
Speaking of roe, has any D eaten Bluegill roe?

Funny story. I use to travel a lot in my work and flew all over the country. One afternoon my wife mentioned to me that I should bring back a little something on my trips.

So I am in Baton Rouge getting ready to go to the airport and suddenly I remember what she said. So I looked and looked for a gift shop but nothing. Finally I saw a grocery store and decided to check it out. In this store were jars and jars (big jars) of pig parts. Pig feet, pig tails, pig ears and pig lips. All pickled in a vinegar based hot sauce. So a light went on in my little brain. The wife wants a gift so how about a very large jar of pig lips. For some reason I thought that would be a good idea.

WRONG. I showed up at the door with that big jar under my arms and thought I would get a welcome kiss home. I got a "what is THAT". Pig lips, my love. Pickled and ready to eat. Not only would she not eat them with me she would not let me open them up in the house.

This one about my grandma. She used to eat potted meat until she read what the ingredients were. When she got to beef lips, she said “SHEEWW”. Never ate it again.
Watched Memphis Belle last night with my wife. We had been watching Christmas movies lately and were channel hopping when we came across it and she saw the look on my face and knew I would rather watch that than then on going onslaught of Lifetime and Hallmark Christmas movies she had us watching. Since she works and I can watch what I want during the day she gets to pick the evenings entertainment. We'll she likes the movie too so...Memphis Belle it was.
The 1990 movie with Matthew Modine? Pretty good movie. Been years since I've seen it. Might look it up.
The original Army movie of when they filmed the plane/crew is on I believe Netflix.
They put the Belle on display at the Air Force Museum outside Dayton, OH about two years ago. Seems I read where it took a number of years to restore it. I've seen it there a couple of times.

I like gizzards, liver not so much. I do like calf liver and prefer it raw. Don't care much for kidneys either. My favorite food growing up was the gray squirrel. Mammaw made squirrel stews, pies, casseroles, southern fried, glazed in an oven. Anyway it could be prepared it was. It could be served for any meal. My Papaw showed me hollers where family planted scattered walnut and chestnut trees and let the squirrels produce the groves in top secret locations. They had chickens for eggs, ate hunted wildlife, wild caught fish and sold the tobacco for cash. I'm a truly omnivorous creature and every bite a blessing.
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I like gizzards, liver not so much. I do like calf liver and prefer it raw. Don't care much for kidneys either. My favorite food growing up was the gray squirrel. Mammaw made squirrel stews, pies, casseroles, southern fried, glazed in an oven. Anyway it could be prepared it was. It could be served for any meal. My Papaw showed me hollers where family planted scattered walnut and chestnut trees and let the squirrels produce the groves in top secret locations. They had chickens for eggs, ate hunted wildlife, wild caught fish and sold the tobacco for cash. I'm a truly omnivorous. Every bite a blessing.
Except for the liver, you just described me. Grew up eating whatever was easiest to catch and available. That’s why I prefer those things now as I’m getting older. Fried squirrel, biscuits and gravy is still one of my favorite things. Nobody made it better than my grandma.
I got the big eye tonight and am bored. Please share some nightmares.

May have to search some of gassy's posts, the dude eats some stuff only wayfaring pirates would eat. (The brother is a vegan if that tells you anything or he sure likes their cookbook.) Has hints of tofu and gets more obnoxious from there. I'd have to do some searching but he has some, how shall I state it; Unique concoctions... I will see if I can look some up but....
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Just got my LG&E bill (late Christmas mail delivery). They slipped in a notice to customers that they're seeking an 11.6% increase in electricity and an 8.3% increase in gas. Great news right before Christmas. Evil bastards.

Wait till Biden's EPA gets finished with you. You will look upon the last four years as the "Good Old Days."
I like gizzards, liver not so much. I do like calf liver and prefer it raw. Don't care much for kidneys either. My favorite food growing up was the gray squirrel. Mammaw made squirrel stews, pies, casseroles, southern fried, glazed in an oven. Anyway it could be prepared it was. It could be served for any meal. My Papaw showed me hollers where family planted scattered walnut and chestnut trees and let the squirrels produce the groves in top secret locations. They had chickens for eggs, ate hunted wildlife, wild caught fish and sold the tobacco for cash. I'm a truly omnivorous creature and every bite a blessing.

Raw calf liver? Gag me. Rooster, they should have cast you in Silence of the Lambs.
May have to search some of gassy's posts, the dude eats some stuff only wayfaring pirates would eat. (The brother is a vegan if that tells you anything or he sure likes their cookbook.) Has hints of tofu and gets more obnoxious from there. I'd have to do some searching but he has some, how shall I state it; Unique concoctions... I will see if I can look some up but....
Oh, my bad, never mind then. If it doesn’t have meat in it, then I’m out. Got teeth for a reason.