
I wish that were mine but, it was a take on Johnny Carson's response to Arnold Palmer's wife answer to the Question: "Do you do any thing special for luck before he goes in to a tournament?" Her response: " Well, I kiss his balls" Johnny's response: "I'll bet that makes his putter stutter".

I had always heard this, too, then I looked it up on Snopes, and it never happened. After Jay Leno took over for Carson, he had Arnie on his show in 1994. He asked Arnie and he said it never happened. What Arnie said was that Carson asked him if his wife kissed his balls for luck, and Arnie said he replied, "I don't even go to bed without pajamas." Arnie said it was a joke started and perpetuated by Carson. In truth, Winnie Palmer never was a guest on the Tonight show.
I had always heard this, too, then I looked it up on Snopes, and it never happened. After Jay Leno took over for Carson, he had Arnie on his show in 1994. He asked Arnie and he said it never happened. What Arnie said was that Carson asked him if his wife kissed his balls for luck, and Arnie said he replied, "I don't even go to bed without pajamas." Arnie said it was a joke started and perpetuated by Carson. In truth, Winnie Palmer never was a guest on the Tonight show.
Ooops! Either way, it was still funny and stolen..
I remember hearing it on this album in the 60's but I can't say it was on the Carson show. Can't say it's real for that matter. But it is on a recording.

A dog in our neighborhood got attacked by 2 coyotes this afternoon per the St. Matthews alert system. The dog is OK.
Yikes! We also experience coyote attacks on dogs down here because of all the building and expansion going on. Plus, they get in the trash. Damn things are a nuisance.
A dog in our neighborhood got attacked by 2 coyotes this afternoon per the St. Matthews alert system. The dog is OK.
Yikes! We also experience coyote attacks on dogs down here because of all the building and expansion going on. Plus, they get in the trash. Damn things are a nuisance.
Coyotes are indeed a nuisance, but normally not dangerous. Highly intelligent, they avoid human contact but enforce canine rules with their teeth. A majority of so called attacks are in defense of their den and pups. Find the den, capture the pups, then use them for bait to live trap and remove the adults.

Feral dog attacks on livestock blamed on coyotes don't solve the problem either or protect the livestock. Coyotes normally forage on small animals like cats, chickens, rabbits and new born animals (fawns and lambs). They're absolutely content with scavenging trash. In Arizona, we protect Pronghorn fawning with aerial gunning from helicopters. The Coyote removal is short lived as the population numbers return after 6 to 8 weeks via immigration. During that time, the fawns strengthen and then can run 50/60 mph to escape and are fine. Wolves will run Coyotes effectively removing them but usually not available as an option. Poisons will work but kill more non-target species like dogs than Coyotes. That's why we shoot from the choppers. I hate saying this but wildlife management officials are often not as smart or adaptable as the Coyotes and inept at Coyote management.
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Good morning D League

Listening to the radio and the morning show man host is complaining about the weather. He is on his global warming, earth ending in 10 years rant. He came down from New York and his wife is from New York. Hey Mister Radio man you are living in Florida. Yes the temperature is 80° and the humidity. is not Arizona so you are going to sweat. If you are healthy you will sweat and there ain't a thing you can do about it except move. We are getting rain right now and we can expect more rain with a high temperature of 86° .

Speaking of talk shows Groucho Marx had a program "You Bet Your Life" where he interviewed the guests before they played his game. Legend has it one of the female guests said she had about 10 or 12 children. Groucho's response was "I like my cigar too but I take it out every once in awhile" I miss Ole' Groucho. .
Good morning D-League.

Good news this morning for me: My arthritic left knee seems improved. Bad news: Favoring it for three weeks seems to have triggered an arthritic reaction in both ankles. My wife noted this morning: "You are still hobbling around like you are 100 years old, but something is different about it."

My house is not the address to seek out for sympathy with ailments.
Good morning D-League.

