
I have always enjoyed was great in England.....I picked up a book that identifies all the Bishop walks and foot paths..............I kept seeing people crossing diagnoly across a soybean field behind us............when I finally checked it out there was a foot path across the law it has to be kept up by the farmer/property owner.......they have a set of steps to go over fences and such........and the best part is they have no tresspassing you can pretty much go where you longest walk was from Elly to Lakenheath RAF......26-1/5 miles it took me all day......I hung around just outside of base at the 4-ways and caught my SIL when he came off base.....I tried jogging......when I finally got to where I could go a full mile without stopping it took me three days before my knees would let me go I slowed up to a walk......also gives you more time to appreciate the scenery........
Love it. Walking rocks. I agree, one notices so much more when out for a stroll.

During summer 2010, I spent about 10 days in England, mainly Felixstowe. Nice little seaside town. It lies roughly 60 miles SE of RAF Lakenheath. Believe it or not, my main reason for traveling there was to setup a bicycle export business between Felixstowe port and Houston. I linked up with several locals. Nearly rented nearby a house trailer in a cool little trailer park. Salesman tried hard to sell me a lease. Single-wides over there are about 1/2 size of US 80x14 house trailers. Very nice and well-kept, even used ones, unlike here. Enjoyed myself, but ultimately shelved the idea and returned to Germany for another 6 weeks.

One cool result from the 2010 trip: Purchased my British-made Brompton folding bicycle just down the street from Buckingham Palace. What a chore hauling that thing in the case up and down stairs at the London Tube stations.

Edit: Picture of the Brompton folder taken in 2015 or so during a trip to FL.

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Ok D, We really need some Prayers from the D and more. I just got a call from our pastor telling me that his wife and another member of our church both found out today they have breast cancer, just hopefully both have been found early!!!!! Thanks in advance!

One more please, My best friend from Cynthiana called me yesterday and they have found 3 tumors on his wife's brain. please keep them in your Prayers also!!!
Prayers for all your friends.
I don't know what else to do. I will pray in secret but I can also call upon the name of the Lord in public...

Ok D, We really need some Prayers from the D and more. I just got a call from our pastor telling me that his wife and another member of our church both found out today they have breast cancer, just hopefully both have been found early!!!!! Thanks in advance!

One more please, My best friend from Cynthiana called me yesterday and they have found 3 tumors on his wife's brain. please keep them in your Prayers also!!!

Father, please take these earnest requests and provide the requestor and the requestee's needs and desires in you. I don't know them but you do! Comfort all involved and give them rest when there is no rest and joy where there is no joy. Your peace to them beyond all understanding and unwavering faith in a you who is worthy to be trusted and worthy to be praised. Hear their calls to you and grant their desires in Jesus name.
I'm convinced the critter knew I was looking for him and hid just to torment me.
I can believe that, but maybe he just needed to pee. Here's a story. Back in a past life a had a camping cat named Tonto Creek, named after the fish hatchery where I was working. Our association began when I pulled his wild feral ass out from under a shed when he was about 5 weeks old. I tried to feed him every morning and evening. He growled every time so I'd drank his milk. After about 4 days he decided to be more tolerant and accepted my presence. As a kitten would follow me everywhere. When I went hiking, so did he, I went camping, so did he. He learned early on fish were tasty and knew cat things. When I moved so did he. If in civilization, the 1st thing I would always do was toss his butt up on the roof so he could scope things out. He might hide but would show up. Once I while camping in the White Mountains, I received an urgent assignment, couldn't find him and had to leave him behind. Six days later I was able to return and he was nowhere to be seen. I figured he was gone, so I didn't search. I camped . The rascal showed up about midnight. He seemed fine having an ape to care for him but not as excited as I was to be reunited. After that I wasn't so worried about him and he lived a long life. Tonto lived up to his nature and taught me a lot having 9 lives and all.
Great googly moogly what a day. My son brought home a girlfriend's cat with him from Lexington -- a complicated story. The damn thing is skittish and seems determined to make a break for it any time the front door opens a crack.

So, some furniture movers brought a new dining cabinet to the house for my wife around 9am. I was supervising the job, and warned the guys who had only a very sketchy grasp of English to be careful opening the door. I get an 'emergency' call from work, step away for two minutes, and when I return, the door is propped wide open, along with the screen. And the cat is nowhere to be seen.

