Since it is almost supper time let's carry the Cuban bread and sandwich a little deeper. Cuban bread was "invented" in Tampa (Ybor City), Florida, not Cuba or Miami. Tampa's Ybor City also claims the invention of the Cuban sandwich. Cuban bread was invented at La Joven Francesca Bakery in 1895. It sold for 3 cents a loaf and was delivered to houses. The residents had a large nail in their doorframe and the delivery boy hung a loaf on the nail. Cuban bread was suppose to be eaten the same day it was baked. The sandwich was named a Cuban sandwich because of the bread. Lard and palm leaves was key. People say you can look all over Havana, Cuba and not find a Cuban sandwich. It is American. It first started appearing in Ybor City around 1900 and made its way South to Miami.
I am so hungry now I might go out and get me one. Fresh and hot and pressed. There all over the place around here and sold on the side of the road. Freshly made. I like mine pressed.