
Checked out that seasoning and saw where it's available on Amazon. Says it's 5 oz ... pack of 24. Don't know if that means 24 packs 5 oz each....I would assume. Only $5.99 but no prime shipping.
Had a lady that worked for me years ago who was from New Orleans and she would do a shrimp boil for all her neighbors/friends in the Summer. So after traveling a lot to New Orleans and Savannah over the years and buying shrimp directly off the boats, I got in the habit too. So we have a Summer ritual where we do a low-country boil, usually only once a year. I'll probably buy some of this and try it out.
This is my favorite Louisiana shrimp / crab boil. It is goooooooooood too. Real good

Yeah I've used.
I know you will but make sure you get a good quality shrimp. Don't buy Chinese or farm raised. The China shrimp are not safe and the farm raise have zero taste. Especially if fresh water.

I have had success with the Georgia wild shrimp, Gulf shrimp and shrimp harvested in the Florida Keys. I know there are others but this is our region and ones we have in abundance.
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