
Speaking of back operations....a little prayer request for my youngest son. He's 40 and about 12 years ago he picked up an item that was about 10 pounds...walked about 10-20 feet and his back started to go. By the end of the day he couldn't walk and was in the hospital (in New Jersey...there on business). The next day they did surgery and had to put in about a 7 inch piece of titanium in place of some discs. They weren't sure what exactly happened, but mostly attributed it to H.S. football (was quite a good H.S. football player till accumulated knee and achilles injuries...had a number of scholarship offers)

Been having increasing the point that he couldn't walk, sit, etc due to pain. This morning they were 'burning' the nerves on his spine. Think it's where they use radio frequencies to 'burn' the nerves so it blocks the pain signals from the spine to the brain. Haven't heard yet how it went.

Prayers for your son. Hope all goes well with the procedure.
3 weeks to California? You're not going about it the right way.


I was thinking more in line of solar panels on the roof.
Good afternoon D, the wind is howling here in the Berg, cool.

I really appreciate you trying to help, I see what most of you are doing, going thru Facebook, I don't do Spacebook anymore, but I do have an account with BertBook, which I use every once in a while, think I will stay with him!!!!

Went to bed with the Jailhawks behind, woke up with them WAY behind!!!!! Don't think we will hear him talking about overtaking us this year!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and PRAYERS for the D and their families!!!!
Afternoon greetings from the shanty.

Yard work, more yard work and yet still more yard work since early this am. Made it up to a balmy 68° and even saw a few peeks of sunshine. Thanks Bert. Probably will take a meglo mart jug of Tylenol just to keep from seizing up. Oh well, the never ending rite of spring.

Lady Cats on in a few minutes. Everyone have a good afternoon.
Good afternoon D, the wind is howling here in the Berg, cool.

I really appreciate you trying to help, I see what most of you are doing, going thru Facebook, I don't do Spacebook anymore, but I do have an account with BertBook, which I use every once in a while, think I will stay with him!!!!

Went to bed with the Jailhawks behind, woke up with them WAY behind!!!!! Don't think we will hear him talking about overtaking us this year!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and PRAYERS for the D and their families!!!!
I am selling your pictures! o_O
Afternoon greetings from the shanty.

Yard work, more yard work and yet still more yard work since early this am. Made it up to a balmy 68° and even saw a few peeks of sunshine. Thanks Bert. Probably will take a meglo mart jug of Tylenol just to keep from seizing up. Oh well, the never ending rite of spring.

Lady Cats on in a few minutes. Everyone have a good afternoon.
I expect payment for the sunshine because I shipped it all to you. Not one darned second of sunshine today.

LOL. You can say what you'd like about me and my Irish gal. She's not PC. And she's apparently in it for the long haul. Here we are THIRTY YEARS AGO in Switzerland when she was a lass in her 20s...

Current picture of Bert and Sherry:

Post Script:

I love the pictures.

I can see why you kept her! But for the record I am only 28% Irish.
You are forgiven. Is it is the mail!

Love you Catfaninsc. You have a good sense of humor.

I am too cheap to buy Van Winkle, but I love Jefferson's and Weller. I have never tried Parker's.

That Weller's is stout! Geeze did you see it is right at the top of the bourbon scale for distilling.

Thought I better try them before I ship them. Wouldn’t want you disappointed. [winking]

The original batches of Presidential Select were aged, i am told, in Stitzel-Weller Distillery (Pappy) barrels. Local purveyor talked me into a bottle back then. I went back the next day and bought 4 of them. This was years ago.
Yes, Weller‘s is stout. Nice long slow sipper though.
How did the NCAA selection committee screw up so bad?

  1. The Big Ten was vastly overrated. Geeze did they own the selection committee? oops * (along the same lines why was Ohio State and Notre Damned in the football playoffs?)
  2. The Pac12 was underrated by a factor of 100.
  3. The SEC still has two teams, so that is okay.
  4. The ACC was overrated by a factor of 10 which is normal.

oops * UK's AD totally screwed up the seeding. He is horrible.
Speaking of back operations....a little prayer request for my youngest son. He's 40 and about 12 years ago he picked up an item that was about 10 pounds...walked about 10-20 feet and his back started to go. By the end of the day he couldn't walk and was in the hospital (in New Jersey...there on business). The next day they did surgery and had to put in about a 7 inch piece of titanium in place of some discs. They weren't sure what exactly happened, but mostly attributed it to H.S. football (was quite a good H.S. football player till accumulated knee and achilles injuries...had a number of scholarship offers)

Been having increasing the point that he couldn't walk, sit, etc due to pain. This morning they were 'burning' the nerves on his spine. Think it's where they use radio frequencies to 'burn' the nerves so it blocks the pain signals from the spine to the brain. Haven't heard yet how it went.
Just suffered Zoom Call hell.

A few hundred volunteer workers waiting to get a few pithy remarks from me and the damn VPN kept punching me out of the call...Finally got on 11 minutes late. Ah well. I didn't have much invaluable wisdom for them anyway. The head of that program is going to be chapped, but what can you do?

It reminded me of being in some pestilent third world dung heap with a first generation satellite phone -- talk about frustration that would wring tears from anyone.
Just suffered Zoom Call hell.

