
That is pretty. Penn Central ended up, in part, CSX. So I guess that they have to be considered part of the good guys! :scream:

Hey Bert, do you know Lacy Goodman? He retired from CSX about 4 years ago, and I believe he was involved with loss prevention? Not sure that is the exact term for his position, but I know that he traveled quite a bit, and was involved in accidents, lawsuits, etc.
Good morning D, From beautiful SWFL. Beautiful crisp morning here, high of 73 today. Wife is headed out of town tomorrow on business for 5 days. The dog and I will hold down the fort.

Already miss college football, and can hardly stand to watch the basketball cats until February. We usually play so " ugly". I grew up watching Rupp's teams play and after all these years, I'm still spoiled. When I say watching, it was usually listening to Cawood. Listening to Cawood was about the same as watching.

Going to take the dog for a long walk here in a minute, will check in later. Y'all have a great day.
I am with you ace. I am having severe football withdrawals. I sure have changed over the years when it comes to UK basketball and that makes me sad. Once upon a time I could not get enough of it and every bit of information I could find I went after it. Adolph Rupp's team were so fun to watch because he had set plays and ran them to perfection. He was an innovator of the fast break and it became a UK trademark. He was the first to use the guard around and inside screens. He did not have to spend the entire game teaching and showing players where they need to be on the floor. They learned that in practice or they never got into a game. Yes the game has changed and "ugly" is a very good description.

The legendary Boston Celtic coach Red Auerbach once said he would rather watch an Adolph Rupp team practice than another team play.
Morning D
Still can’t get a picture posted here on my phone
Will fire up the laptop later and see if that works
I miss college football too, but my Saints are still playing and yesterday was a darn good game
Basketball is really not as bad as some are making out. Our expectations are way too high so anything less, like normal progression, looks worse than it is.
Have a job interview on Wednesday. At least it’s with a well known organization. Just worried it will fall through as well. We will see
I'm not too concerned about this team. This is Cal's 10th team at UK and only 3 have had better records at this point in the season. I remember last year after the 4 game losing streak and people were writing them off. Young kids take time. By March I think we'll all feel differently.

Good luck with the interview!
The best one in the world was at the Carnegie Deli in New York City. I am not sure if they are in business now because the old man died. I first went to this deli when UK was playing in Madison Square Garden back in the 1990's and ran into Cawood Ledford. He and some of the UK coaches came in and were escorted to a private room. Every time I returned to New York I made an effort to get to the Carnegie Deli and ordered the pastrami and corned beef sandwich

That is pretty. Penn Central ended up, in part, CSX. So I guess that they have to be considered part of the good guys! :scream:
Bert as an locomotive inspector at Paduacah and Little Rock there were always a non ICG - UP consist. Locomotives mixed ,like UP an BuirlingtonNorthen-Santafe. so on and so on, Must be a national agreement to exchange power then get it back.
I am with you ace. I am having severe football withdrawals. I sure have changed over the years when it comes to UK basketball and that makes me sad. Once upon a time I could not get enough of it and every bit of information I could find I went after it. Adolph Rupp's team were so fun to watch because he had set plays and ran them to perfection. He was an innovator of the fast break and it became a UK trademark. He was the first to use the guard around and inside screens. He did not have to spend the entire game teaching and showing players where they need to be on the floor. They learned that in practice or they never got into a game. Yes the game has changed and "ugly" is a very good description.

The legendary Boston Celtic coach Red Auerbach once said he would rather watch an Adolph Rupp team practice than another team play.

I agree, Sawnee, but I was thinking about how I missed those days and realized I was comparing apples and oranges. Look at how much the game has changed, not that I think it is for the better, but definitely different. Back in Adolph's day there was no 3 pt goals. The game itself is officiated differently. I hear from young guys about how much more athletic players are today and I don't think that is necessarily so. I think a lot is the officiating. Like when I played, these spin moves, European steps, jump stops, all this stuff was traveling in Adolph's day (and mine). Crossover moves would have been an automatic carrying of the ball. Heck, for awhile, they couldn't even dunk, so lobs would be out. If we could have done some of this 40 years ago, we would have looked as athletic as the guys today. Defenses are more aggressive today, because they allow more contact. In Adolph's day players would be fouled out before half time if they played defense like they do in 2019. If you look at all these things, you realize it is the game that has changed, and Adolph wouldn't recognize (or approve) of the game they now play.
BTW....I work part time Wed - Fri...Off Mon and Tues....
getting itch to fire up the chainsaw and wack on a few more trees out back...tomorrow maybe?
too many coldies last night...
got to adjust e brake on my ride, not holding like it should. Did not have the proper tool to use so I tried the old see how it feels method..Gearwrench 3377 is the is a pic
Chili made yesterday is supper tonight
Bout all I got for today...

