
Good morning D-League. It's currently 39° here, with an expected high of 65° today.

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Good morning all....uhhh.....afternoon. Totally discombobulated. Couldn't sleep last night. Woke up at 2 and piddled with the laptop and the TV till almost 5...tried to get back to sleep and tossed and turned and maybe got 30 minutes sleep. Had chicken wings on the grill, so I think maybe they were just...a...tad...spicy.

Not nearly as cold this morning...50. Finally got some yard work done yesterday. Had a fire in the fire pit, adirondack next to it, TV next to it with CFB on. So when I wanted to sit and take a break I was ready. Sit more than work? Hmmmm

Have a good one.
Good Sunday morning

We have a nice morning with a current temperature 70° and will will reach 84° by mid afternoon. Our humidity is 92% with a 40% chance of rain this afternoon. It is time to get ready for church and I look forward to some good music and a message for today.

Trust all are well today and those in need of a touch of healing may the Lord be with you.

Look at them boots!!! Gone Country!!
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Going back in time. This was a Sinclair service station back in the day and has been around since I was a youngster. It is located near Weeki Wachee, FL and has been converted to Harold's Auto Repair. This is a part of Americana that is fading away so I am glad it has been saved. The dinosaur was a Sinclair Oil mascot in those day.
I bet Rooster knows the name of the dinosaur this represents. I would bet your house on it.

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  • Good Afternoon, D-Leagueanite Wildcats and Lurkers.
  • Cool morning in Cumming, GA. About 50º this morning. Very nice.
  • The Cats whooped those Vols' asses in Knoxville, in Knoxville. The Vols fans were not happy to say the least. In case you don't know 34-7. Yep.
  • In all of my years of watching football, I had never seen a player kicked in his manhood like #80 did to our player in that game. I think the refs dismissed him from that game.
  • 3 mugs of that Dark Magic down.
  • Alabama handled Jawga in the second half. UGA has an excellent team, but not as good as Alabama.
  • South Carolina came roaring back and beat Auburn. That was a big win for the Cocks.
  • Enjoy relishing all day.
  • Get well soon sick people.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
One of our properties is an old Sinclair station. Have pictures of it being built...maybe 1940s? Been added onto about 3 times but you can tell that it was once a 1940s, 1950s gas station.
Years ago I emailed back and forth with someone (can't remember now the company) that I guess now owns the rights to Sinclair (maybe oil company who eventually wound up owning whoever bought them out back in the day). They still had historical records of their locations, etc.

Years ago I had it painted in the Sinclair colors and waned to put an old 40s, 50s gas pump in front of it. Ever priced one of those suckers?
Going back in time. This was a Sinclair service station back in the day and has been around since I was a youngster. It is located near Weeki Wachee, FL and has been converted to Harold's Auto Repair. This is a part of Americana that is fading away so I am glad it has been saved. The dinosaur was a Sinclair Oil mascot in those day.
I bet Rooster knows the name of the dinosaur this represents. I would bet your house on it.


I know it is a brontosaurus, but I believe that his name was Dino. Not 100% sure. My memory is not as good as it used to be. Attended live church service today. It felt good to be back and not watch on the tube. Felt pretty safe. Everyone wore masks and distanced themselves. Everyone have a great day.

Do not eat! The big ugly green ones are usually fake news but not always. That why it works.
I've never heard of them before I saw the article on The Weather Channel and LiveScience website.

"The venomous pus caterpillar is the larval form of the southern flannel moth (Megalopyge opercularis), and if you see one you should stay away from it. Its "hairs" are actually spines that make it among the most venomous caterpillars in the United States."

Morning Legionaires!

Currently 45° looking for a high of 72°. Animals all still asleep, daughter still asleep (fall break), and wife preparing for work. Morning Christian program (Shepherds Chapel) on the tube, coffee going down, and nothing scheduled for the day except assisting later on in the with a karate class at 5pm.
Retirement is good.

Be careful out there all of you traveling be it work or pleasure and may God bless you this day and everyday.
Good Monday morning D League

Waking up to a nice cup of coffee as I wait for the sun to rise. It is 71° and clear. Our high should reach 84° and we will be blessed with nice cleansing sunshine with 81% humidity and 8 mph winds. Nice breeze if you are working outside. We are in the waxing crescent phase of the moon.

Trust all have a nice day and if you are feeling a little low or have physical pain or other issues may the Lord take a liking to you and give you a touch of His hand.
