

That looks damn good.
Good morning D League,

It is a pleasant 67° and we are headed to 91° I would welcome a nice hard rain this afternoon.

Last evening our church had a baptismal service in the Gulf of Mexico. In 1921 my mother was baptized on the same beach, 98 years ago. It has been a long tradition but the beach sure has changed. In 1921 it was wilderness. After the baptism we all enjoyed a nice sunset and socialized. A great time for all.


Lots of work to do around the house today. Better get with it after I catch up with the news. Have a great day all.
Dealer appointment @ 11 to get oil changed on wife's car..25.00 off coupon will be in play
Might do a little housework catching up when I get back
Nice rain last night perked the garden up..looks good
Prolly pull cover off of pool next weekend
get your beer today or go thirsty tomorrow...election day
Looks good for us landing 5 star Rogers for football..announcing today. I think Vince reeled him in..
super regionals for the softball ladies..yea!

bout all I got...ya'll carry on and have a smooth day
Good morning D from here in the Berg! I got a message from a friend of mine that I worked with at Dyno at 5:45 this morning, said wish you were still down here working, sent back let think about it for a second NO! He told me that it really is getting bad working there and he is not the only one of my friends that I have talked to that has said that. I feel bad for my friends, but not for the a$$ kissers that are there!!!!! Well the search and toss mission was a success!!!! Happy wife happy life!!!! Ya'll have a great and safe day!!!! We are getting ready to head out to get some flowers for MRS. M.
Well, Saturday was our 23 years anniv. and Sunday was middle daughter's 21 years birthday. So, it's Saturday and daughter calls to wish us happy anniv. and wife gets this blank look on her face. We both forgot. That bailed ,me out that she had forgot also. I ran to local card and flower shop.

Now, later I asked her if she wanted to go out and eat. She said that we couldn't afford it and she had rather eat dirt than go any further in debt. About that time as me and her were sitting on the front porch by ourselves, our 18 yr old opens the front door and asked what we were having for supper. At the same time, me and my wife turned around and said to him, "dirt". He shut the door. True story. FCC.
Afternoon D.
Lunch time....left over grilled chicken w/Franks Hot sauce, seasoned taters and 4 Brussels sprouts....4's my limit.
Not much. It's Monday...
When I was little the only time I wore shoes in the summer was to go to church or if I rode my bike somewhere. My brother & I would have bare foot races on our gravel driveway (about 75-100 yds). being kids.
It was a highlight of the year when it finally got warm enough to go barefoot. Feet eventually got tough as shoe leather.
I hated wearing shoes more than Huckleberry Finn. We were not required to wear them to school in the early 50's and most of us didn't. Some of the girls did to show off their pretty little sandals. Even boys who did wear them had them off for recess and didn't put them back on. In those days we had tennis shoes or as my daddy called them canvas shoes. Converse, Keds, P F Flyers and the Sears brand was Jeepers. After a few days they began to stink so bad it would run you out of a room so our teacher preferred us to leave them at home.

Oh I am barefoot right now. Life is good.
Played a little golf. I suck.

Went to check on getting some cedar wood for the finish work on the porch and all they had were the 4x4's I'm making the door frames out of. I'll have to go to the other place to get 1x6's. Oh well, never say never because I said I would never go back to that place. Lady pissed me off the last time I was there.

Was going to wait until my wife got home before I ate but that's not working out for my belly and I. Here I go.
Thank ya brother! That was a lot of info! I don't invest much time into following recruiting. I see things, but rarely will I go search out information. I didn't have to search for that at all.

Thanks! Still think Stoops has a legitimate shot at landing Justin Rogers.

You're both welcome. Here's a real good article for anyone interested on where UK stands with 2020 recruits. LINK
The fact that Kentucky beat out Alabama, Georgia, LSU, Michigan, and Tennessee for his services, says all you need to know about the direction of the football program. This football class is going to be a special one for UK.

Glad to hear he chose us! That's an impressive list of teams he turned down.

♪♫On On UK, we are right for the fight today...♫♪
Played a little golf. I suck.

Went to check on getting some cedar wood for the finish work on the porch and all they had were the 4x4's I'm making the door frames out of. I'll have to go to the other place to get 1x6's. Oh well, never say never because I said I would never go back to that place. Lady pissed me off the last time I was there.

Was going to wait until my wife got home before I ate but that's not working out for my belly and I. Here I go.

Well ymmot, look at the bright side. Pissed off is better than being pissed on. Also, as a pipe fitter told me when I was safety man for Pip Johnson in Calvert City, it's also better than being stood on and pissed off of.

My thing was no shirt. Growing up, I went without a shirt all summer except church and team baseball. After hauling hay for the day, I would do a hand stand against whatever farmer's house and let someone wash me off with the water hose. Great times. Strong. FCC.
Georgia sprinter impales himself with javelin in horrific accident, undergoes surgery
Freshman Elija Godwin suffered a punctured and collapsed lung after falling on the throwing spear
  • by Cody Benjamin
  • @CodyJBenjamin
  • May 8, 2019 at 5:26 pm ET • 1 min read


    Kirby Lee / USA TODAY Sports
    • An athlete at the University of Georgia was rushed to the hospital this week after accidentally getting impaled by a javelin.

      According to a police report obtained by, freshman Bulldogs sprinter Elija Godwin fell backward onto a javelin that was planted into the ground at the UGA track on Tuesday. It struck him just below his shoulder blade and left him with a punctured and collapsed lung. Upon arriving at the scene, rescue workers "grinded off" the part of the javelin that was sticking out of Goodwin.

      He was rushed to Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center after the javelin pierced him, per the Associated Press. The freshman is expected to make a full recovery and remains in stable condition following surgery to remove the piece that was inside of him.

      "It was truly an accident," Georgia athletic director Greg McGarity told "Nobody threw anything or anything like that."

      McGarity added thanks to the local authorities for assisting during the incident and helping Goodwin get to the hospital.

      "We would like to express appreciation for all those who acted so quickly and efficiently in coming to the aid of Elija," Ron Courson, the school's director of sports medicine, said through a UGA statement on Wednesday. "Special thanks to our sports medicine staff, UGA Police Department, Athens-Clarke County Fire-Rescue, National EMS, and Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center."

The fact that Kentucky beat out Alabama, Georgia, LSU, Michigan, and Tennessee for his services, says all you need to know about the direction of the football program. This football class is going to be a special one for UK.

This is big. Just great, great news. How cool is that to beat out all of the big boys for the 10th ranked player in high school football.

By the time Summer was over one's feet would be as tough as a pine knot.
I have seen the sun beating down on a black top road so hot the tar was melting. Then we would walk across it like it was as cool as the inside of an ice box. Tar would stick between our toes. If we had been in North Carolina we could probably be called Tar Heels. Ugh