
I love Garbanzo beans (chickpeas), but unless finely ground, we're talking major gas in my case.

I have a great recipe for Spanish Bean Soup and make it very often. It really is good if you want something different.

  • Ingredients
  • ½ lb. uncooked garbanzo beans, dried (also called chickpeas) or you can buy them canned.
  • 1 ham bone
  • 2 quarts chicken broth
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • ¼ lb. salt pork, cut in thin strips or you can use ham strips or chunks
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 chorizo (Spanish sausage), sliced in thin rounds
  • 2 potatoes, peeled and cut in quarters
  • Pinch of saffron
  • ½ teaspoon paprika
  • Serve with oven toasted bread and butter. (Cuban, French, etc.)
Good morning D League with your traffic update.

Lanes are open locally but the man says if you are headed into Orlando or Tampa expect heavy traffic. I am not anywhere near there so this is not a problem for me.

Skies are clear with temperature currently 67°. High mid 80's with a chance of rain at 20% . Yesterday we got a much needed soaking rain that lasted about 5 hours. We sure needed it. 5 or 6 inches by this weekend would be what the doctor ordered. Now with the rain comes weeds so I will have to address that. On the positive side the fruit trees are taking off and fruit growing nicely. Especially the avocados. Gonna have more than enough guacamole this year.

Make it a good day and say a little prayer for me as you thank the Lord for another beautiful day
For the fishermen among us. When I was a boy everyone I knew fished with a cane pole. Here is your truly taking care of business on the banks of the Withlacoochee. I bet I caught a nice one.

Cane pole fishing was the best! True story SC, when I was about 7 we were visiting family in Dawson Springs, we went to visit my uncle and there hanging on the swing set was a 52lb flathead cat! My uncle had caught it on a large cane pole that had a Bluegill on it for bait! My dad and his two brothers started fishing KY Dam as soon as they started letting people fish below the dam. Out so far below the pier below the dam is a wall that's underwater and he caught it off that wall. They knew where there was a large cane field and they cut some huge stalks for poles, some of the biggest cane I had ever seen! Nothing like the cane poles now days!
One great thing about marrying a Kentucky country girl is you get a woman who knows how to make biscuits and gravy. Mine sure does. Thank the good Lord for that.
Man, you all are making me hungry with the biscuits and gravy photos and commentary. My wife has many, many positive qualities that would make any man happy to be with her. But she makes biscuits like a girl raised in Manhattan and the suburbs of Washington. She is good with Irish dishes and made a terrific shepherd's pie just last night so I make the best of things.

Hope it is a good day in the D-League. We finally saw the sun this morning in the DC area. That's a start.
Good morning D! It must be global cooling here!!! 41 degrees this morning when I went out and got the paper at 4:30! Great picture SC with the cane pole, man that brings back the good memories!!!! I have seen many times where we would go out to the stripper pits at the mines with a small boat, then get out on the bank with the canes and fish while dad would fish out of the boat or stay with us boys. Also we fished with large shiner minnows and if we hung into a large bass we would just throw the cane pole in the water and then we would get in the boat and chase it down! Did you ever fish with shiners or gold fish? Great baits for large bass!!! Everybody have a great and safe day!!!! Going to mow later when the dew dries off, good day to mow if there is such a thing!
I've seen previews of all of them.

I don't think it will make much difference. Is that all you put on the chicken? I might mix some liquid smoke into a marinade for leaving it overnight in the fridge but not too much. Liquid smoke is very concentrated and potent. Your chicken should definitely taste like it's been smoked.
Y it was a little bit strong, but very good even if I did make it. My son's M-I-L ate two huge helpings so that made me feel good about it and I did rinse the chicken off first, will not put that much smoke on it next time! She is recovering from surgery really good, great outlook!!!!!
Cane pole fishing was the best! True story SC, when I was about 7 we were visiting family in Dawson Springs, we went to visit my uncle and there hanging on the swing set was a 52lb flathead cat! My uncle had caught it on a large cane pole that had a Bluegill on it for bait! My dad and his two brothers started fishing KY Dam as soon as they started letting people fish below the dam. Out so far below the pier below the dam is a wall that's underwater and he caught it off that wall. They knew where there was a large cane field and they cut some huge stalks for poles, some of the biggest cane I had ever seen! Nothing like the cane poles now days!
Oh, I agree and fished with a cane pole in fresh water until I was grown Back in the days when I was a boy you could grab a pole and take a safety pin then go to the river or lake and take home a mess for supper. This picture was taken in 1953 and was a nice mess I caught in about four hours or so. My little sister was impressed and enjoyed a good fish fry that night. My mama knew how to fry em' up.

