
While I'm sure we see the issue very much the same, Bert, I'm a bit more sympathetic with Cal -- whatever his true feelings. What does anybody in the world of Elite (mostly black) Basketball do when the role models for all these kids -- LeBron James and company -- are telling them to kneel or be counted as cowards and Oreos?

My son's a few years out of high school where he played on a mostly black basketball team. He's a conservative, a hard worker contemplating USMC OCS after college. He still stays close to his HS teammates, and he says its a strain because they are all totally brainwashed by the NBA players. Mostly they tacitly agree not to talk about it.

I have no idea how a coach would hold a team of black kids together today by telling them there would be no kneeling, no silent protests, and they would respect the flag and the anthem. The kids are so pressured by everyone from their teachers to their role models to "be counted" that they'd have to revolt.

That's me overthinking things, I suppose. Feel free to disagree, folks.

Be a man. Covers most deficiencies.
The stat that I think sums up college basketball in general, Kentucky basketball in particular, and the NBA especially:

BJ Boston wasn't able to score a single point in what is likely to be his final college game, but he's expected to decide he's totally ready for the NBA and leave after that performance.

I've tried to remain level headed and optimistic, and see this year as an outlier caused by many unusual factors. But I'll admit that blows my mind.
The stat that I think sums up college basketball in general, Kentucky basketball in particular, and the NBA especially:

BJ Boston wasn't able to score a single point in what is likely to be his final college game, but he's expected to decide he's totally ready for the NBA and leave after that performance.

I've tried to remain level headed and optimistic, and see this year as an outlier caused by many unusual factors. But I'll admit that blows my mind.
Boston should come back. I say this every year for multiple players but what do I know. If I had to guess, Saar (obviously), Jackson and Boston are gone. A few may take a shot at the pros (Brooks, Clarke). Some may transfer (Allen, Askew, Ware, Fletcher) and others? The recruiting class coming in is not one of Cal's best. It still could be but the top remaining prospects are doubtful. Just my 2 measly cents worth.

It could be feast or famine.
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Just trying to scroll through the D. Y’all are some great people. Don’t have time to like all post but believe me I appreciate it. Thanks everyone. Rested up some today thanks to a sister helping. Feeling some better than yesterday for sure. Long road ahead, but with your encouragement here, things will hopefully get better. I know y’all have made me feel better. Can’t thank you enough. I imagine the cats lost from what little I have read. Mercy killing imo. A year to forget. Good night all, and God bless.
I'm still of the mind set Cal was desperately trying to adjust to the consequences of societal madness he didn't create. Kneeling in the swamp slime between the rock and hard spot didn't help but exacerbated the situation.
To me the kneeling was a big mistake. Cal should have said we can kneel before Anthem, we can kneel after the Anthem, but during the anthem we will stand up at attention with our hands over our hearts. And he should have explained to one of my favorite players that Coach Rupp was not a racist, and we ain't changing the name of Rupp Arena! I hope next season we can play basketball and forget all this other crap. Let the Pro's demonstrated if the want to.
Just trying to scroll through the D. Y’all are some great people. Don’t have time to like all post but believe me I appreciate it. Thanks everyone. Rested up some today thanks to a sister helping. Feeling some better than yesterday for sure. Long road ahead, but with your encouragement here, things will hopefully get better. I know y’all have made me feel better. Can’t thank you enough. I imagine the cats lost from what little I have read. Mercy killing imo. A year to forget. Good night all, and God bless.
Praying for You and Your parents. I have been there and done that and I know how tired You must be!
To me the kneeling was a big mistake. Cal should have said we can kneel before Anthem, we can kneel after the Anthem, but during the anthem we will stand up at attention with our hands over our hearts. And he should have explained to one of my favorite players that Coach Rupp was not a racist, and we ain't changing the name of Rupp Arena! I hope next season we can play basketball and forget all this other crap. Let the Pro's demonstrated if the want to.
Agree with your coulda shoulda. Lessons for all. History is crazy enough without false assumptions. A hasty generalization without examination of the accusatory evidence creates victims where there are none. This truth, that truth, his truth, her truth, our truth, their truth is plain ole childish silliness.
Agree with your coulda shoulda. Lessons for all. History is crazy enough without false assumptions. A hasty generalization without examination of the accusatory evidence creates victims where there are none. This truth, that truth, his truth, her truth, our truth, their truth is plain ole childish silliness.

