
Morning D-Legionares!

Justice was only partially served yesterday. Long story short, 2 years ago a 5 year old boy came into the local hospital with a huge laceration under his right eye and bruises all over his face. When examined the nurses and doctors found similar older and some relatively newer marks all over his body (They were really bad marks and some burns). The mother said he was riding his bike and fell off and the boy originally corroborated but, when finding all of the other injuries DHS stepped in with the police and investigated. She was later arrested and the boy was put in foster homes (3 of them). He later told DHS workers counselors and 3 different sets of foster parents that she had beaten him with a cord and was putting him in the tub to clean him up. While in the tub the water was too hot and he tried to stand up and she push his face into the place where the water comes out and that's where his facial laceration came from. There were other stories of beatings that he told these people.

We also were told that she had fled to Chicago before being arrested and that she was extradited from Chicago to be brought back here. She was originally from Chicago. Also, they want her back after her time here because one of her other children was abused their and they are bringing up charges on her as well. She has 5 children, 2 she gave up, and three are in foster homes.

Well, after 3 days of trial testimonies we (the jury) started deliberating 2 counts. 1 on committing child abuse (basically) and 1 on enabling child abuse. Both carry up to life imprisonment. First vote 11 guilty and 1 undecided which quickly became not guilty on the first count. The defendant was African American and so was that juror and his reasoning was because the police yelled at her and that blacks were treated differently by the police than whites and that he was not going to send her to prison for something he did not witness. some others caved and agreed. Me and two others did not so, we moved to the second count. By the way, the evidence was overwhelming. He again was the same as the first. But, after a lengthy discussion about the crime and what happens with a hung jury (because he realized me and a few others would not give in to not guilty to the first count unless we could get a guilty on the second) he caved on the second realizing she would have to stay in jail (now 1 year there waiting on trail) waiting on a retrial.

The sentencing phase was still another fight because he wanted a fine and time served and we wanted at least 5 to 10. Compromise again with 3 years knowing after that she would go to Chicago to face a trial there after serving here.

Well, maybe not long story short but it was the condensed version. Oh and by the way, there were other African Americans on the jury. They easily changed their vote to not guilty when he referenced how the police treat black people differently but, to their credit, they did not waiver at all on the second count.

The End (sorry so long folks).
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I see where the boy in Kentucky can move forward with his lawsuits against the New York Times, Rolling Stone, ABC and CBS. They had filed motions to dismiss which were denied.

Sandman may end up the richest kid in Kentucky. I hope they do not try to push this to a settlement. I want at least one of the case to go to a full blown trial. Expose them

Good morning from ATX. We're at 65°F and clear. Expecting 83°F for today's high. Beautiful.

Just heard President Trump and FLOTUS tested COVID-19 positive. Yikes! Get well soon.

Happy Friday!

Wishing all our fellow D-League members continued happiness and good health.

Good Friday Morning

Our current temperature is 65° and we will get up to 81°. We have low humidity making this a very pleasant day to be outside. I am going to get some sun and head over to the Gulf sometime this weekend.

Thank you Austin for posting those scallops. Scallops are plentiful and good around here. I will have a meal or two in honor of one of my favorite foods. The scallop shell is the logo for Shell Oil Company

Trust all have a nice

One of my favorite meals. There is/was a restaurant in SA that served these and they were tremendous. The wife was able to eat her favorite King Crab legs too. I celebrated my 57th birthday in that restaurant and had scallops in a very memorable meal. Even had this cake my youngest had made for me...


Oh and a fine morning to you all and hope all have a superior day enjoying what you like the most!
Man, that's a good looking cake.

Morning D-Legionares!

Justice was only partially served yesterday. Long story short, 2 years ago a 5 year old boy came into the local hospital with a huge laceration under his right eye and bruises all over his face. When examined the nurses and doctors found similar older and some relatively newer marks all over his body (They were really bad marks and some burns). The mother said he was riding his bike and fell off and the boy originally corroborated but, when finding all of the other injuries DHS stepped in with the police and investigated. She was later arrested and the boy was put in foster homes (3 of them). He later told DHS workers counselors and 3 different sets of foster parents that she had beaten him with a cord and was putting him in the tub to clean him up. While in the tub the water was too hot and he tried to stand up and she push his face into the place where the water comes out and that's where his facial laceration came from. There were other stories of beatings that he told these people.

