
DirecTV and Dish offer the SEC Network and the Alternate. On my Spectrum they show SEC Network as 516 and the Alternate as 517, yet the bastards will not give up the band width for the second game.

Screw them. I could switch to DirecTV tomorrow. I told them that today.
Bert, we're in the same boat. We also have Spectrum. SEC Network is channel 384 and 385 here. Same thing for us. We may end up streaming it.
Yes, thanks, I'll probably end up going through VA as well.
That is probably my next step as well. Having to go to Reynolds Medical Clinic at Ft. Sill has only gotten me the same response the few times i have gone.

"Not sure what to tell you" and " Come back if it gets worse." I only have PA's. Have to use this clinic because I got a letter from the government informing me that if I did not use them, my insurance (Tri Care) would not pay my bills unless it was a referral to go downtown from the PA's. Been to the doctors only 3 times in the last 10 years or so.
That is probably my next step as well. Having to go to Reynolds Medical Clinic at Ft. Sill has only gotten me the same response the few times i have gone.

"Not sure what to tell you" and " Come back if it gets worse." I only have PA's. Have to use this clinic because I got a letter from the government informing me that if I did not use them, my insurance (Tri Care) would not pay my bills unless it was a referral to go downtown from the PA's. Been to the doctors only 3 times in the last 10 years or so.

Excuse me, Sir, but I'm pretty sure the government knows what's best for your health care.
That is probably my next step as well. Having to go to Reynolds Medical Clinic at Ft. Sill has only gotten me the same response the few times i have gone.

"Not sure what to tell you" and " Come back if it gets worse." I only have PA's. Have to use this clinic because I got a letter from the government informing me that if I did not use them, my insurance (Tri Care) would not pay my bills unless it was a referral to go downtown from the PA's. Been to the doctors only 3 times in the last 10 years or so.
Luckily, we live between Fort Hood (Darnell AH) and Brook Army Medical Center, San Antonio. For most procedures, I can go to Seton Healthcare and Tricare covers. However, a new VA clinic was built here in ATX, so I'll probably go there. And it's a pain in the ass to get there because it's across town from my job.
Luckily, we live between Fort Hood (Darnell AH) and Brook Army Medical Center, San Antonio. For most procedures, I can go to Seton Healthcare and Tricare covers. However, a new VA clinic was built here in ATX, so I'll probably go there. And it's a pain in the ass to get there because it's across town from my job.
Yeah, there is a relatively new VA clinic here and many have encouraged me to go, especially my wife.
Bert, do you have a Roku or another way of getting the ESPN app on your t.v.? If so, you should be able to watch the SEC Alternate Channel through the ESPN app. It'll just ask for your t.v. provider and have you log in to your Spectrum account to verify that you're a paid subscriber.
I’m glad you advised this. I have Spectrum as well

Evening D
Hope everyone is doing well
I’m exhausted right now. Been a long day
Lots going on.
Anyway lots of good thoughts for you all
Good morning from ATX. Current temps are at 80°F. Another triple-digit high expected. So far this year, we've had 41 days of triple-digit highs. Just a few more weeks.

Bert, do you have a Roku or another way of getting the ESPN app on your t.v.? If so, you should be able to watch the SEC Alternate Channel through the ESPN app. It'll just ask for your t.v. provider and have you log in to your Spectrum account to verify that you're a paid subscriber.
That's the way we're going. Need to line this up early Saturday.

Good morning D League

Looking for a sunny day with current temperatures at 75 degrees and a high nearing 90. The humidity has increased. Another good day to work around the house. The picture below was taken in Tampa, FL where a man put his little car in the house to keep it from blowing away. Winds were gusting to 40 MPH. Now I am not here to ridicule or throw rocks at people who buy these things but my Lord, who in their right mind would drive this thing on a heavily traveled interstate without the fear of being smashed like a cockroach with an 18 wheeler. Somethings in this world I do not understand. If you own one, my prayers are with your always. May God build a fence all around you.
I’m glad you advised this. I have Spectrum as well

Evening D
Hope everyone is doing well
I’m exhausted right now. Been a long day
Lots going on.
Anyway lots of good thoughts for you all

That's the way we're going. Need to line this up early Saturday.


