
Good Morning D League

Waking up to a warm morning 75° waiting for the sun to come up. We should reach 86° with sunshine and a possible afternoon shower. The moon phase is Waxing Gibbous.

Time for a coffee fill up, it sure taste good this morning. For those freezing this morning from the ice may things melt away soon. Stay safe.
Good morning D, nasty day in the Berg, but it could be worse! Saw Oklahoma City this morning, looks bad! How close are you to OKC WC? We had our storm in 2009, we were in the bullseye for that one, over half inch of ice! When I walked out that morning I could transformers exploding and branches, trees falling everywhere!!! I made it to work, what was a 10 minute drive turned out to be an hour, that was on the parkway. When we got there, they took three of us to check out the plant. We had power lines down, sent us home. Was out for two weeks then they just brought a few of us back just to check every thing out and try to get the explosive plant back up and running!!!

The scarcest I have ever been was, one night on seconds a storm came up out of no where it seemed like, thunderstorms we were always sent to the breakroom, great idea when you work at an explosive plant, but before I could get all the dect cord machines shut down a bolt of lightening struck a tree beside the building I was in, I could feel the heat come thru the building!!!! When I got to the breakroom, they started laughing at me and told me I was white as a sheet. It was already close to quitting time, told the supervisor, I am done, went home!!!

Did any of the D happen to catch the Chris Qumo show last night? I was flipping channels and came across it, he had a Trump cabinet member on there and was having a meltdown!!!! Screaming at the guy because he couldn't get the Trump guy to say something bad about him, I think he is the gubnor's bro in Na York, it was hilarious!

Have a great one D, stay safe WC!!!!
Good morning D, nasty day in the Berg, but it could be worse! Saw Oklahoma City this morning, looks bad! How close are you to OKC WC? We had our storm in 2009, we were in the bullseye for that one, over half inch of ice! When I walked out that morning I could transformers exploding and branches, trees falling everywhere!!! I made it to work, what was a 10 minute drive turned out to be an hour, that was on the parkway. When we got there, they took three of us to check out the plant. We had power lines down, sent us home. Was out for two weeks then they just brought a few of us back just to check every thing out and try to get the explosive plant back up and running!!!

The scarcest I have ever been was, one night on seconds a storm came up out of no where it seemed like, thunderstorms we were always sent to the breakroom, great idea when you work at an explosive plant, but before I could get all the dect cord machines shut down a bolt of lightening struck a tree beside the building I was in, I could feel the heat come thru the building!!!! When I got to the breakroom, they started laughing at me and told me I was white as a sheet. It was already close to quitting time, told the supervisor, I am done, went home!!!

Did any of the D happen to catch the Chris Qumo show last night? I was flipping channels and came across it, he had a Trump cabinet member on there and was having a meltdown!!!! Screaming at the guy because he couldn't get the Trump guy to say something bad about him, I think he is the gubnor's bro in Na York, it was hilarious!

Have a great one D, stay safe WC!!!!

I'm afraid we're going to lose the WH. I just hope we maintain a majority in the Senate, to keep the liberals from giving away everything they can, buying votes for the next election.
Good morning D, nasty day in the Berg, but it could be worse! Saw Oklahoma City this morning, looks bad! How close are you to OKC WC? We had our storm in 2009, we were in the bullseye for that one, over half inch of ice! When I walked out that morning I could transformers exploding and branches, trees falling everywhere!!! I made it to work, what was a 10 minute drive turned out to be an hour, that was on the parkway. When we got there, they took three of us to check out the plant. We had power lines down, sent us home. Was out for two weeks then they just brought a few of us back just to check every thing out and try to get the explosive plant back up and running!!!

The scarcest I have ever been was, one night on seconds a storm came up out of no where it seemed like, thunderstorms we were always sent to the breakroom, great idea when you work at an explosive plant, but before I could get all the dect cord machines shut down a bolt of lightening struck a tree beside the building I was in, I could feel the heat come thru the building!!!! When I got to the breakroom, they started laughing at me and told me I was white as a sheet. It was already close to quitting time, told the supervisor, I am done, went home!!!

Did any of the D happen to catch the Chris Qumo show last night? I was flipping channels and came across it, he had a Trump cabinet member on there and was having a meltdown!!!! Screaming at the guy because he couldn't get the Trump guy to say something bad about him, I think he is the gubnor's bro in Na York, it was hilarious!

Have a great one D, stay safe WC!!!!
about 60 miles from OKC and we are getting what they are getting. Still freezing rain coming down. While it looks like snow from a picture stand point, it's not, it is all ice.

  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • We have about 54º in Cumming, cloudy, that is the forecast all day I guess
  • I haven't heard where #3 is doing his Jungle Leg. Just don't know yet.

