
Is that a 409? back in the 90s we bought a chrysler concorde for the wife that exact color. crap car.
I’m guessing that color isn’t original gm?
For a second I thought you meant the Chrysler Cordoba....with it's 'rich Corinthian leather'.
If you all have a chance drop into this thread and vote for CowTown.. He is good people and could use the votes. (Don't know the other guy as well but CT is good people.) (All in fun...)

And, he lives really close to me. :)
I have had escargot in the best restaurants on earth and it sucks! I would not give 5 cents for the best on earth. Let the French eat that shit.
That food chain thing is true. You are what you eat. But maybe they're like squirrels and fish. I wouldn't want a wild caught back yard snail. Hell no. But from the right snailery, I might sample. I do eat lots of shit.
Let's hear the standard old men's lament: "Boy, I wish I had held on to those cars."
Not a day goes by that I do not wish I had my old cars back. Simple to work on and the sound of the engines in those days gets my adrenalin pumping. It is 1962 all over again and I am late to Biology class.

But my 56' Ford should get me there with 5 minutes to spare. If I can find a place to park on Rose St. That was the hardest part of going to school. Trying to find a parking place on campus.

In the unlikely event I need the blueprint, I'll reach out to you by private message, Awf...To wrap up this highly macabre conversation, here's a ghoulish artifact that came my way from a good friend who probably interviewed Ted Bundy more than anyone else, and dug into his past for a book...Ghastly to think while he was concocting routine business and writing checks on his Utah bank, he was in the middle of his murderous streak...
I will never forget the day they fried Bundy. The local DJ came on the air with a count down and told everyone in Florida to turn off their lights so Ole Sparky would have more juice. People were celebrating and blowing car horns all over the state. BUNDY YOU ARE GOING TO DIE was the rallying cry.


Ole Sparky Got His Man. I like the way they electrocuted folks back then with a dress shirt and tie on. They were meeting Saint Peter in their Sunday Best.

I will never forget the day they fried Bundy. The local DJ came on the air with a count down and told everyone in Florida to turn off their lights so Ole Sparky would have more juice. People were celebrating and blowing car horns all over the state. BUNDY YOU ARE GOING TO DIE was the rallying cry.


Ole Sparky Got His Man. I like the way they electrocuted folks back then with a dress shirt and tie on. They were meeting Saint Peter in their Sunday Best.

Bundy was an evil bastard, Sawnee. That's for sure. Your interest may not be that great, but the friend I mentioned who interviewed him was a guy named Hugh Aynesworth. We worked together at The Washington Times in the late 1980s.

Hugh co-wrote a book (with Stephen Michaud) called "The Only Living Witness" then later put out transcripts of the Bundy interviews in an audio book called "Conversations With a Killer." Hugh came away totally disgusted, of course. But he figured it was worth the effort to try to gain some insight into what makes a person like Bundy tick. At that he'd be the first to admit they failed.
I have had escargot in the best restaurants on earth and it sucks!

I would not give 5 cents for the best on earth. Let the French eat that shit. :cool:
Had snail in a restaurant in Germany and it came in this ceramic dish with holes for each snail. The snail had been cooked in the dish with several spices including garlic and butter. Loved it, ate it every time I went there.
Let's go.

I am in favor of the death penalty when guilt of premeditated murder is beyond ANY doubt. There are many cases where there is absolutely NO DOUBT. Any doubt, life sentence, no parole.

For the death penalty to be any deterrent, execution should be only a couple of months after the verdict is read. Give them enough time to say their goodbyes, finish any necessary life business and to call out to God for mercy - something they didn't allow their victims.

Not silently, 20-30 years later when the horror of their deed is not remembered by anyone except possibly the family of the victims who might still be living..
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Bundy was an evil bastard, Sawnee. That's for sure. Your interest may not be that great, but the friend I mentioned who interviewed him was a guy named Hugh Aynesworth. We worked together at The Washington Times in the late 1980s.

