
I-40 exit 163.
I usually take I-40 out of OKC to Nashville when going to Radcliff and Louisville when I go home. I-44 to 240 to I-40 to 440 to 65 all the way up. Look at all of those 4's. My wife's birthday is 8-3-1973 add those up and you get 31 add that up and you get 4. My Birthday is 8-1-1957 ad those up and you get 31 added up is 4. Hers is 3 Aug mine is 1 Aug. Add those up and you get 4.
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I usually take I-40 out of OKC to Nashville when going to Radcliff and Louisville when I go home. I-44 to 240 to I-40 to 440 to 65 all the way up. Look at all of those 4's. My wife's birthday is 8-3-1973 add those up and you get 31 add that up and you get 4. My Birthday is 8-1-1957 ad those up and you get 31 added up is 4. Hers is 3 Aug mine is 1 Aug. Add those up and you get 4.
I need another beer after that. 😂
I usually take I-40 out of OKC to Nashville when going to Radcliff and Louisville when I go home. I-44 to 240 to I-40 to 440 to 65 all the way up. Look at all of those 4's. My wife's birthday is 8-3-1973 add those up and you get 31 add that up and you get 4. My Birthday is 8-1-1957 ad those up and you get 31 added up is 4. Hers is 3 Aug mine is 1 Aug. Add those up and you get 4.
Good thing it doesn't come out to be 666.
Sherry and Bert were in his wedding in Smiths Grove, KY.

Ritchie is my second son. I talked to him for two hours night before last. My wife made me hang up as she wanted to watch TV instead of listening to me and Ritchie.

Such is life.
If I ever talked to you on the phone, doubt Sherry would let us go much past that. Now Don, on the other hand, we might talk for 4 hours if the mood strikes us. UK82 seems like an intriguing person as well. Seems like a guy you would meet up with for lunch. Or a guy who would give you a very nice Technics turntable. Ben101 obviously likes to play golf so I know I would like him. I might even go to Ashland to play golf with him sometime in my white Pacifica van. I love red Corvettes.

If I ever get to Evansville again, I'll look up this dude I met at a friends house in Smiths Grove. He was tall and lanky, but he was bald, and that made up for it. Dude married a red head, so...respect.

Just a little rambling.

Wow! I'd forgotten all about this photo. What a true honor, privilege and pleasure meeting up with everybody. Unreal.
Your hair is much darker than I thought it would be. You're the guy on the left, right?
I did, but want to stay on good terms around here so thought I wouldn’t call attention to that Bert.

Bert does look quite awesome in that photo. The dark shirt with the classic white tee shirt and khaki pants is the classic engineer ensemble. I know from reading here that Bert was an engineer in college. He failed at that and ended up at a railroad.

Don't try to tell me cats aren't evil.
Full moon, beer, music and fire. This is my Friday night.

If I ever talked to you on the phone, doubt Sherry would let us go much past that. Now Don, on the other hand, we might talk for 4 hours if the mood strikes us. UK82 seems like an intriguing person as well. Seems like a guy you would meet up with for lunch. Or a guy who would give you a very nice Technics turntable. Ben101 obviously likes to play golf so I know I would like him. I might even go to Ashland to play golf with him sometime in my white Pacifica van. I love red Corvettes.

If I ever get to Evansville again, I'll look up this dude I met at a friends house in Smiths Grove. He was tall and lanky, but he was bald, and that made up for it. Dude married a red head, so...respect.

Just a little rambling.

Your hair is much darker than I thought it would be. You're the guy on the left, right?

Bert does look quite awesome in that photo. The dark shirt with the classic white tee shirt and khaki pants is the classic engineer ensemble. I know from reading here that Bert was an engineer in college. He failed at that and ended up at a railroad.

I sold the Corvette, this afternoon. The guy is coming from Independence to trailer it back. I really didn't want to sell it, but he made an unrealistic offer, and before I had a chance to think about it, I said ok. Now, I have seller's remorse, since I really don't need the money. He wanted one that had been taken care of, and this one is pristine. Not a mark on it. Looks as if it was pulled out of the showroom. Had it for 8 years, and it seems like one of the family. I'll try to go a couple of years and if I still miss it, I'll find another one.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 68°F and partly cloudy in the Capital City. Our high today could reach 84°F with possible drizzle.

Woke up early and later watched the movie, Everest, about the tragic 1996 Mount Everest climbing disaster. Really good. Awesome photography, although mostly shot in Italy and Iceland.

