
Does his run on electric, or natural gas? I have heard that you don't want one that is electric, but mine runs on natural gas, and I cannot be happier. Cannot go back to a tank once I have had tankless. We have a two person jacuzzi in the master bath, and you would need a 75 gal tank just for it. Mine is an 8 gpm Rinnai and I can run the hot water in two showers and the dish washer at the same time, go on vacation, and when I return home, the water is still running hot. Haven't had the first second of problem. I highly recommend one.
I do think his is electric, also it was in the house when they bought it!
D-League Back maybe 30 years we started fishing above KY Dam, my dad, me and my kids. We used to catch huge stringers of catfish along with largemouth, smallmouth, crappie and bluegill. This was some of the best times we ever had together. Since my dad passed away I have never been back although I have wanted to. Today I got some pictures of my son and my grandson fishing the same place that we use to. He has told me, Dad I want to take JP fishing like we used to so today I took him. I got some pictures of them holding 6 smallmouths 4 of them were over 3lbs each!!!! You should have seen those smiles!!! Brings back great memories!!!! It's had to believe, but all those years we hardly ever saw anybody else fishing like we did above the dam!
Always brings a tear to my eyes. Ever been to a military funeral? When taps is played by a bugler who really knows how to blow, it is something moving. Been to quite a few and have been the NCOIC of many funeral details. Was once in Knoxville Tn. for a funeral detail while stationed at FT. Campbell. A major was killed during a hunting accident and we were sent to his home town for the funeral. I was very serious about my duty as NCOIC of funeral details since it was one of the last things family members would see with the military so, my team was hand picked by me and trained very well.

The father of the killed Major was a retired Colonel and requested the bugler be seen while taps was played which is an option done only by request. Generally, the bugler stands out of sight and plays, This particular guy (the bugler) was a disrespectful mouthy soldier who's uniform was unsat when inspected the night before. I told him he will have it ready and presentable by morning. He said that I was not his boss and his NCO was an E-7 Sergeant First Class in the Band at FT Campbell. I was just an E5 Sergeant at the time but, he was on my detail and when he mouthed off, I was about to let him know just how far I was prepared to go to show him who was in charge. My guys knowing me quickly interceded and told him they would help him get his uniform ready and that he had no choice.

The next day he was ready, looked good, and after a flawless 21 gun salute he played one of the best renditions I have ever heard to this day. Everyone had tears in their eyes including the Colonel and his wife. When the Colonel and his wife came over to thank my team for a flawless salute, the Colonel's wife (mother of the deceased) ask one one my guys why he had tears in his eyes. She ask "Did you know my son?" He replied: " No mam but, he was one of us". She just lost it then as did most every body.

I will never forget that particular detail.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F. High today should get up to around 90°F. We take it.


Should have been celebrated yesterday.. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We'll check back later. Y'all behave.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F. High today should get up to around 90°F. We take it.


Should have been celebrated yesterday.. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We'll check back later. Y'all behave.
Is there anything better, I say better than a Texas brisket? I think the best meal I have had in my many years on earth was in the middle of Texas at a black church in the middle of only the Lord knows where. I was driving from Austin to San Angelo and starving to death when I saw smoke coming from an old country church and people gathered around. They were having a Texas style BBQ to raise money for their building fund and I pulled in. They loaded me up on brisket and sweet ice ea. It must have been 110 degrees. I bragged on it so much they gave me a sweet potato pie for the road.

I donated $100 to their building fund and left happy.
My flag is flying and it's beautiful. The hell with these anti-American bastards. God bless those that have given their life so these POS's can say whatever they want.
I am with you on this. Too much blood has been shed and too many mothers hearts have been broken to ever turn our back on the flag. That won't fly where I live.
I do think his is electric, also it was in the house when they bought it!

Like comparing night and day. I have heard from several people that the electric powered ones are trouble, and that natural gas is the only way to go. Mine is gas and have not had the first minute's problem. It has been great, and I cannot recommend it enough.
Anybody else smoke at this age? I smoked from about 6th grade until after HS. My mom would whip me if she caught me. Remember when that was not a jailable offence? My dad would give us cigarettes. He died of emphysema, breathing out of an oxygen tank. He smoked a couple of cans of Prince Albert a day. I never knew him to smoke a ready-made cigarette. He finally quit at about age 60. Too late.Died at 67.

I looked about like the kid in the car at that age. Weighed 135 at HS graduation.

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One day left on the EJ watch. No predictions from me. I'll accept whatever he decides.
I've felt EJ's more likely to return than not and we'll start the season with 4 bigs. Nate, Nick, EJ returns & a 4th. KB from VT seems like the logical choice but with UK hoops international stage, boys trying to grow into men and be smart about it. Calipari & Stoops . . . I'll watch, 'preciate & grin.
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80.6°F here with a cloudy and stormy day. I hope the bad weather avoids my area.

When I was Mayor, we have an F1 hit my little town. The Federal government is serious about tornados and they bust their ass to help. I was at work and I heard the "cows" going off. By the time I came out of the safe room at city hall my cell phone was ringing with the government wanting to hang on as I went to investigate the storm.

Jessie, my Police Commissioner, and I stayed on the phone with the feds for about 45 minutes and basically passed along all the information we could see where we could get to. One road we wanted to go down had a 150-year-old red oak tree laying across it. We called the fire department and they got the road open in about 30 minutes. One business was gone down to the poured slab of concrete. A few houses lost part of their roofs. It was strange because one damaged house was Jessie’s. He was missing a good chunk of his roof.
Yesterday my wife and I finalized our pre-funeral arrangements and paid in full. One less worry for those we will someday leave behind. Our minds are settled and at peace. We will rest for eternity a few feet from my 3rd g-grandfather who was buried there in 1853. His is the first grave in what is now Pinellas County, Florida. It was Hillsborough when he died. The area of his grave is the Pioneer Section and we got the last two lots available. You have to be a direct descendant of a Pioneer to be buried there. My forefathers arrived there in 1830. Total wilderness in those days. I think getting this done while you still have good health and mind is one of the best things you can do for a family. Too many people do it when they are in shock or grieving and end up spending twice what they should. It is amazing how much money you can spend or waste on a funeral. Mind boggling.

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80.6°F here with a cloudy and stormy day. I hope the bad weather avoids my area.

When I was Mayor, we have an F1 hit my little town. The Federal government is serious about tornados and they bust their ass to help. I was at work and I heard the "cows" going off. By the time I came out of the safe room at city hall my cell phone was ringing with the government wanting to hang on as I went to investigate the storm.

Jessie, my Police Commissioner, and I stayed on the phone with the feds for about 45 minutes and basically passed along all the information we could see where we could get to. One road we wanted to go down had a 150-year-old red oak tree laying across it. We called the fire department and they got the road open in about 30 minutes. One business was gone down to the poured slab of concrete. A few houses lost part of their roofs. It was strange because one damaged house was Jessie’s. He was missing a good chunk of his roof.
It is amazing what nature can do in a matter of minutes or seconds. The energy produced is off the chart.