
Evenin' D! Still looking at replacing all my surge protectors because they're way past their life expectancy. I may pull the plug and buy a lifer. Costs 10 times as much but it might be worth it for the safety and peace of mind. Of course nothing prevents a direct hit. If I get one of those then I'm either calling my insurance company or calling the fire department. Most surges come from within the house.

Damn rabbits ate my parsley plants.

Feed them rabbits some garlic, onion, and celery and then eat them after a salt bath all night.

ATXC since I have been on the D-League I have heard and seen more about Austin TX than I have in my whole life!
Austin might be the coolest city in all of America. Austin City Limits and Willy's Roadhouse are prime examples.

Went to the eye doctor. I am waiting for the drops to wear off so I can mow. I don't have to go back for a year. Good news. I really hate have my eyes dilated.

Bourbon will fix your eyes. I would recommend a 90 proof single barrel.
Friend stopped by today to help with the lanai. Now the front and back wall are in the air. Front wall is also being held up with rafter boards. We ran into quite the problem with drilling holes in the concrete. People who put it in must have used an inordinate amount of rebar. Kept hitting it about an inch down. I've got a carbide bit that I'm going to hit it with tomorrow. Rebar will not win!

As soon as I get done with this project it's on to making furniture and a bar. I'm going to make the bar in the same fashion as I did my egg table. Matching set. Lot's of ideas, limited talent. I'll get it done.
Golf sucks and it's a stupid game. I think it's a passing fad and I can't see it lasting as a serious pastime. Maybe if the idiots who invented it would have made the ball go where you want it to go instead of where you hit it, it would have been a better waste of a good walk.

Good morning D from the Berg! . . .
Just got a text from my D-I-L saying the surgery went good and the lymph nodes were cancer free!!!!
UK could have some big basketball news in the upcoming days. If Cal adds Juzang and McDaniels to what he already has, oh my(in my best Dick Enberg impersonation).

Johnny Juzang sets decision date. Link

Is N'Faly Dante still an option for Kentucky in 2019? Link

Kentucky reaches out to 2020 scoring machine. Link

Fwiw, Evan Daniels makes his prediciton for Jaden McDaniels. Link

Kentucky offers top-5 recruit Terrence Clarke. Link

Jalen Green discusses recruitment and where UK stands. Link

Good Morning D-League.

Maybe not so good.My wife has a friend with whom she goes all the way back to college. A woman I've known for 30 years or more. At 28, she was just this spoiled upper middle class girl who was kooky and flaky and prone to amusing screw ups. Now she's basically a full blown nut who has more or less pissed her life away on booze, drugs and bad decisions.

Anyway, she took advantage of my wife's warm heart to invite herself into our guest room "for a couple days." Slowly I'm getting the idea that we're basically housing a homeless person. I'll have no problems tossing her ass out, but I have to wait until my wife is so thoroughly disgusted that it doesn't cause a rift with us. A delicate matter of timing that I fear I'm not capable of playing out.
Good Morning D-League.

Maybe not so good.My wife has a friend with whom she goes all the way back to college. A woman I've known for 30 years or more. At 28, she was just this spoiled upper middle class girl who was kooky and flaky and prone to amusing screw ups. Now she's basically a full blown nut who has more or less pissed her life away on booze, drugs and bad decisions.

Anyway, she took advantage of my wife's warm heart to invite herself into our guest room "for a couple days." Slowly I'm getting the idea that we're basically housing a homeless person. I'll have no problems tossing her ass out, but I have to wait until my wife is so thoroughly disgusted that it doesn't cause a rift with us. A delicate matter of timing that I fear I'm not capable of playing out.
We get those types every so often. One of my brothers in FL just paid $1,200 total to "relocate" two of his wife's relatives who had stayed there for free since last November. The 68 year-old mother was sent back to Alabama ($800) and her 50 year-old daughter was put up for a week in Staybridge Suites ($400). The daughter was working her way through a methadone program after drug addiction for a zillion years.