Oh, I agree and fished with a cane pole in fresh water until I was grown Back in the days when I was a boy you could grab a pole and take a safety pin then go to the river or lake and take home a mess for supper. This picture was taken in 1953 and was a nice mess I caught in about four hours or so. My little sister was impressed and enjoyed a good fish fry that night. My mama knew how to fry em' up.

That is a great picture SC!
That is a great picture SC!
Thanks, cordmaker, this was an era before computers when your mama would run you out of the house so she could get her chores done. Just kidding. My mama never had to run me out of the house, I loved the outdoors. The only rule she had was be back at 5:00 for supper. She was not worried about anything I would get into because our neighbors would let her know if I was doing something out of line. She knew if I had been in trouble the minute I hit the front porch step.
Thanks, cordmaker, this was an era before computers when your mama would run you out of the house so she could get her chores done. Just kidding. My mama never had to run me out of the house, I loved the outdoors. The only rule she had was be back at 5:00 for supper. She was not worried about anything I would get into because our neighbors would let her know if I was doing something out of line. She knew if I had been in trouble the minute I hit the front porch step.
Same here SC! It was like we had a mom-fi, things got back to mom before we got home!!!! Mom DID run us out of the house so she could get things done!!!! There was one thing we had going for us and mom is that we had the swimming pool just over the hill from us and starting Memorial day we had season passes and we were at the pool at 1:00 rain or shine if we wanted to! Then at 7:00-9:00 if we wanted to we were back at the pool! Like you said we were told to be back at 5 if you wanted supper! One problem mom had with us was that there was no telling who we were going to bring home with us to eat, BUT she never said anything, there was always an extra plate!!!! We were poor but we were rich and blessed at the same time if'in you know what I mean! Played kick the can and any other game we could think of!
Same here SC! It was like we had a mom-fi, things got back to mom before we got home!!!! Mom DID run us out of the house so she could get things done!!!! There was one thing we had going for us and mom is that we had the swimming pool just over the hill from us and starting Memorial day we had season passes and we were at the pool at 1:00 rain or shine if we wanted to! Then at 7:00-9:00 if we wanted to we were back at the pool! Like you said we were told to be back at 5 if you wanted supper! One problem mom had with us was that there was no telling who we were going to bring home with us to eat, BUT she never said anything, there was always an extra plate!!!! We were poor but we were rich and blessed at the same time if'in you know what I mean! Played kick the can and any other game we could think of!

Recent generations do not believe those wonderful days ever existed. They think people those days spent their time harassing or lynching blacks and homosexuals and treating their women like crap
Recent generations do not believe those wonderful days ever existed. They think people those days spent their time harassing or lynching blacks and homosexuals and treating their women like crap
The kids today have no clue as to how great it was growing up in that era. People were much more civil then. Here is a picture of my mother and one of the grove workers little girls. I can't see any hate in their eyes. The photo was taken in 1930. Not the best of times economically


Sawnee Cat that was a mighty good looking haul of fish for a young boy!
Back in those days there was not a limit on the amount of fish you could catch and nobody heard of catch and release. You fished for food and old fashion fish frys were the best.
Afternoon D.
Leftover grilled burger for lunch, pretzels and a Clif bar...and a cupcake.
I'm not much of a fisherman either...but I do like some good fried bluegill, crappie & bass.
Gotta get a new belt for my lawnmower after work....I just about smoked it off last week. Pushed my luck...
My brother & I would ride our bikes 5 miles into the "city" pool during the summer and be gone for 6 hours. Not even think about it...
The 5 mile ride back home sucked...
Afternoon D.
Leftover grilled burger for lunch, pretzels and a Clif bar...and a cupcake.
I'm not much of a fisherman either...but I do like some good fried bluegill, crappie & bass.
Gotta get a new belt for my lawnmower after work....I just about smoked it off last week. Pushed my luck...
My brother & I would ride our bikes 5 miles into the "city" pool during the summer and be gone for 6 hours. Not even think about it...
The 5 mile ride back home sucked...

