
Congrats bro! And thanks for your effort.
We were the fastest swimmers.

Have a great day all and how about our newest football commitment. When you bring someone like that on board you are running with the big boys. Oh how I want a good football program. I am one of the strange UK fans who enjoy football over basketball. Maybe it is because of the tailgating or something like that. Go Cats. And keep up the recruiting while we are hot.
You're in F L O R I D A and that's normal from what I understand. I'm fired up, 24/7 about both all by myself. I might prefer hoops but I'm a fan of both. Accordingly, I'm perfectly at home here in the Paddock oasis hanging out between events. Clean fun after long work days. Interesting conversations amoung quite a cast of characters.
Good morning from my house to yours. We are in a ditto weather pattern. Same today as yesterday. . It is currently 71° and sunny with a high of 89°. We do have that nice Gulf breeze that feels cool against your skin. .

I am going to go through some more stuff today and give it away to the Salvation Army. Four years ago I moved from a 3 story house loaded with a lifetime of things to a one story home with no stairs. I didn't want to climb stairs anymore. Squeezing all of that in one structure was a bit too much so I have been getting rid of things since the day we moved in.

So take care all and be happy A smile is contagious.

You're in F L O R I D A and that's normal from what I understand. I'm fired up, 24/7 about both all by myself. I might prefer hoops but I'm a fan of both. Accordingly, I'm perfectly at home here in the Paddock oasis hanging out between events. Clean fun after long work days. Interesting conversations amoung quite a cast of characters.
Oh I am a fan of both and have UK season tickets to both. We have had UK basketball tickets since 1959-60 so we have been around awhile. But I do live in a football crazy state and beating the Gators in basketball meant nothing to their fans because they don't care. But when we beat them in football it stung. And it cut deep into their pride. They were in shock for a couple of weeks. Denial. Denial. Denial. Football is also the money maker for a program. It is just a little more important to the sports society than basketball.

There have been so many changes in college basketball that the enthusiasm is not what it once was for me. Too much turnover in the players (OAD) to bond with them. I can't remember the players from a couple of years ago. The scandals and "untouchable teams" favored by the NCAA turn me off. But I watch our Cats religiously until we bow out. Then the TV goes off. And I do not watch any NBA games. So once they leave us I guess they become a blur in my mind. Old age? Maybe
Hey Bert! I didn't think about 5/27 being a holiday. If you'd like to reschedule then that would be fine with me. I'm flexible. And if everything is still on, then don't think you need to feed me one of those magnificent steaks I have bragged about to everyone in earshot since I was blessed with its life changing mouth feel and taste the last time I was there.

Working on a bottle of bourbon. Might be a keeper.
We are still on.
76.8°F and wonderful sunshine.

The yard may be mowed this morning if I stay in a good mood.

I added the second smart switch downstairs (for 8 separate outlets) yesterday behind the TV. I have so much stuff back there that it is a challenge to do anything. All seems to be working. The cat5e that I have been installing makes all internet stuff, streaming etal work a lot better.
Tomorrow marks my hire-in date in 1962 at International Harvester heavy-duty truck factory in Fort Wayne, IN. I graduated high school in May, 1961. There was a recession in late 61 and early 62. Couldn't find a job anywhere. After wasting six months in Detroit I went back home. I later hitchhiked to Fort Wayne where I had an aunt who took me in. Borrowed a car and headed out to the factories. I showed up at Harvester and asked if they were taking any applications. The guy said, "Yes, we are taking applications for full time workers." I was shocked and thought he was being sarcastic. After all, all I had heard for about six months was "Sorry."

Starting pay was $2.50 hr with UAW benefits, which jumped quickly to $3.00 hr. I WAS A RICH HILLBILLY IN YANKEE TERRITORY!!! (minimum wage was $1.00 hr) I immediately bought a 53 Buick for $80. Met my car hop wife a couple of weeks later and the rest is history.

But ... I digress.
Tomorrow marks my hire-in date in 1962 at International Harvester heavy-duty truck factory in Fort Wayne, IN. I graduated high school in May, 1961. There was a recession in late 61 and early 62. Couldn't find a job anywhere. After wasting six months in Detroit I went back home. I later hitchhiked to Fort Wayne where I had an aunt who took me in. Borrowed a car and headed out to the factories. I showed up at Harvester and asked if they were taking any applications. The guy said, "Yes, we are taking applications for full time workers." I was shocked and thought he was being sarcastic. After all, all I had heard for about six months was "Sorry."