We also were told that she had fled to Chicago before being arrested and that she was extradited from Chicago to be brought back here. She was originally from Chicago. Also, they want her back after her time here because one of her other children was abused their and they are bringing up charges on her as well. She has 5 children, 2 she gave up, and three are in foster homes.

Well, after 3 days of trial testimonies we (the jury) started deliberating 2 counts. 1 on committing child abuse (basically) and 1 on enabling child abuse. Both carry up to life imprisonment. First vote 11 guilty and 1 undecided which quickly became not guilty on the first count. The defendant was African American and so was that juror and his reasoning was because the police yelled at her and that blacks were treated differently by the police than whites and that he was not going to send her to prison for something he did not witness. some others caved and agreed. Me and two others did not so, we moved to the second count. By the way, the evidence was overwhelming. He again was the same as the first. But, after a lengthy discussion about the crime and what happens with a hung jury (because he realized me and a few others would not give in to not guilty to the first count unless we could get a guilty on the second) he caved on the second realizing she would have to stay in jail (now 1 year there waiting on trail) waiting on a retrial.

The sentencing phase was still another fight because he wanted a fine and time served and we wanted at least 5 to 10. Compromise again with 3 years knowing after that she would go to Chicago to face a trial there after serving here.

Well, maybe not long story short but it was the condensed version. Oh and by the way, there were other African Americans on the jury. They easily changed their vote to not guilty when he referenced how the police treat black people differently but, to their credit, they did not waiver at all on the second count.

The End (sorry so long folks).
Wow! Sadly I think we're going to see more of this with juries.
I know in Israel it's mandatory. Do you know some of the others?
About 10 years ago, 2011 to be exact, we were touring Israel and came upon an "oasis" in the desert and pulled in to take a break. The oasis was actually a place to refill your gas tank and enjoy a nice meal if so desired in their restaurant.

In the area were military trucks and soldiers taking a break from doing routine training. I saw a young lady about 5' tall at the most with an automatic weapon slung over her shoulder. The weapon appeared as big as her. As she walked by I asked her if she knew how to use that. She looked me in the eye and responded, "sir, I know how to use that". I told her I knew she could. It was a funny scene but the young lady convinced me, she could use it and would when the time came. Israel has one of the best trained armies in the world.
  • I really miss this man. He was pure class and never controversial. A far cry from UK athletics today. Cawood no one will ever take your place.

    Cawood Ledford was a goodun'. I met him more than once on my journeys to watch the Cats. Everybody loved him. He described the game like no other ever has. Rest In Peace, brother.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers and Everybody Else That's Watching.
  • We've got 40º in Cumming this morning. Clear and beautiful.
  • Today is our daughter's 55th birthday. QB is making a cake for her.
  • The mother that is abusing her children is criminally insane.
  • Breakfast with our youngest grandchild is planned.
  • I hope everyone is good.
  • I like you guys a lot.
  • Pray a little prayer for FCC. He needs one.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
I used to feel that way. I was a green as could be country boy and was able to meet and learn to deal with a wide variety of people I would have never met. It was good for me. Now I'm not so sure that's a good idea. There are just so many people out there that to put it politely and not go into detail, would be an awful lot of trouble for the military to deal with.
I entered the U.S. Army in 1966 and the military was a different world then. Everyone was subject to the draft (in law and theory). Of course we know there were exceptions.

I went through Drill Instructor School at the Armor School on Fort Knox. When we graduated as DI's we were told two things to remember. 1) Never demand a trainee to do something you can not do. 2) Never strike a trainee.