To cut to the chase -- literally -- I spent six hours wedged around my work looking for the animal. Turned the house upside down. Scoured the neighborhood. He's normally in my face all day, so I became convinced he'd hauled ass outside and disappeared.

Just before both my wife and son were due home, and my day of reckoning for losing the cat was at hand, he suddenly appears as if by magic, I swear with a smirk on his face.

I'm convinced the critter knew I was looking for him and hid just to torment me.
Read this to my wife and we both laughed because, we have 3 and one of them is constantly trying to get out. He will go missing for hours and we can't find him only for him to show up at dinner time. The Bastich.

One more please, My best friend from Cynthiana called me yesterday and they have found 3 tumors on his wife's brain. please keep them in your Prayers also!!!
Holy Moly! That's a prayerful exclamation. Legit prayer sent. Cancer is evil.

How is it now that COVID being as bad as it was being reported is so easily defeated in short order in comparison.
That looks a lot like another Curtis Mathes (minus the TV) my Dad had in the 70s. It was their top of the line stereo in a cabinet. It was such a sold, big, heavy .... basically a piece of furniture, that my Mom still had it in the living room the day she moved out for an assisted living about 2010.

One time about 15-20 years ago I thought I would fix it and get it working again. Spent a day or two on it....turned on the AM/FM radio in it (also had a turntable) and it worked! Sounded pretty good considering it hadn't worked for maybe 20-25 years. Went into the kitchen to get my mom to show her that it was working....turned the corner of one part of the living room....was still playing whatever was on the radio.....but smoke was rolling out of it.
Yanked that power cord real quick.
Unfortunately Curtis Mathes electronics, like Norge refrigerators died because they didn't factor in planned obsolescence. It's sad really.
I don't know what else to do. I will pray in secret but I can also call upon the name of the Lord in public...

Father, please take these earnest requests and provide the requestor and the requestee's needs and desires in you. I don't know them but you do! Comfort all involved and give them rest when there is no rest and joy where there is no joy. Your peace to them beyond all understanding and unwavering faith in a you who is worthy to be trusted and worthy to be praised. Hear their calls to you and grant their desires in Jesus name.
Yes and it helps.

Most people don't understand tax structures well until you live some place. Another thing that is shocking is the price of foods in various places. As expected produce can be a lot lower in Florida, but the cost of meat, eggs and milk are shocking cheap in Kentucky.

Today eggs at my WalMart are $1.97 for 36 eggs. Whole milk $0.99 per gallon. Ribeye steak $10.00 a pound. Come springtime and all the road side venders sell product for fantastic prices. Sweat corn is cheap and great.

This is the end of my Kentucky brag.
Bert.....the eggs will go back up soon......they only went down because I had 20 hens that were laying at about a 90% rate for the last 12 months.....they quit laying for a bit so I gave them to a friend.....I will start out with new pullets that I am not getting a bunch of eggs the price will climb least until I get a new flock......
Love it. Walking rocks. I agree, one notices so much more when out for a stroll.

During summer 2010, I spent about 10 days in England, mainly Felixstowe. Nice little seaside town. It lies roughly 60 miles SE of RAF Lakenheath. Believe it or not, my main reason for traveling there was to setup a bicycle export business between Felixstowe port and Houston. I linked up with several locals. Nearly rented nearby a house trailer in a cool little trailer park. Salesman tried hard to sell me a lease. Single-wides over there are about 1/2 size of US 80x14 house trailers. Very nice and well-kept, even used ones, unlike here. Enjoyed myself, but ultimately shelved the idea and returned to Germany for another 6 weeks.

One cool result from the 2010 trip: Purchased my British-made Brompton folding bicycle just down the street from Buckingham Palace. What a chore hauling that thing in the case up and down stairs at the London Tube stations.

Edit: Picture of the Brompton folder taken in 2015 or so during a trip to FL.

Love it. Walking rocks. I agree, one notices so much more when out for a stroll.