Gonna work chores later. May watch some college basketball this afternoon.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 68°F and partly cloudy in the Capital City. Our high today could reach 84°F with possible drizzle.

Woke up early and later watched the movie, Everest, about the tragic 1996 Mount Everest climbing disaster. Really good. Awesome photography, although mostly shot in Italy and Iceland.

Gonna work chores later. May watch some college basketball this afternoon.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Really liked that movie. I can’t imagine the heartbreak and fear of knowing you are trapped atop the mountain and not getting down, and calling your pregnant wife in New Zealand (if I’m remembering it right) and knowing you’d never see her again or the child.

As good as the movie is, the Jon Krakauer book Into Thin Air is much more compelling, in my opinion. I recently pulled that off my shelf to re-read and think I’ll start that today.
Looks like a really nice day in store for the Buckeye State. Going to hit 70 for a high, so I'll be outside this afternoon. Grass is growing so I'll have to at least change the oil in one of the mowers.

Woke up early and later watched the movie, Everest, about the tragic 1996 Mount Everest climbing disaster. Really good. Awesome photography, although mostly shot in Italy and Iceland.
Haven't seen that for a number of years. It's good. Watched K2 for the first time in quite some time just the other day. Maybe not quite as good, but still good. Being that I love the these types of movies.

Speaking of High Plains Drifter and Pale Rider....wonder why you see HPD a lot more than PR? I know a lot of it has to do with copyrights, but it seems like it's been a long time since I've seen PR available.
If you've ever noticed, John Wayne's McClintock is on about every platform out there almost all the time. I read somewhere one time that they messed up the copyright somehow (or something) and that's the reason that it's in the public domain all the time.

Good Saturday to all.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 68°F and partly cloudy in the Capital City. Our high today could reach 84°F with possible drizzle.

Woke up early and later watched the movie, Everest, about the tragic 1996 Mount Everest climbing disaster. Really good. Awesome photography, although mostly shot in Italy and Iceland.

Gonna work chores later. May watch some college basketball this afternoon.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

OK, I know what's for supper tonight at my house. We are blessed to have some world class Spanish Restaurants in the area and they are always worth the visit. This is one of my favorite Spanish dishes.

Over the years when I tell people I enjoy Spanish meals some have told me they like Mexican too. There is a huge difference in Mexican and Spanish cooking. Huge
I have a question for Kentuckians in the know. I am a country sausage addict and for many years my sausage of choice was Purnell's. On my trips to Kentucky I would load up on it and enjoy it down here on a regular basis.

Recently our local Publix Stores started carrying it and of course I was thrilled knowing I could buy it fresh off the shelf and not have to freeze it. But something is different. It does not taste like it once tasted. So has Purnell's changed their formula? Or is it just me. Something is different.

See where Howard Schnellenberger died. Was 87. No announcement yet of the cause, other than he had been in declining health. Article mentioned where he had a subdural hematoma from a fall last year that required a hospital stay.

My son had one when he was little. Was the day before he was to start 2nd grade (maybe 3rd) and was riding his bike with some other kids. Was trailing a rope or string behind his tangled up in the spokes and he flipped over hitting his head on the street. His mom called me at the office so I went home in a rush...and he seemed fine other than a sore head. But being a mom, she was afraid he was hurt bad and took him to the emergency room. They looked him over..took x-rays..said he was fine and released him. She pitched a fit with them (mother's intuition) and tried to get them to keep him overnight but they wouldn't. He still seemed fine. My car was in the shop so she took me to the office the next morning and then was going to go to her moms...on the other side of town. But for whatever reason she decided to go home and get something...and the phone was ringing when she opened the door. Was the hospital wanting her to bring him back. At shift change a new doctor looked at the x-ray and didn't like what he saw. My son had a skull fracture right at/close to natural break of the skull. But, there MRI was broken and they couldn't be sure until about 4 in the afternoon when it was fixed. Then they knew for sure...I was going to the hospital from the office...and they were paging a neurosurgeon who had just finished an operation and was going home. By the time they wheeled him into the OR he was going into a coma.

Close call. A lot of things had to fall in line ..... and/or God was looking over him. But he was fine after the operation and had to spend 3 or 4 days in the hospital. Had a hole in his skull for a month or so for any swelling of the brain and operation to subside, then we took him back in to where the doctor mixed up some type material (didn't use steel plate) to close up the hole.
It is a cloudy 52.5°F here and a light sprinkle that has not registered on the gauge yet. We had thunder earlier but it has stopped. Possible tornado warnings later on in the day.

