
J D was one I saw smoking. He sails the wild seas no more.

J D was from Lakeland, FL and my mother knew all of his family years before she was married to dad. Later in life J D's brother was my mother and father's pastor. He had a son, J D's nephew, named Donnie Sumner who I knew in childhood. Donnie was an excellent musician and excelled at the piano. He also played trumpet and I played trumpet too and we both played in church.

Donnie's talent was professional quality and he joined J D with the Stamps Quartet. They toured with Elvis Presley and Donnie played piano for Elvis. Unfortunately Donnie got heavy into drugs and lost his wife over it. She was a church girl and could not take the Las Vegas lifestyle of party, drinking and drugs. She kept her faith through all of this but she lost Donnie. That did not mix with the Elvis lifestyle.

Donnie is a year older than me but I am in better shape. :) Even with a rebuilt back. Here he is singing for Elvis. He is on the piano and sings the lead.

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Folks, I have never seen a passage in the bible that makes it a sin to smoke or drink.

If you find it please post it.

Often it is easy to pass judgement. If you are sinless pass that judgement.

J. D. was wonderful. Let us not knock him now. He is in heaven with Elvis. They are making wonderful music. I hope that I get to enjoy it one day, in person.
Folks, I have never seen a passage in the bible that makes it a sin to smoke or drink.

If you find it please post it.

J. D. was wonderful. Let us not knock him now. He is in heaven with Elvis. They are making wonderful music. I hope that I get to enjoy it one day, in person.
Agree, it is not there. Those were man made laws. My father taught us not to smoke but it was not a religious thing it was a health matter. This was many years before society made it undesirable.
When I was a kid my mom and dad would drag (LOL) to a LOT of gospel sings/concerts. I remember one time we were on our way to vacation. Don't remember now where we were going...either our place on Lake Cumberland or Gatlinburg. Well, guess what, we stopped in Cincinnati at a church right next to I-75 (Lakewood Baptist....will never forget it) that was having an outdoor gospel singing. Many used to call them all-night singings back in the day.
Now you talk about a kid who was upset! This kid was ready for the lake (or mountains).

By the way, my older bro' is really into gospel singing and has met most of them. Use to be a gospel quartet convention in Louisville that he would go to every year and meet up with a cuz from S. Kentucky. I never went. They moved the convention to Pigeon Forge and what I recall it really went downhill. Use to have really big crowds in L'ville.
This pisses me off:

J D was from Lakeland, FL and my mother knew all of his family years before she was married to dad. Later in life J D's brother was my mother and father's pastor. He had a son, J D's nephew, named Donnie Sumner who I knew in childhood. Donnie was an excellent musician and excelled at the piano. He also played trumpet and I played trumpet too and we both played in church.

Donnie's talent was professional quality and he joined J D with the Stamps Quartet. They toured with Elvis Presley and Donnie played piano for Elvis. Unfortunately Donnie got heavy into drugs and lost his wife over it. She was a church girl and could not take the Las Vegas lifestyle of party, drinking and drugs. She kept her faith through all of this but she lost Donnie. That did not mix with the Elvis lifestyle.

Donnie is a year older than me but I am in better shape. :) Even with a rebuilt back. Here he is singing for Elvis. He is on the piano and sings the lead.

The Lighthouse is one of my very favorite songs.
Folks, I have never seen a passage in the bible that makes it a sin to smoke or drink.

If you find it please post it.

Often it is easy to pass judgement. If you are sinless pass that judgement.

J. D. was wonderful. Let us not knock him now. He is in heaven with Elvis. They are making wonderful music. I hope that I get to enjoy it one day, in person.

Yes Sir,
I never drank a drop or allowed it in my house while my children were growing up. I was totally dry for over 20 years. Why? I didn't want to be a bad example to my children or cause them to go to a place they couldn't handle. Never allowed R-rated movies in the house either while they were growing up. I meant for my home to be a sanctuary from the bad. (I did as much as I could in that department but failed in many ways but it wasn't from lack of effort.)

I drink now, I guess I down two to four beer a week. (It all depends.) I don't drink in front of many as I don't want to be that bad example where someone else may not be able to handle drinking as I think that is where the sin would come in. I am thankful.
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Yes Sir,
I never drank a drop or allowed it in my house why my children were growing up. I was totally dry for over 20 years. Why? I didn't want to be a bad example to my children or cause them to go to a place they couldn't handle. Never allowed R-rated movies in the house either while they were growing up. I meant for my home to be a sanctuary from the bad. (I did as much as I could in that department but failed in many ways but it wasn't from lack of effort.)