Left the house late morning. Never said where I was going (I didn't know) and no one asked. Came home when I wanted and ate what was on the stove. Not many fat kids then. No one worried about where I was or asked where I had been and what I had been doing.
Same here SC! It was like we had a mom-fi, things got back to mom before we got home!!!! Mom DID run us out of the house so she could get things done!!!! There was one thing we had going for us and mom is that we had the swimming pool just over the hill from us and starting Memorial day we had season passes and we were at the pool at 1:00 rain or shine if we wanted to! Then at 7:00-9:00 if we wanted to we were back at the pool! Like you said we were told to be back at 5 if you wanted supper! One problem mom had with us was that there was no telling who we were going to bring home with us to eat, BUT she never said anything, there was always an extra plate!!!! We were poor but we were rich and blessed at the same time if'in you know what I mean! Played kick the can and any other game we could think of!

That line made me remember a famous line from "The Waltons":

"When we were living through them we called them bad times and thought that we were poor. Only after we had all grown up were we to realise what good times they had been and how very rich we were. Often in memory I return to that house and to the echoes of those voices."

There's a lot of truth in that quote.
Today was a sad day at work, as I learned my supervisor has stage 4 cancer of the liver and pancreas. They said he has 6-12 months to live.
So sorry to hear this. Last year my best friend of 50 years died of pancreatic cancer. He Ived less than a month after diagnosed. They didn't even recommended treatment. I hate that disease
I finally broke down and bought some "forever" surge protectors. One of my passions is audio/video equipment, especially the vintage gear. I've put a lot of money in to this hobby so it just made sense. Sensitive components. Boring to some but a treasure to me to keep safe. It won't protect against a direct lightning strike but if that happens then I'll have much more to worry about than a bunch of fried electronics. Insurance company call.
Y it was a little bit strong, but very good even if I did make it. My son's M-I-L ate two huge helpings so that made me feel good about it and I did rinse the chicken off first, will not put that much smoke on it next time! She is recovering from surgery really good, great outlook!!!!!

Glad it turned out OK. In the future just think about how long you're going to marinate. If it's short then hit it with the hard stuff. If you're going all night, then make a salt centric mix of stuff. Chicken is very sensitive to flavors that are not chicken.

Thanks, cordmaker, this was an era before computers when your mama would run you out of the house so she could get her chores done. Just kidding. My mama never had to run me out of the house, I loved the outdoors. The only rule she had was be back at 5:00 for supper. She was not worried about anything I would get into because our neighbors would let her know if I was doing something out of line. She knew if I had been in trouble the minute I hit the front porch step.

HaHa, you had neighbors!

Left the house late morning. Never said where I was going (I didn't know) and no one asked. Came home when I wanted and ate what was on the stove. Not many fat kids then. No one worried about where I was or asked where I had been and what I had been doing.

She knew I headed out after breakfast and would be back home for supper. Supper after I took a shower and washed off the day. We were safe then.
That line made me remember a famous line from "The Waltons":

"When we were living through them we called them bad times and thought that we were poor. Only after we had all grown up were we to realise what good times they had been and how very rich we were. Often in memory I return to that house and to the echoes of those voices."

There's a lot of truth in that quote.

These tumultuous times we are living in will be somebody's "good old days."
Dad and I were down around UL today and we came to where an old gas station used to be. He had just mentioned an old station and said he got gas there often. When I mentioned this one he asked if I remembered it. I said yes, since I had mentioned it. He told me that would have been when I was around 3 years old. I then told him that it was a Sinclair station and that they gave us some glasses that had green dinosaurs on them. He just shook his head.
So sorry. I have no doubt that your supervisor is a good person.

So sorry to hear this. Last year my best friend of 50 years died of pancreatic cancer. He Ived less than a month after diagnosed. They didn't even recommended treatment. I hate that disease

Thanks for the kind words. Just a couple of weeks ago he was all excited about becoming a grandpa, and now this happens.