Yesterday I got the yard mowed for the first time. I waited too long as it was really tall.

On UK basketball next year Cal has a challenge on his hands for sure and I believe he has a challenge to get back on the good side of a big chunk of the fan base. A couple of those pressers early in the year were simply not called for.
I know we have readers on D-League. Any fans of F. Scott Fitzgerald - the Great Gatsby, Tender is The Night, etc.?

I ask because he and his crazy wife Zelda are buried about three miles from my house. I was over that way just now getting a tire fixed, of all things, and as I often do, stopped into the little St. Mary's churchyard to have a look. He's still there.

On the tombstone is the famous last passage from Gatsby: "So We Beat On, Boats Against the Current, Borne Back Ceaselesly Into The Past."

The man had a tragic life, but he knew his way around a sentence.
I know we have readers on D-League. Any fans of F. Scott Fitzgerald - the Great Gatsby, Tender is The Night, etc.?

I ask because he and his crazy wife Zelda are buried about three miles from my house. I was over that way just now getting a tire fixed, of all things, and as I often do, stopped into the little St. Mary's churchyard to have a look. He's still there.

On the tombstone is the famous last passage from Gatsby: "So We Beat On, Boats Against the Current, Borne Back Ceaselesly Into The Past."

The man had a tragic life, but he knew his way around a sentence.

His life was tragic, but I guess that is the life some writers must live to create.
I saw these guys in concert in dayton ohio in the early 70’s. they were really good. two of earl’s sons were in the group—randy and gary, chris’s father.

Newgrass! That stuff helped a weekend weirdo like me. I spent most of the 70s chasing rare birds and music taste was more Michael Dinner and Marshall Tucker.

I think I still have that album.
I hear ya, I couldn't survive long without the magic of human expression.
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Good morning folks! I am on the couch now and I will be here when the sun goes down. I had a full week and now I'm going to rest.

Ok, maybe later I'll go out and air up two tires on the mower. But I'm not going to mow!!!

First I heard about Cal to Texas was on the radio yesterday afternoon as I pulled into my driveway. I just laughed. Reminded me of the joke about a wino who found a genie in a bottle. Genie offered him two wishes. Wino didn't know what to ask for so the genie suggested a never ending bottle of wine that would magically refill each time it was drank.

The wino turned up the bottle and gulped it all down with haste. Zippity doo dah! The bottle was full again. Genie asks him what he wants for his second wish and the wino says "are you kidding me, I'll have another one of these"!

If you got what you want, don't ask for more.
I have a question for Kentuckians in the know. I am a country sausage addict and for many years my sausage of choice was Purnell's. On my trips to Kentucky I would load up on it and enjoy it down here on a regular basis.

Recently our local Publix Stores started carrying it and of course I was thrilled knowing I could buy it fresh off the shelf and not have to freeze it. But something is different. It does not taste like it once tasted. So has Purnell's changed their formula? Or is it just me. Something is different.

It's funny, I was going to ask a question about sausage this morning too!!! I have run out of fresh homemade sausage, my best friend says Kountry Boy is the best he has ever bought. What does the D buy when you have to get store bought?
Wasn't one of the guys on that who lost his fingers or feet (can't remember)....from down your way? Or somewhere in Texas?
Pathologist Beck Weathers. He's 75 years-young and still lives in DFW area. Right arm, 4 fingers and thumb on left hand, and parts of nose and both feet amputated as a result of the accident. Practiced medicine for many years thereafter.
Well it is official America is lost with no hope to return to a civilized nation. When you are offended by classic cars, that is the end. To my ears they can't make enough noise. I am a "Toxic Masculine Male" because I love classic cars and do not want to be cured.
Just read where homeless camps in Louisville will no longer be cleared but cleaned. Surely they can come up with a better solution for this problem. My God this city is falling apart. If it weren't for my elderly parents and in-laws we'd probably leave. A year ago I would never have said that.
I know we have readers on D-League. Any fans of F. Scott Fitzgerald - the Great Gatsby, Tender is The Night, etc.?

I ask because he and his crazy wife Zelda are buried about three miles from my house. I was over that way just now getting a tire fixed, of all things, and as I often do, stopped into the little St. Mary's churchyard to have a look. He's still there.

On the tombstone is the famous last passage from Gatsby: "So We Beat On, Boats Against the Current, Borne Back Ceaselesly Into The Past."

The man had a tragic life, but he knew his way around a sentence.
The Great Gatsby is the only FSF I've read and that was a long time ago. My whack-o girlfriend at the time was a big fan. Probably should read others.