
It was 28.8°F when I got up this morning at 5:15 am. It is now 34.2° and sunny. The frost is deep and pretty.

I will be glad when the election is over. I am so tired of hearing Joe yell that I can't stand it. I am tired of Amy McGrath's anti-Mitch adds, she is grating.

One of my next door neighbors when I was a kid died. I watched her grow up and survive the teen years and ended up being a wonderful, successful woman. RIP Phyllis. Getting old means you lose good friends. It does not get easy.
It was 28.8°F when I got up this morning at 5:15 am. It is now 34.2° and sunny. The frost is deep and pretty.

I will be glad when the election is over. I am so tired of hearing Joe yell that I can't stand it. I am tired of Amy McGrath's anti-Mitch adds, she is grating.

One of my next door neighbors when I was a kid died. I watched her grow up and survive the teen years and ended up being a wonderful, successful woman. RIP Phyllis. Getting old means you lose good friends. It does not get easy.
My wife and I are staying away from all things political until the results start coming in tomorrow night. We'll also be voting tomorrow and expect long, long lines.
Good morning D, cool, 26 when I got up then dropped to 24, now on the way up with beautiful sunshine!!

We had lots of excitement at the druggy house next door Saturday, police were there, lady that rents had a guy that had just got out of jail move in with her couple months ago, but he seemed like a decent guy. He has a job with a tree crew and he had not missed a day working since he's been there. Anyway he called the police, they had a big fight, she's outside screaming at the top of her lungs at the police higher than a kite, so the police talk to him, he's calm as could be and just ask him to leave for a couple hours just to calm things down. Mean while in an hour or so she leaves to go get an EPO and get the locks changed! While she is gone he rolls in with two trucks, and a couple with him. While the lady stands outside on guard, these two guys load up three trucks, in about 30 minutes and are gone, funniest thing I have seen in a long time!!!! Come to find out from the owners of the house that the lady had been stealing money from him while he's working buying drugs. Got a message from the owners saying the guy dropped off his key and told them, good luck with that b#%@& she is off her rocker!!!! Cheap entertainment!!!!

No trick or treaters, except for out grand kids. We knew they would get candy, so we fixed up a gallon bag with Cheezit crackers, Gold Fish, popcorn, peanut butter pretzels and two little candy bars, the parents thanks us for not giving them candy!!!!

Not much going on today, going to do the dishes, go for a walk, take Mrs. M car to let them check her tires, she needs new ones, then go try to find a raffle ticket for the NRA giveaway, giving away 7 guns!!!!

I hope the D has a great day, you are getting prayed for every day, whether you need them or not!!!
I'll be glad when this is over two. Told Mrs. M this morning, since we had already voted that I wish we had a button on the remote that deleted all ads after you vote!!!!

I am a veteran and I was a Mr. Mom for over 12 years while I was divorced, do I qualify for a senate candidate? I wasn't a fighter pilot, but I was a tank commander.
Good morning from ATX. Our current temperature is 51°F and clear. Today's high should reach 76°F Calm winds. It's beautiful out.

Monday, Monday.

To those among us who are sick, please get well soon. Wishing continued happiness to all our D-League members.


You little Devil!


Oh, Good Morning all,
I hope all will have a great day even if it is a cold day. I am thankful but could also be thankful while warm! May God protect you in all you do. Give thanks for God's goodness! God Bless you!
I'll be glad when this is over two. Told Mrs. M this morning, since we had already voted that I wish we had a button on the remote that deleted all ads after you vote!!!!

I am a veteran and I was a Mr. Mom for over 12 years while I was divorced, do I qualify for a senate candidate? I wasn't a fighter pilot, but I was a tank commander.
I was Armor too cord, do you remember this man who ran for president in 1988. This ad destroyed his campaign. What a farce he was.

I'll be glad when this is over two. Told Mrs. M this morning, since we had already voted that I wish we had a button on the remote that deleted all ads after you vote!!!!

I am a veteran and I was a Mr. Mom for over 12 years while I was divorced, do I qualify for a senate candidate? I wasn't a fighter pilot, but I was a tank commander.

A fighter pilot just doesn't cut it out here. Both Senate candidates are former fighter pilots but one was a former astronaut as well. The political ads for both are sickening.

Tank commander? That will not even get you elected for dogcatcher here.
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I'll be glad when this is over two. Told Mrs. M this morning, since we had already voted that I wish we had a button on the remote that deleted all ads after you vote!!!!

I am a veteran and I was a Mr. Mom for over 12 years while I was divorced, do I qualify for a senate candidate? I wasn't a fighter pilot, but I was a tank commander.
That would definitely get everyone to do the early voting.
It was 28.8°F when I got up this morning at 5:15 am. It is now 34.2° and sunny. The frost is deep and pretty.

I will be glad when the election is over. I am so tired of hearing Joe yell that I can't stand it. I am tired of Amy McGrath's anti-Mitch adds, she is grating.

