
I'm definitely on for lunch anywhere, any day. As much as I'd like to visit Bert (if he'd have me) I can't block out that many hours any day this week. My loss. From listening to ymmot talk about his trips to Smiths Grove it must be fabulous!

You are invited. I doubt that it is fabulous, but it is friendly.

It IS fabulous! Fabulously friendly too! Any place you can relax your inhibitions and be yourself, any place you can truly eat, drink, and be merry is a fabulous place. Bert and Sherry provide all those things and more.
Here is a link to the Equifax website to see if you are eligible for any reimbursement due to the 2017 data breach. I was not.

According to this site, "Every person can receive up to $500 for the time they spent “taking preventative measure or dealing with identity theft,” court papers said. Consumers are eligible for up to 20 hours of reimbursement. Ten hours — $250 — can be self-certified and do not require any documentation, according to the document. Another 10 hours have to backed up by documentation such as banking and credit card statements."

Apparently I qualify. Theoretically I'll get $125. If I do I'll send you a $50 dollar gi, uh, a nice thank you note.
Warrior and Sawnee. Welcome to the "I just can't do that anymore" stage of life. I am surrounded by women in my family. Any problems have always gotten forwarded to me to take care of. Move something, fix something, whatever. About six months ago, in a ceremony at a family gathering I announced that I was turning over the patriarchy to my 28 years old grandson-in-law. Don't call me, call him. He is a good guy. Strong as an ox and has developed from a total klutz to a decent DIYer. Me? I'll just sit and drool in my cereal.

Retire, Don. You're running out of time. Just do it.
You are on to something Chief. I have always been active and athletic. I played sports growing up and when I went into the U.S. Army they approached me to go to Drill Instructor Academy to become a Drill Sgt. Like Warrior Cat. Once I got out of the army I continued playing sports and joined a fast pitch softball team and played competitive racquetball 4 times a week. This got me in as good of shape as being a DI. I kept that up into my 60's but came down with spinal stenosis and ended up having four back operations with titanium to brace the spine. Still I like to get out and do things.

When I was a teenage boy my grandpa took me aside and said son, you need to learn how to plow a mule because someday you might end up with a wife and hungry mouths to feed. So he taught me to be a plowboy. I still know my gee and haw. But I said all of that to say this. Grandpa was a better man than me because he was breaking horses at age 86 and here I am hurting all over from just digging holes in the yard and planting crepe myrtle trees. I am getting soft. .

You are on to something Chief. I have always been active and athletic. I played sports growing up and when I went into the U.S. Army they approached me to go to Drill Instructor Academy to become a Drill Sgt. Like Warrior Cat. Once I got out of the army I continued playing sports and joined a fast pitch softball team and played competitive racquetball 4 times a week. This got me in as good of shape as being a DI. I kept that up into my 60's but came down with spinal stenosis and ended up having four back operations with titanium to brace the spine. Still I like to get out and do things.

When I was a teenage boy my grandpa took me aside and said son, you need to learn how to plow a mule because someday you might end up with a wife and hungry mouths to feed. So he taught me to be a plowboy. I still know my gee and haw. But I said all of that to say this. Grandpa was a better man than me because he was breaking horses at age 86 and here I am hurting all over from just digging holes in the yard and planting crepe myrtle trees. I am getting soft. .
If I had life to live over and be able to go back with the memory of what I should and should not do; I would never play sports in high school, I would never be a spelunker or take up tennis.

I would substitute golf for all the other sports. That would have preserved my joints that have simply warn out.
If I had life to live over and be able to go back with the memory of what I should and should not do; I would never play sports in high school, I would never be a spelunker or take up tennis.

I would substitute golf for all the other sports. That would have preserved my joints that have simply warn out.

You make a very good point. I have never played golf because I always wanted to play a team sport with contact as a kid. I just never found time to do it. I had every opportunity including free green fees since my mother's first cousin owned a golf course and we had an open door to play there. It was the mistake of my life looking back on it. Now I can't even swing a club without excruciating pain. Wasted
Apparently I qualify. Theoretically I'll get $125. If I do I'll send you a $50 dollar gi, uh, a nice thank you note.