Hugh co-wrote a book (with Stephen Michaud) called "The Only Living Witness" then later put out transcripts of the Bundy interviews in an audio book called "Conversations With a Killer." Hugh came away totally disgusted, of course. But he figured it was worth the effort to try to gain some insight into what makes a person like Bundy tick. At that he'd be the first to admit they failed.
Kind of like In Cold Blood with Capote? Difference being I guess that back in the late 50s a mass murder was something you never heard of. Now...with the decline of's almost everyday news. Sad.
Bundy was an evil bastard, Sawnee. That's for sure. Your interest may not be that great, but the friend I mentioned who interviewed him was a guy named Hugh Aynesworth. We worked together at The Washington Times in the late 1980s.

Hugh co-wrote a book (with Stephen Michaud) called "The Only Living Witness" then later put out transcripts of the Bundy interviews in an audio book called "Conversations With a Killer." Hugh came away totally disgusted, of course. But he figured it was worth the effort to try to gain some insight into what makes a person like Bundy tick. At that he'd be the first to admit they failed.
I am very interested in anything Bundy because we went through the terror of his existence here on earth. I have close friends who lived in Tallahassee when he killed the FSU girls and there was no telling where he would strike next. He was evil as evil gets. He had a high IQ and thought highly of himself. He was so smart he thought. They nailed him in Pensacola, after he killed the little girl in Lake City. Total evil.

I am thankful he was arrested in a capital punishment state like Florida because if he had been captured in a state like Washington State he would be getting a COVID 19 check in a few days. And living high in his cell smoking big cigars and watching TV. Instead 500 people gathered outside his execution cheering when they got the word he had left this world. Bundy was the only execution I can recall a radio commentator giving a "blow by blow" account of. But the state was so traumatized every one was thrilled he was gone.

I will make a note of the book and audio book. This is something I would be interested in reading and listening to. Thanks
When I first got married in Atlanta, a couple of guys lived next door in our townhouse development who were counselors at the Atlanta Pen (Federal). Had some pretty good stories. Both I think kind of feared for their lives in a way because when someone came up for parole they had to testify. And of course if it's a hard case, murderer, mafia, etc and they opposed the parole they would be threatened.
I'll never forget one time they said that the inmates had in many ways a better life than those on the outside. Said the food was top notch.
Kind of like In Cold Blood with Capote? Difference being I guess that back in the late 50s a mass murder was something you never heard of. Now...with the decline of's almost everyday news. Sad.
Do you remember Starkweather? He went on a killing spree for a couple of months in late 1957 and early 1958, killing 11 or 12 people with his teenage girlfriend. Another cold blooded killer who enjoyed what he was doing. He was executed in 1959. I remember listening to the news to see who and where their next victim was going to be.

Charles Starkweather and girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate. Bad News.

I am very interested in anything Bundy because we went through the terror of his existence here on earth. I have close friends who lived in Tallahassee when he killed the FSU girls and there was no telling where he would strike next. He was evil as evil gets. He had a high IQ and thought highly of himself. He was so smart he thought. They nailed him in Pensacola, after he killed the little girl in Lake City. Total evil.

I am thankful he was arrested in a capital punishment state like Florida because if he had been captured in a state like Washington State he would be getting a COVID 19 check in a few days. And living high in his cell smoking big cigars and watching TV. Instead 500 people gathered outside his execution cheering when they got the word he had left this world. Bundy was the only execution I can recall a radio commentator giving a "blow by blow" account of. But the state was so traumatized every one was thrilled he was gone.

I will make a note of the book and audio book. This is something I would be interested in reading and listening to. Thanks
One of the women who lived in that Chi Omega house - she was there that night but not directly victimized - later worked as a press aide to US Attorney for Southern Florida Dexter Lehtenin. Her name is Diane Cossin, and I got to know her a bit. It is safe to say that night haunted her every day since.
I was finished both times before my appointment time. Dang I would be pissed if it took that long.
My parents were in and out in 20 minutes and that included their 15 minute "after shot" wait time. I think the problem today was due to Broadbent changing over to Pfizer as opposed to Moderna. Today was the first day for the switch. Still shouldn't matter. The times were scheduled.
Not a day goes by that I do not wish I had my old cars back. Simple to work on and the sound of the engines in those days gets my adrenalin pumping. It is 1962 all over again and I am late to Biology class.

