
Still fully confused but thanks. Unless you mean bet one dollar and win fifteen if UK wins? I have reaffirmed why I do not bet.

I used to play some poker but that again was years ago in my early 20's. Mostly pickup games but I liked that.

I may bet a dollar that Ole MD55 would take a taste of one of those old fossils he finds... jk jk...

Yeah, warped, just call me warped...

In honor of CinDog when I used to mess with her, she'd give me one of these...


Yeah you're right. Bet a buck and get 15 on the Cats if they win the SEC tourney. Probably not a safe bet but who knows.
Yeah you're right. Bet a buck and get 15 on the Cats if they win the SEC tourney. Probably not a safe bet but who knows.
Thinking I’d be better off investing in sunflower seeds for the squirrels, which we already do. Can always eat a squirrel. Never tried a bad bet receipt, but would imagine it would need salt and other spices. But I’m tired, and sleepy, and old...,,, going to bed.
Yeah you're right. Bet a buck and get 15 on the Cats if they win the SEC tourney. Probably not a safe bet but who knows.

Dang, had me all excited. I was getting ready to bet a "hunert" on the Cats. I could lose that and just get upset but with a possible return of 150k I was considering chancing it. I will definitely pass on the 15 to 1 stuff... ;)
Good morning from ATX. Currently 63°F, cloudy with light wind. Today's high may hit 81°F.

Wife and I watched Ali vs Frazier I - 50th Anniversary last night. She taped the broadcast. This past Monday, March 8, was the 50th anniversary of the fight. Talk about a very interesting ESPN special.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 63°F, cloudy with light wind. Today's high may hit 81°F.

Wife and I watched Ali vs Frazier I - 50th Anniversary last night. She taped the broadcast. This past Monday, March 8, was the 50th anniversary of the fight. Talk about a very interesting ESPN special.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Gimme, gimme😋
Good morning D-League. Beautiful day here. My wife's hospital is running some sort of fitness awareness thing today where you post on FB a selfie on the hospital's FB page after a 5-mile walk. So I got that accomplished this morning, wearing a UK hat out by a little pond where I walk every day anyway.

Getting close to the SEC tournament, and I'm trying to stay realistic. But if I could figure out a simple way to do it, I'd put a few bucks -- probably fewer than $100 -- on Kentucky at 15-1. Nobody in the SEC is unbeatable, that's for sure.

I hope you all have a real fine day.
I remember gas in the 35 cent range. I remember a trip from Michigan to Kentucky and Dad stopping on the highway to get gas and throwing a fit the gas was 45 cent.

I remember new cars for 6 or 7 grand. It seemed it was overnight in the 70s that they jumped to around 17k. Just floored me even at that young age.

(I did almost the entire trip laying in the back window space...)(prison-time today)
This was the price of gas until the early 1970's when we had the famous gasoline shortages. Remember odd and even gas purchases and all stations closed on Sunday. The picture below was taken in the 1960's.

When I was growing up gasoline was about $0.21 a gallon for regular and maybe $.024 for high test. The lowest I saw it was in the early 1970's during a "gas war". It got down to NINE CENTS. It started out that morning at $0.21 but two stations across the street from one another at the corner of Highland Ave and Gulf to Bay in Clearwater got into a war. One station dropped it to $0.19, then the other to $0.18 and for the next few hours this went on until they both got down to NINE Cents a gallon. This happened to be the state tax on a gallon of gas so that was the rock bottom. Both stations were totally out of gasoline around 2 or 3 o'clock. Oh the fun of those days.

When was the last time you saw a "gas war"

This was the price of gas until the early 1970's when we had the famous gasoline shortages. Remember odd and even gas purchases and all stations closed on Sunday. The picture below was taken in the 1960's.

When I was growing up gasoline was about $0.21 a gallon for regular and maybe $.024 for high test. The lowest I saw it was in the early 1970's during a "gas war". It got down to NINE CENTS. It started out that morning at $0.21 but two stations across the street from one another at the corner of Highland Ave and Gulf to Bay in Clearwater got into a war. One station dropped it to $0.19, then the other to $0.18 and for the next few hours this went on until they both got down to NINE Cents a gallon. This happened to be the state tax on a gallon of gas so that was the rock bottom. Both stations were totally out of gasoline around 2 or 3 o'clock. Oh the fun of those days.

When was the last time you saw a "gas war"


Wow Sir,

Actually was a gas war in Summerville SC just before we left there. A couple stations (A Circle K and a Speedway station, I looked it up on google maps) nearly across the street from one another, went at it. At the time gas was around 2.50 or something a gallon everywhere else. (Can't remember exactly), in any event they started warring and it seemed over a month those two stations gas dropped daily and then hovered around a buck forty until I guess they called a truce of some sort.