I drink now, I guess I down two to four beer a week. (It all depends.) I don't drink in front of many as I don't want to be that bad example as I think that is where the sin would come in. I am thankful.
Sounds exactly like me. I did the same when the kids were in I never saw my mom or dad smoke, drink, curse, etc while I was growing up. Know my dad smoked at one time (cigarettes when he was young..before me...while in WWII...can't blame him. Then later on when his career really blossomed he would smoke cigars while driving his Cadillac. But never at home. Didn't drink though.)
I can't figure out why parents, and there are a ton these days, who drink, get drunk, say every cuss word in the book in front of their kids. And then, years later, many of them (not all since society is going down the tubes) wonder why their kids are the way they are.
Nobody was knocking JD. How could anybody not be moved by that JD version of the Farmer and the Lord? And it certainly was not meant to provoke a discussion about the morality of smoking or drinking. Sorry if it was taken as some kind of judgment of him. It was just reporting what was an unusual occurance back in the day.

I smoked from elementary school until I was 19 but quit because a non-smoker girl I loved didn't like it (but said nothing). Probably didn't like kissing an ashtray. Plus, I didn't want to be saddled with that 25 cents a day economic burden the rest of my life. I remember the day I threw a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out the car window and never smoked again. I apologize for the littering.

I seldom ever drank and became a teetotaler early because my father was a mean drunk ( the occasional times he got drunk) and I never wanted to take the chance of becoming like that.

Neither because of any moral issues.
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Nobody was knocking JD. How could anybody not be moved by that JD version of the Farmer and the Lord? And it certainly was not meant to provoke a discussion about the morality of smoking or drinking. Sorry if it was taken that way.
Don't think anybody took it as knocking JD. Just someone noted that a lot of Christians smoked (still do) even though some denominations rail against it as a sin. Same with drinking. Personally, to me, drinking is more of a sin than smoking (I don't get either where the smoking is a sin came from). But drinking can lead to all kinds of problems to self (as smoking can/does) but also to others as in actions one does while drunk that they wouldn't do sober. Or, the 'crowd' you then hang with, etc.
Sounds exactly like me. I did the same when the kids were in I never saw my mom or dad smoke, drink, curse, etc while I was growing up. Know my dad smoked at one time (cigarettes when he was young..before me...while in WWII...can't blame him. Then later on when his career really blossomed he would smoke cigars while driving his Cadillac. But never at home. Didn't drink though.)
I can't figure out why parents, and there are a ton these days, who drink, get drunk, say every cuss word in the book in front of their kids. And then, years later, many of them (not all since society is going down the tubes) wonder why their kids are the way they are.

I agree, but there are exceptions. My Mom and Dad both drank too much, on occasion. They were not alcoholics, but I had seen many instances where their judgment was severely impaired. It made me not want to drink, when I got older. I didn't have my first beer until college, and to this day, I may have one, 4-5 times a year, with a pizza. I never drink more than one. I just saw how it affected them, and I never wanted to not be able to make rational decisions. Then, when I joined the church, I realized that the Bible says to not drink to drunkenness. I personally do not think it a sin to have one beer, but I think it is a sin to lose your ability to make decisions, because you are impaired. However, I never even had the "one" in front of my kids, as they were growing up.
Nobody was knocking JD. How could anybody not be moved by that JD version of the Farmer and the Lord? And it certainly was not meant to provoke a discussion about the morality of smoking or drinking. Sorry if it was taken as some kind of judgment of him. It was just reporting what was an unusual occurance back in the day.

I smoked from elementary school until I was 19 but quit because a non-smoker girl I loved didn't like it (but said nothing). Probably didn't like kissing an ashtray. Plus, I didn't want to be saddled with that 25 cents a day economic burden the rest of my life. I remember the day I threw a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out the car window and never smoked again. I apologize for the littering.

I seldom ever drank and became a teetotaler early because my father was a mean drunk ( the occasional times he got drunk) and I never wanted to take the chance of becoming like that.

Neither because of any moral issues.

