed there for a few months before going to Hanau) to just get out and learn the culture. I stopped at a restaurant for lunch after getting off a train in this small town. When I tried to order the waitress said (in broken English) she could not understand me so, she got her boss (the owner) because he spoke good English. He took my order and then said that it would be on the house. He sat with me for a few and explained why. He was a prisoner of war in WWII and was brought to America to be held there. While being a prisoner he said he was treated much better by the American soldiers than he was by his own unit and that future visits from me to his restaurant would be treated the same. I went a few times afterwards just to see him and talk but, did not want to take advantage of him. I heard similar stories with others while there including an old Italian lady who owned a bar/eatery who gave me free food and alcohol when I wanted it but, I paid many times and told her I could not and would not take advantage of her. On occasion if low on funds I would drink or eat for free but, not very often.
"Mind the gap"......Or how about the mad rush in the rail stations when they post the platform # of the trains......
Dude! It's insane, especially when you're dragging your folding bike in the case and carrying a full backpack. I know reduced ticket prices are available between 9 am - 3 pm local, at least that's how it worked during my last visit in 2010. They discourage Tube travel for tourists 6-9 am local. I assisted one elderly lady navigating those long, steep stairs at a station. What a chore.

Another thing I noticed in London: no trash cans. It seems IRA planted bombs in the doggone trash cans during "The Troubles".
Love the mountains best. :cool:
My wife is from a small farming commuinity on the Cane River in Yancey Co. naturally I have spent quite a bit of time down there over the last 46yrs.........I love it in the summer when the state fishery seeds the streams coming out of the mountains with trout........I don't care for the area in the winter but when it comes to summer........that is the place to be.......there was a general store just up the river that had a black bear in a cage for the tourist to gawk at.........he got out and people were running around carrying rifles and shot wold have thought they was being invaded by a bear army........the bootlegger walked around with a damn .44 strapped to his waist like a those mountains............espicially if you get back off the road.......
Most boos I have ever seen at any shoppette or Class VI was at Belvoir. Went down the street from the on post hotel I was staying in while there for Passport agent testing to get my rum and coke for the night and the shoppette I went to had more alcohol than anything else in there by far. There must be some hard corps drinkers around there.

A swamp. My first day at work in DC I went to a "mandatory" mixer at about 4pm. They booze it up heavy around here from what I hear...
Just checked. I've still got my old Kenwood turntable sitting in the closet behind me. Built in 1985.

My receiver-amp was bad-ass. Sold it for more than I paid to a German friend. Still own the Sansui speakers. Amp could kick the speakers off and cause lights to dim on a 220V German house circuit. Purchased my Kenwood rack afterwards.

Just checked. I've still got my old Kenwood turntable sitting in the closet behind me. Built in 1985.

My receiver-amp was bad-ass. Sold it for more than I paid to a German friend. Still own the Sansui speakers. Amp could kick the speakers off and cause lights to dim on a 220V German house circuit. Purchased my Kenwood rack afterwards.

Nice! Back in the days of the monster receivers.
Nice! Back in the days of the monster receivers.
Yes, sir. That piece of equipment quickly evolved into a local legend. Pipe burst over the winter and shorted out the receiver. Before a spring scuba trip tp Spain, I took the receiver to repair shop in Darmstadt. Coincidentally, I dropped off the receiver before heading to Spain on a tour bus, spring 1985. Returned from the dive trip. Paid about $100 for repair. Japanese tech repaired the unit. He indicated he'd replaced main amp with a better unit.

Much better. It really could crack glass hitting the right notes. Unbelievable performance.
I still have my Pioneer SX-3900. Cranks out 120 watts per channel and I've rarely turned it up past half way. The most powerful receivers in the day were the Pioneer SX-1980 (270 watts conservatively) and this bad boy. The Marantz 2600 (300 watts).

Good morning D
It’s CHILLY out here...
Last full day of work before Spring break. Office will be closed until April 12
I’ll be going in for a couple of hours tomorrow to wrap up all the office stuff for this week and then a couple of hours on the 9th to prep for the following week. But other than that it will be the first vacation since 2019 (don’t count the week I was off in December)
Wish my son was on here to talk all the music stuff. He knows sound and amps and all that jazz. Me, I just listen
Have a good day y’all

Morning Legionnaires!