Good luck.
We get those types every so often. One of my brothers in FL just paid $1,200 total to "relocate" two of his wife's relatives who had stayed there for free since last November. The 68 year-old mother was sent back to Alabama ($800) and her 50 year-old daughter was put up for a week in Staybridge Suites ($400). The daughter was working her way through a methadone program after drug addiction for a zillion years.

Good luck.
Thanks Austin. I know I sound pretty heartless. You'd have to be there to get the full impact of the situation. My wife had more or less written this woman off a couple years ago after being used once too often. But she has a compassionate streak.
Thanks Austin. I know I sound pretty heartless. You'd have to be there to get the full impact of the situation. My wife had more or less written this woman off a couple years ago after being used once too often. But she has a compassionate streak.
You're not heartless. You're smart. Something like this can go on and on and continue repeating over and over.

I often stay with family and friends rather than a hotel/motel when traveling. Saves me $. Big difference is I usually improve their lives + financial situations during my 1-2 week stays while maintaining the smallest possible footprint.
Afternoon D
Free lunch today...chicken tenders & tater wedges....and a cookie.
Not much happenin'
#2 informed us her and the baby would like to move back home....we'll see. I think I've moved that kid 4-5 times in the last 2 years.

....assuming it only took the teacher 3 weeks to cover History? :joy:

Yup. Maybe a month.

*We usually get one or two of our girls back with their anchor babies tagging along. Boys? Tough luck, you're on your own now pal.
Did he feed you fresh caught bass?
40 something years ago our good friend and neighbor would spend a week fishing in Toledo Bend. He would return with a big cooler of cleaned LMs. His wife, sweet girl from Winchester, would fry those guys with diced potatoes and onions and hush puppies. Just super delicious. They both worked for IBM. We lost her to cancer a few years ago. A good friend.
Good afternoon. Dad and I made a trip to Bardstown today to go to the piddler mall and to Lowe's. I had to buy a badass drill bit to try and drill through some rebar. Never saw that problem coming. Also accepted the reality that I was going to have to take the back wall down and cut off about an inch of each 4x4. Oh well, next screened in patio/porch/lanai that I build will be cut to the proper dimensions before it is installed.

I'm shut down by the weather until further notice.
Good afternoon. Dad and I made a trip to Bardstown today to go to the piddler mall and to Lowe's. I had to buy a badass drill bit to try and drill through some rebar. Never saw that problem coming. Also accepted the reality that I was going to have to take the back wall down and cut off about an inch of each 4x4. Oh well, next screened in patio/porch/lanai that I build will be cut to the proper dimensions before it is installed.

I'm shut down by the weather until further notice.

Don't get uppity like Sawnee. It's a screened-in porch.
For those who live in the western part of GODS' country, I worked on I-24 way back in 1971, I worked on the bridge there by the Oaks Mall? Is that the mall by 24? I rented a trailer on down west of there for a while, is there a small community called Grahamville? I am getting older and I just don't remember all the little details, plus I really liked living in Paducah at that time,. I lived with my aunt and uncle after my buddy quit and came back home and me and my uncle went fishing below Barkly when ever he wasn't working for ICRR as a conductor.

cordmaker I was graduating H.S. along with FCC in 1971. Yes I know were Grahamville is but my Little buddy FCC is more familiar with the area than I am. One place I can buy a suit that fits, sport coats, slacks and dress shirts, at a reasonable price. Store has been there a long time. Yes the bridge is in very good standing( very well built)
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Well, a good note to end the afternoon. My freshman at UK son just home from Lexington got a job. I don't know if this is a regional or national company, but he's now with "College Hunks Hauling Junk." He's thrilled because the minimum wage in Maryland is $10.10 - he'd been working in Lexington for $7.75.

I told him I worked heavy construction when I was 16 for $1.10 an hour, but then he pointed out that was the first half of the 1970s.