
Good morning D, storming here in the Berg, hearing some thunder.

Got to go to wallyworld here in a few to pick up meds, my every three months trip there!!!!

Well Mrs. M said I look like a Chia pet this morning, so I go from a baby Orangutan to a chia pet, said she will give me a haircut tonight!!! Nothing like having a great wife to build your self esteem!!!!

WC I saw where you like Duluth clothes, when you order do they come close to the right size? My son buys them all the time.

Also I am trying to find the best walking shoe, I like Skechers, would like your opinion on a good one.

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!
Like I stated before......I took up walking when I was living in was both to relieve stress and to lose weight.......I started out wearing wife bought me a pair of MBT's mailed them to took a couple of days to get used to them........after wearing them for a few weeks my back felt better than it had in years.......I wore them for a couple of years and don't even have a reason why I quit wearing them.......other than I no longer walk for a hobby.........I had wore a shoe size 10 my whole life.......I now wear a size feet spread out........
Good morning D-League. Back from a morning walk.

The local papers are filled with forecasts for the return of the 17-year Cicadas here in the DC area. I'll be the first to admit to a mild insect phobia, strong enough that I hate the damn things.

Contemplating their return is cause for reflection. The first time I saw them, in 1970, in a town of 900 people surrounded by woods in rural Campbell County, I was 14, and it seemed like God's original plague on the Egyptians. There appeared to be billions of them swarming our little town. The sing-song noise they make was eerie and they landed in your hair, on your clothes. Disgusting.

I got to miss them the second time they came, in the late 1980s, because I was in Central and South America most of that summer, when I was 31, single and totally fixated on work.

By the third time they came, I was into middle-age, a father of three, and I took my kids out to see them and experience the weirdness of it. I remember especially my four-year old son who shares my bug loathing being freaked out.

Now they are coming back. I'm close to retirement, a grandfather with three grown kids. The youngest is 21, home working and taking his UK classes remotely because of COVID.

A whole life defined by four cycles of creepy bugs.
Used to catch a bunch of them and put them on a hook and watch the wings flutter making the bass in ponds go crazy.
Thanks ATX!
A pair of shoes will normally break down after 300-400 miles....they might still look OK but they are not good for your buddy had both of his ankles broken by the Viet Cong.......he got captured before he had been in the country for 24 hrs....he had problems with his feet......he spent a lot of money on shoes looking for something to give him more comfort.......he would order shoes and try them a time or two and then send them to me......nothing was going to give him the relief he was looking a box from UPS one day that six pairs of Mafeesto old Portland boy wearing $3-400 walking shoes around was good........
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That's one of the things we talked about .... when making a large purchase, or fairly large, it would be worth the drive up to Ky to avoid the sales tax. Think he told me that sales tax was 10%? Don't remember exactly and I'm sure every county is different....and probably going up due to COVID.
We have a state tax, a pretty hefty property tax, and a 9% sales tax so, they get us everywhere here.
I am sure you have done the Homestead Act thing
Yes and it helps.

Most people don't understand tax structures well until you live some place. Another thing that is shocking is the price of foods in various places. As expected produce can be a lot lower in Florida, but the cost of meat, eggs and milk are shocking cheap in Kentucky.

Today eggs at my WalMart are $1.97 for 36 eggs. Whole milk $0.99 per gallon. Ribeye steak $10.00 a pound. Come springtime and all the road side venders sell product for fantastic prices. Sweat corn is cheap and great.

This is the end of my Kentucky brag.
Yes and it helps.

Most people don't understand tax structures well until you live some place. Another thing that is shocking is the price of foods in various places. As expected produce can be a lot lower in Florida, but the cost of meat, eggs and milk are shocking cheap in Kentucky.

Today eggs at my WalMart are $1.97 for 36 eggs. Whole milk $0.99 per gallon. Ribeye steak $10.00 a pound. Come springtime and all the road side venders sell product for fantastic prices. Sweat corn is cheap and great.