The truth is the truth. Anything else is a lie. The issue is the dasturbization of the truth.

So many now have perfected the ability to look you straight in the eye and lie. As easy as getting a drink of water and mostly no one calls them on it as the other liars pile on the person that calls out the lie. Where does it end?
Good morning from ATX. Currently 70°F, cloudy with light drizzle and winds from the south. Expecting 84°F for today's high.

Another basketball season in the books. Severely disappointed. Wife says watch out next season because the Cats will be back. We'll see.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning Legionnaires!

70's on tap today with possible thunderstorms. Need to spread "Weed & Feed" before the rain to start out the yard work year. Ankle still hurting but not as bad so, I will try to gut it out to spread the mixture.

Not unhappy the season is over since I did not watch many games this year due to the reasons stated above. I know we all have standards we live by and mine is respect to God, Family, Country, then UK. The only way I have to protest the disrespect shown our country lately is to not support the culprits monetarily or by watching. I know some will say one person does not make a difference but, it does to me because if makes me feel as if I am making a difference and I am in my life. In fact, my wife likes the fact that I have not been yelling at the tv when things are going bad during a game much this year. Not only that but, she has more time to watch what she wants. Also, If more people stop watching and buying tickets, and UK gear their pocket books will suffer and perhaps they will wise up.

All that being said, I am a UK fan for life and will never change that nor did I want them to lose any game this year. I am just glad it is over and hope that they can get their act together and teach these kids what this country is really about and that most people are not against them.

Oh and by the way Austin, not a big scallop fan so...heh, heh, heh, I won't be eating that today.
Good morning D-League. Up and at the day early today as my wife had that occasional 5am hospital shift to make.

I've already logged a five mile walk, made a little breakfast for my son as he heads out to his "Hunks Hauling Junk" job, and thought I'd check in before my shower.

Trying to put the terrible hoops season behind me. Won't be able to until the tournament is over -- even though I won't watch a minute of it, I'll know it is going on.

I'm getting scorched by the pitchforks and machete crew on Rafters who want to tear it down and start over. Hell, I'd join them, but I honestly still believe the quickest path to a Kentucky turn around involves Calipari, and not some complete reboot. At his best the guy has magic. He's just got to find that again. Can he? I don't honestly know but it seems a better bet than burning it down and rebuilding.

Anyway, I hope its a great Friday for you folks.
Not even 10 wins. I am not sure that has happened in my lifetime. I believe Sutton's last year they won 13. Nine wins, what can you say
I told the Director it was like the odds caught up with the boys this year in close games.........seems like there were a lot of winnable ball my time as a fan, they more than often came out on top in those just didn't happen this on to gardening and spring fishing.......
Good morning D, 1.3" of rain in our area here, with lots more on the way.

Said my prayers for the D, this morning, GOD always hears, but not all are answered, HE knows best for us!!!!

Got my detector out Tuesday, 41 cents, including 2 wheat pennies. That means I just have $701.59 left till I find enough to equal what I paid for them!!!!

We made a trip to see the little boy that just had heart surgery, was expecting to see him all covered up setting in a chair inside the house, WRONG!!!! He was outside running around and having a big time!!! Whichever one of the D, said kids recover quickly, you were dead on it!!!

Have a great day D!!!
Good morning D, 1.3" of rain in our area here, with lots more on the way.

Said my prayers for the D, this morning, GOD always hears, but not all are answered, HE knows best for us!!!!

Got my detector out Tuesday, 41 cents, including 2 wheat pennies. That means I just have $701.59 left till I find enough to equal what I paid for them!!!!

We made a trip to see the little boy that just had heart surgery, was expecting to see him all covered up setting in a chair inside the house, WRONG!!!! He was outside running around and having a big time!!! Whichever one of the D, said kids recover quickly, you were dead on it!!!

