
You worthless old fart. Geeze Roy O is better.

High noon tomorrow. Bring your .44 and you had better be quick!


My only weapon is a single-shot 410 shotgun, I bought it from a neighbor for twenty bucks about 20 years ago and it included one shell which I still have. I'm the Barney Fife of weaponry. Therefore I must respectfully decline your invitation to a gunfight.
Good morning D League

Saturday morning is here and we have 67 degrees currently, expecting to get into the mid 80's. Probable thunderstorms locally with sunshine. "Devil Beating His Wife". Today. is a busy day. This afternoon we will head over to Floral City, a little bitty town and thousands will gather at the Adams Moon Lake Ranch for a Trump BBQ and Rally. Gonna be good, real good. Then we head over to Ocala to watch the Derby with a few horse lovers.

Make it a great day in your little corner of the world.

Good morning ! Well it's raining here again, first 4 days of May, but it's still a great day!!!! Going to start painting again, Mrs. M is helping today and off Monday, I hope we can get done with the bedroom by Monday. Everyone have a great and safe day! I don't watch the Derby until it's over, reason being is that I watched the race one time and saw a horse break a leg! I DO NOT want to see that again!!!!!!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F and sunny It's about time. We received massive amounts of rainfall yesterday. I believe a report on the news indicated over 100 water rescues occurred last night. Turn around, don't drown. Thank heavens we live on a hill.

Yep, Derby Day. I'm gonna hit up Derby Week again sometime before kicking the bucket. Our local UK alumni club invited me to a nearby party, but I'd rather stay home and watch the event.

We'll check back later. Y'all behave.
Good morning! I was up at 0530 and down again at 0630. Been up for about an hour now and feel ready to make it through another grueling day of sitting on the couch and handicapping horses.

My Dad lived in Valley Station and it took me a little less than 3 hours. When you get a free date, and the weather looks like it will cooperate, we will try to do it.

I'll do that, I'm looking forward to it.
My top 4 horses to finish the Derby:
Good morning! I was up at 0530 and down again at 0630. Been up for about an hour now and feel ready to make it through another grueling day of sitting on the couch and handicapping horses.

I'll do that, I'm looking forward to it.

Who do you have in the Derby? My top 4 would be: Improbable, Game Winner, By My Standards, and Tacitus. I think War of Will is a good long shot bet(even with the #1 gate), seeing as how he's already won in the mud at Churchill Downs
Who do you have in the Derby? My top 4 would be: Improbable, Game Winner, By My Standards, and Tacitus. I think War of Will is a good long shot bet(even with the #1 gate), seeing as how he's already won in the mud at Churchill Downs

I haven't bet the Derby yet but I'm getting some ideas. I'll be betting a trifecta wheel when the time comes and probably make several different ones. I don't really have a favorite and I don't think there is one.
For Derby 1964, we were living on Bohanon which is right off the parking lot of Churchill Downs. We parked cars in our yard. We were only there for one year because the basement flooded. The next house was also two floors but both of them were above ground.

I've been to the win place and show bar.