
$1400 or so.

FCC must hit rock bottom. I think that our contributions kept him from hitting rock bottom.

FCC is a good guy, but he is on the wrong side of things. He is a preacher but he has seen the dark side of alcohol.

I remember several years back he was bemoaning the fact that he was in some kind of separated situation with his wife and kids. He never explained what that was all about but apparently got back together with them. And now I guess she finally divorced him. Not knowing the whole situation, living with an alcoholic is a horrible situation.

A tragic dysfunctional situation that millions of addicts find themselves in.
On a lighter note. Beautiful late summer/early fall evening. Sitting by a fire in the backyard fire pit, with one of @BBUK's favorite brews Just enjoying the nice evening.

Bless you. I have some cold ones in the fridge but I strained my rib cage somehow (possibly lifting too much working around the house a couple days ago and again yesterday I am so doped up with Tylenol and ibuprofen. (I have two medical pro's in the house.) And an iced down back I'm cautious about putting any sustainance on that. Have one for me please.
Oh I think that he is a good Christian, but he got caught up on drugs. Drugs alter how your mind works.

Yeah I had several relatives let drugs take over. (Alcohol too.) I am real careful. I didn't drink for twenty years once I had children. Didn't want to be a bad example. I like mixed drinks like spiced rum and coke but haven't had that for pushing a couple years now. I do indulge in a Yuengling now and again but two is normally my limit usually the last work day of the week. I never flaunt drinking as I don't want to be a bad example to those who maybe can't handle it.
Yeah I had several relatives let drugs take over. (Alcohol too.) I am real careful. I didn't drink for twenty years once I had children. Didn't want to be a bad example. I like mixed drinks like spiced rum and coke but haven't had that for pushing a couple years now. I do indulge in a Yuengling now and again but two is normally my limit usually the last work day of the week. I never flaunt drinking as I don't want to be a bad example to those who maybe can't handle it.
Sounds like me. Two, maybe 3 beers (tonight maybe 3 since you said to have one for you) and normally only in the summer and on a weekend. Mostly if I'm grilling. Gave up mixed drinks and wine years ago (never drank a lot of either) basically because some of them taste so good that I can see getting hooked on them like fruit juice.
I remember several years back he was bemoaning the fact that he was in some kind of separated situation with his wife and kids. He never explained what that was all about but apparently got back together with them. And now I guess she finally divorced him. Not knowing the whole situation, living with an alcoholic is a horrible situation.

A tragic dysfunctional situation that millions of addicts find themselves in.
Yep, °°Hiccup!°° Escuse me.
He is strong enough if he wants to. I pray that he does. We must control our selves. I am a sinner and I control myself.
We're all sinners. God will forgive him as soon as he forgives himself for his weakness. Folks are no more fit to judge themselves as than they are others. Not only acknowledge the transgression . . . submit . . . receive the needed blessing. Easier said than done.
i have a scag zero turn mower. I have done all the routine maintenance my self..I have never changed the two belts on this thing so today I decided it was time.. Called dealer, 300 to change both belts, not counting oil change and air filter change. Changed plugs last year. I folded...ordered both belts today along with oil change kit and tune up kit.. Parts will be here next cost for belts, oil change, air filter and deck cleaning by me...less than a 100.00..yep cash in da pocket..time involed to do all this, bout an hour
We have all or at least a bunch of us have tried to help FCC but it hasn't helped he is at least off the street. Financially he could now make it if he would lay of the booze. I have never had a drink in my life. I am not better than anyone who has, but I just didn't want to start in case I couldn't handle it. I have been trying to help him for the last couple of months, but I am done. I will pray that he gets straightened out. I have tried to tell him to go to AA, but haven't had any luck. I have shared more that I should have here but the main thing is he is not on the street and has a chance the rest is up to him.
No, we gave money to someone many posters here personally know, and we thought needed some help and had changed his ways.

Please go troll GYERO. Thanks.
It is called compassion and loving a fellow man. Things Ed does not understand. What the person does with the compassion and love he receives is on them. He asked and we provided and I am not sorry for responding to a person in need.

