
It is a very rainy 64.9°F. We have already got 1.79" so far. It started yesterday about 3pm.

I got my flu shot yesterday through a drive in service the hospital had. I thought it would be a long ordeal but instead we whizzed right through. You roll down the window and they get you information then drive into a tent and they give you the shot. You never have to get out.

You all stay dry if you are in the path of Zeta.
This morning's haul. Life is good.

My wife was born in 73.

57°➫ 83° Sunny, nice & 2 dry.

Also known as the "low" country.

I ❤ "Swampbillies". (even Col Wilkes) Legendary Shack Shaker with a carney background where every day is Halloween.. His brand of showmanship a bit insane for my taste but his swampy CD's are very dark echos of Kentucky history. For me an adult without virgin ears. I enjoy his artistic ability to convey the darkness of a Hoosier sideshow. I don't appreciate the Devil worshiping lunatics he seems to attract. Here one of the Paducah native's swampbilly tunes is used as backdrop for visual artistic expression appropriate for Hollerween.
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The wife and I had a couple of nice days at Natural Bridge/Red River Gorge Geological area. It's been quit a while since we've been there but enjoy a few different hikes. We're already planning to head back next spring to tackle a few more trails. Great geology.
Odd timing, but the wife and I also just took a 3 day trip there last week. First time either of us have been there, beautiful, rough country. Lots of people though, too many for me.
Odd timing, but the wife and I also just took a 3 day trip there last week. First time either of us have been there, beautiful, rough country. Lots of people though, too many for me.
I think you hit it at peak season. We didn't have any issues with too many people but the Lodge at NBSP was booked full. A lot of people from Ohio came down to hike it seems.
I think you hit it at peak season. We didn't have any issues with too many people but the Lodge at NBSP was booked full. A lot of people from Ohio came down to hike it seems.
Yeah hikers everywhere. We rented a really nice cabin about 20 minutes away from NBSP. Just wasn’t expecting so many people, but a nice time nonetheless. Red River Gorge is awesome.
The wife and I had a couple of nice days at Natural Bridge/Red River Gorge Geological area. It's been quit a while since we've been there but enjoy a few different hikes. We're already planning to head back next spring to tackle a few more trails. Great geology.
The glacial ice of the last ice age seems to have missed it leaving a unique fauna to appreciate like the three-toed salamander and thanks to that good fer nothing Nixon signing the endangered species act we might have dammed it up.
Noticed that @wildcatdonf hasn't posted today, unless I missed it. Talked to my oldest son an hour or so ago and he was telling about the terrible weather in the Atlanta area during the night. Guess the tropical storm/hurricane came thru Atlanta about 4 this morning with horrendous winds. My son lives just NE of Atlanta, where Don lives N. Said there were trees down everywhere not only where he lives, but the drive over to where he works, which is the town in Don's neck of the woods. Said he had friends that lives NW and N of Atlanta whose above ground pool blew away, trampoline for the kids was 3 houses down the street. He had a couple trees come down in his that went right thru a house.
So, I hope/pray that Don is OK and that all is well at his house.

Edit...I use to live in Atlanta and know how bad weather can cause havoc. Trees everywhere in that city/burbs and high wind and ice....power is out all over. Son said that there were a LOT of power outages, so maybe Don's been without power and can't post.
If anybody has his email, etc....might try to touch base with him.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 51°F and clear. Winds backed off. Low humidity. Our high should reach 69°F. Pleasant.

Early game tomorrow between our Cats and those visiting Dogs. Game starts at noon EST/11 am CST. Hoping for an upset.

Wishing happiness and continued good health to all our fellow D-League members.

Good Friday morning D League

Waking up to a pleasant morning with the temperature 64° heading to a high of 71. The humidity is low and a little cold front came through. We expect another that will bring cooler temperatures. Not bad.

Our moon phase is Full Moon. Trut all have a nice day. I am a little sore today, well maybe even more than a little.

We redid our pools patio with travertine a few years ago and really like it. Travertine is easy on the feet even when the sun is at it's strongest and a special seal makes it non sliippery. It was a good investment and blends in well with the landscaping behind our house.


Just curious, any issues with gator's wanting to try out your pool? I say that because our home in South Carolina has a pond in the back that is similar and though that subdivision was relatively new in 2015 I was told it was a matter of time until gator's would take it over. The turtle population was amazing to see early in the mornings as they'd be spread out across the edge of the pond across from our home. (That looks like a real restful place you have. It looks like you have more room between the houses than what I have in South Carolina. Much better developed too. More elegant.)
Many years ago I had a friend who lived in S. Florida (Plantation) whose house basically was the last home in a subdivision that backed up to the swamp. As far West as you could get (at that time anyway). He would have gators sunning on his deck and back yard. Not all the time, but you had to keep an eye out when you went out in his yard. Beautiful place.