
Picking on you because you have the latest post here. My sincere apologies. Don’t have time lately to keep up. But I know you are a spiritual man. I’ve never asked for prayer before, and hardly ever given it when asked. Just don’t seem right to me on message boards . But would appreciate thoughts for my parents. Both almost 90, and struggling. And I’m struggling to help. Tia.
Thoughts and prayers your way. May God keep them and be with your family during these difficult times. It is a road we all have or will walk down and you have message board friends who care.
51°➫ 66° Partly Cloudy
We have another picture perfect day on store. Been outside this morning and things are looking good. I pulled a fairly large guava tree out by the roots with my pickup truck. Trying to decide if I want to replant something there.

Our temperature is currently 68° and it will get up to 75° with full sunshine all day and clear skies. The wind off of the Gulf is 7 mph and humidity a comfortable 67%.

We have a UV Index 2 of 10 and visibility 10 miles.

Moon Phase
Waning Crescent
The best to your parents Backer Cutter.

It is 61.7°F and cloudy. We are supposed to get to 70°F but have rain the next five days. When it springtime in Kentucky it rains.

I wanted Texas A&M to beat Vandy; however, I am glad Vandy won as they have a chance to knock out Florida. Go Vandy.

I hope that Kentucky of last Saturday shows up today, not the UK that Ole Miss beat. It is going to take a miracle for UK to get to the NCAA, so I am hoping for the start today.

You all have a good day. I will watch ever SEC game. Sherry and I have not missed an SEC tourney since they restarted it back in '70's. We even watch the boring ones.
Picking on you because you have the latest post here. My sincere apologies. Don’t have time lately to keep up. But I know you are a spiritual man. I’ve never asked for prayer before, and hardly ever given it when asked. Just don’t seem right to me on message boards . But would appreciate thoughts for my parents. Both almost 90, and struggling. And I’m struggling to help. Tia.
Backer, they'll have prayers everyday. Maybe not so eloquent as BB, Swanee or Starchief, but sincere as the D saves lives!
Picking on you because you have the latest post here. My sincere apologies. Don’t have time lately to keep up. But I know you are a spiritual man. I’ve never asked for prayer before, and hardly ever given it when asked. Just don’t seem right to me on message boards . But would appreciate thoughts for my parents. Both almost 90, and struggling. And I’m struggling to help. Tia.
Praying for you and your family BC
Good morning D, dreary day here in the Berg, Bert I hear you about the rain!!!

Had plans to go to Madisonville today, but the weather cancelled that, Mrs. M is off today, trade off is she has to work Saturday. We are thinking about heading back to Branson again.

Bert I have got to tell you something funny. I saw it mentioned some of your favorite shows, so we were watching one of my favorites last night, to catch a smuggler and they were tracking a package of drugs. Out of the blue Mrs. M says, that's going to be you and Bert one of these days as many packages you are sending and you getting something back!!!!!

Have a great day D and as always I lift my prayers up for the D!!!!

Morning Legionnaires!

Will be leaving the house in about an hour to go fishing. Waiting to see if it is going to rain. Clouds looking like it but should subside shortly. If it does, I am out the door and after the elusive big mouth bass. Well, elusive for the last 4 months or so.
If you all have a chance drop into this thread and vote for CowTown.. He is good people and could use the votes. (Don't know the other guy as well but CT is good people.) (All in fun...)

Hello all, I am bumping this for Ole CT. The Lord knows I have messed with him enough over the years. the least I can do is grovel once for him and solicit votes. This will close this afternoon. Thanks in any event.

Oh and I DO hope all's day is as sunny as it is here. (Saw one overcast and rain but have a great day anyway.) We all have our burdens to bear. May God's comfort lessen your burdens.

God will provide!

Picking on you because you have the latest post here. My sincere apologies. Don’t have time lately to keep up. But I know you are a spiritual man. I’ve never asked for prayer before, and hardly ever given it when asked. Just don’t seem right to me on message boards . But would appreciate thoughts for my parents. Both almost 90, and struggling. And I’m struggling to help. Tia.
Thoughts and prayers for your parents BC 🙏.
Sometimes in life, the snowball starts rolling down hill, and you think you can stop it, and a couple times it seems to be veering off, but it just keeps rolling until it is a giant avalanche littered with frozen airplane waste and Sasquatch droppings.

That was this Kentucky basketball season -- beginning back with decisions like EJ and Hagans to leave, with no place to go, then the COVID mess that kept a bunch of young kids from having a decent chance to mesh, the loss of early cupcake and exhibition games to work out the problems, and so on.

FOR NOW -- I'm taking the attitude that this is part of the giant shit-storm that disrupted all of our world for exactly one year (this was the day everything -- including my office -- shut down in 2020.)

Next year is make-or-break for Cal, and he knows it. He's been an energetic and creative program manager since his UMass Days. Let's see what he's got left.
I pray and hope Calipari does some soul searching over the summer. He has left a bitter taste in the mouth of a large portion of the fan base.
He needs to become a coach instead of a damned "social justice warrior".

I really don't know what that means but we do not need a "social justice warrior" as the coach at Kentucky.
Next year is make-or-break for Cal, and he knows it. He's been an energetic and creative program manager since his UMass Days. Let's see what he's got left.

If Cal plays "social justice warrior" he is sunk.

College basketball has nothing to do with with "social justice". It has a lot to do with the sport. If we are going to be "social justice warriors" then 85% of the team has to be white.

If Cal can't figure it out then let me coach the damned team.
If Cal plays "social justice warrior" he is sunk.

College basketball has nothing to do with with "social justice". It has a lot to do with the sport. If we are going to be "social justice warriors" then 85% of the team has to be white.

If Cal can't figure it out then let me coach the damned team.

While I'm sure we see the issue very much the same, Bert, I'm a bit more sympathetic with Cal -- whatever his true feelings. What does anybody in the world of Elite (mostly black) Basketball do when the role models for all these kids -- LeBron James and company -- are telling them to kneel or be counted as cowards and Oreos?

My son's a few years out of high school where he played on a mostly black basketball team. He's a conservative, a hard worker contemplating USMC OCS after college. He still stays close to his HS teammates, and he says its a strain because they are all totally brainwashed by the NBA players. Mostly they tacitly agree not to talk about it.

I have no idea how a coach would hold a team of black kids together today by telling them there would be no kneeling, no silent protests, and they would respect the flag and the anthem. The kids are so pressured by everyone from their teachers to their role models to "be counted" that they'd have to revolt.

That's me overthinking things, I suppose. Feel free to disagree, folks.
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I really don't know what that means but we do not need a "social justice warrior" as the coach at Kentucky.
I'm still of the mind set Cal was desperately trying to adjust to the consequences of societal madness he didn't create. Kneeling in the swamp slime between the rock and hard spot didn't help but exacerbated the situation.
Did not get out to fish today. Hurt my ankle somehow, not sure but probably over exercised this morning and it is painful to walk so, giving it a break. Has happened before and a day or two later, nothing. Pain is sharp and just below the ankle.

Getting older can be a bummer (but better than the other alternative I guess)
If Cal plays "social justice warrior" he is sunk.

College basketball has nothing to do with with "social justice". It has a lot to do with the sport. If we are going to be "social justice warriors" then 85% of the team has to be white.

If Cal can't figure it out then let me coach the damned team.

Un-kneel Cal, un-kneel. I'd pay to see it...