
Good night all, ending a rough day body-wise but thankful. I've had all my guts and innards tested several ways to Sunday the last several months. Mostly joints, bones, muscle, and tendon issues. I am thankful. Plan to be at work bright and early as usual since March..... In my lowest level which I call the basement but it is ground level. (Three floors). Look forward to conversing with all tomorrow. God Bless...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 65°F and clear. Expect 86°F for today's high. After this past summer, we'll definitely take it.

Good night all, ending a rough day body-wise but thankful. I've had all my guts and innards tested several ways to Sunday the last several months. Mostly joints, bones, muscle, and tendon issues. I am thankful. Plan to be at work bright and early as usual since March..... In my lowest level which I call the basement but it is ground level. (Three floors). Look forward to conversing with all tomorrow. God Bless...
Get well soon.

Wishing all our fellow D-League member continued happiness and good health.


Good morning Legionaires. I think today is going to be a couch potato day. Already wanting to go back to sleep and will as soon as wife goes to work and daughter goes to school. Not answering the phone either. Been ringing off of hook last couple of days with people wanting help and or just wanting to talk. Went to a wedding Saturday night of a woman I have known since she was about 3 years old. Used to play softball with her father and now she is 31. She ask me about three weeks ago if I would start teaching her karate after she comes back from her honeymoon and I agreed. Probably going to need it because her husband was drunk at the wedding. Apparently played 18 rounds of golf with best man and other friends during the day and drank all day. Wedding was at 6pm. Don't know the guy personally so, he could have just been continuing the bachelors party.
Who knows?
Been watching Bond movies on the Pluto channel this past week. My favorite Bond girl:

Yeah I could never get into the new Bond films since that Pierce guy started. There have been a few since then but I never watched them. The classic Bond's: Sean Connery and Roger Moore were the one's I liked. If I had cable and they came on I'd still watch them. (Never was much on the others at all.)

Oh and Good Morning,

I hope you all have a day that will bring you JOY!. A good nights sleep put me back in order. (I may do a Yuengling or two during the week though.. seems like the thing to do this week.)
Good morning D, very crisp 35 here this morning! Waiting on the H and C guys to get here to service the heater.

I use to pour over the sports section every morning to look up every UK player to see how they did, not anymore, just barely scan thru it now! I hope my passion returns next year, just have to wait and see!

Got a fishing date with my granddaughter Wednesday. I asked her what we were going to fish for, she said she likes bluegill, but I like fishing for everything. I have the cherry flavored hotdogs ready and I am going to get the shrimp prepared tomorrow. Put the shrimp in a jar with salt and then just start pouring the water out the next day, makes it really tough, I am going after catfish!!!

I hope the D has a great day!!! Prayers for the D!!!

WC when are you going back after the Bass?
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers. It's Monday again.
  • We have 46º here in Cumming, GA.
  • Keurig Green Mountain Dark Magic going.
  • Lola has done her business and is curled up in my lap. She gets cold I guess.
  • Sean Connery was a badass James Bond.
  • Hope those that are ailing get better.
  • As you were.
  • My little sister was born at Granny and Grandaddy's house in 1946. I was born at McDill Army Air Force base in 1943.
  • Carry on.
Yeah I could never get into the new Bond films since that Pierce guy started. There have been a few since then but I never watched them. The classic Bond's: Sean Connery and Roger Moore were the one's I liked. If I had cable and they came on I'd still watch them. (Never was much on the others at all.)

Oh and Good Morning,

I hope you all have a day that will bring you JOY!. A good nights sleep put me back in order. (I may do a Yuengling or two during the week though.. seems like the thing to do this week.)
Loved the Connery Bond's, but when you watch them now they seem a little hokey. But still good.
After about the second Moore Bond I lost interest. Tried a little too hard to slide in some comedy. Although, taking out the content of those 'comedy' Bonds (my term)....Moore was a classic James Bond. Suave, debonair, sophisticated, etc.
Got Thunderball on Pluto TV now as some background noise.
Speaking of me Jimmy Dean just didn't fit in Diamonds Are Forever. Maybe it's just me, but too many sausage commercials?

Jimmy never "fit in" much of anywhere but he was a good TV character. He'd for sure pull you out of a zone. Had that kind of a more professional Barney Fife thing going. In a square peg kind of way. Like his sausage though...
A hospital bill for delivery of a baby in 1943. The year I was born. Although it cost less than $30.00 most people were still being delivered at home. My wife was born in 1946 and her mom had a midwife.


I was born in a shack in a mining camp that year. I never asked if there was a midwife present. I have hundreds of questions I now wished I had asked my parents. I did learn that my dad was a hobo during the Depression and had been on a chain gang. Never bothered to ask why.
Good morning D, very crisp 35 here this morning! Waiting on the H and C guys to get here to service the heater.

I use to pour over the sports section every morning to look up every UK player to see how they did, not anymore, just barely scan thru it now! I hope my passion returns next year, just have to wait and see!

Got a fishing date with my granddaughter Wednesday. I asked her what we were going to fish for, she said she likes bluegill, but I like fishing for everything. I have the cherry flavored hotdogs ready and I am going to get the shrimp prepared tomorrow. Put the shrimp in a jar with salt and then just start pouring the water out the next day, makes it really tough, I am going after catfish!!!

I hope the D has a great day!!! Prayers for the D!!!

WC when are you going back after the Bass?
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers. It's Monday again.
  • We have 46º here in Cumming, GA.
  • Keurig Green Mountain Dark Magic going.
  • Lola has done her business and is curled up in my lap. She gets cold I guess.
  • Sean Connery was a badass James Bond.
  • Hope those that are ailing get better.
  • As you were.
  • My little sister was born at Granny and Grandaddy's house in 1946. I was born at McDill Army Air Force base in 1943.
  • Carry on.
#1 Connery
#2 Dalton
I was born in a shack in a mining camp that year. I never asked if there was a midwife present. I have hundreds of questions I now wished I had asked my parents. I did learn that my dad was a hobo during the Depression and had been on a chain gang. Never bothered to ask why.
So many things you learn after someone dies. At my grandmothers funeral a cousin pointed at a man and asked if I knew who he was. I did not. During the depression of the 1930's as a boy he was orphaned and my grandpa found him in a coal camp and brought him home. He raised him along with his 5 children as one of his own

When the boy was 18 he joined the army and went to war..He never returned to Pike to live after the war. .

I later found out they took in several more orphans rather than let them go to an orphanage. That is what people did back then
Imagine John Derek back in the're married to Ursula, then Linda Evans, and finally Bo.
Life just isn't fair for us regular schmoes.
Bo still turns heads. I met her once at a Republican get together. She is very conservative which is odd for the crowd she ran with. I talked to her briefly about her love of horses.

She was still in her prime when I met her. It has been about 30 years ago