
The owner of that house refused to sell.

Good Monday morning D League

Woke up to 80° temperature with a high today of 86° and a 50% chance of rain. It will hit the low 90's inland with a heat index in the high 90's. Today is the first day of school for the local schools and the sheriff says every school in our county has armed guards. Football is in the news. I am so looking forward to kick off.

Lots to do today, watch out for school buses, take care all.
Good morning D from the Berg. I was going to work on the deck today, doing some more staining but it is raining here so I am just going to take it easy and piddle!

We have a real busy week this week and it started last night at church, we had an ice cream supper and a movie. Mrs. M made peanut butter ice cream (tastes just like frozen PB fudge) and watched Breakthrough.If you get a chance watch it. The only problem I had was it just hit to close to home, with my brother passing in the same way back in 67. Still to this day I have some unanswered questions that I have not gotten any answers to and I may never have them. We have a family reunion this weekend so maybe an answer!
We have a G.R.O.W. team meeting tomorrow night, we are supposed to go visit my friend just to let him know we are praying for him and his family. Wed. church, Thursday we start our Bible study ( THE LORDS SUPPER) this time. Dr. visits in O'boro Wednesday and Friday and family reuion Saturday.

Happy belated birthday wishes FCC, I turned 68 back in June. Seems like I am on a fast moving train (Steam Engine of course) and it is just not making any stops!

Ok ya'll have a great and safe day. Probablly be lurking around most of the day! I started staining Saturday with the rafters on our metal roof, just to see how it was going to look, the natural cedar is going to look good. Mrs. M is happy so everybody is happy!!!
One question for the ALL KNOWING D! I know I will get an answer to this one because there are to many country boys on here!

We were working at church Thursday doing some landscaping when I saw a vine growing on one of the hedges, so I take some cutters and go in after it. I drag it out it out and on it was what I always called paw-paw's. My friend said no those are not paw-paw's grow on trees and when they are ripe they taste like bananas. Which one of us was right? I do know, we used to have some good fights with paw-paws (summer snowballs) when we were young!!!! One up side the head stung a bit!!!!
One question for the ALL KNOWING D! I know I will get an answer to this one because there are to many country boys on here!

We were working at church Thursday doing some landscaping when I saw a vine growing on one of the hedges, so I take some cutters and go in after it. I drag it out it out and on it was what I always called paw-paw's. My friend said no those are not paw-paw's grow on trees and when they are ripe they taste like bananas. Which one of us was right? I do know, we used to have some good fights with paw-paws (summer snowballs) when we were young!!!! One up side the head stung a bit!!!!
Pawpaws Asimina triloba are shrublike small trees. I've heard folks call milkweed vines Pawpaws and we did use their seed pods for projectiles as kids.

Ok Mr. Don what does 2-8-2-2 stand for? I am probably going to be sorry I asked!
Don must be busy so here's a Linky for the 2-8-2-2 explanation.
One question for the ALL KNOWING D! I know I will get an answer to this one because there are to many country boys on here!

We were working at church Thursday doing some landscaping when I saw a vine growing on one of the hedges, so I take some cutters and go in after it. I drag it out it out and on it was what I always called paw-paw's. My friend said no those are not paw-paw's grow on trees and when they are ripe they taste like bananas. Which one of us was right? I do know, we used to have some good fights with paw-paws (summer snowballs) when we were young!!!! One up side the head stung a bit!!!!
They are hollow like a Bell Pepper sort of.

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