  • Likely.
  • 3rd mug of Dark Magic going down. Waiting on QB and Lola to arise.
  • Saw a Whitetail yesterday morning. Quietly going about her little business.
  • Daylight Savings Time ends on the 1se of November. You probably already knew that
  • 1st Great-Grandson will come for a short visit about noon. Can't hardly wait. Almost 11 months old. Cute as a button. Tying to walk.
  • My knees feel better. (Yay!!!)
  • UGA will beat us like a "rented mule." Ugh.
  • That's it. As you were.
  • Carry on!!!
I would say UK will have to rent two mules for the beating coming....first one will be dead by halftime
I'm afraid we're going to lose the WH. I just hope we maintain a majority in the Senate, to keep the liberals from giving away everything they can, buying votes for the next election.
Ben, maybe it is because of where I live but I feel great about Trump being re-elected. Florida is turning out big for Trump. My wife voted yesterday and came home with a big smile. She said the lines were long and even broke out in a "We love Trump".

Of course I live in one of the most conservative areas of Florida so maybe it is not like that in other areas. Florida has 4 liberal counties out of 67 but they are heavily populated. But the thing that is making us confident down here is the Hispanic vote. South Florida is home to Cubans, Venezuelans and other Socialist countries that have fled their native land because of it. They will go 95% Trump because the Democrats are flirting with socialism.

This may be what brings Florida in the win column because Central, North Florida and the Panhandle are heavy Trump country. The Panhandle is probably the most conservative region in America with thousands of retired military. All Trump
I have renewed hope. Trump is looking better now than four years ago.

I agree, but he kind of sneaked up on them last time. The libs have been getting out the voters and then there is the mail fraud that I am concerned with. Plus, every time you see TV, or sports, they are advocating, "Vote". They are not urging folks to exercise their right to vote, they are urging people who have never voted before to get out and vote against Trump.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • 60º this morning in Cumming.. Overcast all day probably.
  • North Georgia is Trump country.
  • I believe that #3 Grandson is doing the Jungle Leg of his Ranger Training out of Eglin AFB. I worry about the Cottonmouths biting him. He is fired up and will make it with flying colors. He is as tough as a pine knot. And dedicated,
  • I tried that Shufflebean coffee one time, and found that it was not strong enough for me. The Green Mountain Dark Magic is just right. 2nd mug has gone down.
  • Lola is up and attem. Sleeps all day like a feline. She loves the Great-Grandson. Funny how she knows that he is a baby. Very gentle with him.
  • No wildlife action.
  • Sorry to read that Warrior and Austin are having all that weather. It looks rough. No fishing.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
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  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • 60º this morning in Cumming.. Overcast all day probably.
  • North Georgia is Trump country.
  • I believe that #3 Grandson is doing theJungle Leg of his Ranger Training out of Eglin AFB. I worry about the Cottonmouths biting him. He is fired up and will make it with flying colors. He is as tough as a pine knot. And dedicated,
  • I tried that Shufflebean coffee one time, and found that it was not strong enough for me. The Green Mountain Dark Magic is just right. 2nd mug has gone down.
  • Lola is up and attem. Sleeps all day like a feline. She loves the Great-Grandson. Funny how she knows that he is a baby. Very gentle with him.
  • No wildlife action.
  • Sorry to read that Warrior and Austin are having all that weather. It looks rough. No fishing.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
Yeah, fishing is done for the year. Supposed to be back up in the 60's by Friday here.
I'm afraid we're going to lose the WH. I just hope we maintain a majority in the Senate, to keep the liberals from giving away everything they can, buying votes for the next election.

I don't believe this. It flies in the face of everything I see around me. I still can't believe the whole country has gone this crazy. We'll know soon enough.
Been busy today between some house chores and doing some computer work (and checking out these forums, especially political forum).
Just thought that I hadn't gotten my national weather forecast for the day, so I had to check out all your weather. About all that is missing (I think) is the Northwest (Seattle), Northeast (Boston), and maybe Chicago.
Now, I'm up to snuff.
I'm afraid we're going to lose the WH. I just hope we maintain a majority in the Senate, to keep the liberals from giving away everything they can, buying votes for the next election.
I don't believe this. It flies in the face of everything I see around me. I still can't believe the whole country has gone this crazy. We'll know soon enough.
I have renewed hope. Trump is looking better now than four years ago.
  1. If you watch FOX they seem (at least to me) to be using fear of the unknown to combat complacency.
  2. NewsMax is obviously Pro-Trump but at least projects the appearance of some objectivity. There's little to no objectivity or truth left on most major televised media outlets and local programming has degenerated into a continuous drum beat of deception.
  3. I too, see more Trump support than 2016 and continue to be amazed my the lack of societal critical thinking .
I suspect the threat to our liberties on this earth will be continuous as it is a remnant of our hominid ancestry and vibrant playhouse for the Devil. This is one place our species is struggling understanding what, who and where we are on this journey. Lots of lessons in our face as we all seek to know the ecotypic truth of our human struggle. I am like this ape which uses the privilege liberty provides to solve the issues at hand. Also blessed with an ability to sense the nature of my divinity with zero chance of truly comprehending. What I can and do comprehend is that we all need to cherish blessings of this liberty lest we will become subject to the tyranny of its loss. So don't be a peasant and vote smart!
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Another goodie from FaceBook:


About like a story I once heard. A guy who is a liberal asked his boss, who was a conservative, to have dinner at his house. When the boss arrives, he gets to meet their 8 year old daughter, who has been brought up in the liberal household. When they sit down to dinner, the little girl tells the boss about how she had met this man, who was down on his luck and was panhandling down at the supermarket. Knowing the boss was well to do, the little girl asked him if he could stop by there, on his way home and give the man a $100 to help him out. The liberal parents just smiled, because they were so proud of their daughter thinking of others. The boss thought it over and told the little girl, " I tell you what. You come to my house on Saturday and work out in the yard. When you are finished, I will give him the $100 and tell him it is from you." The little girl thought about it for a couple of minutes and asked the boss, "Can he just come over to your house and work? Then you can give the money directly to him." Much to the dismay of the parents, the boss stuck out his hand to the little girl, and said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."
Has anybody on here ever been contacted by people conducting polls during a presidential election? I'll be 60 in a few weeks, my parents are 86, nobody in my family has ever been contacted. In fact, to the best of my recollection I've never known anyone who has been contacted.
Has anybody on here ever been contacted by people conducting polls during a presidential election? I'll be 60 in a few weeks, my parents are 86, nobody in my family has ever been contacted. In fact, to the best of my recollection I've never known anyone who has been contacted.
No I haven't nor do I know anyone who has. 77 years and I missed that, so did my wife and family. We may be registered in the wrong party
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Update on ice weather. First 2 pictures is of my poor little tree and neighbors tree. Last picture is of wife's yellow rose bush.

Good luck with the storm. I feel for you. A few years ago, we had a major ice storm. My house was literally the last house in the county to get power back. It was out for 21 days. My business did get power back fairly quickly though.
Has anybody on here ever been contacted by people conducting polls during a presidential election? I'll be 60 in a few weeks, my parents are 86, nobody in my family has ever been contacted. In fact, to the best of my recollection I've never known anyone who has been contacted.
2 - 4 calls a day for me. When my my phone rings it's a "Box of Chocolates"
Listening to some Miles right now. Loved the guy before he started doing the fusion jazz crap. I was never a fan of that genre.

My social director threatened me with a 10" Chef's knife ONCE when I I was playing "21st Century Schizoid Man". I remembered her brother showing me the scar were she had stabbed him . . . so I put on some Dolly and she was fine listening to my favorite town tramp and I've been reasonably safe since. I might still listen to it but that image is a lot like a conniption fit. Avoided.
My social director threatened me with a 10" Chef's knife ONCE when I I was playing "21st Century Schizoid Man". I remembered her brother showing me the scar were she had stabbed him . . . so I put on some Dolly and she was fine listening to my favorite town tramp and I've been reasonably safe since. I might still listen to it but that image is a lot like a conniption fit. Avoided.
Hey I like King Crimson!
2 - 4 calls a day for me. When my my phone rings it's a "Box of Chocolates"

I have been getting a lot of calls during the medicare open enrollment period. However, I have gotten a couple of calls for car warranties. I just tell them that I am so glad they called, and that I definitely want one. When they get to the point where they ask about my car, I tell them that it's a 1976 Vega, with 635,000 miles. They hang up without saying another word.
Has anybody on here ever been contacted by people conducting polls during a presidential election? I'll be 60 in a few weeks, my parents are 86, nobody in my family has ever been contacted. In fact, to the best of my recollection I've never known anyone who has been contacted.
Once back in 1996 by the Gallup organization. I lived in Copperas Cove, TX at the time. Otherwise, no other occasion related to an election.
Yikes! Y'all got hammered. What a freak storm. Stay safe and warm.

Last time we got hit by such severe weather happened back in 2007 or 2008.
Good thing we are just above freezing right now 34° because we are have more rain with thunder and lightning. Could have been a lot worse around here although my poor trees may not survive. Looks like some fall pruning is in order after it warms up and drys out around here.