
Good night all, ending a rough day body-wise but thankful. I've had all my guts and innards tested several ways to Sunday the last several months. Mostly joints, bones, muscle, and tendon issues. I am thankful. Plan to be at work bright and early as usual since March..... In my lowest level which I call the basement but it is ground level. (Three floors). Look forward to conversing with all tomorrow. God Bless...
Good luck. Many years ago I was having troubles. I spent 2 years seeing different specialists with no luck. Finally a neurosurgeon said I had a brain tumor and wanted to operate. I told my GP (who was also a friend) to set me up with someone really good for a second opinion. He sent me to a world class guy in Memphis. The guy laughed at the guy who wanted to do surgery. He told me to go home and see an ENT. He ran tests, but he knew what was wrong right away, Meniere's Disease. Put me on meds and watching diet. Sometimes you just have to see the right guy.
Good luck. Many years ago I was having troubles. I spent 2 years seeing different specialists with no luck. Finally a neurosurgeon said I had a brain tumor and wanted to operate. I told my GP (who was also a friend) to set me up with someone really good for a second opinion. He sent me to a world class guy in Memphis. The guy laughed at the guy who wanted to do surgery. He told me to go home and see an ENT. He ran tests, but he knew what was wrong right away, Meniere's Disease. Put me on meds and watching diet. Sometimes you just have to see the right guy.

Great to hear. Yeah, mine are just ache's and pain's. Thankfully I can live with that. I had a pain in my right side for about a year and a half that scared me because it wasn't healing. I had CT's and then with contrast, X-rays, MRI's then with contrast. I had all my organs and vitals' scoped out. I thought it was a severe muscle pull that needed a good fitted brace to where it immobilized me for a while. I hoped that was what it was anyway.) Come to find out the doctor's found nothing substantial.

I asked them to give me the brace and they stated why not, it may be a good idea. Been wearing that thing a few weeks now around my ribcage and the pain comes and goes still but it is FAR less than what it was. (I had a broken rib near my pain in my short ribs but two different doctor's stated it healed.) I see light at the end of the tunnel. I still lift too much which seems to aggravate it or if I sneeze wrong. (Every sneeze is wrong.) Thank you!

106.9 in Louisville has switched to Christmas Music!
You have got to be kidding me. They used to start the marathon the day after Thanksgiving. A few years back they switched to November 1st. Hey I love Christmas music but that's a bit much.

Morning Legionaires. Hope to head out this morning sometime for a little fishing. Should be a decent day for it once it warms up a bit. 55° this morning with sunny day expected. Warming up to the high 80's to low 90's next couple of days. Hope the day finds you healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Oh and yeah, Trump did this to the mean old Corona virus:

Morning Legionaires. Hope to head out this morning sometime for a little fishing. Should be a decent day for it once it warms up a bit. 55° this morning with sunny day expected. Warming up to the high 80's to low 90's next couple of days. Hope the day finds you healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Oh and yeah, Trump did this to the mean old Corona virus:

And a few of these...

Oh, and Good Morning all, hoping your day is filled with thankfulness...
I hope everyone's doing well this morning. It's a foggy 51 degrees right now, but headed up to full sun and high of 80 today and warming up to 84 tomorrow. With our humidity lowering, this will be some great outdoor weather.

-Work stress is really getting to me lately but I just manage one day at a time.
-Did UK have a football game this past weekend? Since I've pretty much given up college ball for this year, I haven't payed attention to it. Wait, let me guess......"same ole cats" doing the same ole things that UK football always does?

-I have been watching some baseball, as I've frequently mentioned before. It's interesting to me that two teams, Miami and Tampa Bay Rays, with likely the most pitiful support from their local "fans" and basically playing in empty stadiums, even when not in a plan-demic, are in the final 8 of the MLB playoffs. As I've said before, there are are some truly outstanding players in baseball right now, some of which will go down as all-time legends. Lot's of fun to watch them.

-World events are really shaping up now, particularly in the middle east. All you Jesus followers and Bible believers who study prophecy, look up for our redemption draws near. Pay close attention to Isreal.....Iran, Turkey, Russia, and African nations such as Libya and Sudan/Ethiopia.