The way I read it you can get $250. I think the $125 is a reimbursement if you've retained a credit monitoring service. You can also get access to a credit monitoring service and they'll pay for it.

If I had life to live over and be able to go back with the memory of what I should and should not do; I would never play sports in high school, I would never be a spelunker or take up tennis.

I would substitute golf for all the other sports. That would have preserved my joints that have simply warn out.

There are two kinds of golfers Bert. Those that have back problems, and those that are going to have back problems.
The way I read it you can get $250. I think the $125 is a reimbursement if you've retained a credit monitoring service. You can also get access to a credit monitoring service and they'll pay for it.

There are two kinds of golfers Bert. Those that have back problems, and those that are going to have back problems.
Koepka wins today. He seems to be pretty good.
Here is a link to the Equifax website to see if you are eligible for any reimbursement due to the 2017 data breach. I was not.

According to this site, "Every person can receive up to $500 for the time they spent “taking preventative measure or dealing with identity theft,” court papers said. Consumers are eligible for up to 20 hours of reimbursement. Ten hours — $250 — can be self-certified and do not require any documentation, according to the document. Another 10 hours have to backed up by documentation such as banking and credit card statements."
Saw it last Friday.

I'm not qualified, but my daughter is. Last year, someone tried purchasing a house in her name. She has crappy credit. I'll help her out with this.
Koepka wins today. He seems to be pretty good.

Yeah, he's a machine. He hasn't hit his prime yet either.

Saw it last Friday.

I'm not qualified, but my daughter is. Last year, someone tried purchasing a house in her name. She has crappy credit. I'll help her out with this.

Good luck. I haven't checked my wife's numbers yet.

edit: my wife is eligible.
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Good morning D from the Berg. Woke up at 4 this morning, got to have lab work this morning so I have to hold off on the coffee for a while!

Going to head to O,boro today, Mrs. M is off today and tomorrow, got to go to Lowe's to get a few things including a sliding compound miter saw! We are also going to Briarpatch restaurant for lunch, I owe her for taking good care of me during hip surgery and my latest bout with the kidney stone! This is also the first place we went to when we started dating 23 years ago!

Happy belated birthday Mr. Don!

I am just about done with my deck, all I have to do is build the steps w/ planter boxes, then stain the deck. About the stain what does the D recommend on how to do the staining? Do I use a brush, roller or spray it?

I hope everyone has a great and safe day! Check back later
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F. Looking at Possibly 100°F for a high today. We hit 101°F yesterday.

Our little dog, Sadie, is not well this morning. She is shaking and acts disoriented. She refuses food. I'm afraid it's about time. Hope not.


We'll check back later. Y'all behave.
My favorite lasagna is crockpot lasagna!
Good morning D-League. Hope you all had a restful weekend. I did, mostly. Dragged my arthritic knee through a couple 5-mile runs with my wife.

Also went on a long walk with my daughter on which we played the ‘license plate game’ we started more than a decade ago when she was just a kid — it was a way back then to make a walk a treasure hunt. We hike about 1.5 miles over near the closest subway station where lots of people live who come to the area to work in DC. Yesterday we hit 30 separate plates — 28 different states from Vermont to Oregon, along with DC and Ontario, Canada. Didn’t see Kentucky. Small states from Connecticut to lightly populated Montana and North Dakota. Lots of people coming and going in a cluster of about a square mile.

I hope the Cats get good news early this week on the center who may reclassify - NFaly Dante. He’d be a nice piece to add.
The way I read it you can get $250. I think the $125 is a reimbursement if you've retained a credit monitoring service. You can also get access to a credit monitoring service and they'll pay for it.

Yeah, I gathered that I could have received $250. But that would have required me lying to them (which they fully expect people to do.) But with all my flaws, I do not lie.

There are two kinds of golfers Bert. Those that have back problems, and those that are going to have back problems.
Good morning D League

Monday morning brings us 75° with a high of 86°, Plenty of sunshine with scattered showers late afternoon. Set your clock for 4:00 PM. These rains have brought weeds and more weeds so they need pulling. I might wait a while before I dig them up because the weather now is Sweat City.

Lots of other things to do to keep me busy so I best get to it. Have a great day all.
Good morning D from the Berg. Woke up at 4 this morning, got to have lab work this morning so I have to hold off on the coffee for a while!