During summer 2010, I spent about 10 days in England, mainly Felixstowe. Nice little seaside town. It lies roughly 60 miles SE of RAF Lakenheath. Believe it or not, my main reason for traveling there was to setup a bicycle export business between Felixstowe port and Houston. I linked up with several locals. Nearly rented nearby a house trailer in a cool little trailer park. Salesman tried hard to sell me a lease. Single-wides over there are about 1/2 size of US 80x14 house trailers. Very nice and well-kept, even used ones, unlike here. Enjoyed myself, but ultimately shelved the idea and returned to Germany for another 6 weeks.

One cool result from the 2010 trip: Purchased my British-made Brompton folding bicycle just down the street from Buckingham Palace. What a chore hauling that thing in the case up and down stairs at the London Tube stations.

Edit: Picture of the Brompton folder taken in 2015 or so during a trip to FL.

Carry three pcs of luggage and a banjo through those tubes.......
there was a bicycle shop in Little Thetford that made/built the three wheel reverse trikes.....they are fun to ride.......I visited him several times just to hang out and watch him build bicycles........people came from all over England to buy his bikes........mostly his trikes......I don't remember his name.....I might still have a card..........I saved most everything from all of my trips......

Took our dog in for a bath today. The little guy really needed one too. One year and counting that I haven't stepped foot in our Vet's office. Still doing all business in the parking lot with masks. This has to stop eventually. People can't continue to live like this. I forgot what it was like to walk into a store and see someone smile.
Our BS mask mandate and crowd limitations were finally lifted today. I suspect Gov. Ducey is toast And likely be primaried out. The legal ballot recount has finally begun. Signatures required but the signature were squiggles on vertically mounted Dominion touch screens designed for confusion and subjectivity so I'm not holding my breath. The entire voting process has been impacted by this perceived enabling of fraud. People who used to be suspicious, now believe fraud happened.
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Our BS mask mandate and crowd limitations were finally lifted today. I suspect Gov. Ducey is toast And likely be primaried out. The legal ballot recount has finally begun. Signatures required but the signature were squiggles on vertically mounted Dominion touch screens designed for confusion and subjectivity so I'm not holding my breath. The entire voting process has been impacted by this perceived enabling of fraud. People who used to be suspicious, now fraud believe it happened.

Yeah kind of sick of the media narrative that all fraud claims have been debunked. The media never minding to state that nearly all those claims were dismissed before anything came to trial due to (other than the legal term.) technicalities. The evidence was never introduced, things never got that far. The big stories the last couple days has been the narrative that the female attorney admitted that reasonable people would never believe her claims of fraud. I will stop on this... (My assertion has always been the smell test. If hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of people showed up for one candidate and dozens (Not even upon dozens) showed up for the other candidate it never computed. Voting just doesn't work that way. I won't even go into Artificial Intelligence (AI) that allows for hundreds of thousands of random small dollar contributions from random contributors. (Laundered funds) (Hint: Pull up some of the names and match them to even Facebook and see what you come up with...)(I did some sample harvesting of donors. Probably between one and two hundred.) fictitious is a word I use as an example. I will stop period...

Our BS mask mandate and crowd limitations were finally lifted today. I suspect Gov. Ducey is toast And likely be primaried out. The legal ballot recount has finally begun. Signatures required but the signature were squiggles on vertically mounted Dominion touch screens designed for confusion and subjectivity so I'm not holding my breath. The entire voting process has been impacted by this perceived enabling of fraud. People who used to be suspicious, now believe fraud happened.
That pic looks like some of the areas where a friend of mine and I chased trains in IL along the Miss. R. looking west into Missouri.
Good morning D

Trust all is well and you are preparing for a nice weekend. I hope the weather cooperates. I see our Southern brothers and sisters have been hit with some rough weather over night, stay safe.

Our weather is a current 71° with partial cloudy skies and winds SSE at 7 mph. We have a 3% chance of rain. the high will be 81° here on the Gulf Coast a few degrees warmer inland.
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I had to change my setting from dark to light because something happened that made it difficult to read topic headings. Dark blue against black is not too smart. I prefer the dark screen but but but

Some good news. Weeki Wachee Mermaids are back in the swim. It was shut down due to COVID but is in full operation now. The river was not shut down so you could continue to kayak but the mermaid show was. But Happy Days Are Here Again

Cloudy with temp in the high 40s...will top out in the upper 50s.
Wind, rain, and t-storms woke me up twice last night.....but all is calm this morning.

my day of reckoning for losing the cat was at hand, he suddenly appears as if by magic, I swear with a smirk on his face.