We got the worst of the worst from society. The kind a judge would say, you are going to jail or the Army take your pick. At that time, Detroit was rioting and many had died. One of our areas for recruits was Detroit. I have never seen a bunch of no goods in my life than those out of Detroit City. So what did we do? First thing, cut their hair. Afros and hippies all had the same hair cut. Then we gave all of them the same fatigues. Everybody pretty much looked alike. Then we singled out the "leaders of the pack" and broke them. They were pushed the hardest and nothing they did was acceptable, even if they did it right. We never let up. Finally after weeks of this their attitude changed and most became a man right in front of your eyes. We were tough for a reason. For those who could not cut it, we processed them out of the Army and anyone who tried to fight back we called the MP's and never saw them again.

I am not sure how things work in today's Army but in 1966 it worked well.
I really miss this man. He was pure class and never controversial. A far cry from UK athletics today. Cawood no one will ever take your place.

During my junior year I lived on Maxwell Street, directly behind Memorial Coliseum. I saw Cawood several times while walking to class. He always said hello with a big Cawood smile. Class act it there ever was one.
I entered the U.S. Army in 1966 and the military was a different world then. Everyone was subject to the draft (in law and theory). Of course we know there were exceptions.

I went through Drill Instructor School at the Armor School on Fort Knox. When we graduated as DI's we were told two things to remember. 1) Never demand a trainee to do something you can not do. 2) Never strike a trainee.

We got the worst of the worst from society. The kind a judge would say, you are going to jail or the Army take your pick. At that time, Detroit was rioting and many had died. One of our areas for recruits was Detroit. I have never seen a bunch of no goods in my life than those out of Detroit City. So what did we do? First thing, cut their hair. Afros and hippies all had the same hair cut. Then we gave all of them the same fatigues. Everybody pretty much looked alike. Then we singled out the "leaders of the pack" and broke them. They were pushed the hardest and nothing they did was acceptable, even if they did it right. We never let up. Finally after weeks of this their attitude changed and most became a man right in front of your eyes. We were tough for a reason. For those who could not cut it, we processed them out of the Army and anyone who tried to fight back we called the MP's and never saw them again.

I am not sure how things work in today's Army but in 1966 it worked well.

Bless you brother Sir! I was a hood from Detroit. Not in the sense you'd expect but take this from the person that stated it about; himself. I had the mentality and the lifestyle/ traits. I was born in Monroe Michigan and grew up in the slums of Detroit. I had a few excursions out of that environment but God Bless people like you who in DEED transitioned many out of that hoodlum deteriorating mindset. (You AND Warrior @warrior-cat and others on here that I do not know of but should.)
About 10 years ago, 2011 to be exact, we were touring Israel and came upon an "oasis" in the desert and pulled in to take a break. The oasis was actually a place to refill your gas tank and enjoy a nice meal if so desired in their restaurant.

In the area were military trucks and soldiers taking a break from doing routine training. I saw a young lady about 5' tall at the most with an automatic weapon slung over her shoulder. The weapon appeared as big as her. As she walked by I asked her if she knew how to use that. She looked me in the eye and responded, "sir, I know how to use that". I told her I knew she could. It was a funny scene but the young lady convinced me, she could use it and would when the time came. Israel has one of the best trained armies in the world.

Not only does Israel have one of the best military squads in the entire world, they have Almighty God on their side as we will likely see pretty soon when a coalition of nations tries to attack Israel.
Bless you brother Sir! I was a hood from Detroit. Not in the sense you'd expect but take this from the person that stated it about; himself. I had the mentality and the lifestyle/ traits. I was born in Monroe Michigan and grew up in the slums of Detroit. I had a few excursions out of that environment but God Bless people like you who in DEED transitioned many out of that hoodlum deteriorating mindset. (You AND Warrior @warrior-cat and others on here that I do not know of but should.)
You are an example of a man who made something of yourself in the cruel world, no matter their environment.

Two of my fellow Drill Instructors were from Michigan. One from Detroit and the other from Lansing. They remain life long friends. One has passed away the other is still alive and active. They were tough but fair.

