
Thanks so much. I firmly believe that God answers prayer. BTW, since you are in IL, has there been much talk about Hopkins committing to UK?
Fortunately, I'm no longer in IL, so I have no info. I just never changed my handle. If I did it would confuse the 👽👽👽 aliens that are keeping an eye on me. [winking]

BlueMoon, Hollerween & Swampbillies
Go Big Blue!
Good Saturday Morning D League

I woke up this morning to a spectacular moon and pleasant temperatures. We have 55Âş at present and we should get up to 82Âş by mid afternoon. A cold front is predicted for tomorrow that will bring the temperatures down a little more. Still not sweater or jacket weather but getting close.

Today will be a light rehab day for me as I work to get this wound in my abdomen area healed up. I will do a little walking but can't get in the pool. I trust all are well and my prayers are with those who need a touch from above. Prayers will be heard. The moon phase is: Full Moon

Seems like it truly is one thing after another. The hospital just called and told us that we tested positive for Covid. Our oldest daughter and granddaughter also tested positive. Thank goodness they are both asymptomatic. They said that since I had a runny nose and sneezing, that I had a cold on top of it. As Charlie Brown would say, Good Grief.
Sorry to hear that Ben. Prayers for you and your family.
Good Saturday Morning D League

I woke up this morning to a spectacular moon and pleasant temperatures. We have 55Âş at present and we should get up to 82Âş by mid afternoon. A cold front is predicted for tomorrow that will bring the temperatures down a little more. Still not sweater or jacket weather but getting close.

Today will be a light rehab day for me as I work to get this wound in my abdomen area healed up. I will do a little walking but can't get in the pool. I trust all are well and my prayers are with those who need a touch from above. Prayers will be heard. The moon phase is: Full Moon

Since it is the 2nd full moon this month, it is a Blue Moon.
Bright sunny morning in my neck of the woods. High to be around 50, but should feel better than that with the sun shining. Been working on a project so I've got a stack of old wood in the yard that I need to move so I'll be doing that later. Little ones doing trick or treat this afternoon. Living on the edge of a small town we normally don't get many....some years none.

Glad they started this middle of the day trick or treating after I was grown. Not a kid, and I don't like it. Give me the dark, at night, roaming the neighborhood trick or treating. Use to have a ball (with no Halloween pranks, soaping windows, etc. Just fun with the neighborhood kids)
Typical late October morning here. Was 33 degrees with frost when I got up. Going to mow the yard today, this cool weather has got the fescue out of dormancy and really growing, but it won’t last much longer. Yard is covered with leaves also, and it’s looking ratty around here. Hope to catch at least the second half of the game. Y’all have a good day.
1st off Prayers for all.

. . . I . . . would confuse the 👽👽👽 aliens that are keeping an eye on me.

Game Day! I'm not so fond of these noon EST kickoffs, but glad we're treated to some Kentucky Wildcat football. Go Cats!
I share that sentiment. 9 AM can be rough.

Got off work yesterday and made it just in time to do the early voting. Didn't trust the mail in process and didn't feel like fighting the expected long lines Tuesday.
We voted yesterday too. Same reasons. Didn't take long.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord
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  • Good Afternoon, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • 40Âş when I got up at 0730. Cold. Nice right now.
  • Cat defense played well, but we could not score.
  • Gatewood is not fast nor elusive.
  • That is all.

Yeah, I agree. I thought he might be our answer at QB for the next few years. Probably not. He's not fast, and I didn't see much accuracy in his throws. At some point in time, Gran is going to have to throw the ball downfield. I'm not sure he can force himself to call those plays.
Yeah, I agree. I thought he might be our answer at QB for the next few years. Probably not. He's not fast, and I didn't see much accuracy in his throws. At some point in time, Gran is going to have to throw the ball downfield. I'm not sure he can force himself to call those plays.
Yeah, I think Terry may have been a better choice for this particular game. He's much more mobile.
The Cats hung in there. Not a bad loss against one of the best teams in the country. With their offensive woes I wonder if they'll eventually give Beau Allen a shot. 4-star Kentucky kid known for his passing. Why not at this point?