
I like gizzards, liver not so much. I do like calf liver and prefer it raw. Don't care much for kidneys either. My favorite food growing up was the gray squirrel. Mammaw made squirrel stews, pies, casseroles, southern fried, glazed in an oven. Anyway it could be prepared it was. It could be served for any meal. My Papaw showed me hollers where family planted scattered walnut and chestnut trees and let the squirrels produce the groves in top secret locations. They had chickens for eggs, ate hunted wildlife, wild caught fish and sold the tobacco for cash. I'm a truly omnivorous creature and every bite a blessing.
Except for the liver, you just described me. Grew up eating whatever was easiest to catch and available. That’s why I prefer those things now as I’m getting older. Fried squirrel, biscuits and gravy is still one of my favorite things. Nobody made it better than my grandma.

Squirrel dumplings are my favored.

I never liked rabbit, but my wife loves rabbit and does not like squirrel.

I have never eaten raw liver but hell I would try it. Raw seafood is good. I like my steaks near raw, even though late in life I have been grilling them a couple minutes longer.
Squirrel dumplings are my favored.

I never liked rabbit, but my wife loves rabbit and does not like squirrel.

I have never eaten raw liver but hell I would try it. Raw seafood is good. I like my steaks near raw, even though late in life I have been grilling them a couple minutes longer.
Here we go again: My poetic capabilities only go so far.
It is 45.1°F and partly sunny. We started out below freezing this morning, but may end up being decent for some yard work.

I don't know what to expect out of our Cats this afternoon. I am just hoping to get a win.

I grilled some prime rib eye last night. That stuff is good. Apparently I do not have Covid-19 as you are supposed to lose your taste, so as of last night I still had my taste. The largest one came in at 22 ounces. My cousin Leon ate it all but one little piece of gristle. That old boy can still pack it in. I top out at about 12 ounces.
My buddy's 10,000 acre ranch was outside San Angelo, TX.

That is a very nice area. I traveled to Texas quite a bit during my working career and San Angelo was one of my favorite areas. It is hard to find a spot in Texas I do not like, especially the wide open spaces. San Angelo is a nice sized city, not too large and not too small. Plus it is conservative and people are self sufficient.

What is there not to like?
Squirrel dumplings are my favored.

I never liked rabbit, but my wife loves rabbit and does not like squirrel.

I have never eaten raw liver but hell I would try it. Raw seafood is good. I like my steaks near raw, even though late in life I have been grilling them a couple minutes longer.
Here’s more fodder for Warrior. I don’t like rabbit either. My mom loved it when I was growing up, and I hunted them often as I could. They have an obnoxious odor to me when you dress them, and it finally got to me. No way I could eat raw liver, or any kind of snake. Will try about anything else though.
Squirrel dumplings are my favored.

I never liked rabbit, but my wife loves rabbit and does not like squirrel.

I have never eaten raw liver but hell I would try it. Raw seafood is good. I like my steaks near raw, even though late in life I have been grilling them a couple minutes longer.
Squirrel: Like. It's okay. A bit too gamey sometimes.

Rabbit: Love it. Dined on rabbit here (wild and farm-raised), Europe and Middle East. My son's German cousins raise rabbit year-round and earn decent money selling what they raise.

Liver (beef and chicken) is okay, but not a fan.
Good old San Angelo. It lies about 200 miles to the NW from us. You start hitting desert out there. Livestock, oil and a Goodfellow AFB. I last visited about 15 years ago. Nice folks.

I took 98C training there. A fine post. Had a black girl slap my hand for picking up my tray (Fresh out of basic into my first AIT. Stated that was HER job.) Asked how I wanted my steak cooked.. ah,.. while I was standing at parade rest. Ate Jack Rabbit in the mess hall, had a beer machine in our barracks along with a cigarette machine. (I think the beer was $.55 or $.65 and the cigarettes were $.45 (A pack).. I loved that beer machine...

Water was HORRIBLE as most Texas water is but that was the worst. (Regurgitated pool water at best.)

I sprained my ankle while there and the doctor that treated me (A full Bird) got me drunk on screwdrivers that night in the officers club. Just an enjoyable time... I think it was near or was my birthday is why the Col. was so nice to me. Think I just turned 21.... The Col. got me hooked on those darned screwdrivers though and I drank my share of those for a few years and finally went on a drunk just after I got out of the Army and drank two or three fifths with orange juice and swore off them. Haven't had one since...

Oh, but I DO hope you all are having a GREAT day and I DO wish you the very merriest of Christmas seasons no matter the circumstances. Jesus IS the reason for the season. Focus on him and all will be okay! God Bless you all AND your families!
It is 45.1°F and partly sunny. We started out below freezing this morning, but may end up being decent for some yard work.

I don't know what to expect out of our Cats this afternoon. I am just hoping to get a win.

I grilled some prime rib eye last night. That stuff is good. Apparently I do not have Covid-19 as you are supposed to lose your taste, so as of last night I still had my taste. The largest one came in at 22 ounces. My cousin Leon ate it all but one little piece of gristle. That old boy can still pack it in. I top out at about 12 ounces.
22 ounces is a lot of meat! Congrats to Leon!
The largest one came in at 22 ounces. My cousin Leon ate it all but one little piece of gristle. That old boy can still pack it in. I top out at about 12 ounces.
22 ounces is a lot of meat! Congrats to Leon!
Years ago, before all the food challenges and so forth, went to a place in Vegas that had a 32 oz. prime rib.....if you could eat it all it was free. Was in a party of 4....none of us could do it.