I figured he was gone, so I didn't search. I camped . The rascal showed up about midnight.

My 'ex' loved cats. Her and my daughter (very young) snuck off one day and got a cat. I said it's your responsibility. Well, they fed it, changed the litter box, etc.....but did not get it neutered. Slipped outside, and you guessed it, before long we had a pack of cats. All outdoor cats....I said NO to the indoors.
One was a real pain. Got in the house one Sunday afternoon while I was packing for a business trip/flight the next morning. Went upstairs to finish packing.....the $%&# cat had used my suitcase for a litter box.
So....grabbed the to the car.....took it probably 5-10 miles from the house....and, well you can figure.
Looked like a good new home. Nice barn close to the road that looked like it needed some help in rat and varmit control.
About two weeks later. Saturday morning. Heard a familiar 'meowing' from the sliding door for the deck off the kitchen. Went downstairs....and you guessed it....he had come home. Oh well.
Morning D. Greetings from the shanty.

67° in shanty land as it heads to 79° and the sun is doing it’s thing. Which means I will soon hear “beautiful day, we need to get out there and clean up the __________, straighten the _____________, take care of the _________________ , pickup around the ___________.” So in preparation it’s off to get..................................................

More coffee....................................................................
Here's a photo of the Crystal River power plant I snapped flying out of Orlando International bound for Austin two years ago. From what I understand, nuclear operations there have been decommissioned.

Years ago I visited the Savannnah River Plant on business...

'The Savannah River Site (SRS) is a nuclear reservation in the United States in the state of South Carolina, located on land in Aiken, Allendale, and Barnwell counties adjacent to the Savannah River, 25 miles (40 km) southeast of Augusta, Georgia. The site was built during the 1950s to refine nuclear materials for deployment in nuclear weapons.[1] It covers 310 square miles (800 km2) and employs more than 10,000 people.'

Place had about 5 nuclear reactors at the time. I swear....there was green smoke that was coming out of one of them....gave me the willies. One of the reactors......
Morning D. Greetings from the shanty.

67° in shanty land as it heads to 79° and the sun is doing it’s thing. Which means I will soon hear “beautiful day, we need to get out there and clean up the __________, straighten the _____________, take care of the _________________ , pickup around the ___________.” So in preparation it’s off to get..................................................

More coffee....................................................................
I've already heard that tune. Must be popular.
By the way, that cat that vanished for six hours yesterday? He almost tripped me at the top of the stairs today darting between my legs. He's followed me around all morning like a puppy instead of a cat. He's now curled up on the table where I work from home, looking me in the eye.

In other words, he's rubbing it in that he was hiding yesterday when I wanted to find him, and in my face today when I want him to get lost. Don't try to tell me cats aren't evil.
Good morning D, it got rough last night for about 30 minutes, we are thinking we had a tornado go over our house last night, then to Ohio county, close call!

First thing I want to do is relay a message from my friends, they want to personally thank each one of you for your prayers, we don't know any of your friends on the D, but please relay to them our heart felt thank you!!!!!! Thanks again D!!!!! You are the best!!!!

I don't think there is much going on today or at least Mrs. M hasn't told me what I have to do, so Prayers for the D, have a great day!!!!
I had to change my setting from dark to light because something happened that made it difficult to read topic headings. Dark blue against black is not too smart. I prefer the dark screen but but but

Some good news. Weeki Wachee Mermaids are back in the swim. It was shut down due to COVID but is in full operation now. The river was not shut down so you could continue to kayak but the mermaid show was. But Happy Days Are Here Again

Well now that's just exploitation of women. I'm getting a petition together to have that place shut down for good!

Seriously though, I remember seeing the mermaids on a family vacation back in the late 60's/early 70's. As a young boy getting close to puberty is was quite a thrill.
It is a sunny 54.3°F here. Yesterday was a windy, but really a nice day for the most part. We got about 1/3 inch of rain in the morning, then sun. Late afternoon the wind picked up and I decided to strap down the grill on the deck. I open the door and a massive gust of wind and rain hit. Every planter was blown over, all the chairs rearranged. It even blew the cover of the drain on the gutter off.