-I wonder if another "lock-down" is headed our way? I noticed in the news that I look at (OANN, Jersusalem Post, Fox, Times of Israel, WND) that Israel, Australia, England, parts of New York City and others are on shut-down mode due to the dreaded and feared Wuhan Flu. Don't hate on me for my news outlets, I look at multiple sources and don't take any of them with 100% serious-ness.

-Isn't it interesting that so many of the high profile, positive Corona-19 cases being reported are Republicans? I get the feeling that something "big-time" is brewing behind the scenes that the public isn't fully aware of.....and is about to throw down in a big way.

Have a good one and carry on.......
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Good morning D League

Looks like we are in store for some mild weather the next few days.
Currently 73° and cloudy and our high should be 85° for today's high. Humidity is a comfortable 95% and we have a 25% chance of rain.

We will be tracking Delta for the next few days as it moves through the Gulf. May bring some rain our way. My coffee cup is empty so I am headed to the kitchen for a fill up. Trust all have a great day and stay safe.

  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • got 55º according to the Weather Channel. Sun's not up yet. Clear skies.
  • School Bus has been by.
  • Dark Magic going. Still on my first mug.
  • Waiting on Lola to get up.
  • Have not seen any deer this morning.
  • #3 is on the second leg of his Ranger Training. Then it's on to Florida for the last leg.
  • I hope all of you sick fellows are healing.
  • I hope FCC is sober. Say a prayer for him, please.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
I heard that Hallmark is going to introduce some movies with a LTGBDTQP theme starting this fall. Is that true? My wife is hooked on that movie channel but this may cause her to quit them altogether.
I don't watch the Hallmark channel but I would not doubt it. Most everything in our society has gone that route so it would not surprise me.

Since I pretty much quit watching sports, until they wake up and get back to the real world, (if they ever do) we have been watching movies. I have turned off Evening News and we usually start our movie watching right after supper. 5-6:00. We subscribe to Britt Box and they have our favorite movie themes. Murder Mysteries. One of the programs we stream is Midsomer Murders which has been running since 1997 over there. Each program is about 90 minutes and everyone of the episodes keep your attention. We watch two every night so that is a full evening.
98 North was once a cattle trail. I had a book on the history of the roads in America and it is amazing how many were developed from old trails and ruts that were just as important to the people of that era as they are today.

My dad was born in 1902 in Edmonson County Kentucky. He told me that nearly all the roads in his area were "mud" roads. US 31W was first paved in the late 1920's or 30's. I guess that is why the railroads were so important as they were dependable trails.

Of course a good horse sees a trail as comfortable and a paved road as painful.

Below is dad and his saddle horse in 1920. You can see the "road" behind him; it ain't much.
I heard that Hallmark is going to introduce some movies with a LTGBDTQP theme starting this fall. Is that true? My wife is hooked on that movie channel but this may cause her to quit them altogether.

My wife is, too, but she is tuning off that day. I saw them advertising it, with two guys kissing. Thought I might gag.
My dad was born in 1902 in Edmonson County Kentucky. He told me that nearly all the roads in his area were "mud" roads. US 31W was first paved in the late 1920's or 30's. I guess that is why the railroads were so important as they were dependable trails.

Of course a good horse sees a trail as comfortable and a paved road as painful.

Below is dad and his saddle horse in 1920. You can see the "road" behind him; it ain't much.

Bert, I can really see the resemblance. Okay, I have decided to make some chili, and I thought that since it was a slow day, I would take an informal survey. I use light red kidney beans in my chili. How many do not use beans, at all, which is actually correct, or what kind of beans do you use in your chili con carne? Light red kidney beans, dark red kidney beans, pinto beans, great northern beans, or some other bean? Just interested to see what everyone uses, based on what you grew up with, what you prefer, or where you live.
Bert, I can really see the resemblance. Okay, I have decided to make some chili, and I thought that since it was a slow day, I would take an informal survey. I use light red kidney beans in my chili. How many do not use beans, at all, which is actually correct, or what kind of beans do you use in your chili con carne? Light red kidney beans, dark red kidney beans, pinto beans, great northern beans, or some other bean? Just interested to see what everyone uses, based on what you grew up with, what you prefer, or where you live.
I mix it up. I have 4 or 5 different ways. My most common is dark red kidney beans. I often mix light and dark and we use pinto beans at times.

