Funny story. I use to travel a lot in my work and flew all over the country. One afternoon my wife mentioned to me that I should bring back a little something on my trips.
So I am in Baton Rouge getting ready to go to the airport and suddenly I remember what she said. So I looked and looked for a gift shop but nothing. Finally I saw a grocery store and decided to check it out. In this store were jars and jars (big jars) of pig parts. Pig feet, pig tails, pig ears and pig lips. All pickled in a vinegar based hot sauce. So a light went on in my little brain. The wife wants a gift so how about a very large jar of pig lips. For some reason I thought that would be a good idea.
WRONG. I showed up at the door with that big jar under my arms and thought I would get a welcome kiss home. I got a "what is THAT". Pig lips, my love. Pickled and ready to eat. Not only would she not eat them with me she would not let me open them up in the house.