But my 56' Ford should get me there with 5 minutes to spare. If I can find a place to park on Rose St. That was the hardest part of going to school. Trying to find a parking place on campus.

My wife had one of these when we got married. identical, same color. she bought it new in the summer of ‘69 when they were first introduced. best car we ever owned. little straight six, good on gas, dependable, easy to work on—you could pop the hood and toss in a coin and chances are it wouldn’t touch anything before it hit the ground. it was my work car for several years.

Do you remember Starkweather? He went on a killing spree for a couple of months in late 1957 and early 1958, killing 11 or 12 people with his teenage girlfriend. Another cold blooded killer who enjoyed what he was doing. He was executed in 1959. I remember listening to the news to see who and where their next victim was going to be.

Charles Starkweather and girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate. Bad News.


I had a Fuson girl in Middlesboro get a crush on me. I just got out of the Army and she was a red head and my size. She got alone with me and grabbed me to hug me and I'd swear she nearly cracked my rib hugging me. That girl was strong. Not much on looks but she didn't care how she looked. I left once she let go..

Edit; I guess what I didn't mention was, I was 183 pounds at the time with a 31 inch waist and could climb obstacle course ropes hand over hand without using my legs to the top with ease, had a washboard stomach and she swung me around like I was a rag doll. Seriously thought of Elly Mae Clampett's strength but she looked more like Jethro but red-headed.
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Do you remember Starkweather? He went on a killing spree for a couple of months in late 1957 and early 1958, killing 11 or 12 people with his teenage girlfriend. Another cold blooded killer who enjoyed what he was doing. He was executed in 1959. I remember listening to the news to see who and where their next victim was going to be.

Charles Starkweather and girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate. Bad News.

Did you ever see the documentary on this guy? chilling as hell. he was the inspiration for “Silence of the Lambs.”

Let's hear the standard old men's lament: "Boy, I wish I had held on to those cars."

Not really. The Impala handled like the Queen Mary, and the Vette had electrical problems that nobody could solve. The 63 got me started on a long line of Corvettes. The only car I wish I still owned was a 69 Corvette, that I had when we first were married, but if I wanted one badly enough, I would go out and buy another one. I have never been too sentimental about cars.
There's a story they tell about boxers. When God was making dogs, He saved boxers for last as His best and most beautiful dog, but the boxer was vain and had to run and look at himself in the mirror before things had hardened. He was running to fast to stop and slammed into the mirror smashing his nose in. God decided to leave his nose that way as a reminder of his vainess. All the little and medium size dogs loved boxer because he was so beautiful, so he was kind to them. The big dogs were jealous, so boxer would fight them in a second. There's a lot of truth in this tale. Maddie was very vain. A little or medium size dog could get away with anything around her, but she was more than willing to mix it up with any big dog.
I was finished both times before my appointment time. Dang I would be pissed if it took that long.

They have a great setup here. When you show up for your appt, they take your ID, then you sign a couple of papers, and then direct you to one of about 20 tables, where you get your vaccine. Then you go into an auditorium where 2-3 nurses keep an eye on everyone. Then, after your 15 minutes is up, you're gone. Total time from parking lot to exit, was 25 minutes.

Picking on you because you have the latest post here. My sincere apologies. Don’t have time lately to keep up. But I know you are a spiritual man. I’ve never asked for prayer before, and hardly ever given it when asked. Just don’t seem right to me on message boards . But would appreciate thoughts for my parents. Both almost 90, and struggling. And I’m struggling to help. Tia.
They have a great setup here. When you show up for your appt, they take your ID, then you sign a couple of papers, and then direct you to one of about 20 tables, where you get your vaccine. Then you go into an auditorium where 2-3 nurses keep an eye on everyone. Then, after your 15 minutes is up, you're gone. Total time from parking lot to exit, was 25 minutes.
I was in and out in 5 to 10 minutes on both of my shots. Got them both at the health department!
Picking on you because you have the latest post here. My sincere apologies. Don’t have time lately to keep up. But I know you are a spiritual man. I’ve never asked for prayer before, and hardly ever given it when asked. Just don’t seem right to me on message boards . But would appreciate thoughts for my parents. Both almost 90, and struggling. And I’m struggling to help. Tia.