Not much going on today. Wife has ordered groceries for me to pick up from Walmart this afternoon. We usually use the commissary because it is cheaper for most things but, their produce is the worst and they are not keeping their shelves stocked as well as they used to with items she likes. I hate going to Walmart but, sitting outside and waiting for the items to be brought out to me is acceptable.

Liking this retirement thing a lot. Having to budget a little better but, I am doing better than she and I thought I would (now but with Biden who knows about later). Can take my time in the morning to exercise instead of rushing to get it done before breakfast to go to work. Now, I get up with her, drink coffee and yap a bit, make sure my daughter gets out for school, and then come back in and start my workout process. Work out 6 days a week for about an hour a day. Now, I am working on my diet and am trying to do the 2000 calorie a day (need to fine tune that one) so I can get down to at least 190lbs. 220lbs now at 5'9" and will try to play softball again this year if they have a season. Last year they did not.

All you good people please be safe out there today and I pray God give those that are hurting relief. That is all.
We've had one for 6-7 years. Basically a small enclosed convection oven. Have to be a bit careful (at least with ours) in that things can burn. Food is somewhat close to the oven element. And the convection (fan) makes things cook faster than many of their recipes call for. We've got an induction oven as well as a convection countertop oven (think large toaster oven) we were kind of used to it.

What I really like is the Instant Pot. A little difficult to use until you get used to it. Only from the standpoint of what button/program to use when, to use natural or quick release, etc. Can saute, slow cook, or use as pressure cooker. Being a pressure cooker, we've cooked some things that are much better than other ways of cooking due to the moistness of the meat. Did some beef short ribs a few weeks ago and they were great.

And, being a pressure's fast.

I have an air fryer that I haven't opened yet. It's still in the box after about six months. I may break it out and give it a try after reading your description here. At first I was do you fry something with air?
Good morning D, cold here in the Berg this morning, 29 when I got up!!! High of 45, goose bumps have goose bumps this morning!!!! Supposed to be spring, but we were talking this morning, we have had some big snows in April!!!!

Really looking forward to Monday morning, more later.

Mrs. M fixed all the grandyoungings some Easter stuff, not a lot of candy, some snacks, popcorn and some coloring stuff.

We went to Beef-O Brady's yesterday, had the best hamburger I have ever had I think!!!

Retirement is great WC, I have yet to wake up and say, dang I don't have to go to work today!!!

I hope the D, has a great day. Please say an extra prayer for my friends today!!!! Thanks!!
Our Muhlenberg County high school team plays in the state tournament today, just hope they can hang in there with the big schools. They were 19-1 this year!!!

For those that can remember, Central City Golden Tide always had some good teams. One game that I will always remember is the one where they played a l'ville team that had Tom Payne on it, I know the Tide beat them I think the score was 109-107.

One more, my son's F-I-L played on the Earlington team that won the state!!! 1967?
Good morning to my newfound online home. :)

I spent yesterday in the office with the training team reviewing the material for the machine vision course. I have to say; I like my team. Even "spirited discussions" are fun and productive.

I pre-apologize; you will see me mention my daughter a LOT. She takes care of and looks out for old dad. I have to tell people that it is not so much Dad's Pride anymore; my exuberance is getting to be a small part of her wonderful journey. That kid (25) works so hard. She gets that crap from her mother.

She finishes law school this summer and has had a good job lined up since last summer. Interned for "them," and they offered her a job before heading back this way for her last year of school.
She will be an Intellectual Property type lawyer, and the firm is a big tech company.

Somehow she still finds time to call dad very often. I know it is to check up on me. But our conversations about the world and the generational differences - I cherish more than I can express. I know, all of us parents feel that way. :)

@BBUK you asked about my Instructor Guide and would be interested in seeing some of that stuff. I cannot figure out PM on here. If you are interested and know-how, shoot me a message, and we can go from there.