I didn't take it as judgment on your part, Star. That is what I like about the D League. It is a place where we can have discussions, and not be judged. As the old saying goes, "We can disagree, without being disagreeable." But, most of the time, we agree. That is what makes the D League special.
Don't think anybody took it as knocking JD. Just someone noted that a lot of Christians smoked (still do) even though some denominations rail against it as a sin. Same with drinking. Personally, to me, drinking is more of a sin than smoking (I don't get either where the smoking is a sin came from). But drinking can lead to all kinds of problems to self (as smoking can/does) but also to others as in actions one does while drunk that they wouldn't do sober. Or, the 'crowd' you then hang with, etc.
The denomination that J D and Donnie Sumner grew up in has changed over the years. Once upon a time smoking and drinking alcohol was prohibited but that is not so today. Like many denominations they have "evolved" and in the mid 1980's they dropped all such "rules" or "requirements".

Elvis Presley also grew up in a Pentecostal "no drinking or smoking" denomination. He did both.
The denomination that J D and Donnie Sumner grew up in has changed over the years. Once upon a time smoking and drinking alcohol was prohibited but that is not so today. Like many denominations they have "evolved" and in the mid 1980's they dropped all such "rules" or "requirements".

Elvis Presley also grew up in a Pentecostal "no drinking or smoking" denomination. He did both.
Yeah, the Pentecostals have changed a lot in some ways. I can remember when the women basically didn't wear make-up, jewelry, etc. Now some are downright gaudy.

Off topic...was in WalMart yesterday and an elderly Dunkard (old fashion German Baptist) couple came up to the optical department. No masks. He had an appointment. Of course he was told that he had to have a mask for his eye appt. I said something to his wife, and she went off, in a good way, how masks were worthless, they were political, they didn't wear them, etc. I just chuckled. Meanwhile, her husband had a rather long bushy beard (think Amish)...put his mask on to where it was basically covering his chin, beard, and a little bit of his mouth. I thought I'd lose it.
Sounds exactly like me. I did the same when the kids were in I never saw my mom or dad smoke, drink, curse, etc while I was growing up. Know my dad smoked at one time (cigarettes when he was young..before me...while in WWII...can't blame him. Then later on when his career really blossomed he would smoke cigars while driving his Cadillac. But never at home. Didn't drink though.)
I can't figure out why parents, and there are a ton these days, who drink, get drunk, say every cuss word in the book in front of their kids. And then, years later, many of them (not all since society is going down the tubes) wonder why their kids are the way they are.
On smoking. I was raised to think and told the truth. Mom and Dad smoked and told me it was stupid. Papaw didn't and told me Mom and Dad were right so I wouldn't be confused. I never smoked although all my friends did. Then after leaving home and moving to Lexington, my first job was for the National Tobacco & Health Institute as a lab tech because I knew what nicotine was. As a student, I was lucky in Kentucky meeting the most beautiful woman in the world. Problem was she was the second one. No I didn't cheat but I had already had my little pea pickin heart crushed several years earlier. But this vixen loved halter tops. Being smitten, I like them too. Too much. She smoked them dang Tareyton and never had anyplace to keep them. Being whupped pretty good, having a shirt pocket, I'd light them and hand them to her. Anywho, to make the pity party short she run off and good riddens to that sexy devil. The really sad part was she took my dog. All I got was an addictive habit.

Over the next 20 years, I got married, had kids and still smoked. I tried to quit a dozen times or so. I'd chew, dip, patch up, chew nicotine gum. Some times I'd do 2 or 3 at the same time. Finally after a dozen or so times, with my kids watching, I went cold turkey and after 10 days or so of insanity, it was over. Woke up one morning didn't crave cigarette. I would reach for them for another year before that was gone. Sometimes I might have missed them but sure didn't want anything to do with ingestion of a pesticide known to the world as nicotine. I've been free nearly 30 years.

Drinking was different, the men were not drunkards (not allowed), often hidden from the women and not to be discussed in mixed company. As boys we were allowed to drink with the men as soon as we could work with them but not allowed to drive off property. The collective opinion was, well being we are sinners, it's more responsible to learn, practice and teach disciplined behavior before drinking in public. A lot like pitching horseshoes in that women seemed to like it that way as they didn't have to participate. The consequences of uncivilized behavior was appropriate with juvenile boys not having to worry about being molested in prison. They were also taught not to let some dumbass be a ticket to that prison they wouldn't be permitted to attend. Appropriately. These ladies were quick to inform the savages among us of our improper childish ape-like behavior if we lest we forget that, as angels, they were usually right. A complicated world.
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The denomination that J D and Donnie Sumner grew up in has changed over the years. Once upon a time smoking and drinking alcohol was prohibited but that is not so today. Like many denominations they have "evolved" and in the mid 1980's they dropped all such "rules" or "requirements".