Starting pay was $2.50 hr with UAW benefits, which jumped quickly to $3.00 hr. I WAS A RICH HILLBILLY IN YANKEE TERRITORY!!! (minimum wage was $1.00 hr) I immediately bought a 53 Buick for $80. Met my car hop wife a couple of weeks later and the rest is history.

But ... I digress.
Great story. Life was so much simpler back then. When I graduated from college in 1965 you had to have your military obligation out of the way to get a decent job. So off I went. I got discharged in 1968 at Ft Knox and hung around Kentucky for a while. One day I woke up freezing to death (5 below zero) and told my Kentucky wife let's go to my home. We got in my car drove to Florida and after a few hours rest, I walked into an insurance office and said I would like a job. No appointment just cold turkey. I told them I had no experience but did have a degree. They told me to report in two weeks. With zero experience I began a career.

Today's job market seems to be much like it was in the late 60's.
Tomorrow marks my hire-in date in 1962 at International Harvester heavy-duty truck factory in Fort Wayne, IN. I graduated high school in May, 1961. There was a recession in late 61 and early 62. Couldn't find a job anywhere. After wasting six months in Detroit I went back home. I later hitchhiked to Fort Wayne where I had an aunt who took me in. Borrowed a car and headed out to the factories. I showed up at Harvester and asked if they were taking any applications. The guy said, "Yes, we are taking applications for full time workers." I was shocked and thought he was being sarcastic. After all, all I had heard for about six months was "Sorry."

Starting pay was $2.50 hr with UAW benefits, which jumped quickly to $3.00 hr. I WAS A RICH HILLBILLY IN YANKEE TERRITORY!!! (minimum wage was $1.00 hr) I immediately bought a 53 Buick for $80. Met my car hop wife a couple of weeks later and the rest is history.

But ... I digress.
Have you read Hillbilly Elegy? Decent book. I still don't know what to think of it quite yet. But I do relate to what he says about half the time.
This is where I struggle to survive here in AZ. I own three homes in here free and clear. Two of which two daughters live in and which I will give them when they demonstrate appropriate responsibility. After living all over the US I gathered my scattered flock here when I retired and we all live within two blocks of each other

What a nice place to live Chief!
Man I really, REALLY hope that EJ and Nick pull their names from the draft. We'll know soon enough with the May 29th deadline approaching. Now that McDaniel is no longer an option and Blackshear most likely will stay in the draft there's not a whole lot of other options. Maybe a reclass but right now that's a big "if". Also, there's a good possibility that Allen will redshirt. Cal will pull it all together regardless. He always does.
This is where I struggle to survive here in AZ. I own three homes in here free and clear. Two of which two daughters live in and which I will give them when they demonstrate appropriate responsibility. After living all over the US I gathered my scattered flock here when I retired and we all live within two blocks of each other

Very, very nice. The community has it all including a gym large enough to bring in a UK basketball scrimmage. I love the colors and decor and I could have a lot of fun in that water park. . You made a wise decision and it is nice to have family in the neighborhood. That is rare in today's society. Congrats and the best to all in the future. .
We are still on.

Good deal! See ya soon.

People want a job....they just don't want to have to show up & work.

That's the story right there. I was around someone today who runs a business and two other people who own businesses and they were all complaining about the same thing. If they DID find someone to take the job, they couldn't count on them to show up.

If they could only understand how bad things will be if they get the socialism they're voting for, they would trip over each other to get to work right now while the gettins good.
A friend who was off work today came over to work on the porch with me again. We got the last 7 rafters up and then went to Lowe's to get the corrugated roofing. We put all that on as well. The porch is officially roofed! Next step is to build a couple of doors. Then on to the screen and finally the trim work. I'm going to get all that done before I start making the furniture and the bar.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I take my wife to the airport at 1730. It's gonna be like Ferris Buellers 10 days off.
A friend who was off work today came over to work on the porch with me again. We got the last 7 rafters up and then went to Lowe's to get the corrugated roofing. We put all that on as well. The porch is officially roofed! Next step is to build a couple of doors. Then on to the screen and finally the trim work. I'm going to get all that done before I start making the furniture and the bar.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I take my wife to the airport at 1730. It's gonna be like Ferris Buellers 10 days off.
The "friend" must be a contractor.

He bailed your butt Ymmot.

Admit it! :sunglasses: