
On Cawood:

Back in 1977 I got in contact with Joe B. Hall and for several years I would take Joe places to see recruits in Georgia and Florida. Because of that connection I got tickets and stuff, but most importantly I got access to Kentucky basketball because of Joe. One of the credit to go with that was to go to the shoot arounds before a game. I got to sit with Cawood and Ralph. Both would talk about what was going on on the court. Hell it was nearly as good as being at a game.

Cawood was gold. He was direct. He did not enjoy innuendo. He was straight as an arrow. He loved Kentucky. He loved Rupp. He loved Joe B.

I have no idea what Cawood's IQ was. He was a master of the English language. He was educated in ways that I could never understand. He just opened up his mouth and wonderful stuff came out. He could talk a million miles a minute and never mess up. If you misspoke, lord have mercy on your soul. He could really be foul and make any sailor blush.

The Wildcats will be going from left to right (or right to left) on your radio dial.
I spend hours a day watching crime videos and trials on Youtube. But I turn it off when it is a child abuse or child murder case. It is much more common that most people realize. Drug use and booze are commonalities to the problem -along with the just plain evil that is within too many people. I can't bear to watch them. Makes this old man cry.
Same here.
Good afternoon big D, from the Berg!!! Very cool 40 degrees this morning at 4!!!

I hope all is doing well!

Laid to rest the senior member of our church today, as patriotic as anybody I ever knew. Loved the USA, Korean vet and Trump supporter. He will be missed!!

Thursday night the alarm went off with our cameras, got up to check it out and there was a huge skunk on our deck!!!

Yawl have a great rest of the day!!!!
Good afternoon big D, from the Berg!!! Very cool 40 degrees this morning at 4!!!

I hope all is doing well!

Laid to rest the senior member of our church today, as patriotic as anybody I ever knew. Loved the USA, Korean vet and Trump supporter. He will be missed!!

Thursday night the alarm went off with our cameras, got up to check it out and there was a huge skunk on our deck!!!

Yawl have a great rest of the day!!!!

Sometimes it is best to not know what is out there at night.
I entered the U.S. Army in 1966 and the military was a different world then. Everyone was subject to the draft (in law and theory). Of course we know there were exceptions.

I went through Drill Instructor School at the Armor School on Fort Knox. When we graduated as DI's we were told two things to remember. 1) Never demand a trainee to do something you can not do. 2) Never strike a trainee.

We got the worst of the worst from society. The kind a judge would say, you are going to jail or the Army take your pick. At that time, Detroit was rioting and many had died. One of our areas for recruits was Detroit. I have never seen a bunch of no goods in my life than those out of Detroit City. So what did we do? First thing, cut their hair. Afros and hippies all had the same hair cut. Then we gave all of them the same fatigues. Everybody pretty much looked alike. Then we singled out the "leaders of the pack" and broke them. They were pushed the hardest and nothing they did was acceptable, even if they did it right. We never let up. Finally after weeks of this their attitude changed and most became a man right in front of your eyes. We were tough for a reason. For those who could not cut it, we processed them out of the Army and anyone who tried to fight back we called the MP's and never saw them again.

I am not sure how things work in today's Army but in 1966 it worked well.
You and BBUK could be right. I don't know, but I would be worried because there's so many undesirables around today. We had one guy who shot up our camp with an M-16. He didn't hurt anyone though so I think he was just looking for a section 8. I just think about with all the rioters, terrorists, etc, around today, what might of been.

Just to clarify based on UK-fan's post, this was not a basic training incident.
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I have a cooking question for the D? Can you take leftover Hash brown casserole, add a little flour to it and fry it in a skillet, making it crispy!?
Sounds good to me, Heat 4 Tbsp. butter in large cast iron skillet over medium-high. Embellishment with egg and a sprinkling of flour sounds interesting. Add your hash browns and cook, undisturbed, until a deep golden crust forms on bottom, about 5 minutes. Break up potatoes and continue to cook, turning occasionally with adding 1–2 Tbsp. clarified butter if pan becomes dry or potatoes start to stick, until crisped and browned all over, 8–10 minutes. Transfer to paper towels to drain; season to taste.
You and BBUK could be right. I don't know, but I would be worried because there's so many undesirables around today. We had one guy who shot up our camp with an M-16. He didn't hurt anyone though so I think he was just looking for a section 8. I just think about with all the rioters, terrorists, etc, around today, what might of been.
My basic training went by without any serious incidents luckily. I wouldn't want to do it over in today's times for the reasons you listed though.
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Good Saturday Morning D League

Drinking a nice cup of coffee outside and enjoying the coolness of the morning. Our current temperature is 61° and clear with winds 6 mph. We should reach 79° by the early afternoon. Nice day for the beach and shelling.

Trust all have a nice day and prayers that President Trump and First Lady get well soon and whip COVID-19.

Trust all of the D have a great day. Now more coffee


Bonjour Legionaires. Hope the day brings much joy to you all. Pray for the president's speedy recovery. We need him out there swinging away.

Went to my daughter's high school's 5th football game last night (homecoming). They were 0-4 before that one and are now 0-5. They are bad. End of first quarter the score was 35-0. They only had 2 good players that I saw and that was the quarterback (Athletically) and the punt returner/running back/wide receiver. The Owls only offense the first quarter was run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run. Sounds like a Pink floyd lyric. Offense sound familiar? I told my daughter they need to at least try something different and pass the ball a few times. Midway through the second quarter, a couple of caught passes led to a short run afterwards into the end zone for a score. 3rd quarter back to the run until a 20 yard pass for first down moved them up the field where they ran until punting away. I left at the end of the third where the score was 47-7 with the other team in scoring position.