Just remember, "It ain't the story. It's how you tell it."
Good April 1st D League

Looked out the window and see we had some rain showers. Rain is always welcome down here, lots of it. We never complain about rain. It is going to bring some cool weather before Easter Day. After Easter you can put away your sweaters and settle in for some warm weather. Bring it on.

Right now it is a pleasant 68°, winds are NW at 5 mph and our high is going to be 70°. Tonight it is going to be in the 30's which is what we call cuddle weather down here.

On April 1, 1984, Marvin Gay was killed by his father. Shot 3 times in the chest. People thought it was an April Fools joke at first. But no he was dead.

I trust all have a good day

Good morning to my newfound online home. :)

@BBUK you asked about my Instructor Guide and would be interested in seeing some of that stuff. I cannot figure out PM on here. If you are interested and know-how, shoot me a message, and we can go from there.

Just remember, "It ain't the story. It's how you tell it."
I'm going to assume you haven't heard of this guy on YouTube since it's such an immense space, but I've been watching his videos lately and he is a fascinating fellow. His channel is called Tech Ingredients.
Since we were discussing sound earlier, here's a good video to start you down this guys rabbit hole...
My wife is from a small farming commuinity on the Cane River in Yancey Co. naturally I have spent quite a bit of time down there over the last 46yrs.........I love it in the summer when the state fishery seeds the streams coming out of the mountains with trout........I don't care for the area in the winter but when it comes to summer........that is the place to be.......there was a general store just up the river that had a black bear in a cage for the tourist to gawk at.........he got out and people were running around carrying rifles and shot wold have thought they was being invaded by a bear army........the bootlegger walked around with a damn .44 strapped to his waist like a those mountains............espicially if you get back off the road.......

I see several people carry handguns in holsters. In Ky, you used to need a license for concealed carry, but you could carry it, openly, without a license. Now, you can do either, without a license.
A Goooooood Morning to all. Going to be a cold day in the Buckeye State. High only in the lo to mid 30s....but sunny.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 49°F and clear. Our high may reach 72°F or so. Nice.

April Fools Day already here. Who can I prank at work? Heh. This year has moved quickly so far.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Love Sourdough Bread. Use to have a friend who was a stew for Delta...she would always bring us some back when she did her San Francisco run. missed another one.....

We stopped by Chipotles last night. What's the saying...a day late and a dollar short....or....a day early and you get nothing....not sure.
Good April 1st D League

Looked out the window and see we had some rain showers. Rain is always welcome down here, lots of it. We never complain about rain. It is going to bring some cool weather before Easter Day. After Easter you can put away your sweaters and settle in for some warm weather. Bring it on.

Right now it is a pleasant 68°, winds are NW at 5 mph and our high is going to be 70°. Tonight it is going to be in the 30's which is what we call cuddle weather down here.

On April 1, 1984, Marvin Gay was killed by his father. Shot 3 times in the chest. People thought it was an April Fools joke at first. But no he was dead.

I trust all have a good day


I have seen several documentaries about Marvin Gaye, and most seem to theorize that he contrived his father to kill him. Instead of suicide, he provoked his father into doing it for him. Whatever the actual cause, the result was the loss of a great talent. He never really got over the death of Tammy Terrell.
I'm going to assume you haven't heard of this guy on YouTube since it's such an immense space, but I've been watching his videos lately and he is a fascinating fellow. His channel is called Tech Ingredients.
Since we were discussing sound earlier, here's a good video to start you down this guys rabbit hole...
I appreciate the link and will definitely check it out since I stopped using live TV. I got YouTube Premium (Mitch and Amy's commercials wore my head out).

There are a few channels that I am on all the time—Tech Geek-type stuff.

I did not jump into that conversation as it dealt more with home audio. I am weak on that topic.