One of my next door neighbors when I was a kid died. I watched her grow up and survive the teen years and ended up being a wonderful, successful woman. RIP Phyllis. Getting old means you lose good friends. It does not get easy.
Sorry for Your loss Bert! I know what You mean, seems like every week I see on the Goodyear Friends site that we lose another co-worker! Part of life though!
I'll be glad when this is over two. Told Mrs. M this morning, since we had already voted that I wish we had a button on the remote that deleted all ads after you vote!!!!

I am a veteran and I was a Mr. Mom for over 12 years while I was divorced, do I qualify for a senate candidate? I wasn't a fighter pilot, but I was a tank commander.
My Dad was a tank commander under Patton in WWII. After years of trying to get info on where his unit was at, I finally figured it out (Army records were wiped out in a fire in early 70s in St. Louis) when I happened to remember that unit number, etc might be on some paperwork I had on medals that he was put in for and was awarded.. Had found a tour in Europe, a small private one, that I think was 3 weeks long and would follow the path of the 3rd Army. We were going to take it and then Covid hit early this year. So had to put that off. Maybe next year. It was really pricey, but to me it would have been worth it.
My Dad was a tank commander under Patton in WWII. After years of trying to get info on where his unit was at, I finally figured it out (Army records were wiped out in a fire in early 70s in St. Louis) when I happened to remember that unit number, etc might be on some paperwork I had on medals that he was put in for and was awarded.. Had found a tour in Europe, a small private one, that I think was 3 weeks long and would follow the path of the 3rd Army. We were going to take it and then Covid hit early this year. So had to put that off. Maybe next year. It was really pricey, but to me it would have been worth it.
One of my dad's closest friends, who was very good to me, was a tank commander in Patton's 3rd Army . He was a rough cut country boy from Berea, KY. Bill Mahaffey was his name. He came back from WWII and became a preacher.

Not sure if you guys remember this, but my buddy who had triple bypass who I request prayers for has stage 4 cancer throughout his body. He lives in Corydon Indiana and I have made trips every two days to comfort him. His one and only request from me was for me to smoke him some of my infamous bologna for a sandwich with my own recipe coleslaw . I cried.. Please as I am begging, if you see it in your heart to pray for this man, ask the Lord to accept him into heaven...I will be indebted to your prayers..
55 thank you for requesting prayer for your friend. That is a sign of a true friend, someone who cares enough to ask people they will never meet to pray. I will pray without ceasing for him and may God keep his suffering to a minimum and welcome him into his eternal home with the words, Well done you good and faithful servant.

And may God bless and comfort you as well 55.
Not sure if you guys remember this, but my buddy who had triple bypass who I request prayers for has stage 4 cancer throughout his body. He lives in Corydon Indiana and I have made trips every two days to comfort him. His one and only request from me was for me to smoke him some of my infamous bologna for a sandwich with my own recipe coleslaw . I cried.. Please as I am begging, if you see it in your heart to pray for this man, ask the Lord to accept him into heaven...I will be indebted to your prayers..
Really sorry 55. Prayers.
55 thank you for requesting prayer for your friend. That is a sign of a true friend, someone who cares enough to ask people they will never meet to pray. I will pray without ceasing for him and may God keep his suffering to a minimum and welcome him into his eternal home with the words, Well done you good and faithful servant.

And may God bless and comfort you as well 55.
May the Lord be with him.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F and clear in the Capital City. Today's high should reach 81°F. Nice.

Election Day. I voted two weeks ago. According to the news just now, 553,000 in our county (Travis) voted early. Outcome should be interesting.

Here's hoping the sick among us get better. Wishing continued happiness and improving health to all our fellow D-League members.

Not sure if you guys remember this, but my buddy who had triple bypass who I request prayers for has stage 4 cancer throughout his body. He lives in Corydon Indiana and I have made trips every two days to comfort him. His one and only request from me was for me to smoke him some of my infamous bologna for a sandwich with my own recipe coleslaw . I cried.. Please as I am begging, if you see it in your heart to pray for this man, ask the Lord to accept him into heaven...I will be indebted to your prayers..
Prayer sent 55.

Morning Legionnaires!

Voting later today when the wife comes home from work. Waiting also on a new generator to be delivered today for the next go round of weather when it hits.

You guys stay safe and healthy and once again 55:

Lord help this man and his friend in this hard time and please take his friend in your loving arms and help him transition to a better place with painless peace only you can provide. In Jesus name, Amen.
Good Morning from the woods aka wildlife preserve D League

Our temperature is 48° and high should reach 75° with clear skies and plenty of sunshine. A beautiful day to take your friends to the election grounds. Saw on TV people down here are voting in caravans. Lines of cars and pickups with Trump flags going down the streets headed to the polls.

