

She passed away just as wife arrived at vets office.

Thanks for thoughts and condolences, all.
Sorry, Austin. I know how badly you feel. She's waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge.
Create a Rainbow Residency for your beloved Fur Child

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
Pets are a member of the family and give everything they are for us. My condolences Austin.

I have 4 rescue dogs and now a rescue (It showed up at the door three weeks ago) kitten. Not a cat person (except Wildcats) and have never owned one but this one was weak and tired I could not leave it alone.

A dog becomes PART of your life. You become a dog's WHOLE life.
Good morning D, we had a great day together Mrs. M and I. We ate at Briar patch restaurant yesterday and the food was excellent!! M had Beef tips and I had Chicken Cordon Bleu, plus their salad bar is great!!! Brought most of the meal back cause we ate to much salad and tater soup!

Got to change the filter on the fridge today and it's raining so I am not going t get to work on the deck.

Ya'll have a great day! Sorry for the loss of the family dog, we lost our Beagle 4 years ago yesterday. He is still with us cause we had him cremated and he is in a little box. It was tough!
I had this system in a 1973 Monte Carlo with an 8 track and it put out a nice sound. Of course good sound systems were just getting started in automobiles back then . Prior to that I had a 1969 Chevelle SS that had a reverberation radio system and that was a fantastic sound. It had 2 back speakers and one in the dash but it sure sounded good.
Good morning D-League. Condolences on the passing of your ‘best friend’ Austin. And a sincere prayer to the family of Oldeville’s friend. I know this will be a controversial take, but I raised my kids to have no interest in motorcycles even though I had one in my late teens. Way too many distracted drivers and they can be hard to see. You don’t even have to make a mistake or do anything reckless for someone else to kill you on one.

In 1973 my best friend showed up with a 71 Cadillac Eldorado Coupe, robin’s egg blue with a white vinyl top — and a quadrophonic 8-track system. I’ll never forget my first ride in that car listening to the Doors’ LA Woman and Who’s Next on those tapes that were specially recorded for quad.
Way too many distracted drivers and they can be hard to see. You don’t even have to make a mistake or do anything reckless for someone else to kill you on one.

That is correct. Below is the picture from the newspaper. The driver was thrown a "considerable distance" from the spot of the collision. 21 yr old kid pulled right out in front of him.

Rooster, OldEvillecat and Ymmot let me know as soon as possible so I can clean the den!
Maybe they'll get it ironed out over lunch today....
Several of the D League have roots in the coal fields of Eastern Kentucky. Miss Patty does this one as good as anybody because she has this blood in her veins. I am proud to say I do too through my daddy's Pike County home.

Kentucky miners block coal train out of frustration over bounced Blackjewel paychecks

Miners frustrated over not being paid by a bankrupt coal company blocked a train moving coal from a mine in Harlan County on Monday and continued their protest into Tuesday.

Miners and family members were gathered along the CSX tracks at Sand Hill Bottom, near Cumberland.

The protest grew from the bankruptcy of Blackjewel LLC, a coal company that had several mines in Harlan County. About 1,100 miners in Kentucky, West Virginia and Virginia lost their jobs when the company shut down.


Several of the D League have roots in the coal fields of Eastern Kentucky. Miss Patty does this one as good as anybody because she has this blood in her veins. I am proud to say I do too through my daddy's Pike County home.

I love Patty Lovelace. She is wonderful and she has a voice from heaven.
Haven't been on a lot this summer. Hope everyone is well.

Hey Stevo, stop in more often. We got football season coming up and we'll need all the help we can get.

I am up for that too.

As of now Rooster and I will be headed your way Friday morning. We'll be meeting up in Shepardsville at 0900. Eville, will you be able to make it Friday?
That is correct. Below is the picture from the newspaper. The driver was thrown a "considerable distance" from the spot of the collision. 21 yr old kid pulled right out in front of him.

Maybe they'll get it ironed out over lunch today....
I lost a friend like that once. Danny Redmond, a Lexington motorcycle cop, was blowing out his Harley on Paris Pike, and someone pulled out. He was a real good guy.
Great time today with Ymmot and Rooster! Two fine men that the D-League can be proud of. Thanks guys! Enjoyed the laughs and conversation.

Yeah, it was a good time. I'm glad we left a couple of problems unsolved so Bert can help us out.

Glad you picked that place today. I know of a few places myself that my wife has had me take her because someone was talking about it in her office. Can't remember the names of the places.

Eville's idea of a bit is quite a bit longer than mine. How bout it bud?
Its not that I dont want to...just trying to figure out how to make it happen.
Im taking off the next 2 Fridays, not sure I’ll be able to do this Friday also.
....unless I get sick.

Something doesn't read right there pal. Are you feeling ok? It might not be anything, but it could get worse as the long long week wears on and on. And on.
I enjoyed it too. I had a little fun with you when you first got there. Joke could have been on me though if you had been the wrong guy.

Here I go to play golf. Today's plan is to not lose a golf ball. Doesn't mean I'll shoot a good score, but if I ass it up I can say "at least I didn't lose a ball".

See you fine folks this afternoon.
Good morning D League

Rooster, ymmot and 82 I am glad y'all had a chance to get together. It is nice to put a face and person to the words of our posts.

Well we are still in our summer weather pattern. It is currently 73° at my house and we expect 89° with a 40% chance of rain. There is a little action coming from Africa that should bring us a lot of rain by the weekend. They are watching to see if it might turn into something.

Someone said tomorrow is the first day of football practice. Local teams have been going for about a week so football is in the air. :football: The man on the radio is advertising some great prices on ammo. I might check it out . You never have too much ammo.

Coffee is great today and I need another cup. Take care all