My garbage container, the big one on wheels, was blown about 50 feet into the neighbors yard. It poured rain. By nightfall we had 1.41" of rain. Anyway the neighbors were all out reclaiming their garbage and setting the containers back in the proper places.

Spring in Kentucky.

On cats: I always had cats growing up on the farm. When we milked we had upwards of 30 cats. They were always outdoor cats. When I got married I got an indoor cat just in time to get my allergies checked and guess what I was allergic to cats. I gave Tiger to my mom and she made an outdoor cat out of him. I love cats I just can't be in a house with them. My next door neighbor, Sam, has an outdoor cat named Piper. Piper is a mouser of the first order. He is worth his weight in mice, the boy never stops hunting. Plus he talks. Every time I go out when he is in the area he talks the whole time. He will let you pet him but it is always on his terms. He is pure 100% cat.

You all have a great day. I hope to complete my part of the income taxes and get them ready to take to the CPA. Wish me luck.
I had to change my setting from dark to light because something happened that made it difficult to read topic headings. Dark blue against black is not too smart. I prefer the dark screen but but but

Some good news. Weeki Wachee Mermaids are back in the swim. It was shut down due to COVID but is in full operation now. The river was not shut down so you could continue to kayak but the mermaid show was. But Happy Days Are Here Again

Same with me on the blue and the dark.
Cloudy with temp in the high 40s...will top out in the upper 50s.
Wind, rain, and t-storms woke me up twice last night.....but all is calm this morning.

My 'ex' loved cats. Her and my daughter (very young) snuck off one day and got a cat. I said it's your responsibility. Well, they fed it, changed the litter box, etc.....but did not get it neutered. Slipped outside, and you guessed it, before long we had a pack of cats. All outdoor cats....I said NO to the indoors.
One was a real pain. Got in the house one Sunday afternoon while I was packing for a business trip/flight the next morning. Went upstairs to finish packing.....the $%&# cat had used my suitcase for a litter box.
So....grabbed the to the car.....took it probably 5-10 miles from the house....and, well you can figure.
Looked like a good new home. Nice barn close to the road that looked like it needed some help in rat and varmit control.
About two weeks later. Saturday morning. Heard a familiar 'meowing' from the sliding door for the deck off the kitchen. Went downstairs....and you guessed it....he had come home. Oh well.
I never liked cats and never had any before the three we have now until about a year and a half ago. The one I posted earlier showed up on my door step at about 04:30 one morning. I was drinking coffee when I heard some meowing outside and went out to investigate. There he was this little kitten staring up at me and as I got closer, he bowed up and started hissing but did not run. That impressed me so I sat down in from of him and talked to him a bit and noticed he was weak and tired so, I got him a small bowl of water and some tuna and he just went to town on it. I told my wife when she got up and we both decided to leave it outside and if it was still there when we got home from work we would go from there. He was and the rest is history, Pictures below is the same day he showed up. It was after we got home and still found him out in our front bushes.

Well now that's just exploitation of women. I'm getting a petition together to have that place shut down for good!

Seriously though, I remember seeing the mermaids on a family vacation back in the late 60's/early 70's. As a young boy getting close to puberty is was quite a thrill.
You wouldn't believe the training and competition it takes to be a performing mermaid. You have to go through rigorous physical training and be an elite swimmer. Very few are selected.

Before Disney World and all of the Orlando attractions Weeki Wachee Springs and Silver Springs in Ocala were probably the most visited of all attractions. Everybody headed to the beaches would take a few hours and visit.

Jimmy Buffet had a concert here once and Elvis Presley loved to hang out.

Yesterday I was headed down U.S. 98 and saw a Prison work gang working on the road. When I was a little boy my daddy would use the chain gang to keep me in line. If I got out of line he would say, "son you better straighten up or you will end up on that chain gang." Buddy I tell you this, it was yes sir and yes mam' once daddy got done talking to me.

Reminds me of an old Johnny Cash song.

I know the lady very well in this news report below who donated a kidney to a co-worker. She's also a former co-worker from my days at Conexant/NXP Austin Design Center. After suffering strokes in 2009, she assisted my wife with benefits info and as a liaison between my wife and corporate office in Newport Beach, CA. Very unselfish of her to make the donation.