This is the end of my Kentucky brag.
Milk in Walmart here is $2.57 a gallon
A pair of shoes will normally break down after 300-400 miles....they might still look OK but they are not good for your buddy had both of his ankles broken by the Viet Cong.......he got captured before he had been in the country for 24 hrs....he had problems with his feet......he spent a lot of money on shoes looking for something to give him more comfort.......he would order shoes and try them a time or two and then send them to me......nothing was going to give him the relief he was looking a box from UPS one day that six pairs of Mafeesto old Portland boy wearing $3-400 walking shoes around was good........
300-400 miles sounds about right for a pair of shoes. I'm currently walking around 100 miles/month. I rotate my walking shoes every week. During weekends, my old New Balance shoes are used for chores and yardwork. I previously rode a bicycle 50 miles/week back and forth to work, but stopped 3 years ago because my new office lies 3 miles further south. Now, with COVID, I actually walk more. Plan on walking 200 miles/month beginning end April or early May.
300-400 miles sounds about right for a pair of shoes. I'm currently walking around 100 miles/month. I rotate my walking shoes every week. During weekends, my old New Balance shoes are used for chores and yardwork. I previously rode a bicycle 50 miles/week back and forth to work, but stopped 3 years ago because my new office lies 3 miles further south. Now, with COVID, I actually walk more. Plan on walking 200 miles/month beginning end April or early May.
With bone on bone in both ankles I don't walk too much.
the birds are registered with papers. Who would have thunk it.
I actually teach and have never had replaced knees or anything for that matter but, my knees do hurt a lot lately.
Mine too. I got that 1st vaccination I kneeded. Guess I kneed one more so I maybe able to travel soon to without too much senseless harassment. I did limp for 30 years after an injury before my TKR. Not limped for 10 years now.

Well Mrs. M said I look like a Chia pet this morning, so I go from a baby Orangutan to a chia pet, said she will give me a haircut tonight!!! Nothing like having a great wife to build your self esteem!


A keeper and warning you. The ape thing is reasonable . . .
but an alfalfa sprout is lunch.
The local papers are filled with forecasts for the return of the 17-year Cicadas here in the DC area. I'll be the first to admit to a mild insect phobia, strong enough that I hate the damn things.

Tennessee has high sales taxes and high property taxes.

And ugly women
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I like all around the northern Virginia areas EXCEPT: The housing... HORRIBLE, Property Taxes HORRIBLE, state taxes HORRIBLE, Auto ANNUAL taxes HORRIBLE. (Have a 2015 Camry that is near $300.00 dollars annually in taxes to drive it. Doesn't count the registration OR the emissions test along with the annual inspection.)

used to be able to buy gas for around a buck seventy five or so just a month or two ago, milk was a buck ninety or so, eggs seventy five cents or so for a dozen extra large, yadda, yadda, yadda... Now; $2.65 gas, $2.75 milk, $1.10 eggs, taxes higher, had to raise my estimated payments.

Also no close ocean unless you go to Maryland, not prone to Maryland though we have been to some good areas and orchards. will have to check out the fishing this season some way, some how.

I'd trade a lot getting closer to the ocean again. We miss it... Oh well, can't have it all... but I will try to get what we can reasonably do....

Yeah, we have to leave this joint...

Mine too. I got that 1st vaccination I kneeded. Guess I kneed one more so I maybe able to travel soon to without too much senseless harassment. I did limp for 30 years after an injury before my TKR. Not limped for 10 years now.


A keeper and warning you. The ape thing is reasonable . . .
but an alfalfa sprout is lunch.




And ugly women
That's what she says I look like, Chia pet not so sure!!!!
I like all around the northern Virginia areas EXCEPT: The housing... HORRIBLE, Property Taxes HORRIBLE, state taxes HORRIBLE, Auto ANNUAL taxes HORRIBLE. (Have a 2015 Camry that is near $300.00 dollars annually in taxes to drive it. Doesn't count the registration OR the emissions test along with the annual inspection.)

used to be able to buy gas for around a buck seventy five or so just a month or two ago, milk was a buck ninety or so, eggs seventy five cents or so for a dozen extra large, yadda, yadda, yadda... Now; $2.65 gas, $2.75 milk, $1.10 eggs, taxes higher, had to raise my estimated payments.

Also no close ocean unless you go to Maryland, not prone to Maryland though we have been to some good areas and orchards. will have to check out the fishing this season some way, some how.

I'd trade a lot getting closer to the ocean again. We miss it... Oh well, can't have it all... but I will try to get what we can reasonably do....

Yeah, we have to leave this joint...
BBUK, our best friends son got hired at NASA, he is supposed to be in Virginia, but they have him working from home here in the Berg. Super smart young man, was tops in his engineering class!!!!! They hunted him down!!!!
300-400 miles sounds about right for a pair of shoes. I'm currently walking around 100 miles/month. I rotate my walking shoes every week. During weekends, my old New Balance shoes are used for chores and yardwork. I previously rode a bicycle 50 miles/week back and forth to work, but stopped 3 years ago because my new office lies 3 miles further south. Now, with COVID, I actually walk more. Plan on walking 200 miles/month beginning end April or early May.
I have always enjoyed was great in England.....I picked up a book that identifies all the Bishop walks and foot paths..............I kept seeing people crossing diagnoly across a soybean field behind us............when I finally checked it out there was a foot path across the law it has to be kept up by the farmer/property owner.......they have a set of steps to go over fences and such........and the best part is they have no tresspassing you can pretty much go where you longest walk was from Elly to Lakenheath RAF......26-1/5 miles it took me all day......I hung around just outside of base at the 4-ways and caught my SIL when he came off base.....I tried jogging......when I finally got to where I could go a full mile without stopping it took me three days before my knees would let me go I slowed up to a walk......also gives you more time to appreciate the scenery........
BBUK, our best friends son got hired at NASA, he is supposed to be in Virginia, but they have him working from home here in the Berg. Super smart young man, was tops in his engineering class!!!!! They hunted him down!!!!