Brother Bc, Not sure what I can do but if I can do anything, I will. My prayer for you and your parents is God's Love will surround you and bring a peace beyond all understanding.

Trust in God and his grace. The key is to submit to his love and guidance. It is hard to submit as a man but you can with God's help, trust him. He will never forsake you and will ALWAYS provide a way for you.

God loves you and seems to have blessed you beyond measure allowing you and your parents to have shared each other but I do ask in Jesus name that he provide your needs at this critical time. Amen
Good morning from ATX. Currently 68°F and partly cloudy. Heading up to 82°F for today's high.

Pup not feeling well this morning. She acts sluggish and in pain. A year ago, her spleen was removed. Hope her liver isn't acting up.

Ymmot called again yesterday. Good speaking with him. He hopes to meet up at Bert's on April 17, but might reschedule. He'll let us know.

Cats vs Bulldogs from NashVegas at noon today. Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Picking on you because you have the latest post here. My sincere apologies. Don’t have time lately to keep up. But I know you are a spiritual man. I’ve never asked for prayer before, and hardly ever given it when asked. Just don’t seem right to me on message boards . But would appreciate thoughts for my parents. Both almost 90, and struggling. And I’m struggling to help. Tia.
Prayers sent. Wishing all the best.
Picking on you because you have the latest post here. My sincere apologies. Don’t have time lately to keep up. But I know you are a spiritual man. I’ve never asked for prayer before, and hardly ever given it when asked. Just don’t seem right to me on message boards . But would appreciate thoughts for my parents. Both almost 90, and struggling. And I’m struggling to help. Tia.
May the Lord be with you and yours.
Picking on you because you have the latest post here. My sincere apologies. Don’t have time lately to keep up. But I know you are a spiritual man. I’ve never asked for prayer before, and hardly ever given it when asked. Just don’t seem right to me on message boards . But would appreciate thoughts for my parents. Both almost 90, and struggling. And I’m struggling to help. Tia.
Prayers for your parents....and for you. Know it is a struggle.
Good morning D-League.

First, prayers sent to Backer Cutter and his family. My father turns 90 in ten days so I know the emotional weight of having older parents.

It’s another beautiful day here, the kind that generates hope in the human heart. May the Cats fulfill our hopes today.

I’ll check in later. Have a good day everyone.
Another day in the 60s with some rain so Spring's getting closer. The Mrs. who loves gardening and flowers has been outside for the last couple of days piddlin'. Can't do much yet.

Even with the warm weather for the last week I can still see a couple of small piles of snow....they'll be gone by the end of the day. Must have been solid ice for it to melt this slow. But...back to Spring....need to get to a 'big box store' here soon and pick up the first bags of the year of fertilizer/crabbgrass killer.

Speaking of 'big box' most of you don't have Menard's stores. The Menard's of racing...John the father and Paul of NASCAR. Huge stores...bigger than HD and/or Lowes. Many times they have 11% rebate promos where the 11% is in a store check. With several rental properties there are times where we spend a ton on all my fertilizer, flowers, etc this year will be free. I'll take it.

Good day to all.
Picking on you because you have the latest post here. My sincere apologies. Don’t have time lately to keep up. But I know you are a spiritual man. I’ve never asked for prayer before, and hardly ever given it when asked. Just don’t seem right to me on message boards . But would appreciate thoughts for my parents. Both almost 90, and struggling. And I’m struggling to help. Tia.
Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. I'm going through something similar with my elderly parents. It's difficult because all that matters is their comfort and quality of life. Best of luck to you.