
ATX Austin made our local paper Sunday talking about the homeless situation there. I had druther read about all the great places ya'll have to eat at there though!
Yes, it is bad here. Some mornings I see homeless people sleeping all over the place while walking to the bus stop. Homeless situation downtown is much worse. I'll walk downtown in about 2 hours and bet some homeless bum asks me for money.
Finally, a break in the 100 plus degree weather. Yesterday around 106° and today 78° expected. Fishing will be more comfortable this weekend.
Kentucky does not have those large mouth bass like Oklahoma and Texas. Plus when you move back here I am going to have a class for the bass on how to avoid Warrior Cat.:)
It is 76.6°F and overcast. We are supposed to have thunder storms this afternoon and then good weather the rest of the week. I hope so. I need my yard killed so I can sow seed in late September.

You all have a good day. I have physical therapy at 1:30 pm. I hope they can help out with my back. I am getting tired of being a cripple.
Another funny:
Yes, it is bad here. Some mornings I see homeless people sleeping all over the place while walking to the bus stop. Homeless situation downtown is much worse. I'll walk downtown in about 2 hours and bet some homeless bum asks me for money.
Don't tell him there is loose change on the streets and at a car wash in Austin. Keep that a secret.
Yes, it is bad here. Some mornings I see homeless people sleeping all over the place while walking to the bus stop. Homeless situation downtown is much worse. I'll walk downtown in about 2 hours and bet some homeless bum asks me for money.
They read about all about that change that you find outside of that bar and at the car wash.
Yes, it is bad here. Some mornings I see homeless people sleeping all over the place while walking to the bus stop. Homeless situation downtown is much worse. I'll walk downtown in about 2 hours and bet some homeless bum asks me for money.
Don't tell him there is loose change on the streets and at a car wash in Austin. Keep that a secret.
They read about all about that change that you find outside of that bar and at the car wash.

And wouldn't you know it. I walk downtown and some gal tries bumming one dollar and a cigarette. Me no smoke and have no money.

Never fails.
Yes, it is bad here. Some mornings I see homeless people sleeping all over the place while walking to the bus stop. Homeless situation downtown is much worse. I'll walk downtown in about 2 hours and bet some homeless bum asks me for money.

When you see them approaching you with that certain look on their face (trying to make eye-to-eye contact), preempt them by quickly asking if they can spare some change.
Hope all is well with the D-League. I like Chief's approach to shutting down street beggars. As I pass about a dozen between my office and the DC subway, I'll get a chance to try it out.

I had a couple smug middle class hippies -- the kind who look like they made it to 30 on daddy's dime and were in no hurry to leave that plateau -- stop me on the street today with the line, "Would you eat Rhinoceras meat?"

They were apparently fund raising for some lefty lash-up out to save Rhinos and other African beasties from hunters, or maybe they were from PETA. My response: "I've eaten camel and zebra, but no one ever offered me rhino. Do you have some?" Silence.

That may have been my only small victory today, but at least I wasn't shut out.
Just realized how long it’s been since I’ve been on here
Been crazy busy between work, youngest starting high school, the new babies in their way and all the other stuff I’m trying to keep up with
Have missed you all and hope you’re well
All is right in The League. Bev is back. We missed you.
Missed you by 8 years. I did American Graffiti in Paducah. Nice town to grow up in. One of my family works at an air reduction company on Husband Road.

Man made air reduction is a crisis! wheeze, cough, gag...

Just realized how long it’s been since I’ve been on here
Been crazy busy between work, youngest starting high school, the new babies in their way and all the other stuff I’m trying to keep up with
Have missed you all and hope you’re well

Ha, I was going to say something to you when I posted. Glad to see you stop by!

I carried them in my pocket and was always looking for someone to play with. In the other pocket was my pocket knife

Same here. I had a bunch of marbles at one time. Broke my heart when I heard how much some of them were worth. Those and the old black and white baseball cards that made such a cool sound in my bicycle spokes. Woe is me.
Just realized how long it’s been since I’ve been on here
Been crazy busy between work, youngest starting high school, the new babies in their way and all the other stuff I’m trying to keep up with
Have missed you all and hope you’re well
Welcome back. Missed you, too.
Good morning! Up early today for an 0800 tee time. Supposed to be a nice day with temps in the low 80's and sunshine. We've had some nice rain for the last two days, course should be looking good and playing easy today. Well, easier than it was when it was dry as a bone and hard as a brick. No telling where the ball was going to bounce.

I didn't cut any wood yesterday but I did decide on the dimensions that I'll cut the wood when I'm out there NOT drinking beer. Might be today because I emptied my refrigerator yesterday.

Hope everyone has a great day. I'll see you folks this afternoon.
It is 66.7°F and sunny. It started out real foggy and now the fog is a heavy dew. Supposed to be nice the next few days.

National Bow Tie day. I never got good at at a bow tie. One of the Harvard guys at work wore one every day, Noel Perry. I still keep in contact with him. He retired to central Pennsylvania.