Elvis Presley also grew up in a Pentecostal "no drinking or smoking" denomination. He did both.

Our church believes that drunkenness is a sin, but they frown upon drinking. The way I look at it, me having one beer, 4-5 times a year, is less harmful to my body, than all the Diet Mt. Dews I put away, since I would never drink more than one. I think it is wrong to get drunk. I believe that the drunken part of drinking is the sin, not consuming one beer. As far as smoking, I have never taken the first puff off anything. It always hurt my eyes in enclosed buildings, and since I always played sports, I had a hard enough time getting into shape, without making the problem worse by smoking.
Our church believes that drunkenness is a sin, but they frown upon drinking. The way I look at it, me having one beer, 4-5 times a year, is less harmful to my body, than all the Diet Mt. Dews I put away, since I would never drink more than one. I think it is wrong to get drunk. I believe that the drunken part of drinking is the sin, not consuming one beer. As far as smoking, I have never taken the first puff off anything. It always hurt my eyes in enclosed buildings, and since I always played sports, I had a hard enough time getting into shape, without making the problem worse by smoking.
My mom and step dad smoked and I hated it. I have never smoked even one. Mom quite and Step Dad tried and never could quit. He had a bad drinking problem in his later years. I took a vow in church to never smoke and drink alcohol as a teenager and have lived up to it. I don't look on either as a sin, but I don't see where either one helps anyone. Over indulging would be a sin in my mind, but it's not for me to decide.
Seems like it's the middle of the night but the clock says 6:52. Sun doesn't pop up till late this time of year...especially when Mr. Sun is on EDT.

Morning guys. Hope everyone has a good day.

Not much planned for the day. Probably will 'piddle around' the property some. Time to get ready for winter.
A Comedian that cared....

I look back at comedy and asked where it went? Vulgarity took it's place and there is no real reason why...

Yes I go nostalgic but what's not to enjoy, no anger, no ulterior motivations, no rants and raves just pure comedic joy.

I had two favorite comedians that were never filthy on that stage. One went the way of the Hollywood craze.

Yes I speak of Bill Cosby and Red Skelton what pure comedic geniuses they were. One took the path of perversion and worse and one never was scathed.

Oh, Good Morning and may today be great for you. May God be made real to you, and may joy be your way, God Bless....
Good Thursday morning D League

It is a very nice morning with a temperature of 68º and we will get up to 83º. No chance of rain today and plenty of sunshine. The humidity is 92% and the UV index is 0 and we are still in the Waning Crescent moon phase.

My daughter lives in Ocala and she told me President Trump will hold a rally there tomorrow. She said there is a lot of activity at the airport as preparations are being made for the rally. She might try to go. It is an all day ordeal because lines form very early. That is deep red Trump Country over there so the crowd should be large and loud.

Time to refill my coffee cup, trust all have a nice day and all is well in your world.
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A Comedian that cared....

I look back at comedy and asked where it went? Vulgarity took it's place and there is no real reason why...

Yes I go nostalgic but what's not to enjoy, no anger, no ulterior motivations, no rants and raves just pure comedic joy.

I had two favorite comedians that were never filthy on that stage. One went the way of the Hollywood craze.

Yes I speak of Bill Cosby and Red Skelton what pure comedic geniuses they were. One took the path of perversion and worse and one never was scathed.

Oh, Good Morning and may today be great for you. May God be made real to you, and may joy be your way, God Bless....

Thanks for sharing the clip on Red Skelton, he was pure class and a natural born comedian. In those days a family would gather around the TV and watch programs together. They were clean and funny. No one was dropping F bombs, no one put down the President and politics were left behind the stage curtain and never exposed to the audience. The subject matter was clean. You could actually sit next to your underage daughter or son and not have to mute the sound.

Where did America go? Red Skelton was one of my favorites and I miss his comedy. As a family we never missed his show if we could help it.
Morning good folks of the D-League. It is 57.2°F, sunny and on its way to 68°. It is supposed to be down to 39° this time tomorrow.

I smoked for 9 years beginning when I was 20. I quit for 10 years and then started again. That time I smoked for 2 years and quit. Then started again and quit. I was a good quitter and an equally good starter. I have not smoked for the last ten years.

I love whisky. I have drank whisky since I was 21. Up until prohibition the Higginbotham's made whisky for a living and it put my grandfather, Jesse Higginbotham out of the business. We started out making whisky in the 1500's in Scotland (may have been earlier but there are no records), made rum for the King from 1530's to 1700 in Barbados and then Whisky in Virginia and Kentucky 'til prohibition.