I agree, Sawnee, but I was thinking about how I missed those days and realized I was comparing apples and oranges. Look at how much the game has changed, not that I think it is for the better, but definitely different. Back in Adolph's day there was no 3 pt goals. The game itself is officiated differently. I hear from young guys about how much more athletic players are today and I don't think that is necessarily so. I think a lot is the officiating. Like when I played, these spin moves, European steps, jump stops, all this stuff was traveling in Adolph's day (and mine). Crossover moves would have been an automatic carrying of the ball. Heck, for awhile, they couldn't even dunk, so lobs would be out. If we could have done some of this 40 years ago, we would have looked as athletic as the guys today. Defenses are more aggressive today, because they allow more contact. In Adolph's day players would be fouled out before half time if they played defense like they do in 2019. If you look at all these things, you realize it is the game that has changed, and Adolph wouldn't recognize (or approve) of the game they now play.
Put me in Adolphs corner. I don't like the way the game is now either, and find myself liking it less and less as each year passes. I don't blame the players or coaches, it's the rule makers and the officials. They have ruined the game, just like they ruined the NFL, in my opinion. And they are ruining college football the same way with this silly targeting penalty
I am with you ace. I am having severe football withdrawals. I sure have changed over the years when it comes to UK basketball and that makes me sad. Once upon a time I could not get enough of it and every bit of information I could find I went after it. Adolph Rupp's team were so fun to watch because he had set plays and ran them to perfection. He was an innovator of the fast break and it became a UK trademark. He was the first to use the guard around and inside screens. He did not have to spend the entire game teaching and showing players where they need to be on the floor. They learned that in practice or they never got into a game. Yes the game has changed and "ugly" is a very good description.

The legendary Boston Celtic coach Red Auerbach once said he would rather watch an Adolph Rupp team practice than another team play.
I absolutely agree with you as well. I could not get enough UK info when i was young. My dad used to quiz my brother and I about UK basketball when we were just kids. He'd ask us what Cliff Hagans number was? Where was Adolph Rupp from?
What year did we win the National Championship? etc.
We usually knew all the answers when we were just kids
Hey folks! Taking a little break. Errything is done except the cake. Needed to eat a little sumpin before I get started on that.

She sent me a text while I was at Walmart and wanted me to get more and different kinds of cat food while I was there. And some things for her too. I love my wife and I want what's best for her, so I say, man she is so lucky to have me.

Here ya go: This is enough for 2 racks. Of course if you are just smoking one, you can cut everything in half. Also, depending on how hot you can handle, I usually use slightly less cayenne. Enjoy.

1/4 cup paprika
1/8 cup ground black pepper
2 TBS garlic powder
2 TBS onion powder
1 TBS cayenne pepper
1/4 cup coarse salt
1/4 cup brown sugar

That's the same stuff I use except for the cayenne. I don't measure anything for a rub but I bet the ratios are close to that recipe. I'll be putting my table to good use this year and will probably cook many racks, and shoulders, and a few briskets for good measure.

Ugh! There goes lunch.