Have a great day D!!!
Amazing. When I was 12 years old I nearly died of a ruptured appendix. Infection was so severe they had a drainage tube in me so my body could get rid of it. I was skinny and weak but I remember the day I got out of the hospital I went over to a cow pasture close to where I lived and watched my buddies playing baseball. Within a few days I was out there swinging, pitching and running after baseballs.

You are so right Cord, kids recover quickly and bounce back fast. Just get them over the hump and chances are they will make it through the storm.
Amazing. When I was 12 years old I nearly died of a ruptured appendix. Infection was so severe they had a drainage tube in me so my body could get rid of it. I was skinny and weak but I remember the day I got out of the hospital I went over to a cow pasture close to where I lived and watched my buddies playing baseball. Within a few days I was out there swinging, pitching and running after baseballs.

You are so right Cord, kids recover quickly and bounce back fast. Just get them over the hump and chances are they will make it through the storm.
It was amazing yesterday, I heard his mother and grandfather talk about listening to his heartbeat before and after the surgery. Before they said you could hear a swooshing sound when his heart beat and now nothing but a good beating heart!!! One more thing about him, his mother said that it sounds crazy, but I can feel in his hands and feet that he is getting stronger!!!!!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 70°F, cloudy with light drizzle and winds from the south. Expecting 84°F for today's high.

Another basketball season in the books. Severely disappointed. Wife says watch out next season because the Cats will be back. We'll see.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

#bakedscallopsday .... but what if I prefer them fried?
Well, it is the day after the worst basketball season in my lifetime and my spirits are high. We have had the best week of weather any human could ask for. Cool temperatures, plenty of golden sunshine, green grass and blooming flowers and of course our beloved coast.

Temperatures have been in the 70's on the coast and in the low 80's inlet. Today and the next week are forecast to be the same.

I don't have much to add to our miserable season other than it didn't have to be this way. A program built on solid rock has turned into one with a foundation of sand and fans are leaving by the thousands as the program crumbles. Calipari has turned out to be a divider with no loyalty from die hard fans and I am not sure a personality like his can change.

Mitch Barnhart will have to intervene and work with Calipari to right the ship or the program is toast. When Coach Rupp retired he mentioned he wanted the program to be on a solid rock and he predicted future seasons would show if it was or not. Well it was because UK has won four more NCAA titles since he left and 4 different coaches won them. Through all of the turmoil of Sutton, Tubby and Billy Clyde the fans remained solid and never wavered. But Calipari and his leadership has that in danger. We are no longer 100% behind the program. The sand foundation must be dug up and replaced by rock. If we are to stand as the Best Program and Fan Base In College Basketball. For the first time in my life, that is in real danger
Sun shining bright down on the old homestead this morning. Beautiful sunny, clear day.
Mid to late 50s today. Last little patch of snow is finally gone. Barring a late snow...won't be back for 9 months or so.

Hats off and hearts out to ...these guys...

Been working on a project for the last month or two....tracking my Dad's actions/path in WWII in Patton's 3rd Army. He was a tank commander. He never talked about the war and even though I have been a history buff my entire life I never asked him about it. Guess I figured he didn't want to talk about it. He died in the mid-80s and we didn't have a lot of info of his war years other than a couple pictures and 3 Army cases of medals (he had/won quite a few). As the years went by my 'bro and I were able to find more and more documents, etc and finally about a year ago we found one that pointed us in the right direction.
So I finally finished up the other day a map of his unit's path from Normandy, thru France, to the 'Bulge', and thru Germany. Plus a lot of other info....citations, etc. Been fun, interesting....and has made me miss him even more.

. I know we all have standards we live by and mine is respect to God, Family, Country, then UK. The only way I have to protest the disrespect shown our country lately is to not support the culprits monetarily or by watching. I know some will say one person does not make a difference but, it does to me because if makes me feel as if I am making a difference and I am in my life.
Amen and amen.
  • Good Morning to all of you sad and disappointed Wildcat Fans and D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • That was a heck of a effort yesterday only to lose 74-73. That game was the way the entire season was. Up and down. Damn. Won 9, lost 16. I never thought I would see anything like that.
  • I feel sorry for coach Cal, he only got a million per win.
  • This should never happen. Not here.
  • Oh well.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
Good morning D, 1.3" of rain in our area here, with lots more on the way.