A few hundred volunteer workers waiting to get a few pithy remarks from me and the damn VPN kept punching me out of the call...Finally got on 11 minutes late. Ah well. I didn't have much invaluable wisdom for them anyway. The head of that program is going to be chapped, but what can you do?

It reminded me of being in some pestilent third world dung heap with a first generation satellite phone -- talk about frustration that would wring tears from anyone.
Satellite phone I used 2005-2006 worked okay, but sometimes a little rough. Horrible if cloudy, just like a dish. Believe it worked on Inmarsat network.

Yeah, VPN can make or break you.
Satellite phone I used 2005-2006 worked okay, but sometimes a little rough. Horrible if cloudy, just like a dish. Believe it worked on Inmarsat network.

Yeah, VPN can make or break you.
By then satellite phones were fairly good. I first brought one incountry into Somalia in 1992. They were the size of a suitcase. They came with a foldable “dish” about the diameter of a garbage can lid. You had a paper manual with details of the azimuth, or where satellites were on the horizon, and the angle at which to aim the dish. I was traveling with a crew that included one tech-savvy (for the time) photographer who had some luck with the contraption but there was lots of headaches and cursing.
Last edited:
Just suffered Zoom Call hell.

A few hundred volunteer workers waiting to get a few pithy remarks from me and the damn VPN kept punching me out of the call...Finally got on 11 minutes late. Ah well. I didn't have much invaluable wisdom for them anyway. The head of that program is going to be chapped, but what can you do?

It reminded me of being in some pestilent third world dung heap with a first generation satellite phone -- talk about frustration that would wring tears from anyone.

Sounds like most communication these days, unless it is face to face, with a group of 5 or less.
Article in sporting news:

Ranking the Sweet 16 teams' chances to win it all, from Gonzaga on down

1. Gonzaga. This is the best team in college basketball. There can be no easier statement to make. The more difficult question to answer is how far one must go back into college basketball history to discover its equal — or superior. Is 2018 far back enough, given how great the Villanova Wildcats were at the time? That team had five NBA players, but four losses in the regular season. Kentucky 2015? That team won 38 games in a row but was handicapped by the split-personality enforced by the platoon system necessary by the abundant NBA talent. Are they as good as Kentucky 1996?

OK, we can stop now, for sure. They’re not that team. With Drew Timme inside, though, with Corey Kispert as the best shooter in the college game, with Jalen Suggs and Andrew Nembhard alternating at point guard and Suggs awesome on an everyday basis — and with the lot of them so exceptional that Joel Ajayi almost blends into the background — this is an historically great team. That doesn’t mean the Zags will be champions. The hard part comes now.

Just suffered Zoom Call hell.

A few hundred volunteer workers waiting to get a few pithy remarks from me and the damn VPN kept punching me out of the call...Finally got on 11 minutes late. Ah well. I didn't have much invaluable wisdom for them anyway. The head of that program is going to be chapped, but what can you do?

It reminded me of being in some pestilent third world dung heap with a first generation satellite phone -- talk about frustration that would wring tears from anyone.

Not sure if zoom is like MS Teams but I bet it is, try a call without using your VPN or disconnect your VPN after connecting. You will find your bandwidth increases dramatically. Try it on a non-critical call to test but I bet you will find; it works....
Sounds like most communication these days, unless it is face to face, with a group of 5 or less.

I regularly connect with 50 to 250 people. The key is that a VPN drastically reduces bandwidth. I have 500/500 fiber to my house and when I connect most any VPN that 500MB connection gets 12MB bandwidth connectivity at best. I found out as long as you have the link the VPN isn't needed. You may lose your access to company email and other internal resources until you reconnect but your Zoom connection should work very well at that point.

Of course if working in a secure or classified environment there are probably more restrictions but just reading the post I doubt the call is in a classified environment.
Not sure if zoom is like MS Teams but I bet it is, try a call without using your VPN or disconnect your VPN after connecting. You will find your bandwidth increases dramatically. Try it on a non-critical call to test but I bet you will find; it works....
Yeah, Teams rocks in this respect. In fact, VPN slows Teams and SharePoint Online down on certain ISPs by up to 15%.
I played a lot at Iroquois, back in the 60's, when I was a kid. Eddie Tyree was the pro. I think he stayed there until the early 80's, and then he went to Seneca. He was a good guy and really promoted junior golf.
I ran around Iroquois quite a bit when I was a kid in the 60's. I might have found one of your golf balls. I also ran around with Eddie's kids every so often. Usually when their block would play our block in football, basketball, or whiffle ball.
Good morning from ATX. We're at 56°F and clear. Today's high reaching 78°F followed by more much-needed rain late this evening.

Lady Cats really stunk it up yesterday. Ugh! Hawkeye girls shot the lights out. Nice passing. They played great team ball.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D League. A pleasant morning and day in store for those of us down here.
It is currently 53°, with winds SE at 4 mph and humidity a pleasant 93%. Our UV Index is 0 of 10. Our temperature will reach 74° and the winds will pick up to WSW at 9 mph and humidity drop to 61%. As the sun comes out the UV Index will increase to 5 of 10.

We had a nice day trip down to Lakeland yesterday and a good visit with family. Went downtown and had a excellent meal at Harry's Seafood Bar and Grill. The Shrimp and Grits were very good. They did them a little different and it was delicious.

Today will be a good day for the beach. No masks required