Dang dude, that's harsh. I didn't know anyone was going to be taking pictures and judging or I would have worn a hat.
I agree, Sawnee, but I was thinking about how I missed those days and realized I was comparing apples and oranges. Look at how much the game has changed, not that I think it is for the better, but definitely different. Back in Adolph's day there was no 3 pt goals. The game itself is officiated differently. I hear from young guys about how much more athletic players are today and I don't think that is necessarily so. I think a lot is the officiating. Like when I played, these spin moves, European steps, jump stops, all this stuff was traveling in Adolph's day (and mine). Crossover moves would have been an automatic carrying of the ball. Heck, for awhile, they couldn't even dunk, so lobs would be out. If we could have done some of this 40 years ago, we would have looked as athletic as the guys today. Defenses are more aggressive today, because they allow more contact. In Adolph's day players would be fouled out before half time if they played defense like they do in 2019. If you look at all these things, you realize it is the game that has changed, and Adolph wouldn't recognize (or approve) of the game they now play.
Excellent points.
I coached my boys in little league bb and we were 39-3 with one play in 3 years. Some simple pick and rolls, cuts. If it wasn't there, switch to the other side, everybody knew each others position. Normally it was there because of fundamental picks. Very simple. These token picks kill me. Laundry. Work. FCC.
Adolph Rupp ran 15 offensive plays with some variation but he kept it simple. His philosophy was master each play and run your system. In 42 years at UK he only lost 10 games twice. Once every 21 years.
Hey Bert, do you know Lacy Goodman? He retired from CSX about 4 years ago, and I believe he was involved with loss prevention? Not sure that is the exact term for his position, but I know that he traveled quite a bit, and was involved in accidents, lawsuits, etc.
Sorry, but I don't remember the name; however, I have been retired 19 years February 1.

I was in Sales and Marketing. I did frequent Ashland as Petroleum products and chemicals was my market and Ashland Oil was a big customer.
Adolph Rupp ran 15 offensive plays with some variation but he kept it simple. His philosophy was master each play and run your system. In 42 years at UK he only lost 10 games twice. Once every 21 years.

The play was the one Coach Wright used in HS. Run it until someone gets a lay-up or an easy shot. Every time. The game was usually over in 5 minutes. The last year, I called them the dream team. 14-0. Had 8 kids that liked to play. Red faced when the game was over. Today, they are all taller than me. Good kids. FCC.
If you're talking perversion & lawsuits...then Bert is ....wait that says "prevention"..... nevermind.

That was funny, but I spent a disproportionate amount of time dealing with lawyers. CSX's law department was two floors of the building. Many of our executives were lawyers.

In railroads Sales & Marketing you have a very high exposure to anti-trust violations. Railroads often need to cooperate with each other as we have to connect on most of your freight with another carrier as a railroad can only operate on its own line; so if I at CSX wanted to move freight from New York to Los Angeles I needed someone beyond either Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis or New Orleans to get there. So some time when you are communicating with your competitor he is your partner. It gets complex quickly when you have to deal with two or three connecting carriers and you have to make sure you deal evenly.

We had quarterly sessions on anti-trust law. On top of that we had to get our contracts okayed by legal experts. Each of us had a "Commerce Attorney" to call if we had any questions. So one of my biggest headaches was to avoid legal problems. I survived, but I sure know the Sherman Antitrust laws backward and forward.
Bert as an locomotive inspector at Paduacah and Little Rock there were always a non ICG - UP consist. Locomotives mixed ,like UP an BuirlingtonNorthen-Santafe. so on and so on, Must be a national agreement to exchange power then get it back.
True. We had agreements with the UP, ICG, BN Plus sometimes we ran trains through the gateway points to avoid congestion. Of course I was in Sales & Marketing so this was outside my area.
  • Checking in........... from work.
  • Wings baking in the oven at 375. Not stinking yet.
  • Read and liked every post, especially the photographs. We have some beautiful women.
  • QB and I have been married over 55 years. She was 18 and I was 19. 2 years later we had a little girl. We have never had a fight that I didn't lose.
  • I'll bet I have the bossiest wife in the D-League, and it isn't even close I would bet.
  • This thread has gotten so active that it would behoove one not to get behind.
  • Beverly, I have my fingers crossed for you and a new job for your.
  • FCC, I hope your washer and dryer hold up.
  • Y'all all take care and watch out for the IDMOs.
  • Watched From Here To Eternity and wore my Christmas gift earphones. I didn't remember Deborah Kerr's character was the Captain's wife. I may have never known it. I had forgotten that George Reeves was in it.
  • Carry on with vigor.
Catching up with family photo day



My wife of soon to be 52 years and I at the Reagan Library


Bakersville, California at night. Snow ball fighting

Daughter and I , Rocky Mountain National Park


Wife in 1967, 20 year old bride on Panama City Beach, Florida. It has been a fun ride through life.

Pretty girls. Who is the ugly dude? [smoke]