Both were involved in the racing business. One was a mechanic for a NASCAR team and the other motorcycles. Great days. Here they are with me and an old VW I had in the Army. (they are wearing the T shirts) The VW did not have a starter so they helped me carry it around or push it off to get it going. The one on the left was the NASCAR mechanic and by the time he got through with it the VW was the best running, fastest VW in the state of Kentucky. I traded it for a 1969 Malibu. A little faster. :)

How I miss hearing "that's left to right on your radio dial".
We enjoyed the Zenith of UK basketball. No era was better for fans than with Cawood Ledford behind the microphone. We have won 3 NCAA titles since he retired but that Voice was not there. I missed his commentary and play calling. Nothing can replace it
We enjoyed the Zenith of UK basketball. No era was better for fans than with Cawood Ledford behind the microphone. We have won 3 NCAA titles since he retired but that Voice was not there. I missed his commentary and play calling. Nothing can replace it
With Cawood calling a game, I didn't really care if I got to watch it on tv or not. I was just as entertained listening to him as I would have been watching it.

Morning D-Legionares!

Justice was only partially served yesterday. Long story short, 2 years ago a 5 year old boy came into the local hospital with a huge laceration under his right eye and bruises all over his face. When examined the nurses and doctors found similar older and some relatively newer marks all over his body (They were really bad marks and some burns). The mother said he was riding his bike and fell off and the boy originally corroborated but, when finding all of the other injuries DHS stepped in with the police and investigated. She was later arrested and the boy was put in foster homes (3 of them). He later told DHS workers counselors and 3 different sets of foster parents that she had beaten him with a cord and was putting him in the tub to clean him up. While in the tub the water was too hot and he tried to stand up and she push his face into the place where the water comes out and that's where his facial laceration came from. There were other stories of beatings that he told these people.

We also were told that she had fled to Chicago before being arrested and that she was extradited from Chicago to be brought back here. She was originally from Chicago. Also, they want her back after her time here because one of her other children was abused their and they are bringing up charges on her as well. She has 5 children, 2 she gave up, and three are in foster homes.

Well, after 3 days of trial testimonies we (the jury) started deliberating 2 counts. 1 on committing child abuse (basically) and 1 on enabling child abuse. Both carry up to life imprisonment. First vote 11 guilty and 1 undecided which quickly became not guilty on the first count. The defendant was African American and so was that juror and his reasoning was because the police yelled at her and that blacks were treated differently by the police than whites and that he was not going to send her to prison for something he did not witness. some others caved and agreed. Me and two others did not so, we moved to the second count. By the way, the evidence was overwhelming. He again was the same as the first. But, after a lengthy discussion about the crime and what happens with a hung jury (because he realized me and a few others would not give in to not guilty to the first count unless we could get a guilty on the second) he caved on the second realizing she would have to stay in jail (now 1 year there waiting on trail) waiting on a retrial.

The sentencing phase was still another fight because he wanted a fine and time served and we wanted at least 5 to 10. Compromise again with 3 years knowing after that she would go to Chicago to face a trial there after serving here.

Well, maybe not long story short but it was the condensed version. Oh and by the way, there were other African Americans on the jury. They easily changed their vote to not guilty when he referenced how the police treat black people differently but, to their credit, they did not waiver at all on the second count.

The End (sorry so long folks).

I spend hours a day watching crime videos and trials on Youtube. But I turn it off when it is a child abuse or child murder case. It is much more common that most people realize. Drug use and booze are commonalities to the problem -along with the just plain evil that is within too many people. I can't bear to watch them. Makes this old man cry.
I spend hours a day watching crime videos and trials on Youtube. But I turn it off when it is a child abuse or child murder case. It is much more common that most people realize. Drug use and booze are commonalities to the problem -along with the just plain evil that is within too many people. I can't bear to watch them. Makes this old man cry.
Wasn't easy for us either. The kid was scarred from head to toe and from the ones that got her arrested it looked like a Rocky Balboa fight. Wish we could have given her more time but, that one juror was adamant about her being the victim too and we were lucky to get what we got.
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