
46° 76° Partly cloudy

To be safe try and keep consumption to less than 7 lbs/day,
Went out for a noon stroll and it is suddenly summer -- 79 degrees and sunny here. Sweated through my tee-shirt for the first time in a while.

Lot's of noise on Rafters about Texas coming after Calipari. I don't believe there is much to it, but people over there are riled up.
By the way, that cat that vanished for six hours yesterday? He almost tripped me at the top of the stairs today darting between my legs. He's followed me around all morning like a puppy instead of a cat. He's now curled up on the table where I work from home, looking me in the eye.

In other words, he's rubbing it in that he was hiding yesterday when I wanted to find him, and in my face today when I want him to get lost. Don't try to tell me cats aren't evil.
We had a boxer named Maddie (she passed a couple of years ago). We had a doggie door that led to a fenced in back yard. As you know, dogs love to play chase and on top of that boxers are known as the clowns of the dog world. Maddie would grab something she knew Jan didn't want her to have and parade around with her nose stuck up in the air and staring at Jan like she was saying, "Look at me! I'm hot stuff!" As soon as Jan reacted, she would head out back like a lightning bolt because the game of chase was on. She never did this to me, only Jan. Animals are smarter than we sometimes give them credit for.
Went out for a noon stroll and it is suddenly summer -- 79 degrees and sunny here. Sweated through my tee-shirt for the first time in a while.

Lot's of noise on Rafters about Texas coming after Calipari. I don't believe there is much to it, but people over there are riled up.
I've not heard anything on local media, talk-radio or TV, about Cal to UTexas Horns. However, Shaka Smart to Marquette was unexpected.
I don't like racism; however, at the moment we here all sorts of things about how white people are screwing poor brown and black folks. I did not fact check this, but I know that a good portion of it is true. Please explain why the problems in Chicago is because of white racism:

Subject: Fwd: RACISM in Chicago
Systemic Racism in Chicago

1. 2,240 Shootings, 440 Homicides from January thru July 2020. Almost every shooter and homicide were BLACK - 97.7%, but BLM and Chicago‘s Democratic Politicians blame “police and systemic racism.”
2. The Chicago mayor is black.
3. The Superintendent of Police is black.
4. The Cook County States’ Attorney is black.
5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is black.
6 The Illinois Attorney General is black.
7. The Chicago Fire Department Commissioner is black.
8. The Cook County Board President is black.
9. The State Senate Majority Leader is black.
10. The Illinois Lieutenant Governor is black.
11. The Illinois Secretary of State is black.
12. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County is black.
13. The Cook County Clerk is black.
14. The Chicago Treasurer is black.
15. The Chicago Police Board President is black.
16. The Chicago Transit Authority President is black.
17. The CEO of Chicago Public Schools is black.
18. The Commissioner of the Department of Water Management is black.
19. 40% of the City Council belong to the Black Caucus.
Their average pay is $122,304 annually each, PLUS $122,000 per year in expenses. Their pension for life is 80% of last pay.
Republican head count in the City Council is ZERO.
William Hale Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago in 1931.
For 89 years Democrats have controlled the Chicago Mayor’s Office.
At the end of fiscal 2019 the Chicago deficit was $838,200,000!
Can someone please explain how it's possible white people in general, to be responsible for Chicago's horrendously dismal condition?
Larry McMurtry died at 80. Man what I'd give to have as my legacy 1.) Lonesome Dove and 2.) The Last Picture Show, among many others.

I doubt anyone ever constructs a western that'll top Lonesome Dove, at least for me.

A favorite scene:
That was back when men were men and sheep ran scared. :cool:

I may have to bring those out and watch them again.
That was back when men were men and sheep ran scared. :cool:

I may have to bring those out and watch them again.

If you have the time -- and a lot of it -- and haven't read the book Lonesome Dove, you might enjoy that. The video series captured it as well as could be expected, but there are some rich nuggets of humor and western verity buried in the book that didn't make the screen.
Went out for a noon stroll and it is suddenly summer -- 79 degrees and sunny here. Sweated through my tee-shirt for the first time in a while.

Lot's of noise on Rafters about Texas coming after Calipari. I don't believe there is much to it, but people over there are riled up.

Saw that a few minutes ago. Neither do I. Beard will be their #1 target.

If you have the time -- and a lot of it -- and haven't read the book Lonesome Dove, you might enjoy that. The video series captured it as well as could be expected, but there are some rich nuggets of humor and western verity buried in the book that didn't make the screen.
I'm an avid reader and Lonesome Dove is probably the best book I've ever read.
Went out for a noon stroll and it is suddenly summer -- 79 degrees and sunny here. Sweated through my tee-shirt for the first time in a while.

Lot's of noise on Rafters about Texas coming after Calipari. I don't believe there is much to it, but people over there are riled up.
Yea that and the young man committing to Gonzaga!!!!
Yea that and the young man committing to Gonzaga!!!!
That didn't bother me much for this reason, Cord: The Cats have too far to come back to be a team in contention next year to put much of the weight on freshmen, and there are already 5-6 guards in the transfer portal who, given their experience, I'd take for NEXT YEAR over Sallis. That's the critical need, and I don't think you pull in the cream of the transfer options if you have Sallis on board already.
That didn't bother me much for this reason, Cord: The Cats have too far to come back to be a team in contention next year to put much of the weight on freshmen, and there are already 5-6 guards in the transfer portal who, given their experience, I'd take for NEXT YEAR over Sallis. That's the critical need, and I don't think you pull in the cream of the transfer options if you have Sallis on board already.
Really good take!!!! But they are still losing their minds over there!!! Kinda sad and funny at the same time!!
Really good take!!!! But they are still losing their minds over there!!! Kinda sad and funny at the same time!!
I agree with that for sure. I should ignore the ones who irritate me, but sometimes I let them provoke a response from me. Anyway, it is going to be an interesting summer. I think Kentucky's team could end up anywhere from a Bubble team next year to really good -- a typical Cal team at UK. But it all comes down to him nailing down some good guards in the transfer portal.
I agree with that for sure. I should ignore the ones who irritate me, but sometimes I let them provoke a response from me. Anyway, it is going to be an interesting summer. I think Kentucky's team could end up anywhere from a Bubble team next year to really good -- a typical Cal team at UK. But it all comes down to him nailing down some good guards in the transfer portal.


One good one will do. Just need the experience to guide along Askew at the point. Especially if Mintz decides to play along for another year at the two which is his natural spot as a shooter. That along with the normal show up on campus in June playing together, pickup games etc will do wonders for next year for team chemistry.
That sounds great. Just a wee bit chilly here to do a fire in the backyard....but I would be tempted if it wasn't a little late. The Mrs has been cutting down old flower stalks from last Summer in her flower gardens, and there's plenty of tree limbs that have come down over the Winter that I need to pick up.... so Lord knows I've got plenty of brush to burn.
Might do that tomorrow now that I think about it. Thanks for the idea Catfan in Tn.
I don't like racism; however, at the moment we here all sorts of things about how white people are screwing poor brown and black folks. I did not fact check this, but I know that a good portion of it is true. Please explain why the problems in Chicago is because of white racism:

Subject: Fwd: RACISM in Chicago
Systemic Racism in Chicago

Because they say so, and nobody wants to be called racist when they point out the facts. I told my wife that if there actually is racism against Asian-Americans, I would bet that 95% of it is by blacks.