
80.4°F at 10:00am. We could get warm quickly.

Shawnee on the golf: Florida is God's gift to golf so you lived in the middle of some good golf.

I was a member at Hidden Hills Country Club from 1992-2000. It is actually the best golf course that I ever played. Hidden Hills actually had hills. That is a tough thing to find on the east coast of Florida. The panhandle has really good hills. But my club had a couple tee's that were nearly a 100 feet higher in elevation than the greens. We had white sand which made sand traps cheap and we had lots of water and lakes. Two green were over water. Arnold Palmer designed it. I never forgave him.
You are right Bert. It is golf heaven down here and many people come here to retire for that reason alone. My mother's first cousin and best friend in life was the daughter of a man who owned 100's of acres of citrus groves and a nursery. It was called Indian Rocks Nursery. He had 4 sons that were scattered during WWII and when he died in 1948 there was no one left to run the business. So they divided up the land and mom's cousin got the nursery. Her husband was the best friend of a golf course designer and they decided to turn the nursery into a golf course, Indian Rocks Golf Course was born. I was given a lifetime pass to play any time I wanted (when no tournaments were playing) and I didn't take advantage of it. I even had an opportunity to work with their golf pro on my game free of charge. But I was too busy raising my kids, playing fast pitch softball and swinging at a racquetball because that kept me in good shape. Her son is now 82 and he plays a couple of times a week.

Now I look back and wished I had picked up golf.
I have to be at probate court at 0830 tomorrow. I have no idea how long it will take because I'm not taking a lawyer with me. I would hope it would be over in time for me to make it but who knows? Make it 1300 and I should be fine.

I'd be up for a road trip to Bert's on Thursday or Friday.
Thoughts out to you ATXCat...
I had to put down our dog & the family cat with all 3 kids still at home. 2 years ago our other dog got too old, blind & couldn't hear and began to decline. I told my wife you get to experience the fun I'm not taking him.
Gotta go to the funeral home this afternoon after work...21 yr old died in a motor cycle accident. He had a helmet on, someone pulled right out in front of him.
I grew up with the Dad and we lived together for a few years during college. Our sons were even on the same little league team one year. I haven't seen him for a few years...this is going to be tough.

I can't do lunch tomorrow, but I might could make it to Berts or back to Lville on Thursday afternoonish. Dont plan around me...I'll make my plans around what everyone decides.
Probate court in the morning. This is going to be a ride.
You got that right.

I have to be at probate court at 0830 tomorrow. I have no idea how long it will take because I'm not taking a lawyer with me. I would hope it would be over in time for me to make it but who knows? Make it 1300 and I should be fine.

I'd be up for a road trip to Bert's on Thursday or Friday.
1300 works for me. 82?
I can't do lunch tomorrow, but I might could make it to Berts or back to Lville on Thursday afternoonish. Dont plan around me... I'll make my plans around what everyone decides.
Gotta go to the funeral home this afternoon after work...21 yr old died in a motor cycle accident. He had a helmet on, someone pulled right out in front of him.
I grew up with the Dad and we lived together for a few years during college. Our sons were even on the same little league team one year. I haven't seen him for a few years...this is going to be tough.
It doesn't get any tougher than having to bury your child. Prayers and thoughts to the family..
I have to be at probate court at 0830 tomorrow. I have no idea how long it will take because I'm not taking a lawyer with me. I would hope it would be over in time for me to make it but who knows? Make it 1300 and I should be fine.

I'd be up for a road trip to Bert's on Thursday or Friday.
Tell the Probate Judge that you have another appointment at 1300.
Call your insurance agent first and then check his price. Ask him for the name of the company whose price he is quoting. It should not be expensive. I hope you are the Executor of your dad's Will.

My wife was filling out some paperwork for it the other night. I'll find out more tomorrow. We have a lawyer helping us in the background that specializes in estates.
Pets are a member of the family and give everything they are for us. My condolences Austin.

I have 4 rescue dogs and now a rescue (It showed up at the door three weeks ago) kitten. Not a cat person (except Wildcats) and have never owned one but this one was weak and tired I could not leave it alone.
We had a 72 New Yorker broham. I'm pretty sure it said it was Quadraphonic. Had a badass 8 track too.

Cheeseburgers for dinner. Cooked on a cast iron griddle on an induction cooktop out back on the patio. Wife made the patties thin and with nothing but salt and pepper. This is some burger we bought at Kroger for $1/lb. Damn good burger! I didn't put anything on it but a bun.

Good Tuesday Morning D League

The sun is up and sky is blue. We have a morning temperature of 74° and we should see 92° this afternoon. 40% chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. I have decided to put off pulling weeds until September. No rush.

I am counting down the days to the start of football season. Fall is the best time of the year for me. Trust all have a great day.
I have to be at probate court at 0830 tomorrow. I have no idea how long it will take because I'm not taking a lawyer with me. I would hope it would be over in time for me to make it but who knows? Make it 1300 and I should be fine.

I'd be up for a road trip to Bert's on Thursday or Friday.

I am up for that too.
Remember quadraphonic sound back in the 70's? An epic failure but one I bought into.

I had this system in a 1973 Monte Carlo with an 8 track and it put out a nice sound. Of course good sound systems were just getting started in automobiles back then . Prior to that I had a 1969 Chevelle SS that had a reverberation radio system and that was a fantastic sound. It had 2 back speakers and one in the dash but it sure sounded good.