I was fortunate enough to have a "hobby" of providing live event sound for about 10 years. It is another tech world that I love, love, love. I am just too old for that world, and I enjoyed the "lifestyle" a bit too much. lol
I see several people carry handguns in holsters. In Ky, you used to need a license for concealed carry, but you could carry it, openly, without a license. Now, you can do either, without a license.
My son who just moved to N'ville would open carry when he lived in Georgia. Not all the time but many....but he would almost always carry concealed.
Told me one time he was going to his car and a couple guys were hanging around (won't mention ethnicity). He has a new Benz...when they figured out which car he was headed to they started moving towards him. He took his jacket off......they scattered.
Good morning! Alexa says it's 28°. We'll call that "brisk" just to be nice. I posted that last video because this guy explains science as well as anyone could I believe. I understand most of what he talks about but he makes me understand what I understand, if you understand.

Another great YouTube site is called Project Farm. Highly recommend this one because the guy thoroughly tests out about everything you could imagine in side by side comparison tests to tell which is the best in both performance and value. Here is an example...
I see several people carry handguns in holsters. In Ky, you used to need a license for concealed carry, but you could carry it, openly, without a license. Now, you can do either, without a license.
Kentucky has always been one of the states you could wear a side holster and carry in public. Nice they changed the LAW to reflect guarantees made in the Constitution isn't it?
Good morning to my newfound online home. :)

I spent yesterday in the office with the training team reviewing the material for the machine vision course. I have to say; I like my team. Even "spirited discussions" are fun and productive.

I pre-apologize; you will see me mention my daughter a LOT. She takes care of and looks out for old dad. I have to tell people that it is not so much Dad's Pride anymore; my exuberance is getting to be a small part of her wonderful journey. That kid (25) works so hard. She gets that crap from her mother.

She finishes law school this summer and has had a good job lined up since last summer. Interned for "them," and they offered her a job before heading back this way for her last year of school.
She will be an Intellectual Property type lawyer, and the firm is a big tech company.

Somehow she still finds time to call dad very often. I know it is to check up on me. But our conversations about the world and the generational differences - I cherish more than I can express. I know, all of us parents feel that way. :)

@BBUK you asked about my Instructor Guide and would be interested in seeing some of that stuff. I cannot figure out PM on here. If you are interested and know-how, shoot me a message, and we can go from there.

Just remember, "It ain't the story. It's how you tell it."
IP lawyer, is that for patent's?
Hey D-League,
It's been a while since I've posted anything, but I still do read this section every now and then. I'm sure I've missed a lot of what'all's been going on with you good people. Around here, it got cold again after a few weeks of torrential rains and warm temps. On my home weather station, I closed out the month of March with 23.01 inches of rain.....just for March alone. Since January 1st, I've already accumulated 50.44 inches of rain.

The local TV news weatherman says we're already in the top 5 wettest starts to the year since records have ever been kept back to the civil war days. Seems like everything is under water around here. I'm even going to look into getting new gutters so I can get a better handle on these huge rains we've been having in recent times. I figure that's a good way to spend the play money that Biden/Harris have so generously given to me.

Opening day for MLB baseball is today, which is like a holiday for me.
Our Muhlenberg County high school team plays in the state tournament today, just hope they can hang in there with the big schools. They were 19-1 this year!!!

For those that can remember, Central City Golden Tide always had some good teams. One game that I will always remember is the one where they played a l'ville team that had Tom Payne on it, I know the Tide beat them I think the score was 109-107.

One more, my son's F-I-L played on the Earlington team that won the state!!! 1967?

That Tom Payne team was Shawnee. There was a guy that played on our dorm team, at UK, that was the only white player on that team. We had a really good dorm team. I played for Boyd Co, the guy from Shawnee, one fellow had played for Ohio Co., one played for a HS in New York, and a couple of others. We won the dorm championship, beat the fraternity champs, and then lost to the grad student champions, in Memorial Coliseum. So, we were overall runner-up that year. One reason is because I couldn't guard Butch Kaufman. He had started on the real good Western Ky teams, and he was 3 inches taller than me, and could jump like a kangaroo. they beat us 102-98. I had 38 pts against their zone, and he had 50 with me guarding him, man to man. And, that was with me holding him a bunch of times that I didn't get caught. He was really good. He graduated in 68 and then attended grad school at UK. I think he averaged about 15 ppg his senior year.
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