Noticed that
@wildcatdonf hasn't posted today, unless I missed it. Talked to my oldest son an hour or so ago and he was telling about the terrible weather in the Atlanta area during the night. Guess the tropical storm/hurricane came thru Atlanta about 4 this morning with horrendous winds. My son lives just NE of Atlanta, where Don lives N. Said there were trees down everywhere not only where he lives, but the drive over to where he works, which is the town in Don's neck of the woods. Said he had friends that lives NW and N of Atlanta whose above ground pool blew away, trampoline for the kids was 3 houses down the street. He had a couple trees come down in his that went right thru a house.
So, I hope/pray that Don is OK and that all is well at his house.
Edit...I use to live in Atlanta and know how bad weather can cause havoc. Trees everywhere in that city/burbs and high wind and ice....power is out all over. Son said that there were a LOT of power outages, so maybe Don's been without power and can't post.
If anybody has his email, etc....might try to touch base with him.