They also sell chilli beans in the store in very hot sauce. I make that one when we do not have any guests who may not like hot chili. I have to admit I like chilli HOT, caliente, hot. The hotter the better. I always add a few red hot chilli peppers in mine no matter what the recipe I use.

I love me some chilli. But please no spaghetti in it. Down here if you go to a Greek Restaurant you will find they add cinnamon to their chilli. That is a distinct taste.
I love me some chilli. But please no spaghetti in it. Down here if you go to a Greek Restaurant you will find they add cinnamon to their chilli. That is a distinct taste
That's like Cincinnati Chili. Sky Line and a couple others. 3 way(spaghetti topped with chili and cheese) 4 way (3 way topped with onions or beans) and 5 way (3way with onions and beans). Imagine a Greek restaurant tasted a little different than Cincinnati. In addition to Sky Line there's several other chains doing the same thing.
We make it at home occasionally.
I really believe that an able-bodied man should serve at least two years in the military. It is a character defining space in time for most. I see so many that could be swayed into a better life with just a hint of discipline.
Many countries make that mandatory.
Were talking last week about mandatory service. Saw this today and had to chuckle at what @warrior-cat would say on the, let us say 'fitness' of these young men (?) to serve....

Absent with leave: calls grow for BTS members to postpone or skip military service
Calls are mounting within South Korea for members of megaband BTS to be granted alternatives or delays to mandatory military service ... By law, all able-bodied men in South Korea aged between 18 and 28 must serve in the military for roughly two years as part of the country’s defences against North Korea.
Bert, I can really see the resemblance. Okay, I have decided to make some chili, and I thought that since it was a slow day, I would take an informal survey. I use light red kidney beans in my chili. How many do not use beans, at all, which is actually correct, or what kind of beans do you use in your chili con carne? Light red kidney beans, dark red kidney beans, pinto beans, great northern beans, or some other bean? Just interested to see what everyone uses, based on what you grew up with, what you prefer, or where you live.
My wife is cooking some as I type. She uses light red kidney beans.

She does not use any pasta; however, I liked Ohio Colonel's menu. Dang that may be done this afternoon.

The D-league never disappoints.
I mix it up. I have 4 or 5 different ways. My most common is dark red kidney beans. I often mix light and dark and we use pinto beans at times.

They also sell chilli beans in the store in very hot sauce. I make that one when we do not have any guests who may not like hot chili. I have to admit I like chilli HOT, caliente, hot. The hotter the better. I always add a few red hot chilli peppers in mine no matter what the recipe I use.

I love me some chilli. But please no spaghetti in it. Down here if you go to a Greek Restaurant you will find they add cinnamon to their chilli. That is a distinct taste.

The spaghetti and touch of cinnamon spice reminds me of Cincinnati style chili
Were talking last week about mandatory service. Saw this today and had to chuckle at what @warrior-cat would say on the, let us say 'fitness' of these young men (?) to serve....

Absent with leave: calls grow for BTS members to postpone or skip military service
Calls are mounting within South Korea for members of megaband BTS to be granted alternatives or delays to mandatory military service ... By law, all able-bodied men in South Korea aged between 18 and 28 must serve in the military for roughly two years as part of the country’s defences against North Korea.

Yes a lot of those young Korean movie stars or singers still have to do their time. I enjoy Korean movies and soaps when I get time. They are not the vulgarity that is now the US culture of most anything produced. It doesn't need to be that way as the explosion of the Korean pop culture can attest. (Yeah they still do vulgar things but they don't flaunt it. They hide it like it used to be here.)

I didn't notice the above article but that culture does seem to be fighting back. I hope they lose as it will hurt them in the long run.

One of my favorite stars is Choi Soo-jong . I call him the Korean John Wayne.


One of my favorite movies he starred in (Actually it was a series) is "dae jo-yeong" It was a 135 episode series. I own that series. (Has English captions) based on a true story in Korean history. You can find some clips of it online.


I will stop. 😉
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