
Do you remember the name of this cowboy's horse?
Congratulations. Call her Rose.

Can we call you Higgy?

Give me fifty cents worth of reglur
Check my oil too if you don't mind.
Put some air in my tires won't you Mister.
Get my winders too if you have time.

People younger than about 40 have no idea what it was like to pull into a station and have a couple of guys come out and start doing stuff. Sometimes they would even give you gifts just for stopping by and letting them top off your washer fluid.

Beau Allen is a Wildcat. This class has the makings of being special. Also, former Penn State Qb Tommy Stevens is visiting the Cats. Link

WOW! I encourage everyone to click that link and check out this guy. First thing I thought was, how does Lex Cath have a better quarterback and receivers than our college team does? Amazing throws, amazing catches, amazing amount of spectacular throws and catches!

We're getting ready to take the next step. Are you ready? R U E?
WOW! I encourage everyone to click that link and check out this guy. First thing I thought was, how does Lex Cath have a better quarterback and receivers than our college team does? Amazing throws, amazing catches, amazing amount of spectacular throws and catches!

We're getting ready to take the next step. Are you ready? R U E?
He seems to have a fairly accurate deep ball already, which is impressive at his age.
Afternoon D league.
Busy last few is over & done with.
Back to reality & work. Yeah, it sucks!
Wedding went great. Had a great time w/family and friends during & afterwards.
The weather didn't cooperate, it could've been a nicer day as far as that goes.
The only excitement was the DJ. He was on his way to set up for the reception and had a wreck. A girl pulled out in front of him totaling his truck. Luckily we found another one and everything worked out fine.
Picture of the bride & her sister.
Beautiful bride!
He seems to have a fairly accurate deep ball already, which is impressive at his age.

He does. Of course we both know that this is a highlight tape, but, he did make those throws. He may end up being a 5 star before it's all said and done. Glad to hear that he's pretty well set with being a Cat.

If we can start getting our pick of instate talent then that will go a long way with us getting on top.
Good morning D League

Today is travel day so I am hitting the road in a few minutes. Should be a good day to hit the road, temperature a mild 90 this afternoon with low humidity. Very nice for a Spring day.

Nice to see the local quarterback pick the Cats. He was born into a UK family so it is already in his blood. I am pulling for him to have an outstanding career.

Take care all and keep it in your lane.
Can we call you Higgy?

I have been called that most of my life. In fact my son's email is his first name and higgie.

It is 56.7°F and clear here in Smiths Grove.

I survived another funeral. They kept it down to 40 minutes and some of that was good music. His Uncle has a Ph.D. in music (don't boo but it is from UL) and played a blues gospel song and then two classic songs without singing.

Good looking girls "OldEvilleCat". Best of luck to the bride.
Afternoon D league.
Busy last few is over & done with.
Back to reality & work. Yeah, it sucks!
Wedding went great. Had a great time w/family and friends during & afterwards.
The weather didn't cooperate, it could've been a nicer day as far as that goes.
The only excitement was the DJ. He was on his way to set up for the reception and had a wreck. A girl pulled out in front of him totaling his truck. Luckily we found another one and everything worked out fine.
Picture of the bride & her sister.
Beautiful family Mr. ECat!
Good morning D, well Mrs. M had to go back to work and I am left to finish the painting, I hate painting! She left worrying about me falling off the ladder, then when I almost fell going out to tell her by (missed a step) she just shook her head!!! Going to try to mow this evening before the rain starts again, so I have a busy day ahead. Congrats Mrs. Bkocats on the granddaughter they are special!!!! To all who have lost good friends I pray for you. Not long ago we had to got to the funeral home 5 times in one week. At our age it seems like you lose old friends faster than you gain new ones!!!!!! BUT I have the assurance that by faith and GOD,S Grace that I WILL see my friends and loved ones again!!! Have a great and safe day!!!!
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Good afternoon D. Got a break at work for the first time in a while at lunch and took a long walk around the Penn-Quarter, Federal Courthouse section of DC. An absolutely perfect day -- 77 degrees and no humidity. That is rare enough in Washington anytime to be worth noting.

Then, out of the blue I bump into a guy I used to be fairly close to back in the late 1980s, sharing lots of excitement and drama when we were single guys ISO SWFs. Our life paths took us in different directions and we just drifted apart. Now I find out we're working about 5-6 blocks from each other after 30 years.

To be honest, I doubt that we renew the friendship. Way too many twists and turns for both of us to recapture being young guys on the prowl in the city. It was more a moment to reflect on the old times and on how swiftly it all flies by.
Good evening! Went and got Dad today and brought him out to my house again to help with the porch. Cooked up a beef tenderloin in the sous vide for a couple of hours and then put a crust on it in the egg. He was very happy with it.

Found out I was going to have to cut each and every board I bought for this project. Got the back wall put together and now I just need two people to help me stand it up. After I get it in place I'll install the concrete anchors. I think I'm on about Rev. VIII now. I'll be glad when it's done but it's fun watching a project come together.

I caught two significant screw ups today before they became a problem. Makes me wonder how many I missed.

I'm tired.
Evenin' D! Still looking at replacing all my surge protectors because they're way past their life expectancy. I may pull the plug and buy a lifer. Costs 10 times as much but it might be worth it for the safety and peace of mind. Of course nothing prevents a direct hit. If I get one of those then I'm either calling my insurance company or calling the fire department. Most surges come from within the house.

Damn rabbits ate my parsley plants.
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Good evening! Went and got Dad today and brought him out to my house again to help with the porch. Cooked up a beef tenderloin in the sous vide for a couple of hours and then put a crust on it in the egg. He was very happy with it.

Found out I was going to have to cut each and every board I bought for this project. Got the back wall put together and now I just need two people to help me stand it up. After I get it in place I'll install the concrete anchors. I think I'm on about Rev. VIII now. I'll be glad when it's done but it's fun watching a project come together.

I caught two significant screw ups today before they became a problem. Makes me wonder how many I missed.

I'm tired.
Y looks like you can get a wall built faster than Rep. or Dem. good job!