Good news this morning for me: My arthritic left knee seems improved. Bad news: Favoring it for three weeks seems to have triggered an arthritic reaction in both ankles. My wife noted this morning: "You are still hobbling around like you are 100 years old, but something is different about it."

My house is not the address to seek out for sympathy with ailments.

Sounds like my wife. At the dermatologist office he asked me if I had any areas of concern. I said, "Well, there is this spot behind my ear that you might need to take a look at." My wife interjected, "Oh, that's nothing." Turned out to be a skin cancer growth that I had to get surgically removed. I have often referred to her as Dr. Gayle since then.
Sounds like my wife. At the dermatologist office he asked me if I had any areas of concern. I said, "Well, there is this spot behind my ear that you might need to take a look at." My wife interjected, "Oh, that's nothing." Turned out to be a skin cancer growth that I had to get surgically removed. I have often referred to her as Dr. Gayle since then.
It is worse for me Chief. My wife is actually an RN - as a second career -- in a surgical hospital. I could fall out of an airplane into a boiling volcano, crawl out to the highway and get run over by a tractor trailer and she'd say, "Will you quit complaining? I saw five people worse off than you today."
75.2°F and 80% humidity. It may be one to stay in doors. I have two guys coming to work in the yard today and I am already feeling sorry for them.

I got a steroid shot yesterday for my back. The back still hurts today. Yuk.

Wife and I got shingles shots last Friday. Our arms are still sore. Have to go back for the second dose in six months. We had shingles shots about 5 years ago but they concluded that the old shots were ineffective. The new one is supposedly 98% effective and is highly recommended for old folks.
Good morning D League

Listening to the radio and the morning show man host is complaining about the weather. He is on his global warming, earth ending in 10 years rant. He came down from New York and his wife is from New York. Hey Mister Radio man you are living in Florida. Yes the temperature is 80° and the humidity. is not Arizona so you are going to sweat. If you are healthy you will sweat and there ain't a thing you can do about it except move. We are getting rain right now and we can expect more rain with a high temperature of 86° .

Speaking of talk shows Groucho Marx had a program "You Bet Your Life" where he interviewed the guests before they played his game. Legend has it one of the female guests said she had about 10 or 12 children. Groucho's response was "I like my cigar too but I take it out every once in awhile" I miss Ole' Groucho. .

A lady had just given birth to her 10th child in a Catholic hospital. A priest making his rounds stopped in her room. "So this is your tenth child eh? The Holy Father must be very proud of you." "But Father, I'm not Catholic" she replied. As the priest walked down the hall, he turned to the nun and said, "Horny old bitch, isn't she."
Wife and I got shingles shots last Friday. Our arms are still sore. Have to go back for the second dose in six months. We had shingles shots about 5 years ago but they concluded that the old shots were ineffective. The new one is supposedly 98% effective and is highly recommended for old folks.

We were talking about that on the golf course Saturday. I guess I'll ask my doctor about it soon.

Raining here too. It must be raining all over the world.

Ohs no! :scream: Man Made Global Wetting! We're all gonna drown!:weary:
Good morning D League

Listening to the radio and the morning show man host is complaining about the weather. He is on his global warming, earth ending in 10 years rant. He came down from New York and his wife is from New York. Hey Mister Radio man you are living in Florida. Yes the temperature is 80° and the humidity. is not Arizona so you are going to sweat. If you are healthy you will sweat and there ain't a thing you can do about it except move. We are getting rain right now and we can expect more rain with a high temperature of 86° .

Speaking of talk shows Groucho Marx had a program "You Bet Your Life" where he interviewed the guests before they played his game. Legend has it one of the female guests said she had about 10 or 12 children. Groucho's response was "I like my cigar too but I take it out every once in awhile" I miss Ole' Groucho. .

Reminds me of the woman that got on the bus with 3 sets of twins. The driver was amazed and asked her, "Lady, do you get twins every time?" The woman replied, "No. Hundreds of times we don't get anything." ;)