Good morning D, nasty day in the Berg, but it could be worse! Saw Oklahoma City this morning, looks bad! How close are you to OKC WC? We had our storm in 2009, we were in the bullseye for that one, over half inch of ice! When I walked out that morning I could transformers exploding and branches, trees falling everywhere!!! I made it to work, what was a 10 minute drive turned out to be an hour, that was on the parkway. When we got there, they took three of us to check out the plant. We had power lines down, sent us home. Was out for two weeks then they just brought a few of us back just to check every thing out and try to get the explosive plant back up and running!!!
The scarcest I have ever been was, one night on seconds a storm came up out of no where it seemed like, thunderstorms we were always sent to the breakroom, great idea when you work at an explosive plant, but before I could get all the dect cord machines shut down a bolt of lightening struck a tree beside the building I was in, I could feel the heat come thru the building!!!! When I got to the breakroom, they started laughing at me and told me I was white as a sheet. It was already close to quitting time, told the supervisor, I am done, went home!!!
Did any of the D happen to catch the Chris Qumo show last night? I was flipping channels and came across it, he had a Trump cabinet member on there and was having a meltdown!!!! Screaming at the guy because he couldn't get the Trump guy to say something bad about him, I think he is the gubnor's bro in Na York, it was hilarious!
Have a great one D, stay safe WC!!!!