
Zima is much better believe it or not.
While I was in the Army, we drank some Zima at a "dining in" function back during the late 90s. I nearly barfed. These asshole officers who were in charge of me actually barfed after drinking that crap, made a mess, and passed out.

<- - - - raised on great German beer back during the 80s.
While I was in the Army, we drank some Zima at a "dining in" function back during the late 90s. I nearly barfed. These asshole officers who were in charge of me actually barfed after drinking that crap, made a mess, and passed out.

<- - - - raised on great German beer back during the 80s.
Awful stuff. Never liked the sweet crap.
Heh heh heh heh heeeeee.

While I was in the Army, we drank some Zima at a "dining in" function back during the late 90s. I nearly barfed. These asshole officers who were in charge of me actually barfed after drinking that crap, made a mess, and passed out.

<- - - - raised on great German beer back during the 80s.
That is all I have in my house as far as beers, German and Belgian.
Good morning D League

Well looking out of the window for my weather report and I can report all is well. Pleasant temperature in the low 60's and the sun is peeking out. I would say we will get in the high 80's which makes it a perfect day for outside and water sports. Nice breeze.

Watching the news and there is some story about at doctor at Ohio State who molested 100's of Ohio State athletes and students. For many years. What the heck? How does that happen. The doc killed himself in 2005. Some things in this world just make me shake my head.

I am headed outside and will fry me some good ole fashioned Kentucky whole hog sausage. Yes sir. Then piddle around the yard and do some pruning, fertilizing of my fruit trees and enjoy another day the Lord has made.

Trust all are feeling well and you are ready for the weekend.
Damn carpenter bees! They're doing some damage to my Adirondack chairs and privacy fence. Small damage but still.
Try taking a kraft paper bag and fill it with filler (plastic bags or more paper bags) tie the top with a string and hang it near where they are doing the damage. carpenter bees enemy are hornets. The paper bag looks like a hornets nest to them.

It is stupid but it does work.
Belgian is good stuff.

Warrior-cat if we can ever meet up I have a six pack of a great Belgian style white ale for you. lt is very popular around here and made by a micro-brewery out of Tampa, Cigar City.

Love me some ale's. Spent a lot of time in Belgium my second tour in Germany. Worked with the Belgian Army and every time we went to the field, we would convoy to Belgium. Spent a lot of time in Brussels, Antwerp and other cities. The Belgian unit used that time there for leave as well as training. We would go for 2 weeks at a time and only spend about a week in the field. The rest of the time the Belgian soldiers would take my guys to their homes and other places to see the sites. We were just an 8 to ten man team of Americans assigned to the Belgians in a special weapons unit and were short on officers so, I had to be the officer and NCO for my team. Even when in the field, the Belgian Army would camp for the night (did not do night moves), eat dinner, and drink beer or wine with their dinner then go to bed.

The first time we went my soldiers when confronted with being able to drink in the field and go around Belgium with their counter parts when not in the field looked me and ask "What do we do?" I would say "When in Rome".
Love me some ale's. Spent a lot of time in Belgium my second tour in Germany. Worked with the Belgian Army and every time we went to the field, we would convoy to Belgium. Spent a lot of time in Brussels, Antwerp and other cities. The Belgian unit used that time there for leave as well as training. We would go for 2 weeks at a time and only spend about a week in the field. The rest of the time the Belgian soldiers would take my guys to their homes and other places to see the sites. We were just an 8 to ten man team of Americans assigned to the Belgians in a special weapons unit and were short on officers so, I had to be the officer and NCO for my team. Even when in the field, the Belgian Army would camp for the night (did not do night moves), eat dinner, and drink beer or wine with their dinner then go to bed.

The first time we went my soldiers when confronted with being able to drink in the field and go around Belgium with their counter parts when not in the field looked me and ask "What do we do?" I would say "When in Rome".

Here is a website that gives a little information on their product.
Wife's out doing some wife stuff but when she gets home I'll have to go to the store with her. I've got about 2 hours.

I think I'll mow grass today.

I got hot yesterday afternoon. First time this year that I remember. I've been warm, but not hot.

Might be cooking a roast with taters and carrots later on. Doesn't get much better than that combo for a country boy. I like to sear the hell out of the roast before I put it in to cook. Takes it up just a notch.
Try taking a kraft paper bag and fill it with filler (plastic bags or more paper bags) tie the top with a string and hang it near where they are doing the damage. carpenter bees enemy are hornets. The paper bag looks like a hornets nest to them.

It is stupid but it does work.
Hey thanks Bert! Sounds like a solid and simple plan of attack. Worth a shot!
Sort of slow on recruiting football and basketball. I'm sure things will pick up sometime at the end of the month for basketball.
Cal could well have a dream team for the coming 19/20 season. With Cal in europe, the future will be interesting as well. I'm looking for sustainibilty in football and optimistic about that as well.
I saw that curve FCC threw at you.

Hey thanks Bert! Sounds like a solid and simple plan of attack. Worth a shot!
Also a trap works. I have three of these that I made. They work if you have a brave one staying around.

Ymmot is correct. Many folks build them. It takes about 20 minutes if you have scrap 4X4 laying around, a hook and a mason jar.

Busy month . . . for me and the ponies. The last month or so I see these ponies more work days than I don't as the desert bands are dispersing for summer foraging. Monday last week I saw a migrating herd (80 -100) spread across about 3/4 mile consisting of 4 or 5 bands. They always brings a smile. The white (spirit) ponies are relatively safe and numbers are increasing. Like the eagles, people like them. Lots cars pull over to take photos. Here's an action shot from a couple of years back. Enjoy.

edit: There are not hundreds of them . . . fake news.

Wild horses can be found South of Gainesville, Fl. Here is video of one taking it to a nice sized gator.

I heard rumor that carpenter bees don't like citrus. So maybe a use for peel? Swanee?
Yes, you can cut up the rinds of several different citrus fruits and boil them in water. Fill a spray bottle and spray the carpenter bee burrows. It will not kill the bees but they will leave.. The bees are useful as pollinators but you sure don't want them drilling holes in your dwelling. Just run them off and citrus is one of several ways to do that.

Loud rock music will get rid of them also but your neighbors might call the law on you. So be careful.
Home again. Shopping with me and shopping with her are two totally different scenarios.

Stopped by Lowe's to look at the carpet I'm going to use for the porch. Should only be $140 with tax for a 12x24 piece of it. Not too bad. Will get the remaining rafters up either Tues or Weds and then head over to get the roofing. Don't know if I'll get any of that up before next Tues or Weds though. Plan on having most of it done by July 4th and inviting a few friends over for seared animal flesh and adult beverages of choice.
Finally a day to work up a sweat in the East, D-Leaguers. My son got called into work (good!) so our hike was off, but I ran some miles with my wife, then when she went out with friends for lunch, I took a short hike myself. Feeling beat and dehydrated now.

My son is digging the summer gig with College Hunks Hauling Junk, which he’s learned has a Lexington franchise.
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