You are right Bert. It is golf heaven down here and many people come here to retire for that reason alone. My mother's first cousin and best friend in life was the daughter of a man who owned 100's of acres of citrus groves and a nursery. It was called Indian Rocks Nursery. He had 4 sons that were scattered during WWII and when he died in 1948 there was no one left to run the business. So they divided up the land and mom's cousin got the nursery. Her husband was the best friend of a golf course designer and they decided to turn the nursery into a golf course, Indian Rocks Golf Course was born. I was given a lifetime pass to play any time I wanted (when no tournaments were playing) and I didn't take advantage of it. I even had an opportunity to work with their golf pro on my game free of charge. But I was too busy raising my kids, playing fast pitch softball and swinging at a racquetball because that kept me in good shape. Her son is now 82 and he plays a couple of times a week.80.4°F at 10:00am. We could get warm quickly.
Shawnee on the golf: Florida is God's gift to golf so you lived in the middle of some good golf.
I was a member at Hidden Hills Country Club from 1992-2000. It is actually the best golf course that I ever played. Hidden Hills actually had hills. That is a tough thing to find on the east coast of Florida. The panhandle has really good hills. But my club had a couple tee's that were nearly a 100 feet higher in elevation than the greens. We had white sand which made sand traps cheap and we had lots of water and lakes. Two green were over water. Arnold Palmer designed it. I never forgave him.
Now I look back and wished I had picked up golf.