Going to head to O,boro today, Mrs. M is off today and tomorrow, got to go to Lowe's to get a few things including a sliding compound miter saw! We are also going to Briarpatch restaurant for lunch, I owe her for taking good care of me during hip surgery and my latest bout with the kidney stone! This is also the first place we went to when we started dating 23 years ago!

Happy belated birthday Mr. Don!

I am just about done with my deck, all I have to do is build the steps w/ planter boxes, then stain the deck. About the stain what does the D recommend on how to do the staining? Do I use a brush, roller or spray it?

I hope everyone has a great and safe day! Check back later

If you used pressure treated lumber for the deck you typically want to wait 6 months to allow the lumber to dry out before you stain it. Sometimes even longer. Personal preference on the brush roll or spray thing. Usually working the stain in with a brush ensures more even coverage into the grain. Although tedious.
You all are in a tough situation. I kept hoping for a miracle when Sugar had Kidney Disease. I waited too long. It was a rough time in my life.
Yes. She's roughly 16 years old. Seemed okay yesterday. Liver disease may have finally got her.

She got in a fight with our English Shepherd a few years ago. Tore up her hind quarter, but survived. Little booger jumped up on my desk a few weeks ago, dragged a 6 piece Zaxby's chicken plate off the desk and started eating it.

Yeah, this one is tough. She was rescued about 10 years ago.
Yes. She's roughly 16 years old. Seemed okay yesterday. Liver disease may have finally got her.

She got in a fight with our English Shepherd a few years ago. Tore up her hind quarter, but survived. Little booger jumped up on my desk a few weeks ago, dragged a 6 piece Zaxby's chicken plate off the desk and started eating it.

Yeah, this one is tough. She was rescued about 10 years ago.

Good luck with Sadie ATC.
Yes. She's roughly 16 years old. Seemed okay yesterday. Liver disease may have finally got her.

She got in a fight with our English Shepherd a few years ago. Tore up her hind quarter, but survived. Little booger jumped up on my desk a few weeks ago, dragged a 6 piece Zaxby's chicken plate off the desk and started eating it.

Yeah, this one is tough. She was rescued about 10 years ago.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. These little fellows are members of the family and you hate to see them go.
72°➫ 91° Partly cloudy

Good Morning D

Our little dog, Sadie, is not well this morning. She is shaking and acts disoriented. She refuses food. I'm afraid it's about time. Hope not.
Bland lightly browned grounded turkey mixed about 50-50 with boiled white rice is what I use for sick canines as it is easy to digest and they seem to like it. Good luck with Sadie. Sawnee is correct about our doggie friends being family pack members. If you can, stay with her as your presence comforts her.
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I am just about done with my deck, all I have to do is build the steps w/ planter boxes, then stain the deck. About the stain what does the D recommend on how to do the staining? Do I use a brush, roller or spray it?

I hope everyone has a great and safe day! Check back later

Buy yourself one of those cheap lawn sprayers that you pump up and squirt it on there. When you're done just throw it away. Dude was right about pressure treated wood. Let it weather and dry for awhile and stain it in the spring.

I knocked out 10 hours last night and woke up just in time to hear the Jones show. They're all excited about BJ Boston and think he can bring in some ringers to play with him. Hope so.

I need to do some laundry today and just became really happy when I remembered that I mowed the grass yesterday.

Probate court in the morning. This is going to be a ride.

We talked about using our new air fryer a few times this weekend but everything that was fried got that way in a CI skillet with oil.

I had lasagna yesterday morning for breakfast. I'll be joining everyone in the celebration of lasagna but I'll be on the tail end of it.
80.4°F at 10:00am. We could get warm quickly.

Shawnee on the golf: Florida is God's gift to golf so you lived in the middle of some good golf.

I was a member at Hidden Hills Country Club from 1992-2000. It is actually the best golf course that I ever played. Hidden Hills actually had hills. That is a tough thing to find on the east coast of Florida. The panhandle has really good hills. But my club had a couple tee's that were nearly a 100 feet higher in elevation than the greens. We had white sand which made sand traps cheap and we had lots of water and lakes. Two green were over water. Arnold Palmer designed it. I never forgave him.