Now all I can do is pray that his heart is quickened and he conquerors the demons within.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • We are overcast in Cumming. 73º presently. Cool front coming in Tuesday. The sky looks like we could have rain any second.
  • No Whitetails yet today.
  • Lola has been out already. She is a cute little trick.
  • Enjoyed watching some CFB yesterday. Georgia Tech beat Florida State after the Lightning Delay. They got the players and the Refs off of the field, but not the fans. That did not make any sense to me to not order the fans off.
  • Clemson is good.
  • Notre Dame is good.
  • Duke will win some games.
  • South Alabama won over Tulane.
  • Poor FCC. Just say a little prayer for him. I didn't have any money to send to him. And I was afraid this would happen.
  • Wish Bob would call me.
  • Our youngest grandchild turned 20 today. Sophomore at UGA.
  • Y'all take care.
  • Carry on.

It is called compassion and loving a fellow man. Things Ed does not understand. What the person does with the compassion and love he receives is on them. He asked and we provided and I am not sorry for responding to a person in need.

Now all I can do is pray that his heart is quickened and he conquerors the demons within.
Well said.
Good Sunday morning D League

Woke up to a beautiful day with a mild temperature of 73º and will top out at 85º or four degrees below our normal 89. There is 50% chance of rain and humidity is way down to 89%. We are keeping our eyes on weather out in the Gulf. Tropical Sally is heading towards us. Shouldn't be anything to worry about, may be a CAT II when she hits but for sure she will bring a lot rain, maybe a few wind gusts. We can always use the rain to keep our marshes alive and well.. Nature depends on the marshes.

Speaking of storms a brewing, someone was arrested off of Philippe Park for attempting to ride a manatee while they were mating. The Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act outlaws riding or touching manatees and it is punishable by fine and imprisonment. Many people do not know that so be careful when you visit. This picture is not from the incident but don't get caught doing this. Tip of the day.

Good Sunday morning D League

Woke up to a beautiful day with a mild temperature of 73º and will top out at 85º or four degrees below our normal 89. There is 50% chance of rain and humidity is way down to 89%. We are keeping our eyes on weather out in the Gulf. Tropical Sally is heading towards us. Shouldn't be anything to worry about, may be a CAT II when she hits but for sure she will bring a lot rain, maybe a few wind gusts. We can always use the rain to keep our marshes alive and well.. Nature depends on the marshes.

Speaking of storms a brewing, someone was arrested off of Philippe Park for attempting to ride a manatee while they were mating. The Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act outlaws riding or touching manatees and it is punishable by fine and imprisonment. Many people do not know that so be careful when you visit. This picture is not from the incident but don't get caught doing this. Tip of the day.

Oh the Humanatee!
Watching the cats run around chasing each other in the house this morning for entertainment. The most athletic one and daredevil of the three just came from behind the couch to the middle of the living room on the fly with his front legs spread apart in attack mode. He really got some air as he hit the floor running goes in to the kitchen, hits the tile, tries to hit the brakes and slides into the end of the bar counter head first. I started laughing at him as he gets up slowly walks back to the living room looking at me as if to say: "What? You try to stop after flying across the room".
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Me, too, Bert. But, you, nor I, would have let ourselves get hooked in the first place. People have different levels of will.
I never was around alcohol as a child because mom or dad were not "drinkers". Not even a glass of wine. But my wife was raised by an alcoholic father who came out of WWII a changed man. He fought in the fiercest battles in the South Pacific and earned two Bronze Stars for valor but the experience changed him for life. He was a good man but alcohol destroyed him.

He came back from the war and started drinking heavy. He neglected his family and wasted his money with his buddies at the VFW on liquor. Only the strong will of a Christian mother saved the family from ruin. I promised my wife before we were married she would never go hungry because I spent all of my money on alcohol and she would never have to go to the local bar to drag me home, drunk as a skunk. 53 years later I have kept that promise.

I have compassion for those who fall to the bottle and let it rule their life. God loves them as much as he loves us and indeed, we all have sinned and come short of the Glory of The Lord. So I will pray for FCC that he will trust in God to deliver him from this before it is too late.
He is strong enough if he wants to. I pray that he does. We must control our selves.

I am a sinner and I control myself.
Me, too, Bert. But, you, nor I, would have let ourselves get hooked in the first place. People have different levels of will.
Yep, I partied a lot when I was younger but never drank a lot daily. I take a drink or two nightly now but, don't get drunk. Don't like the next day feeling and it reeks havoc on the joints.
I went several years without drinking a drop after retirement from the Army. Too busy focused on self-improvement. Nowadays, I drink beer Friday and Saturday nights. Sometimes on Thursday evenings.

