
Good morning D League

Expecting another nice day with low humidity (for Florida) with a current temperatures of 65° and a high this afternoon of 85°

Headed down to Clearwater this morning to have my wife's Q5 serviced at the dealership. Just routine stuff, nothing major. They will give me a loaner car and I will pick it up tomorrow. I am going to try out some homemade weed killer this afternoon. Ingredients are: Vinegar, epsom salts and dish washing soap.

It is still dark here but we have a beautiful moon that is over the lake. Full and very bright Trust all have a great day.

Good morning D from the Berg!!!! What a beautiful morning here!! Already 64 here and climbing! Already have the dishes washed and just going to play it by ear today on what to do. Spent most of yesterday going thru stuff that I had brought in and now need to move out to the building. Starting to toss things that I just don't need so the kids want have to toss it later!!! Finally got a appointment with an ENT doctor, my ears have been ringing for years(maybe 40) but lately it has gotten worse and I beginning to think it causing me to feel unbalanced some. Y, I think it's great that you can get your dad to come watch you work, a lot of us can't. There has been many a day I just would like to ask, what would you do to fix this! Ya'll have a great and safe day!!!!! Prayers for those who need them! Mrs. M got thru the day fairly well, yesterday was her mom's birthday, it's been over two years since her passing and she is still having a difficult time!

Chief any particular month time of year you see them ponies? I generally work west of the Res. near Maricopa.

I only saw them that one time. Don't recall the time of year. There is a horse-crossing warning sign on that stretch of Hunt Highway so they must cross there with some frequency. It is particularly dangerous for motorists and the horses since they do not look both ways before crossing. The desert brush is so high there that you don't see them coming till they are already crossing the highway.
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SC those pictures got me to thinking (not a good idea) but when we were young one our treats for a meal was what we call Hamburger and taters! What she would do is make a hamburger patty place in foil, then cut up some taters and onions, wrap it up tight and cook it for about an hour, then she would open one end up drain the grease out and put it on a plate for us!!!!! This was one of the last meals I got to fix for her before she passed away. I still fix it to this day only I jazz it up a little with peppers and mushrooms now!!! Great little quick and easy meal!!!! I hope ya'll don't mind me throwing in a recipe now and then!
SC those pictures got me to thinking (not a good idea) but when we were young one our treats for a meal was what we call Hamburger and taters! What she would do is make a hamburger patty place in foil, then cut up some taters and onions, wrap it up tight and cook it for about an hour, then she would open one end up drain the grease out and put it on a plate for us!!!!! This was one of the last meals I got to fix for her before she passed away. I still fix it to this day only I jazz it up a little with peppers and mushrooms now!!! Great little quick and easy meal!!!! I hope ya'll don't mind me throwing in a recipe now and then!

Not at all. I welcome all recipes and like many in the D League I love to cook That sounds mighty good.
Not at all. I welcome all recipes and like many in the D League I love to cook That sounds mighty good.
SC every time my kids fix this they will call and say, dad guess what I fixed for supper?! I figured most of the D had fixed this. I guarantee if you fix this it won't be the only time!!!! Of course you can add all the spices you want to!
When I grew up I didn't live in town. There would be a little grocery store about every quarter mile or so that were the 7-11s in those days. People rode the bus to town on Saturday to do their serious shopping. Downtown was a mob on Saturday (but mostly dead today) with all those people coming out of the hollers to "trade" (that was what they called shopping). Outside those little stores were the neighborhood social gathering places. Every little store had a bench and crates out front where the bullshippers would ply their trade while whittling.

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SC those pictures got me to thinking (not a good idea) but when we were young one our treats for a meal was what we call Hamburger and taters! What she would do is make a hamburger patty place in foil, then cut up some taters and onions, wrap it up tight and cook it for about an hour, then she would open one end up drain the grease out and put it on a plate for us!!!!! This was one of the last meals I got to fix for her before she passed away. I still fix it to this day only I jazz it up a little with peppers and mushrooms now!!! Great little quick and easy meal!!!! I hope ya'll don't mind me throwing in a recipe now and then!

I used to do that with smoked sausage or keilbasa and cut up some bell peppers and onions with it and make a hoagie with the resulting goodness. Just saw a clickbait article the other day that had about 25 wrap in foil and grill recipes. I saved a couple of them.

Here's one for philly cheese steak.

Brought Dad out to the house today and a friend came by to help put up rafters. We got 6 done and have 7 to go. I whipped us up a rack of ribs for lunch and they were oh so good!

Glad to see some rafters up there and pleased that everything has turned out square so far. It'll be next Tuesday before my friend can come help again but there are a few piddlin things that I can do by myself.

I'm going to go check on some cedar tomorrow. I've decided to not just make the two screen doors out of cedar but to make the entire door frames from cedar as well.

If it looks as good as the vision I have then I will be plenty happy with it.
Yesterday afternoon I was in COSTCO when I saw and elderly man dressed in jeans and boots with a cowboy hat. He was filling his buggy up with Spam and Vienna Sausages. I mean lots of them. Half of his buggy. So I went over to him and asked him if he liked Spam. And he smiled real big and said "yep" it got me through WWII. Turns out he is 90 years old (looks about 70) and has a ranch outside of town. Still riding horses and herding his cattle. We talked for a while and I let him know Spam has always been a staple in my house. So of course, I went home with a dozen cans too. Thank the Good Lord for Spam

My folks version of pizza when I was growing up. I didn't taste a real pizza until a family trip to Miami in the early 70's.


Same here. I haven't made one for awhile but I used to use that as a starter kit for a pizza. Put sausage, pepperoni, olives, mushrooms, and plenty of mozza cheese on there and cook it on a sheet pan.

Last spam I ate I took a hunk of it out of the can and sliced a bunch of slits in it and put rub all over it and smoked it on the egg while I was doing a pork butt. Wasn't bad, but I haven't done another one.

smoked spam
I used to do that with smoked sausage or keilbasa and cut up some bell peppers and onions with it and make a hoagie with the resulting goodness. Just saw a clickbait article the other day that had about 25 wrap in foil and grill recipes. I saved a couple of them.

Here's one for philly cheese steak.

Brought Dad out to the house today and a friend came by to help put up rafters. We got 6 done and have 7 to go. I whipped us up a rack of ribs for lunch and they were oh so good!

Glad to see some rafters up there and pleased that everything has turned out square so far. It'll be next Tuesday before my friend can come help again but there are a few piddlin things that I can do by myself.

I'm going to go check on some cedar tomorrow. I've decided to not just make the two screen doors out of cedar but to make the entire door frames from cedar as well.

If it looks as good as the vision I have then I will be plenty happy with it.
I used to do that with smoked sausage or keilbasa and cut up some bell peppers and onions with it and make a hoagie with the resulting goodness. Just saw a clickbait article the other day that had about 25 wrap in foil and grill recipes. I saved a couple of them.

Here's one for philly cheese steak.

Brought Dad out to the house today and a friend came by to help put up rafters. We got 6 done and have 7 to go. I whipped us up a rack of ribs for lunch and they were oh so good!

Glad to see some rafters up there and pleased that everything has turned out square so far. It'll be next Tuesday before my friend can come help again but there are a few piddlin things that I can do by myself.

I'm going to go check on some cedar tomorrow. I've decided to not just make the two screen doors out of cedar but to make the entire door frames from cedar as well.

If it looks as good as the vision I have then I will be plenty happy with it.
Some photos would be nice.