
This clip was just on the Knoxville News:
Oh me of little faith.

Biggest margin of victory for Cats since 1934. Dang that predates me.
I have witnessed two wins in Knoxville in my lifetime. The first was in 1962 during my sophomore year at UK. I played in the UK band (for the sole purpose of getting the best seats in football and basketball) In those days the band was on the 50 yard line closest to the field and in basketball we sat at half court.

The score in 1962 was Kentucky 12 and Tennessee 10. It was one of the best games of my life. I-75 was not complete and we went US 25 most of the way. As we came through Corbin, KY we stopped for gas and a break and everybody downtown came out to the bus and started cheering. We wanted to stay there all night.

I was also in Knoxville in 1984. That was sweet too. 17 -12. It feels good to get this off of our back.
Plus, we hit the daily double, with UofL going down to ND. I saw where the Lexington HL endorsed McGrath over Mitch. With them going liberal, and you throw in the anti-Wildcat, Tipton, is there any reason to ever, ever, buy another paper from them? I can't think of one.
Jeremy Pruitt's seat right about now:

I drove through Knoxville in 2018 and listened to Vols post-game on the radio. Pruitt really struggled during the entire post-game presser after the Missouri win down there. One can only imagine the press and Phil Fulmer after this W.

Fulmer was perfect against us.

It sucks getting older.
It's not good at all. Link

Fulmer runs a damn crime family down in K-Town. He's a certified backstabbing SOB. Knoxville News Sentinel runs cover for his ass.

This win was big. This win was HUGE!

By hell, Coach Stoops and team went down there and taught their asses a lesson.

I'll never forget this win. Best and greatest in my lifetime so far.
Plus, we hit the daily double, with UofL going down to ND. I saw where the Lexington HL endorsed McGrath over Mitch. With them going liberal, and you throw in the anti-Wildcat, Tipton, is there any reason to ever, ever, buy another paper from them? I can't think of one.
Newspapers are obsolete. I have not bought once since the 1980's.

Morning Legionaires!

Today's weather report is very windy with and a high of 70. 65 tomorrow and then back up to the mid to high 80's for the following 3 days. Possible fishing days but the wind will be a factor at plus 20 mph or higher all of days. But, got to get them in while the weather stays warm enough.