The Record of Storekeeper of Registered Distillery #62 that was maintained on a distillery operated by Jesse Higginbotham. Initially the register was maintained by U.S. Internal Revenue storekeepers for its intended purpose of recording the required data on each phase of the operation. All but one manual is gone, but it is for one month record (January 1898) shows 3,960 pounds of corn, 286 pounds of malt, 176 pounds of rye and an undetermined amount of water was used to produce 4,964 gallons of beer. This amount of beer plus 647 gallons produced previously was used to produce 268 gallons of whisky. The whisky was packaged in 6 containers and tax stamps #1120756-1120761 were affixed to the containers. Jesse had 4 fermenting tubs with 1 filled daily. It appears that 180 pounds of corn, 13 pounds of malt, 8 pounds of rye and water to fill the tub (216 gallons). This was allowed to ferment and the tub emptied 4 days later for distilling into approximately 10 gallons of distilled spirits.

So my folks believed in their industry. My grandfather was a Baptist deacon until the church, after prohibition, decided alcohol was bad and kicked him out. His father had given them the land for the church.

After prohibition ended they created Mammoth Cave and took the land the spring was on so the Higginbotham gave up whisky making. But we did continue to drink it.
Morning good folks of the D-League. It is 57.2°F, sunny and on its way to 68°. It is supposed to be down to 39° this time tomorrow.

I smoked for 9 years beginning when I was 20. I quit for 10 years and then started again. That time I smoked for 2 years and quit. Then started again and quit. I was a good quitter and an equally good starter. I have not smoked for the last ten years.

I love whisky. I have drank whisky since I was 21. Up until prohibition the Higginbotham's made whisky for a living and it put my grandfather, Jesse Higginbotham out of the business. We started out making whisky in the 1500's in Scotland (may have been earlier but there are no records), made rum for the King from 1530's to 1700 in Barbados and then Whisky in Virginia and Kentucky 'til prohibition.

The Record of Storekeeper of Registered Distillery #62 that was maintained on a distillery operated by Jesse Higginbotham. Initially the register was maintained by U.S. Internal Revenue storekeepers for its intended purpose of recording the required data on each phase of the operation. All but one manual is gone, but it is for one month record (January 1898) shows 3,960 pounds of corn, 286 pounds of malt, 176 pounds of rye and an undetermined amount of water was used to produce 4,964 gallons of beer. This amount of beer plus 647 gallons produced previously was used to produce 268 gallons of whisky. The whisky was packaged in 6 containers and tax stamps #1120756-1120761 were affixed to the containers. Jesse had 4 fermenting tubs with 1 filled daily. It appears that 180 pounds of corn, 13 pounds of malt, 8 pounds of rye and water to fill the tub (216 gallons). This was allowed to ferment and the tub emptied 4 days later for distilling into approximately 10 gallons of distilled spirits.

So my folks believed in their industry. My grandfather was a Baptist deacon until the church, after prohibition, decided alcohol was bad and kicked him out. His father had given them the land for the church.

After prohibition ended they created Mammoth Cave and took the land the spring was on so the Higginbotham gave up whisky making. But we did continue to drink it.
Great stuff Bert. Stories like this make the D League special. We get a glimpse into the world of our posters and a touch of family history. I would love to have a drink from Distillery #62, I know it would hold its own with any whiskey made in Old Kaintuck.
When comedy, and our society, started to go into the crapper....


It always amazes me with people like Carlin, who are obviously very bright/smart, that they use their God given talents the way they do/did. Like criminals. You can't be dumb/stupid to come up with some of the plans, schemes, ponzi schemes, etc. If you're that smart, or street smart, you could be a success in any industry/company doing it the right way.
Well one of my favorite "food seasons" of the year is here. It is Stone Crab season and I live right in the middle of some of the best stone crabs on earth. I love these things with every fiber in my body and soul. Thank you Jesus for giving mortal men like me stone crabs

I have a love for those. There used to be a cafe down near Cape Canaveral that specialized in them and I left there stuffed every time I stopped. They are ten times better than lobster.
I have a love for those. There used to be a cafe down near Cape Canaveral that specialized in them and I left there stuffed every time I stopped. They are ten times better than lobster.
A wonderful thing about stone crab claws is they are harvested without harm to the crab. Florida law allows you to take one claw and leave one. The crab will regrow the claw taken