Thank you for your prayers wildcatdonf, I appreciate your thoughts and kindness. Your prayers and those like your will get me through this little bump in the road of life. I offer my prayers up for those on the D League who need a touch from Him or their family and friends.

Let's make it a great day.
Have barely turned on the TV since yesterday so I have no idea how long the lines are at the voting locations. We'll head over to Waggener High School this afternoon and find out. I sure miss walking the 5 short blocks to cast my vote.
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Not sure if you guys remember this, but my buddy who had triple bypass who I request prayers for has stage 4 cancer throughout his body. He lives in Corydon Indiana and I have made trips every two days to comfort him. His one and only request from me was for me to smoke him some of my infamous bologna for a sandwich with my own recipe coleslaw . I cried.. Please as I am begging, if you see it in your heart to pray for this man, ask the Lord to accept him into heaven...I will be indebted to your prayers..

Prayers lifted up for him. Tell him that God will accept him into heaven if he believes in what Jesus did for him on the cross. He paid the penalty for our sins, all we need to do is admit we are sinners, believe in what Jesus did on the cross (his blood sacrifice) and call out to him accepting the free gift of salvation.

Not by our own good works (Ephesians 2:8-9), but by faith in Jesus. It's a free gift, meaning that it's already been paid for by what Jesus did for each of us; we just need to believe it and accept it in our heart. Just like if you received and opened a gift from me on your birthday. It was already paid for, you didn't earn it, but rather just accepted it with thanks.

Tell him that we're pulling for him!!
Hi Everyone,
It's a cool, crisp morning here under clear skies. A beautiful day shaping up weather-wise. I voted three weeks ago, so I will sit out of the voting madness going on out there today, kick back and just watch what happens. I believe that Trump will take the election, but wouldn't be surprised if there emerges some sort of scam or controversy to delay the results. You know, kick the can down the road and drag this thing out a while longer. I'm hoping and praying that we'll be protected from any violence, rioting, looting, etc...

Have a good one and put your trust in God
Getting started a little late here on a cold Ohio morning. At least the sun is bright.
We've already voted so we don't have to worry about that. The Mrs, who used to be apolitical, has become a Trump terror in watching all his rallies. Has been texting everyone she knows to get them out to vote for the Trumpster. Sight to behold.
With the rallies over now maybe we can get some work done around here. I'm normally up very early but stayed up to watch the last rally....something none of us will see again in our lifetime. So, I slept a bit late. I've always found that if I stay up later than I usually do, I get a second wind and then I'm wide awake and stay up way too late. Just me or is anyone else like that?
Have a good one.
Not sure if you guys remember this, but my buddy who had triple bypass who I request prayers for has stage 4 cancer throughout his body. He lives in Corydon Indiana and I have made trips every two days to comfort him. His one and only request from me was for me to smoke him some of my infamous bologna for a sandwich with my own recipe coleslaw . I cried.. Please as I am begging, if you see it in your heart to pray for this man, ask the Lord to accept him into heaven...I will be indebted to your prayers..
Prayers for your buddy.🙏
Good Morning from the woods aka wildlife preserve D League

Our temperature is 48° and high should reach 75° with clear skies and plenty of sunshine. A beautiful day to take your friends to the election grounds. Saw on TV people down here are voting in caravans. Lines of cars and pickups with Trump flags going down the streets headed to the polls.

Thank you for your prayers wildcatdonf, I appreciate your thoughts and kindness. Your prayers and those like your will get me through this little bump in the road of life. I offer my prayers up for those on the D League who need a touch from Him or their family and friends.

Let's make it a great day.

Usually we're all pulling for the team in blue, but today it's all about Red. It's the only time I'll root for red too.
Prayers lifted up for him. Tell him that God will accept him into heaven if he believes in what Jesus did for him on the cross. He paid the penalty for our sins, all we need to do is admit we are sinners, believe in what Jesus did on the cross (his blood sacrifice) and call out to him accepting the free gift of salvation.

Not by our own good works (Ephesians 2:8-9), but by faith in Jesus. It's a free gift, meaning that it's already been paid for by what Jesus did for each of us; we just need to believe it and accept it in our heart. Just like if you received and opened a gift from me on your birthday. It was already paid for, you didn't earn it, but rather just accepted it with thanks.

Tell him that we're pulling for him!!

Good summation of the simple gospel message.
Hi Everyone,
It's a cool, crisp morning here under clear skies. A beautiful day shaping up weather-wise. I voted three weeks ago, so I will sit out of the voting madness going on out there today, kick back and just watch what happens. I believe that Trump will take the election, but wouldn't be surprised if there emerges some sort of scam or controversy to delay the results. You know, kick the can down the road and drag this thing out a while longer. I'm hoping and praying that we'll be protected from any violence, rioting, looting, etc...

Have a good one and put your trust in God

That seems the Democratic way. (the party, not the form of govt) Delay, contest, etc. If Trump does win, they will spend the next four years trying to impeach him, again, rather than run our gov't.