This was the first game she has attended. She is a freshman and not really interested in sports but, friends were going and she wanted to be with them. I did not know what the scores of the other games were but, looked them up and all were losses by at least 45 points or more. She said someone told her they lost by 85 points one time last year. Time for a new coach. The facilities are very good because the community voted quite a few years back to raise local taxes (one of the highest in the state) to build a new field and facilities with the promise of a better program (they have been losing for years). Well, so far, last few years have actually gotten worse according to some here.
Sounds good to me, Heat 4 Tbsp. butter in large cast iron skillet over medium-high. Embellishment with egg and a sprinkling of flour sounds interesting. Add your hash browns and cook, undisturbed, until a deep golden crust forms on bottom, about 5 minutes. Break up potatoes and continue to cook, turning occasionally with adding 1–2 Tbsp. clarified butter if pan becomes dry or potatoes start to stick, until crisped and browned all over, 8–10 minutes. Transfer to paper towels to drain; season to taste.
So just mix in an egg and add some flour and fry. What could be wrong with taters, cheese whiz, cream of chicken, onions, little smoke all fried up to a crispy golden brown! Amirite!!!!!!
Good morning D, Mr. Bert we got you by 1.5 degrees this morning, we had 40, but I live down in a valley!

Another sad day here in the Berg, our sheriff passed away from an apparent heart attack Tuesday morning, my son is really hurting, this is the second officer our county has lost this year! He was only 52!! Please keep our officers in your prayers , funeral is today at our football stadium.

We are going to keep the our grandsons today, going to drag out the telescope for them, so we can do some stargazing tonight.

Got a new permission to metal detect, it's on a 400 acre farm, supposed to be a house on it built in the 1880's! It's good to know rich people or people who are head over heels in debt, just kidding, he's a doctor!

I hope the D, has a great day and as always, prayers for the D!!!!

Bonjour Legionaires. Hope the day brings much joy to you all. Pray for the president's speedy recovery. We need him out there swinging away.

Went to my daughter's high school's 5th football game last night (homecoming). They were 0-4 before that one and are now 0-5. They are bad. End of first quarter the score was 35-0. They only had 2 good players that I saw and that was the quarterback (Athletically) and the punt returner/running back/wide receiver. The Owls only offense the first quarter was run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run. Sounds like a Pink floyd lyric. Offense sound familiar? I told my daughter they need to at least try something different and pass the ball a few times. Midway through the second quarter, a couple of caught passes led to a short run afterwards into the end zone for a score. 3rd quarter back to the run until a 20 yard pass for first down moved them up the field where they ran until punting away. I left at the end of the third where the score was 47-7 with the other team in scoring position.

This was the first game she has attended. She is a freshman and not really interested in sports but, friends were going and she wanted to be with them. I did not know what the scores of the other games were but, looked them up and all were losses by at least 45 points or more. She said someone told her they lost by 85 points one time last year. Time for a new coach. The facilities are very good because the community voted quite a few years back to raise local taxes (one of the highest in the state) to build a new field and facilities with the promise of a better program (they have been losing for years). Well, so far, last few years have actually gotten worse according to some here.
Are they restricting crowd size in OK? Think H.S. games here in Ohio are basically family only but not sure.
During my junior year I lived on Maxwell Street, directly behind Memorial Coliseum. I saw Cawood several times while walking to class. He always said hello with a big Cawood smile. Class act it there ever was one.

Talked to Cawood many times, at basketball games, prior to the gates opening. Quite often after he retired, too. A real gentleman. I bought a lot of his things, at auction, 3-4 years ago.
Talked to Cawood many times, at basketball games, prior to the gates opening. Quite often after he retired, too. A real gentleman. I bought a lot of his things, at auction, 3-4 years ago.
If Cawood was with us today he would wonder what our defense has been doing since last season. Ole Miss ripped us to shreds the first drive. Wake up Cats

Bonjour Legionaires. Hope the day brings much joy to you all. Pray for the president's speedy recovery. We need him out there swinging away.

Went to my daughter's high school's 5th football game last night (homecoming). They were 0-4 before that one and are now 0-5. They are bad. End of first quarter the score was 35-0. They only had 2 good players that I saw and that was the quarterback (Athletically) and the punt returner/running back/wide receiver. The Owls only offense the first quarter was run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run. Sounds like a Pink floyd lyric. Offense sound familiar? I told my daughter they need to at least try something different and pass the ball a few times. Midway through the second quarter, a couple of caught passes led to a short run afterwards into the end zone for a score. 3rd quarter back to the run until a 20 yard pass for first down moved them up the field where they ran until punting away. I left at the end of the third where the score was 47-7 with the other team in scoring position.

This was the first game she has attended. She is a freshman and not really interested in sports but, friends were going and she wanted to be with them. I did not know what the scores of the other games were but, looked them up and all were losses by at least 45 points or more. She said someone told her they lost by 85 points one time last year. Time for a new coach. The facilities are very good because the community voted quite a few years back to raise local taxes (one of the highest in the state) to build a new field and facilities with the promise of a better program (they have been losing for years). Well, so far, last few years have actually gotten worse according to some here.

Most girls at hs football games have no idea what or if anything is going on on the field.
Are they restricting crowd size in OK? Think H.S. games here in Ohio are basically family only but not sure.
No, very large crowd with announcer asking people sitting with in 6 feet to wear mask. Did not see one mask and it was crowded. Everyone stood for playing of anthem and as far as I could tell hands were over hearts. Large military community here with mixed races and all were respectful.
Most girls at hs football games have no idea what or if anything is going on on the field.
In my day boys and girls would walk around the stadium from start to finish and very few would even see the game. Just walk and walk and walk. The same group would go to the BBQ Drive In on Saturday night and drive their car round and round the parking lot.

We were a strange group in 1961