
:cool2:Let them cool some or you will burn your mouff.

Afternoon D
I made two women happy Mom when I showed up, and my wife....when I left to go visit my Mom. She had some alone time with her plants and pine needles.
It's Monday...
Ima pass on the potato salad. I don't like mine that chunky.
I just gotta get through the week....716 more times then I'll be home free!
Afternoon D
I made two women happy Mom when I showed up, and my wife....when I left to go visit my Mom. She had some alone time with her plants and pine needles.
It's Monday...
Ima pass on the potato salad. I don't like mine that chunky.
I just gotta get through the week....716 more times then I'll be home free!
Count down. That is how you do it. Worked for me in the army and when I was retiring. Had me a countdown calendar X X X X X
Big Mouths pitched a no hitter this morning. Not one hit. Lost one of my Whopper Ploppers but, found two good rod and reels some one left at the pond.

Always have had thin hair but not thinning. At 61 I still have no grey (on my head that is) but, do in my beard. My wife says that is because I use my mouth more than my head so, there is no stress on the brain.
You are gonna have to stop losing those WP, they are to expensive! Maybe you will get a case of them for Fathers Day!
My wife loves the John Wick movies so I have seen the first two. If you like action and shoot-'em-up-bang you will like them, because that is what they are.

I've seen previews of all of them.

You guys that do a lot of cooking I have a question that I am just not sure on? I put liquid smoke on my chicken last night and let it set over night, do I need to rinse it off or just go ahead and start my process as usual?

I don't think it will make much difference. Is that all you put on the chicken? I might mix some liquid smoke into a marinade for leaving it overnight in the fridge but not too much. Liquid smoke is very concentrated and potent. Your chicken should definitely taste like it's been smoked.
Wife called to wake me up this morning so I wouldn't be late to my dentist appointment. I got there at 1051 and she had told me the time was 1100. I decided to look back at the text from last week to see what the actual time was supposed to be. It was at 1200. Next week. 5/20.

I went in and ratted her out. They were able to go ahead and take me.

I got my wife to start going to this dude and she has got 3 people from her office to go there now. Maybe he thinks I deserve a little leeway.
Morning. Laundry, lots of laundry./ Started out behind due to wife's grandmother's funeral Saturday. She was 92.

Warrior not sure what you and your bride was looking at but certainly 2 different looks on y'alls face lol.

Still have my hair that at one time was a sun bleached light brown. Now very much silver/gray. I might add that I feel that I have earned each gray hair. Laundry. FCC.
I was seriously thinking about what I was doing since the first time did not turn out so good.[winking]
Tomorrow is the 31st anniversary of the Carrollton bus crash. How tragic was that?

You've been by that way many times, do you think it would be hard to tell if headlights were in the same lane as you, or in the lane they were supposed to be in down below?

Not to downplay Mahoney's part in the accident, but the fact that the bus driver allowed their vehicles to collide at speed should also be considered a factor. Dude had had a full day.