Said my prayers for the D, this morning, GOD always hears, but not all are answered, HE knows best for us!!!!

Got my detector out Tuesday, 41 cents, including 2 wheat pennies. That means I just have $701.59 left till I find enough to equal what I paid for them!!!!

We made a trip to see the little boy that just had heart surgery, was expecting to see him all covered up setting in a chair inside the house, WRONG!!!! He was outside running around and having a big time!!! Whichever one of the D, said kids recover quickly, you were dead on it!!!

Have a great day D!!!
My son spent 20 years in the National Guard in three states, Florida, Tennessee and Kentucky. He was deployed when he was in Florida. Then 18 years into his career he was diagnosed with a small hole between two chamber of his heart. Low and behold the Army advised him that he was still deployable.

Because of his wife he got out at 20 years.
I am listening to local radio and I need to give congrats to the Biden Administration. Premium gasoline is now $3.49 a gallon. And it took less than 3 months. Can we hit $5.00 by the end of the year? Keep the faith.
thanks Joe. You knocked the price right out of the ceiling.
I too would like to give a shout-out to Joe. Went to the grocery this morning. Gas at 2.80 for regular. Meijers (chain out of Michigan with stores like WalMart superstores) had as many empty shelves as when the big panic first started. Got better but now looks like last Spring/early Summer.
Trying to go to Meijers more and more these days due to all the SJW crap with Krogers.
Boston should come back. I say this every year for multiple players but what do I know. If I had to guess, Saar (obviously), Jackson and Boston are gone. A few may take a shot at the pros (Brooks, Clarke). Some may transfer (Allen, Askew, Ware, Fletcher) and others? The recruiting class coming in is not one of Cal's best. It still could be but the top remaining prospects are doubtful. Just my 2 measly cents worth.

It could be feast or famine.

The transfers will make this class. We still need a pg.
My son spent 20 years in the National Guard in three states, Florida, Tennessee and Kentucky. He was deployed when he was in Florida. Then 18 years into his career he was diagnosed with a small hole between two chamber of his heart. Low and behold the Army advised him that he was still deployable.

Because of his wife he got out at 20 years.
Right after Desert Storm, there was a huge exodus. Family and wives became more important than careers. Hence the reason my ex-wife and I are not longer together. It also coincided with drawdown during end of 1991.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 70°F, cloudy with light drizzle and winds from the south. Expecting 84°F for today's high.

Another basketball season in the books. Severely disappointed. Wife says watch out next season because the Cats will be back. We'll see.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Speaking of football, looks like the Cats are getting an accomplished running backs coach from Wisconsin. Hopefully he stays longer than the last one.

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Well, it is the day after the worst basketball season in my lifetime and my spirits are high. We have had the best week of weather any human could ask for. Cool temperatures, plenty of golden sunshine, green grass and blooming flowers and of course our beloved coast.

Temperatures have been in the 70's on the coast and in the low 80's inlet. Today and the next week are forecast to be the same.

I don't have much to add to our miserable season other than it didn't have to be this way. A program built on solid rock has turned into one with a foundation of sand and fans are leaving by the thousands as the program crumbles. Calipari has turned out to be a divider with no loyalty from die hard fans and I am not sure a personality like his can change.

Mitch Barnhart will have to intervene and work with Calipari to right the ship or the program is toast. When Coach Rupp retired he mentioned he wanted the program to be on a solid rock and he predicted future seasons would show if it was or not. Well it was because UK has won four more NCAA titles since he left and 4 different coaches won them. Through all of the turmoil of Sutton, Tubby and Billy Clyde the fans remained solid and never wavered. But Calipari and his leadership has that in danger. We are no longer 100% behind the program. The sand foundation must be dug up and replaced by rock. If we are to stand as the Best Program and Fan Base In College Basketball. For the first time in my life, that is in real danger

So, our UK basketball season is over? No joke, I just now learned this sad fact as I didn't watch one game during this apparently pathetic season. Looks like I didn't miss much of anything.