Can't have fellow Cat fans not being able to watch the game live.
Morning D-League. I hope everyone is staying dry. Cool, crisp and sunny so far in the east.

Anyone else get the feeling that the TV MEDIA -- and I mean CNN -- can't stop rooting for some towns in the Carolinas to get washed away by Dorian so the smug, preening Anderson Cooper can stroll around in his teal windbreaker looking brave, shedding a few crocodile tears for the 'little folks' and talking about Global Warming?
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Good morning D, not much going on today, but it's a beautiful day here in the Berg.

52 years ago yesterday was the worst day in our family with losing my brother in a boating accident. We were swamped by a barge on the Green River going hunting. My parents were never the same again even though they held up for the rest of us. GOD gave me an outstanding set of parents and a great family! Mom was the glue to this family. At the funeral for my neighbor a good friend of ours that had lost a daughter told me that my mom was the one that got her thru their loss. She told me my mom would come to visit her and kept telling her that she would get thru it and also said that if it wasn't for mom she didn't know how she would have made it!
I hope everyone has a great day! Thanks again for accepting me into the D!

If you need a pray, just think, one has already been said even though I don't know what's wrong, GOD knows!
Bert, do you have a Roku or another way of getting the ESPN app on your t.v.? If so, you should be able to watch the SEC Alternate Channel through the ESPN app. It'll just ask for your t.v. provider and have you log in to your Spectrum account to verify that you're a paid subscriber.
Sorry that I did not respond to your post. I can get the ESPN app; however, I should not have to worry with it.

I am a grumpy old man!:)
Hasn’t been to bad so far. Wind gusts up to 60mph the last few hours. Lots of rain of course. Outer western edge of eye wall will be on us in about an hour and half. Will have 74+ mph winds for about 2-3 hours along with a lot more rain. As long as it doesn’t jog any further west.
You are on my mind. Just stay in and hunker down!

I guess Ghost is near the storm also, but he is married and happy without us at the D-League.
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Holy smoke, maybe my griping for over an hour on the phone helped.

I doubt that I was the only one, but Kentucky is now scheduled for my Spectrum game on SEC Network Saturday.

I am a happy camper.
That's great news, Bert. I'll check after work and see if it also opened up for us in this area. Thanks.
Holy smoke, maybe my griping for over an hour on the phone helped.

I doubt that I was the only one, but Kentucky is now scheduled for my Spectrum game on SEC Network Saturday.

I am a happy camper.

That's good then. Sometimes you have to do a little griping to get something done. Dealing with Windstream over the years has taught me that.
Good morning D, not much going on today, but it's a beautiful day here in the Berg.

52 years ago yesterday was the worst day in our family with losing my brother in a boating accident. We were swamped by a barge on the Green River going hunting. My parents were never the same again even though they held up for the rest of us. GOD gave me an outstanding set of parents and a great family! Mom was the glue to this family. At the funeral for my neighbor a good friend of ours that had lost a daughter told me that my mom was the one that got her thru their loss. She told me my mom would come to visit her and kept telling her that she would get thru it and also said that if it wasn't for mom she didn't know how she would have made it!
I hope everyone has a great day! Thanks again for accepting me into the D!

If you need a pray, just think, one has already been said even though I don't know what's wrong, GOD knows!
Wonderful and inspiring story cordmaker. My mother's birthday is tomorrow and she would have been 107. In my eyes and eyes of many she was a saint. She was totally devoted to her God and family and I never heard her say a bad word about anybody. Not even Bill Clinton and Monica. She let the Lord handle that. If you wanted to spread gossip you didn't want to take it to her. Her ears were closed to anything negative.
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