Super to hear Sir... Glad to see the up and coming or the arrived are used properly. Always thought the merit approach was the best for everyone. Do things that way and make the citizen rise to the occasion. Too many times I see quota's or some sort of equal opportunity dictate excellence.
Super to hear Sir... Glad to see the up and coming or the arrived are used properly. Always thought the merit approach was the best for everyone. Do things that way and make the citizen rise to the occasion. Too many times I see quota's or some sort of equal opportunity dictate excellence.
My white privilege cost me promotions starting in the 1970’s. But to hell with those that got to go to the front of the line.
Great googly moogly what a day. My son brought home a girlfriend's cat with him from Lexington -- a complicated story. The damn thing is skittish and seems determined to make a break for it any time the front door opens a crack.

So, some furniture movers brought a new dining cabinet to the house for my wife around 9am. I was supervising the job, and warned the guys who had only a very sketchy grasp of English to be careful opening the door. I get an 'emergency' call from work, step away for two minutes, and when I return, the door is propped wide open, along with the screen. And the cat is nowhere to be seen.

To cut to the chase -- literally -- I spent six hours wedged around my work looking for the animal. Turned the house upside down. Scoured the neighborhood. He's normally in my face all day, so I became convinced he'd hauled ass outside and disappeared.

Just before both my wife and son were due home, and my day of reckoning for losing the cat was at hand, he suddenly appears as if by magic, I swear with a smirk on his face.

I'm convinced the critter knew I was looking for him and hid just to torment me.
Ok D, We really need some Prayers from the D and more. I just got a call from our pastor telling me that his wife and another member of our church both found out today they have breast cancer, just hopefully both have been found early!!!!! Thanks in advance!
Prayers sent Cord. And I'll continue to hold them in my thoughts.
Sister in-law lives near Bertram, Texas on a small ranch her husband's family has owned for ~150 years. Storms came through night before last and destroyed 2 buildings which stood for over 100 years. Microbursts are what the meteorologists called the phenomenon. Nobody hurt. Crazy.

Just found out more than 110 Texans died -- many from hypothermia -- during our deep freeze last month. Unreal.
Ok D, We really need some Prayers from the D and more. I just got a call from our pastor telling me that his wife and another member of our church both found out today they have breast cancer, just hopefully both have been found early!!!!! Thanks in advance!
One more please, My best friend from Cynthiana called me yesterday and they have found 3 tumors on his wife's brain. please keep them in your Prayers also!!!
Prayers sent. Wishing all the best.
Took our dog in for a bath today. The little guy really needed one too. One year and counting that I haven't stepped foot in our Vet's office. Still doing all business in the parking lot with masks. This has to stop eventually. People can't continue to live like this. I forgot what it was like to walk into a store and see someone smile.
That looks a lot like another Curtis Mathes (minus the TV) my Dad had in the 70s. It was their top of the line stereo in a cabinet. It was such a sold, big, heavy .... basically a piece of furniture, that my Mom still had it in the living room the day she moved out for an assisted living about 2010.

One time about 15-20 years ago I thought I would fix it and get it working again. Spent a day or two on it....turned on the AM/FM radio in it (also had a turntable) and it worked! Sounded pretty good considering it hadn't worked for maybe 20-25 years. Went into the kitchen to get my mom to show her that it was working....turned the corner of one part of the living room....was still playing whatever was on the radio.....but smoke was rolling out of it.
Yanked that power cord real quick.
Sister in-law lives near Bertram, Texas on a small ranch her husband's family has owned for ~150 years. Storms came through night before last and destroyed 2 buildings which stood for over 100 years. Microbursts are what the meteorologists called the phenomenon. Nobody hurt. Crazy.

Just found out more than 110 Texans died -- many from hypothermia -- during our deep freeze last month. Unreal.
See where Alabama got hammered this afternoon by multiple tornadoes.
Prayers for those affected ..... and I hope they peter out before they get to Georgia. I've got kids and grandkids North of Atlanta, a brother and his wife East of Atlanta, and of course we've got wildatdonf North as well.