Morning D-Legionares!
Justice was only partially served yesterday. Long story short, 2 years ago a 5 year old boy came into the local hospital with a huge laceration under his right eye and bruises all over his face. When examined the nurses and doctors found similar older and some relatively newer marks all over his body (They were really bad marks and some burns). The mother said he was riding his bike and fell off and the boy originally corroborated but, when finding all of the other injuries DHS stepped in with the police and investigated. She was later arrested and the boy was put in foster homes (3 of them). He later told DHS workers counselors and 3 different sets of foster parents that she had beaten him with a cord and was putting him in the tub to clean him up. While in the tub the water was too hot and he tried to stand up and she push his face into the place where the water comes out and that's where his facial laceration came from. There were other stories of beatings that he told these people.
We also were told that she had fled to Chicago before being arrested and that she was extradited from Chicago to be brought back here. She was originally from Chicago. Also, they want her back after her time here because one of her other children was abused their and they are bringing up charges on her as well. She has 5 children, 2 she gave up, and three are in foster homes.
Well, after 3 days of trial testimonies we (the jury) started deliberating 2 counts. 1 on committing child abuse (basically) and 1 on enabling child abuse. Both carry up to life imprisonment. First vote 11 guilty and 1 undecided which quickly became not guilty on the first count. The defendant was African American and so was that juror and his reasoning was because the police yelled at her and that blacks were treated differently by the police than whites and that he was not going to send her to prison for something he did not witness. some others caved and agreed. Me and two others did not so, we moved to the second count. By the way, the evidence was overwhelming. He again was the same as the first. But, after a lengthy discussion about the crime and what happens with a hung jury (because he realized me and a few others would not give in to not guilty to the first count unless we could get a guilty on the second) he caved on the second realizing she would have to stay in jail (now 1 year there waiting on trail) waiting on a retrial.
The sentencing phase was still another fight because he wanted a fine and time served and we wanted at least 5 to 10. Compromise again with 3 years knowing after that she would go to Chicago to face a trial there after serving here.
Well, maybe not long story short but it was the condensed version. Oh and by the way, there were other African Americans on the jury. They easily changed their vote to not guilty when he referenced how the police treat black people differently but, to their credit, they did not waiver at all on the second count.
The End (sorry so long folks).
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