Love me some ale's. Spent a lot of time in Belgium my second tour in Germany. Worked with the Belgian Army and every time we went to the field, we would convoy to Belgium. Spent a lot of time in Brussels, Antwerp and other cities. The Belgian unit used that time there for leave as well as training. We would go for 2 weeks at a time and only spend about a week in the field. The rest of the time the Belgian soldiers would take my guys to their homes and other places to see the sites. We were just an 8 to ten man team of Americans assigned to the Belgians in a special weapons unit and were short on officers so, I had to be the officer and NCO for my team. Even when in the field, the Belgian Army would camp for the night (did not do night moves), eat dinner, and drink beer or wine with their dinner then go to bed.
The first time we went my soldiers when confronted with being able to drink in the field and go around Belgium with their counter parts when not in the field looked me and ask "What do we do?" I would say "When in Rome".