Oh, I do hope everyone's day today is pleasing to you. I do hope all convey this pleasurable day to someone else. Make the day better, love somebody or something. God bless you all!
The first new car I ever bought was a 1965 Chevy Impala. Sticker price was $3188.
I think of the many things that shock me in today's world, the cost of a vehicle is at the top.

I bought a brand new, factory ordered, 1969 Chevelle Malibu SS for less than $3,000. My dad bought a 1953 Ford Victoria exactly like the one below, same color for about $2,000 . There is a story about why he bought this car. Back in the 50's there was no such thing as a child safety lock on a car. Dad had a 1951 Mercury 4 door and one day we were driving back from the beach . My 3 year old sister and I were in the back seat. Suddenly she opened the door while he was going about 50 mph. The car had those suicide doors, the wind caught it and it swung out with her holding on. I grabbed her and pulled her back into the car. Mama was screaming her head off. The next day daddy went to the Ford / Mercury dealer and bought the last two door hard tops they had on the lot. This 53 was a nice car.

Good morning D-League. Beautiful day here. My wife's hospital is running some sort of fitness awareness thing today where you post on FB a selfie on the hospital's FB page after a 5-mile walk. So I got that accomplished this morning, wearing a UK hat out by a little pond where I walk every day anyway.

Getting close to the SEC tournament, and I'm trying to stay realistic. But if I could figure out a simple way to do it, I'd put a few bucks -- probably fewer than $100 -- on Kentucky at 15-1. Nobody in the SEC is unbeatable, that's for sure.

I hope you all have a real fine day.
Happy for ya. Keep up the good fight!

I'm working back up to 5-6 mile walks. Currently at 1.5 miles early morning, 1.5 miles lunch and two miles after work. My goal is 6 milers every morning after breakfast. Must adjust my schedule. Planning on it after this next KY trip.
Happy for ya. Keep up the good fight!

I'm working back up to 5-6 mile walks. Currently at 1.5 miles early morning, 1.5 miles lunch and two miles after work. My goal is 6 milers every morning after breakfast. Must adjust my schedule. Planning on it after this next KY trip.
Thanks Austin. And good luck with your schedule. The only two reasons I can stay disciplined:

1. Work from home so I've basically rolled my prep time and commute time to and from into morning and evening walks, and taken what was a work lunch hour and made it a third walk.

2. My knee has gotten increasingly arthritic, so I decided to suspend running. That created a need to exercise and a surplus of energy.

But it does get pretty boring sometimes. I listen to podcasts with a beginning-and-end, like Dateline True Crime shows, to keep my mind occupied. I know every unsuccessful way to attempt to get away with murder ever devised.

Good luck with your trip to Kentucky. I'm doing a quick turnaround to Campbell County on March 19-21 to attend a party for my father's 90th birthday!
Thanks Austin. And good luck with your schedule. The only two reasons I can stay disciplined:

1. Work from home so I've basically rolled my prep time and commute time to and from into morning and evening walks, and taken what was a work lunch hour and made it a third walk.

2. My knee has gotten increasingly arthritic, so I decided to suspend running. That created a need to exercise and a surplus of energy.

But it does get pretty boring sometimes. I listen to podcasts with a biginning-and-end, like Dateline True Crime shows, to keep my mind occupied. I know every unsuccessful way to attempt to get away with murder ever devised.

Does chasing and carrying your Grand children up and down three floors count as exercise? If so, I'm good. I regularly run around my treadmill with the grand babies laughing and laughing that I can't catch them...

Just received a blood testing appointment letter from my cardiologist. Have to keep that one!
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On the topic of cheap gas -- Remember the days when it was not only 35-cents, and someone pumped it for you and checked your oil and clean your windshield, but you got some kind of premium for a 10-gallon purchase? Cheap drinking glasses or whatever.

My favorite as a kid -- the old Tresler Comet stations in Northern Kentucky allowed people to buy a Little League-sized baseball bat for 88-cents with a gas purchase.
On the topic of cheap gas -- Remember the days when it was not only 35-cents, and someone pumped it for you and checked your oil and clean your windshield, but you got some kind of premium for a 10-gallon purchase? Cheap drinking glasses or whatever.

My favorite as a kid -- the old Tresler Comet stations in Northern Kentucky allowed people to buy a Little League-sized baseball bat for 88-cents with a gas purchase.
And don't forget the S&H green stamps and Top Value stamps. As newly weds my wife and I stocked our kitchen with those things. We got a blender, electric knife, post and pans. You name it, it came from saving Top Value stamps and Green Stamps. That is what you did in those days.


Remember gas price wars? i was in texas in ‘68 and two gas stations across the street from one another were warring with the price hitting 17-18 cents/gallon. of course i was in the military, no money and no car. i was in omaha in ‘66 and there was a gas station that had several girls pumping gas, cleaning the windshield etc. we were all amazed to see girls working at a gas station.
Gas here in my town in s ohio today is $2.51–down from $2.69 a few days ago. ☹
Morning folks. It is 58.5°F here and it is supposed to top out at 70°. I bet it gets warmer than that.

The most notable gas price for me was on 3rd Street in Louisville in 1968. It got down to .249 cents per gallon. In 1986 I lived in Houston and I don't believe that I paid over a dollar a gallon the whole year.

The week before Christmas I filled my Explorer up in Smiths Grove at $1.709 per gallon. Yesterday at the same place the cost was $2.649. Thanks Biden.

On vaccinations: I went for my 6 months check up at the Doctors office. Every one in the building that I contacted had had both of their shots, including me. Of the old folks that we are in contact with all, to my knowledge, have had them. So hopefully we are going to get to herd immunity if a couple months.
Morning all.

Am I the only one here that has not/is not getting the vaccine for the China Flu? The Mrs had her first one last week and her only problem was a slightly sore arm.

I've never had a flu shot. Have hardly ever been sick (🤜 on wood) so I never saw a need. Became even more adamant about flu shots when I had a cousin who about 5 years ago got one, and then some time later started feeling poorly. Very weak. Got to the point where he slowly felt weaker and weaker to the point he was having problems walking, muscles, etc. Make a long story short...he was finally diagnosed, at the UK Med Center I believe (who brought in a team of specialists) with Guillain-Barre syndrome. Very rare...and they think in some cases it's a byproduct of getting the flu vaccine. After a number of months, where his body basically totally shut down, he died.

Remember I posted this about 6-8 months ago on the Political thread and one of our esteemed posters basically called me a if he knew my cousin and I didn't.

You're not alone on this one. I don't want anything to do with this vaccine. I don't trust it and believe that there is a bad agenda behind the whole thing that "they" are not telling us about. There are just too many questions about this vaccine, which is unlike any that have ever been developed in the past. Please, people out there, do not take this vaccine. You may severely regret it later on down the road.

Anything funded or promoted by Bill Gates/Dr. Fake Fauci is enough to make me question it. Just look at the track record of destruction his vaccines have caused in Africa and India; and he is a known globalist population control advocate.
And don't forget the S&H green stamps and Top Value stamps. As newly weds my wife and I stocked our kitchen with those things. We got a blender, electric knife, post and pans. You name it, it came from saving Top Value stamps and Green Stamps. That is what you did in those days.


First job out of college was a corporate one at Top Value. Then when OPEC hit, and gas prices skyrocketed, stations started dropping the stamp program left and right in an effort to keep some type of profit in it for them. Then Kroger started dropping them (even tho' Top Value was a wholly owned subsidiary of Kroger) and it was all downhill. Was offered jobs with Kings Island and Kings Dominion (Richmond, VA) ... owned by Taft Broadcasting and Top Value, and with TV Travel .... turned them both down and moved to Atlanta.
At times I wish that I had taken the TV Travel job, although they only lasted a few more years as I recall. TV Travel was for corporate incentive programs. Would have had a lot of travel/vacation packages to all types of places. Would have been fun/see the world for a couple of years while you're young type thing.

Lowest gas war price I remember was 17 cents.
Thanks Austin. And good luck with your schedule. The only two reasons I can stay disciplined:

1. Work from home so I've basically rolled my prep time and commute time to and from into morning and evening walks, and taken what was a work lunch hour and made it a third walk.

2. My knee has gotten increasingly arthritic, so I decided to suspend running. That created a need to exercise and a surplus of energy.

But it does get pretty boring sometimes. I listen to podcasts with a beginning-and-end, like Dateline True Crime shows, to keep my mind occupied. I know every unsuccessful way to attempt to get away with murder ever devised.

Good luck with your trip to Kentucky. I'm doing a quick turnaround to Campbell County on March 19-21 to attend a party for my father's 90th birthday!
I used to run a lot, but I was in a motorcycle wreck and messed my left leg up. Lost most of the range of motion in my ankle which made me walk awkwardly, which puts strain on my knee and hip. I had a boxer that I walked with for 14 years till she passed (walking is a great way to bond with a dog-they consider it part of the "hunt"). I don't do either now, but I still work a lot. There's not much money in it these days, but it's pretty physical, so it gives me good exercise and keeps me busy doing something productive.
And don't forget the S&H green stamps and Top Value stamps. As newly weds my wife and I stocked our kitchen with those things. We got a blender, electric knife, post and pans. You name it, it came from saving Top Value stamps and Green Stamps. That is what you did in those days.


You know, my mom saved S&H Green Stamps and Top Value stamps for years -- but I don't recall her ever redeeming them for anything! She was probably saving up for a Cadillac or something when the companies each folded. I remember there was a catalog for the Green Stamps and I used to lobbuy for a baseball glove, but that never happened (not that I was deprived. I usually had a decent glove.)
I think of the many things that shock me in today's world, the cost of a vehicle is at the top.

I bought a brand new, factory ordered, 1969 Chevelle Malibu SS for less than $3,000. My dad bought a 1953 Ford Victoria exactly like the one below, same color for about $2,000 . There is a story about why he bought this car. Back in the 50's there was no such thing as a child safety lock on a car. Dad had a 1951 Mercury 4 door and one day we were driving back from the beach . My 3 year old sister and I were in the back seat. Suddenly she opened the door while he was going about 50 mph. The car had those suicide doors, the wind caught it and it swung out with her holding on. I grabbed her and pulled her back into the car. Mama was screaming her head off. The next day daddy went to the Ford / Mercury dealer and bought the last two door hard tops they had on the lot. This 53 was a nice car.


In 1964 the Mustang had just come out. I tried to buy one at the sticker price but I insisted that it include a four barrel carb, which cost $50 extra. They wouldn't do it and I walked away. They didn't care. Those Mustangs were selling like hotcakes.Bought the Impala instead. This 'un. I showed it to a friend of mine and said, "That's a nice color, isn't it?" He said, "Well, you and 50 milllion blacks couldn't be wrong."

Thanks Austin. And good luck with your schedule. The only two reasons I can stay disciplined:

1. Work from home so I've basically rolled my prep time and commute time to and from into morning and evening walks, and taken what was a work lunch hour and made it a third walk.

2. My knee has gotten increasingly arthritic, so I decided to suspend running. That created a need to exercise and a surplus of energy.

But it does get pretty boring sometimes. I listen to podcasts with a beginning-and-end, like Dateline True Crime shows, to keep my mind occupied. I know every unsuccessful way to attempt to get away with murder ever devised.

Good luck with your trip to Kentucky. I'm doing a quick turnaround to Campbell County on March 19-21 to attend a party for my father's 90th birthday!

I watch a lot of true crime shows. With modern forensics it is very difficult to get away with murdering someone. You pretty much have to kill a total stranger without touching them in some isolated setting while just passing through town without stopping and having no motive. And never ever tell anyone what you did.
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I watch a lot of true crime shows. With modern forensics it is very difficult to get away with murdering someone. You pretty much have to kill a total stranger without touching them in some isolated setting while just passing through town without stopping and having no motive.
Or get very lucky with particularly dumb and, or lazy cops, Chief. There certainly are some rules that seem set in stone: 1. Don't involve any other person. 2. Plan way ahead with an infallible body disposal plan, like a pre-dug hole miles away from the crime scene. 3. Commit the act in a way that involves no traceable weapon or spilled blood - strangulation with bare hands is best.

I've just said enough to be divorced if my wife saw this thread -- though she's the one that got me started on True Crime shows. Women seem to love them.
Or get very lucky with particularly dumb and, or lazy cops, Chief. There certainly are some rules that seem set in stone: 1. Don't involve any other person. 2. Plan way ahead with an infallible body disposal plan, like a pre-dug hole miles away from the crime scene. 3. Commit the act in a way that involves no traceable weapon or spilled blood - strangulation with bare hands is best.

I've just said enough to be divorced if my wife saw this thread -- though she's the one that got me started on True Crime shows. Women seem to love them.

Good points. Got to get rid of the body so that it is never found. Strangling someone has the potential to leave touch DNA and get yourself scratched.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • 45º right now in Cumming, Georgia.
  • Gas right now is about 2.50 at Race Track.
  • The lowest price I can remember is 20centspg in Brookport, Illinois about 1963 during wars there.
  • Nothing going on here.
  • No Whitetails either.
  • Glad to read that the operated-on ones are improving.
  • Don't know whether or not I should tell this, but ......... when the little gal positioned the needle, I told her it seemed too high (it was approaching the joint), she got loud and insisted that she had been instructed to give it there. And she did and I was pretty sore for 3-4 days. I have since looked it up and she was full of s### with her opinion. I guess it is okay, but .........
  • That is all.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
In 1964 the Mustang had just come out. I tried to buy one at the sticker price but I insisted that it include a four barrel carb, which cost $50 extra. They wouldn't do it and I walked away. They didn't care. Those Mustangs were selling like hotcakes.Bought the Impala instead. This 'un. I showed it to a friend of mine and said, "That's a nice color, isn't it?" He said, "Well, you and 50 milllion blacks couldn't be wrong."


I don't like and don't wear pink but that IS a nice, nice color!