It's all about self-control.
i have a scag zero turn mower. I have done all the routine maintenance my self..I have never changed the two belts on this thing so today I decided it was time.. Called dealer, 300 to change both belts, not counting oil change and air filter change. Changed plugs last year. I folded...ordered both belts today along with oil change kit and tune up kit.. Parts will be here next cost for belts, oil change, air filter and deck cleaning by me...less than a 100.00..yep cash in da pocket..time involed to do all this, bout an hour

I do most of my around the house stuff myself. From oil changes to fix it stuff. I don't climb more than a few feet high any longer. I hire the high stuff done now. I do it for the exercise, know the quality, and the dough savings is real nice. Just installed a new kitchen faucet a couple weeks ago and installed a new reverse osmosis system in March. It's been super for us. Good Water. (Even drilled the kitchen countertop.) YouTube videos are a great resource. (I had a couple companies give me an estimate on the RO system, $1400.00. I bought lowes best for $252.00 minus my 10% military discount. Took me 3 to 4 hours to install. I never rush. Even hooked up our ice maker.)
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Wow, watching the news is nothing more than reports on war zone cities in America. New York,, LA, Chicago and of course the crazy Wild West Pacific Coast. I think I will turn it off and get ready for church. These are crazy times.
It's really sad. As many on here know I lived in Seattle back in the 80's and Portland was part of my territory so I traveled there quite often. It was a wonderful place to live. So beautiful and a paradise for the outdoorsman. My wife has been bugging me for years to plan a vacation to the northwest BUT that's changed. I may never go back there. At least not Seattle or Portland. Maybe we'll go to Leavenworth for their Octoberfest one year.

I do most of my around the house stuff myself. From oil changes to fix it stuff. I don't climb more than a few feet high any longer. I hire the high stuff done now. I do it for the exercise, know the quality, and the dough savings is real nice. Just installed a new kitchen faucet a couple weeks ago and installed a new reverse osmosis system in March. It's been super for us. Good Water. (Even drilled the kitchen countertop.) YouTube videos are a great resource. (I had a couple companies give me an estimate on the RO system, $1400.00. I bought lowes best for $252.00 minus my 10% military discount. Took me 3 to 4 hours to install. I never rush. Even hooked up our ice maker.)

I enjoy doing most of my repairs. Just about anything except I do not change engines or transmissions anymore. No more roof work as well. What some don't realize IMO is having the right tools. The right tools are 75% of the job, other 25% is being able to take things apart and put back together, and yes you have to have some sort of knowledge on what your working on but youtube solves a big portion of that problem. Cell phone cameras are great for taking pics of what your working on to use as a reference when things go back together..
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It is called compassion and loving a fellow man. Things Ed does not understand. What the person does with the compassion and love he receives is on them. He asked and we provided and I am not sorry for responding to a person in need.

Now all I can do is pray that his heart is quickened and he conquerors the demons within.
Compassion for one another is something the world could use more of. People like Ed are part of the problem, not the solution.
I enjoy doing most of my repairs. Just about anything except I do not change engines or transmissions anymore. No more roof work as well. What some don't realize IMO is having the right tools. The right tools are 75% of the job, other 25% is being able to take things apart and put back together, and yes you have to have some sort of knowledge on what your working on but youtube solves a big portion of that problem. Cell phone cameras are great for taking pics of what your working on to use as a reference when things go back together..

Yep, snapping pics are super to remember.(Helps a ton.) I have a pretty good selection of tools for most occasions. I can do anything from put a new end on a CAT 6 cable to patch a hole in drywall. (Used to do work on my rentals back in the day.) Still am a pack-rat just not in the quantities I used to... Now I work as hard as you can work and still sit in a chair. Mostly for the exercise and to ensure I don't have to worry if it was completed correctly. I do have to finish painting my garage. (Two walls to go. Put up shelving as I finish.)

Thinking I am seriously going to sell this place. Got to get rid of all the stairs my wife and I have to climb. I will have a better feel for my job in the next couple weeks. My boss is retiring and I applied for his job.(Just closed early last week. They forwarded my resume. We shall see. (I don't have high hopes as this IS DC. Things are different here but who knows until it happens...) Got off on a tangent... Be Good

It is called compassion and loving a fellow man. Things Ed does not understand. What the person does with the compassion and love he receives is on them. He asked and we provided and I am not sorry for responding to a person in need.

Now all I can do is pray that his heart is quickened and he conquerors the demons within.
Yeah enabling a drunk is compassion. You were a sucker and contributed to his disease. I would love to know how much he took you all for.