Good morning . . . Happy Hump Day.
Today was a sad day at work, as I learned my supervisor has stage 4 cancer of the liver and pancreas. They said he has 6-12 months to live.
Bert, my wife bought that book a few years ago and it is a powerful book. I would recommend it to all.That is a bad cancer. Best thoughts to him.
I just finished a book When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi. He was training to be a neurosurgeon and got lung cancer and died at 36. After he got the cancer he finished up his residency at Stanford and wrote the book on how he fought death. His wife finished the book with the last chapter.
Wonderful story. It sort of puts death on the front row.
Good morning D League. We are expecting a pleasant day with current temperature 58° with a high of 85°. The dew point is 50. Not bad. My rain gauge shows a total of 4 inches of rain this week so far. 20% chance of isolated showers today. I could take another 4 and be glad for it.
Wishing and prayers for a great day for the D League.
(I see Austin reminded us it is National Chocolate Chip Day. I need to go out and buy some and celebrate) Finally the man on the radio just said people treat swimming pools as a bathroom. 60% do not bathe if they swam that day and a whopping 65% admit to using the pool to urinate. That is when I turned it off. Good grief America.
It was an eye opener. He also said a large percent of Americans admit to going swimming within one hour after having diarrhea. It would take a lot of chlorine to sanitize that.About that last part, where the man on the radio reported about America's swimming pool habits.....I wish I hadn't seen that because I'm about to go sign up for my summer swim club membership. Wow, I hope they have a good water treatment plan if what your radio guy reported is any snapshot of what my pool club is like. You know, I might need to just consider doing what you do and have my own backyard pool that I know is clean and safe.
Thanks for the kind words. Just a couple of weeks ago he was all excited about becoming a grandpa, and now this happens.
It was an eye opener. He also said a large percent of Americans admit to going swimming within one hour after having diarrhea. It would take a lot of chlorine to sanitize that.
I hate chemicals in a swimming and use salt water. If you put in a pool I would recommend you use salt water. Much better on your skin, eyes and maintenance.
Happy Chocolate Chip Day D league!
Both of my kids pools are salt. It is a smart way to use the chlorine in the sodium chloride (salt) instead of another compound.It was an eye opener. He also said a large percent of Americans admit to going swimming within one hour after having diarrhea. It would take a lot of chlorine to sanitize that.
I hate chemicals in a swimming and use salt water. If you put in a pool I would recommend you use salt water. Much better on your skin, eyes and maintenance.
The salt water pools are much cleaner, do not have an odor and much more pleasant to swim in. The salt generator produces the right amount of chloride to clean the pool without stinking chemicals.Both of my kids pools are salt. It is a smart way to use the chlorine in the sodium chloride (salt) instead of another compound.
When you go to check it out looks at all of the things floating on the surface. Like hairspray, sun screen, ladies make up and loose hair. The filters cut down on much of it but with many people using it at one time it can not get it all. Not very appealing.Totally agree with that and, yes, if I ever go forward with a home/backyard pool, it will be saltwater!!
You know, this has me thinking about the pool membership. I'm sure there will be tons of kids, toddlers, and all other sorts of who-knows-what in that place. Urine, diarrhea, suncreen, hair spray, etc...and whatever else in that water does not sound appealing right now.
When you go to check it out looks at all of the things floating on the surface. Like hairspray, sun screen, ladies make up and loose hair. The filters cut down on much of it but with many people using it at one time it can not get it all. Not very appealing.
A thing of beauty.![]()
Night noise . . . sweet. The bass will sense these plugs splashing around and barely see the dark form.
Doing mine when I get home today. Yard was still a bit damp from all of the rain we have been having this morning but, today is supposed to be 87° and sunny so, work after work.Yard mowed and weed whacked adn it is still cold. 61.3°F at 10:15 am on May 15. So much for global warming.
Played golf today
Yard mowed and weed whacked adn it is still cold. 61.3°F at 10:15 am on May 15. So much for global warming.
I have been there Rooster.
Glad to hear. Get well soon.Hey all, minor surgery on right ear drum early this morning. Every thing went well but I'm very hearing death at the present. This should change when the ear drum heals.
Glad to hear. Get well soon.
Busy month . . . for me and the ponies. The last month or so I see these ponies more work days than I don't as the desert bands are dispersing for summer foraging. Monday last week I saw a migrating herd (80 -100) spread across about 3/4 mile consisting of 4 or 5 bands. They always brings a smile. The white (spirit) ponies are relatively safe and numbers are increasing. Like the eagles, people like them. Lots cars pull over to take photos. Here's an action shot from a couple of years back. Enjoy.
edit: There are not hundreds of them . . . fake news.
Would that be the Salt River Horses in the Tonto or the Gila River Horses on the Res?When I first moved here eleven years ago that herd ran across the road about 50 yards ahead of me. I thought I ought to warn people so I called the Sheriffs office to report it. I didn't know about them.
I hope he changed his underwear after that.I dare you to watch this video and not laugh. I'm not responsible for damages incurred.
This dude loves trains!
Would that be the Salt River Horses in the Tonto or the Gila River Horses on the Res?
Salt River
Since I live a couple of miles from the Gila River and less than 10 from the Gila River Reservation, I presume the latter.
The Gila River Resevation Ponies
Since I live a couple of miles from the Gila River and less than 10 from the Gila River Reservation, I presume the latter.